Specify relationships between protocols in Swift - swift

I want to specify a protocol that manages some type objects that conform to another protocol. Like this:
// Specify protocol
protocol ElementGenerator {
func getElements() -> [Element]
protocol Element {
// ...
// Implement
class FooElementGenerator: ElementGenerator {
func getElements() -> [FooElement] {
// Generate elements here
return [FooElement()]
class FooElement {
// ...
When trying to compile this, I get an error:
Type 'FooElementGenerator' does not conform to protocol 'ElementGenerator'
hinting that candidate func getElements() -> [FooElement] has non-matching type of () -> [FooElement], but instead it expects () -> [Element].
How this kind of an error can be fixed?
This solution seems to be working:
protocol ElementGenerator {
typealias T:Element
func getElements() -> [T]
protocol Element {
// ...
class FooElementGenerator: ElementGenerator {
typealias T = FooElement
func getElements() -> [T] {
return [T()]
class FooElement: Element {
// ...
But when I try to create a variable like this:
let a: ElementGenerator = FooElementGenerator()
a new error appears:
Protocol 'ElementGenerator' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

When implementing protocol methods, the return type must be same but you may return child class object like this;
protocol ElementGenerator {
func getElements() -> [Element]
//#objc for bridging in objective C
#objc protocol Element {
// ...
// Implement
class FooElementGenerator: NSObject,ElementGenerator {
override init() {
let fooElements:[FooElement] = self.getElements() as! [FooElement]
func getElements() -> [Element] {
// Generate elements here
return [FooElement()]
class FooElement:NSObject, Element {
// ...
override init() {
NSLog("FooElement init");

The error message in the second case is given since you have defined ElementGenerator with an “Associated Type”, and this means that you can only use it in giving constraints for types.
For instance, if you need to have a function defined for generic ElementGenerator values, you could write something like this:
func f<T1:ElementGenerator>(elemGenerator:T1) -> Element {
return elemGenerator.getElements()[0]
var a : Element = FooElementGenerator()
var b : Element = BarElementGenerator()
var x : Element = f(a)
var y : Element = f(b)
var z : FooElement = f(a) as! FooElement


