How to get URLs (website, facebook, etc.) from soundcloud /users - soundcloud

As you might know, with Soundcloud API you can get many informations from an User. I success in getting "myspace_name", "discogs_name" and "website". But I want to get the additionals URLs that people can add in the "You on the web" category on their profile (most of the time : facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.)
Do you know where/how I can get it ?

To access user links to website, instagram, facebook etc. you should use:[USER ID]/web-profiles?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID


How can I find out a facebook profile from an instagram picture?

Using source, I have found out that
1] Instagram saves pictures in :
2] Facebook saves photos in :
How can I use this information to get the facebook profile of an Instagram user, assuming in today's world, 90% chances of FB and Instagram profiles being linked...?
You can´t, and you shouldn´t. Those are different platforms (even though Instagram is owned by Facebook now). If you want to link a platform to a specific user, authorize the user on Facebook (or Instagram). You are only allowed to use the profile picture if the user allows it, so the authorization is not really a problem.

How to get OTHER users' photos and albums with Facebook Graph API

Scenario: logged with my Facebook account and using a browser, I'm able to see some photos and albums of some users which aren't friends of mine (with a privacy setting of public or similar) and quite all their past profile photos.
For example the URL<userid>/photos_all shows those photos.
I want to replicate behaviour with Graph API but GETting<userid>/photos?access_token=...
Gives me an empty data array.
Same scenario using tagged or albums instead of photos
I've tried to use site scraping but FB website uses AJAX to populate gridview of photos, so It's very difficult.
On Graph API Explorer I've requested and use an access token with all permissions and also a debug access token but I'm still unable to get other users' photos.
It's possibile to get photos of users which aren't in friend list with Facebook Graph API? Am I missing something?
For privacy reasons, it´s not possible to get the photos of OTHER users with the API. Even for the authorized user, you need the user_photos permission.
Scraping is not allowed btw:

Access instagram photos user tagged in

I was wondering if you can access photos that the authenticated user has been tagged in via the instagram api.
I understand from their documentation that you can access a variety of end points for the user, including "user/user-id" (which says you can get "basic information about the user"), as well as the user's feed, most recent media, recently liked photos, and search for a photo, but I don't see the photos tagged with the user.
Am I missing something?

Which app do I need to display facebook feed?

I need to display the "wall posts" from Facebook page to another website's social media wall.
The problem is that I never used neither Facebook nor any other social networks and got no clues on how do they work. That's why I'm pretty confused with API and it's terms.
The API docs say that I need a pageId for the page I'd like to display and appId and appSecret to get an access token to the feed.
I understand how to get the token and how to parse the results - but what kind of Application do I need for that? Should I create a facebook profile and make an application that would generate me these app codes? Or ask a page's owner to do it?
I spent quite a time googling but it must be something too obvious to write about it in docs? Help please?
The administrator of the facebook page is the only one that has access to the posts on the page wall.
For the APP:
The application can be created in any facebook verified account - go to: and create the new app - this will give you the app id and secret.
Use the Facebook SDK that you feel most comfortable with to develop the app.
For the wall posts: There are several Graph API requests for wall posts in the form of:[pageid]/[call] where [call] can be posts, statuses, feed, home. See for details about each.
Using an access token (that you said you already know how to get) the administrator of the page will be able to call the above URLs and get the wall posts.
For the part with posting the info on another social media website you have to specify the exact environment where you want the wall posts to end up.

How to use Facebook Photos in an iPhone App?

I have a client who wants to use their Facebook photos in an iPhone app. We want to embed their account into the app so that when people download the app, they see the client's Facebook photos. The user should not need to login or connect to Facebook.
This is different than the standard "connect to facebook so we can access you data" - we have no need to access the users data.
Do I need to create a Facebook App, connect the client's Facebook account to the Facebook app, then use that to get the photo data ?
Ok, here is what I found
My business page is
That number at the end (128861547181352) is the business' "Facebook Graph ID"
Then use the Business Graph ID and go to and you will see a list of all of the Photo Albums associated with the business' page. There is only one album, so that is all the info you get. The first valuable line on that page says "id": "133208113413362" - this is the Facebook Graph ID for the album.
Then use the Album's Graph ID and go to - this will give you a JSON file with all the data you need for all the photos in the album.
You can also use ?limit=25 and ?offset=50 or both ?limit=25&offset=50 to page through the results.
This should be easy. Facebook gives a public URL for albums that are public to be viewed by the Internet without necessity of logging in. You can see this URL al the bottom of the album page that you may want to share.
It looks like this:
Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link:[ALBUM_ID]&id=[USER_ID]&l=[SOME_PARAM]
(quoted from a public album)
you can easily leach data and extract images from there.
However it is more sane to create a Facebook app (takes hardy a minute) and use Facebook graph-API to make REST calls to retrieve all the data about albums and photos within them in well formatted JSON that will be far easier to handle the HTML. Once you have Facebook App in place, you may use it to fetch all the FB data but it violates both of your requirements (1)Not using Facebook app, and (2) user don't have to sign-in.
But it may worth looking at
Well, there is some trick. If you go to the API page( Copy the URL given for Coca-Cola album ( and make a request with photos REST command like you can access all the details of all the photos in the album in JSON format. I could not get it work for my personal public album though.