Reading video in matlab - matlab

I have a matlab code that run on my machine but not on our computing cluster. It basically uses mmreader (VideoReader) to read video files. I get the following error on the cluster:
??? mmreader requires GStreamer version 0.10.0 or higher on Linux systems.
Install the latest Gstreamer 0.10.x release from your Linux distribution or the
GStreamer website and restart MATLAB.
I don't have the admin right to install all of the gstreamer packages. Do you know which specific package is needed? I guess I need to install from source. Or is there any other way around it?
Note that the videos are encoded with MPEG v4.

At least gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad have some MPEG4 codecs. Probably they also have the one(s) you're looking for.


How to install Qpid Proton on Raspberry pi

I want to use Qpid Proton on the raspberry pi 4 but I have trouble installing it.
Well, it seems I could install it and I can use the examples from the Apache website.
However, the container's on_sendable callback does not seem to be executed.
After doing some research, it seems I need to add a topic exchange with the qpid-config, which is part of qpid-tools.
However, those are not available to install, both with pip or apt ...
Do you know how I can install Qpid-Tools on the raspberry pi?
Do I need to add a repository? And if so, where do I find it?
It's doubtful that there exists a build of qpid-tools fir the ARM based distributions so the short answer is probably that you can't get those tools there. The longer answer would be that you would need to likely build the qpid C++ binaries yourself on your Raspberry Pi using the included INSTALL instructions to try and reverse engineer the needed requirements and platform configuration that would allow it to build on ARM.
If you figure out the requirements you could feed that back to the Qpid community although I don't think there is much ongoing momentum for the Qpid C++ broker.
You can download the source bundle from the Qpid project site here.

Is it possibile set up Storm on a single raspberry pi 3?

I've seen on StackOverflow that's possibile develop a cluster composed of a single node.
My challenge is maybe harder: setting an apache storm environment on a single raspberry pi 3. I know that is a very limited machine to do stream computing, but mine is a research interest. Until now, I have not found system requirements to setup storm on a machine, someone can help me?
Thanks to all
Yes, Ideally it should be possible once you have Linux OS installed for e.g. Ubuntu Mate on Raspberry Pi 3.
You may be required to make sure you have these packages installed:
Java 7
Python 2.
Then follow below link for a basic setup of Storm:
You may build uberjar files containing Storm topology files on your local machines to avoid installation of maven and other build tool dependencies.
It would be great if you can try this and post your success story or issues seen in this forum. It will help getting more focused answer(s) for problem(s).

Configuring QT Creator on Windows 7 (Raspberry pi is target)

So I will start off by saying that I do NOT want know how to setup or run QT on the pi. I am specifically trying to setup Qt Creator 4.0.3 (Based on Qt 5.7.0 (MSVC 2013, 32 bit)) to write and compile C++ and the run it on the Raspberry pi 2. I have found that running qt on the pi is far to slow.
I have searched for two days to find the right toolchain download for qt/raspberry and its corresponding qt configuration. Nothing seems to work. I have found what seems like a thousand dead ends searching the web. I can write and compile apps for windows console fine. But finding information to cross compile for raspberry seems to be an elusive Unicorn!
Does anyone have this working??? If so which of the many toolchains did you use? And please help me replicate your QT configuration. The closest I have come is using the GCC ARM Embedded toolchain but I cant seem to get the QT options set correctly and I believe that only gets me part of the way there. My ultimate goal is to control GPIO and use the RadioHead library.
Thanks in advance!
I also wanted to do that, and I actually achieved it, It's called "cross-compilation", you build on the Main PC and then compile it to the target.
Initially I wanted to use my main PC with windows 10, but I ended creating a linux partition on my pc to do it since I didn't found any way to do it with windows.
Qt has a very comprehensive tutorial with Qt5 and RaspberryPi2 (both with linux), the only problem is you need linux on your pc to do it. If you want to do this I would suggest following this steps:
Create a linux partition with the same os as in the pi (for example raspbian and debian) and name the username (in linux) "pi" and the password "raspberry". This will help you with external libraries.
Install Qt for Linux on your new partition
Follow Qt's tutorial on
The tutorial is really straightforward, I really recommend it.
Good Luck.

STM32 libraries for eclipse

Can you use the CMSIS, HAL, TM libraries for STM32F407 discovery board with eclipse, without STM32Cube? According to this link you can do it with eclipse & STM32Cube. But I wonder if you can do just same thing without the STM32Cube. Since I'm using OS X, it is impossible to install the STM32Cube, but in order to use the GPIO library I need to use CMSIS, HAL, TM libraries.
You might be able to used the older "Standard Peripheral Driver" model - which was a just a distributed set of driver files specific to the chip. These libraries are no longer supported and are replaced by STM32Cube which generates equivalent code - but with better support for hardware abstraction however they are still very useable.
Search "STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver" to locate the libraries (which include the standard peripheral drivers and CMSIS).
You can download the libraries as a separate zip file
just unpack it and import whatever you need from it into your project. You can take an example project which is closest to your needs, and start developing your application from that. That's what I did in Linux.
There is the STM32CubeMX, which is the installable program you're referring to, and there are STM32CubeF4, STM32CubeL0, etc, which are the firmware package for the different controller families.
CubeMX now officially supports Mac and Linux. However here is an old post how to run it manually
Regarding the HAL and SPL I'll add that there are really nice libraries in libopencm3 which are developed by community and are not so "buggy" as HAL or SPL.
I found an interesting instruction. You can install the STM32CubeMX on OS X.
There is an Eclipse based IDE by OpenSTM32 community called SW4STM32. Available at OpenSTM32 community's site. System Workbench for STM32 installer has been released on the following platforms:
Microsoft Windows Vista and newer (32 bits or 64 bits)
Linux (32 bits or 64 bits)
Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite and newer + Xcode 7
Java SE JRE 7 or newer
When creating a project you can choose which library you want want to use, SPL, HAL or baremetal.
STM32CubeMX is a initialization code generator. It definitely eases development, but you can write you code completely from the beginning.
STM32CubeMX uses HAL as its Library. You can download the HAL and Include the files that you need and write down the code from scratch. You just need to be aware of the APIs, which are documented in UM1725 Application Note.
But, now STM32CubeMX is also available for Linux and Mac.

How Do I Run Multiple Versions of MATLAB?

I want to run multiple versions of MATLAB (with standalone licenses) on a Windows XP home computer. One is MATLAB R2007b and the other is MATLAB R2009a. I found some docs online (link and link), but nothing related to the latest versions. Has anyone tried this?
You can do that, just install the new and the old versions in different directories.
FWIW if you have the chance to run MATLAB R2009b rather than R2009a, you might want to. I haven't looked in detail at the release notes yet, but I noticed already that the language in Simscape has been improved in R2009b + now I have to reinstall it yet again to get the upgrade...
I've been running MATLAB both on my desktop and in a virtual machine successfully for a while now. I happen to be running the same version in both right now, but there's no reason why you couldn't run different versions in and out of the VM. This setup allows me to keep a stable working version of my application available that I can rely upon to satisfy the need to rapidly analyze data while simultaneously having a separate development version that may or may not be fully functioning at any particular time.
You could use Octave which is an open source 'alternative', should sort the issue out nicely