how to store away sequence variables with constraints in swift

I wanted to create a "where_non_null" operation that works on any swift sequence - which is easy if you return an array, but obviously that is potentially bad performance wise - because you are forcing the entire sequence to resolve in memory - so I created the following that just goes line by line:
// this iterates through the underlying sequence, and returns only the values that are not null
public class Not_null_iterator<T> : IteratorProtocol
public typealias Element = T
private let next_function : () -> T?
init<T_iterator: IteratorProtocol>( _ source: T_iterator ) where T_iterator.Element == Optional<T>
var iterator = source
next_function =
while (true)
if let next_value = iterator.next()
if let not_null_value = next_value
return not_null_value
return nil
public func next() -> T? {
// a sequence wrapping an underlying sequence, that removes any nulls as we go through
public class Not_null_sequence<T > : Sequence
private var iterator_creator : () -> Not_null_iterator<T>
init<T_source_sequence : Sequence >( _ source : T_source_sequence ) where T_source_sequence.Element == Optional<T>
iterator_creator =
public func makeIterator() -> Not_null_iterator<T>
extension Sequence
// return only the not null values in the sequence without ever resolving more than one item in memory at one time and remove the optionality on the type
func where_not_null<T>() -> Not_null_sequence<T> where Element == Optional<T>
return Not_null_sequence( self)
class Where_not_null_tests : XCTestCase
public func test_where_not_null()
let source = [1, 2, 3, nil, 4]
let checked : [Int] = Array(source.where_not_null())
which works great - however I had to define the next() and make_iterator() functions in the constructor, because I couldn't find any type safe way of putting the source into a class level variable.
Is there a way of doing that?
[and yes, I'm aware swift people prefer camel case]
Rather than just using one generic parameter, you'd need two generic parameters. You can't just constrain one generic parameter to say that it has to be some sequence with an element of some Optional. You need another generic parameter to say what the optional's type is:
class NotNilIterator<T: IteratorProtocol, U>: IteratorProtocol where T.Element == U? {
typealias Element = U
var iterator: T
init(_ source: T) {
iterator = source
func next() -> Element? {
// I feel this is clearer what is going on
while true {
switch iterator.next() {
case .some(.none):
case .none:
return nil
case .some(.some(let element)):
return element
class NotNilSequence<T: Sequence, U> : Sequence where T.Element == U?
let sequence: T
init(_ source : T)
sequence = source
public func makeIterator() -> NotNilIterator<T.Iterator, U>
whereNotNil would then be declared like this:
func whereNotNil<T>() -> NotNilSequence<Self, T> where Self.Element == T?
return .init(self)
Note the use of self types. The first parameter is the type of the underlying sequence, the second is the non-optional type.
Note that this sort of "lazily computed sequence" is already built into Swift. To lazily filter out the nils, do:
let array = [1, 2, 3, nil, 4]
let arrayWithoutNil = array.lazy.compactMap { $0 }
The downside is that the type names are quite long. arrayWithoutNil is of type
LazyMapSequence<LazyFilterSequence<LazyMapSequence<LazySequence<[Int?]>.Elements, Int?>>, Int>
But you can indeed get non-optional Ints out of it, so it does work.
The way swift generics work can sometimes be very confusing (but has it's advantages). Instead of declaring that a variable is of a generic protocol (resp. a protocol with associated types), you instead declare another generic type which itself conforms to your protocol. Here's your iterator as an example (I have taken the liberty to clean up the code a bit):
public class Not_null_iterator<T, T_iterator> : IteratorProtocol where
T_iterator: IteratorProtocol,
T_iterator.Element == Optional<T>
private var source: T_iterator
init(_ source: T_iterator) {
self.source = source
public func next() -> T? {
while let next_value = source.next()
if let not_null_value = next_value
return not_null_value
return nil
The non-null sequence works analogous:
public class Not_null_sequence<T, Source>: Sequence where
Source: Sequence,
Source.Element == Optional<T>
private var source: Source
init(_ source: Source) {
self.source = source
public func makeIterator() -> Not_null_iterator<T, Source.Iterator> {
Using this some IteratorProtocol is just a nice way to let the compiler figure out the type. It is equivalent to saying Not_null_iterator<T, Source.Iterator>
As a (potentially) interesting side-note, to clean up the generic mess even more, you can nest the iterator class inside the Not_null_sequence:
public class Not_null_sequence<T, Source>: Sequence where
Source: Sequence,
Source.Element == Optional<T>
private var source: Source
init(_ source: Source) {
self.source = source
public func makeIterator() -> Iterator{
public class Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
private var source: Source.Iterator
init(_ source: Source.Iterator) {
self.source = source
public func next() -> T? {
while let next_value = source.next()
if let not_null_value = next_value
return not_null_value
return nil

Can I specialize a generic method implementation in Swift?

I would like to implement a generic function in two ways, one of them specialized to a specific generic value, but so far I was not able to express this in Swift 3.
My setup is like this:
protocol Convertible {
func convert<T>() -> Converted<T>
struct Unconverted: Convertible {
func convert<T>() -> Converted<T> {
return Converted<T>()
struct Converted<T>: Convertible {
func convert<T2>() -> Converted<T2> {
return Converted<T2>()
What I would like to achieve is to add a special case for convert() on Converted<T>, for the case where T2 == T, so the following behavior is achieved:
let unconverted: Convertible = Unconverted()
let converted: Convertible = unconverted.convert() as Converted<String>
// double conversion to same generic type is ok, should ideally return self
let convertedOk = converted.convert() as Converted<String>
// re-conversion to another type is not ok and should fail
let convertedFail = converted.convert() as Converted<Int>
I tried the following approaches, but none of them worked out:
struct Converted<T> {
func convert<T2>() -> Converted<T2> {
fatalError("already converted")
// error: Same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'T2' and 'T' equivalent
func convert<T2>() -> Converted<T2> where T2 == T {
return self
struct Converted<T> {
func convert<T2>() -> Converted<T2> {
fatalError("already converted")
// method is never called, even when T2 == T
func convert() -> Converted<T> {
return self
struct Converted<T> {
func convert<T2>() -> Converted<T2> {
// does not call the specialized method, even when T2 == T
self.internalConvert(type: T2.self)
private func internalConvert<T2>(type: T2.Type) -> Converted<T2> {
fatalError("already converted")
private func internalConvert(type: T.Type) -> Converted<T> {
return self
Is there a way to express this?

Swift 2.0 protocol extensions - typealias

I am trying to have a extend a protocol in the following way but I am getting the error: Cannot convert return expression of type typable to typable.
I thought by saying typalias MyType : inside MyType will have to be an entity that conforms to inside
struct typeable<T> {
let value : String = "hello world"
protocol inside {
func __myFunction() -> typeable<inside>
protocol outside : inside {
typealias MyType : inside
func myFunction() -> typeable<MyType>
extension outside {
final func __myFunction() -> typeable<inside> {
return self.myFunction()
struct thing : outside {
typealias MyType = thing
func myFunction() -> typeable<thing> {
return typeable<thing>()
Your inside protocol:
protocol inside {
func __myFunction() -> typeable<inside>
... requires a function with a return type typeable<inside>, which is not the same as typeable<T> where T: inside. On the other hand, the default implementation of the conforming candidate function in the extension of outside returns a typeable<MyType> where MyType has not been up-casted to inside...
The following code, however, or some variant thereof, may express your intent (as far as I understand it) without tripping up the compiler:
struct Typeable<T> {
init(_: T) {}
extension Typeable : CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String { return "I'm a \(self.dynamicType)" }
protocol InsideType {
func asTypeableInside() -> Typeable<Self>
protocol OutsideType : InsideType {
func asTypeableOutside() -> Typeable<Self>
extension OutsideType {
func asTypeableInside() -> Typeable<Self> {
return asTypeableOutside()
struct Outside {}
extension Outside : OutsideType {
func asTypeableOutside() -> Typeable<Outside> {
return Typeable(self)
... with following properties:
let o = Outside()
let x = o.asTypeableOutside()
print( o ) // prints: Outside()
print( x ) // prints: I'm a Typeable<Outside>
o is InsideType // always true
x is Typeable<InsideType> // always false
Typeable(o) is Typeable<Outside> // always true
Typeable(o) is Typeable<OutsideType> // always false
Typeable(o) is Typeable<InsideType> // always false
... bearing in mind that:
5 is CustomStringConvertible // always true
Typeable(5) is Typeable<CustomStringConvertible> // always false
It doesn't appear that the typealias MyType : inside within the outside protocol is visible in the outside extension. I was able to get the extension to compile by putting the typealias MyType = inside (note the = rather than :), but that made the thing struct error on compilation.
It's difficult to figure out what you're actually trying to do, more context would be helpful to fully grasp the problem at hand.
In the definition __myFunction in the extension to outside, the uninstantiated type MyType can be of any type which inherits inside, which may be instantiated anywhere outside is implemented. So returning a typeable<inside> as being of typeable<MyType> simply proved to be type mismatch.
You, however, can avoid the error changing the definition a little bit.
struct typeable<T> {
let value : String = "hello world"
protocol inside {
typealias MyType
func __myFunction() -> typeable<MyType>
protocol outside : inside {
typealias MyType : inside
func myFunction() -> typeable<MyType>
extension outside {
final func __myFunction() -> typeable<MyType> {
return self.myFunction()
struct thing : outside {
typealias MyType = thing
func myFunction() -> typeable<thing> {
return typeable<thing>()

Changing the 'generate()'-method for a subclass of a class conforming to 'SequenceType'

Let's say I have a generic class Parent<P>, which conforms to the SequenceType protocol, by implementing the generate() method:
class Parent<P> {
extension Parent: SequenceType {
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<[P]> {
return GeneratorOf<[P]> {
//return the next element, or nil to stop
Now the generate() method clearly doesn't simply return elements of type P, but [P].
Now let's implement a subclass Child<C>:
class Child<C>: Parent<C> {
Child is also supposed to conform to SequenceType, but shouldn't return elements of type [C], but rather C.
Logically I'd try to implement an own generate() method:
extension Child: SequenceType {
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<C> {
return GeneratorOf<C> {
//return the next element, or nil to stop
This doesn't work though, and swift throws an error:
<stdin>: error: type 'Child<C>' does not conform to protocol '_Sequence_Type'
extension Child: SequenceType {
Swift._Sequence_Type: note: multiple matching functions named 'generate()' with type '() -> Child<C>.Generator'
func generate() -> Generator
<stdin>: note: candidate exactly matches [with Generator = GeneratorOf<C>]
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<C> {
<stdin>: note: candidate exactly matches [with Generator = GeneratorOf<[C]>]
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<[P]> {
<stdin>: error: type 'Child<C>' does not conform to protocol 'SequenceType'
extension Child: SequenceType {
Swift.SequenceType: note: multiple matching functions named 'generate()' with type '() -> Child<C>.Generator'
func generate() -> Generator
<stdin>: note: candidate exactly matches [with Generator = GeneratorOf<C>]
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<C> {
<stdin>: note: candidate exactly matches [with Generator = GeneratorOf<[C]>]
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<[P]> {
What is the problem here, and how do I fix it?
Update #1:
So the problem seems to be fixed by applying #rintaro's approach of only defining a typealias for Generator in the Child class.
But as discussed in the comments by #AirspeedVelocity and #NateCook this is not a very viable approach, beacause the Child class could also be subclassed.
It was also stated that one could create an instance property (computed I assume) returning a sequence of the desired elements:
class Parent<P> {
var asSequence: [[P]] {
//some kind of getter
class Child<C>: Parent<C> {
override var asSequence: [C] {
//some kind of getter
The instances could then still be used in for-in-loops:
for element in someParent.asSequence {
//element is of type [P]
for element in someChild.asSequence {
//element is of type C
Would this be the "best" approach?
Update #1.1:
As #MichaelWelch suggested, the names of the properties (asSequence) could be confusing in this case, since they return different types.
This seems appropriate, but dependent on the situation. But generally ambiguity should be avoided.
It seems, you can. Explicit typealias for Generator only in Child did the trick. However, I also think you should not do like this...
class Parent<P> {
var _src:[[P]] = []
extension Parent: SequenceType {
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<[P]> {
var g = _src.generate()
return GeneratorOf<[P]> {
return g.next()
class Child<C>: Parent<C> {
var _ary:[C] = []
extension Child: SequenceType {
typealias Generator = GeneratorOf<C> // <-- HERE
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<C> {
var g = _ary.generate()
return GeneratorOf<C> {
return g.next()

Implementing Swift protocol with a constrained type parameter

I have a couple of Swift protocols that describe a general interface that I'm trying to implement in multiple ways:
protocol Identifiable
var identifier:String { get }
protocol ItemWithReference
var resolveReference<T:Identifiable>(callback:(T) -> ())
Now I want to implement the ItemWithReference protocol using CloudKit as the back end (this will eventually work with an alternate back-end as well, at which time I expect to provide an alternative implementation of the ItemWithReference protocol.
In my CloudKit implementation, I have something like this:
class CloudKitIdentifiable : Identifiable
class CloudKitItemWithReference : ItemWithReference
func resolveReference<T:Identifiable>(callback:(T) -> ())
// In this implementation, I want to only proceed if `T` is a CloudKitIdentifiable subtype
// But not sure how to enforce that
What I would like to do is to constrain T to be a CloudKitIdentifiable rather than just a simple Identifiable. I can't do that directly in the resolveReference declaration because then the function wouldn't conform to the ItemWithReference protocol. So instead, I am hoping to confirm that T is indeed a CloudKitIdentifiable and then invoke it's initializer to create a new instance of the class being resolved.
Is there any way in Swift to use T's metatype T.Type and determine if it is a subtype of another type? Furthermore, is there any way to invoke a required initializer that has been declared on that subtype?
class CloudKitIdentifiable : Identifiable {
var identifier:String = ...
required init() {}
// you need `required`.
class CloudKitItemWithReference : ItemWithReference {
func resolveReference<T:Identifiable>(callback:(T) -> ()) {
if T.self is CloudKitIdentifiable.Type {
// do work..
let obj = (T.self as CloudKitIdentifiable.Type)()
callback(obj as T)
class CloudKitItemWithReference : ItemWithReference {
func resolveReference<T:Identifiable>(callback:(T) -> ()) {
if let CKT = T.self as? CloudKitIdentifiable.Type {
// do work..
let obj = CKT()
callback(obj as T)
But, In this case, you have to call resolveReference like this:
let ref = CloudKitItemWithReference()
ref.resolveReference { (obj: CloudKitIdentifiable) -> () in
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ explicit type is necessary.
Rathar than that, I would recommend to use Associated Type:
protocol Identifiable {
var identifier:String { get }
protocol ItemWithReference {
typealias Item: Identifiable // <-- HERE is associated type
func resolveReference(callback:(Item) -> ())
class CloudKitIdentifiable : Identifiable {
var identifier:String
init(identifier: String) {
self.identifier = identifier
class CloudKitItemWithReference : ItemWithReference {
// `Item` associated type can be inferred from
// the parameter type of `resolveReference()`
// typealias Item = CloudKitIdentifiable
func resolveReference(callback:(CloudKitIdentifiable) -> ()) {
let obj = CloudKitIdentifiable(identifier: "test")
let ref = CloudKitItemWithReference()
ref.resolveReference { obj in