Which app do I need to display facebook feed? - facebook

I need to display the "wall posts" from Facebook page to another website's social media wall.
The problem is that I never used neither Facebook nor any other social networks and got no clues on how do they work. That's why I'm pretty confused with API and it's terms.
The API docs say that I need a pageId for the page I'd like to display and appId and appSecret to get an access token to the feed.
I understand how to get the token and how to parse the results - but what kind of Application do I need for that? Should I create a facebook profile and make an application that would generate me these app codes? Or ask a page's owner to do it?
I spent quite a time googling but it must be something too obvious to write about it in docs? Help please?

The administrator of the facebook page is the only one that has access to the posts on the page wall.
For the APP:
The application can be created in any facebook verified account - go to: https://developers.facebook.com/apps and create the new app - this will give you the app id and secret.
Use the Facebook SDK that you feel most comfortable with to develop the app.
For the wall posts: There are several Graph API requests for wall posts in the form of:
https://graph.facebook.com/[pageid]/[call] where [call] can be posts, statuses, feed, home. See http://facebook.stackoverflow.com/questions/6214535/what-is-the-difference-between-feed-posts-and-statuses-in-facebook-graph-api for details about each.
Using an access token (that you said you already know how to get) the administrator of the page will be able to call the above URLs and get the wall posts.
For the part with posting the info on another social media website you have to specify the exact environment where you want the wall posts to end up.


Facebook Graph API pull a Posts basic data like Instagram Basic API

We are developing a mobile app that if share a FB post link to it, like you can share on WhatsApp, we want to be able to read the title or summary or start of that FB post, and redirect our App to the corresponding area.
So it works on Instagram using: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/
Where give the post ID and it pulls in the caption text etc.
So works for IG and some other socials for anonymous users.
But for FB links, it mostly shows us the login page, in most cases (sometimes it worked on localhost maybe if logged-in - but could not recreate on server environments).
So cannot pull in any info about the post have shared using a direct FB share URL or maybe via some method on FB Graph Api, we could not see an easy way.
Does anyone know a generic method that anyone sharing a post to an app, or even just being able to see the title or summary of a FB post using the default share link, so we can direct our App to the right page.
So essentially using a FB post share link, we want to be able to read some basic data of that Post, whether logged in or not,
and happy to do this via Graph API or FB App or any other ways.
Again in summary - need to Get some user defined parameters or text or ideally hashtags from the post just using the share link of any FB Post/Page.
Any ideas or help appreciated.

Post as page Facebook graph api

It is maybe a duplicated question, sorry if it is.
I want to post on a Facebook page that I own. I am using the graph API but I don't know how can I do this.
I have an APP, I'm using it for Facebook login. But I don't know if I have to make another APP just for the extra permissions for publishing on my page because I don't want that the APP ask to extra permissions to the users that are using the Facebook's login in my page.
My goal is create posts to my Facebook page from my website.
Thanks for the help, and sorry for my bad English writing.

Code for inviting friends

I need a code for inviting friends to a fanpage.
This is linking to the website. Is it possible to link to my fb fanpage?
Actually if you read the whole documents, that Request feature is for Facebook Application only. But here's a work around :
Create a Facebook Application
Have a great content where everyone wants to have
Put a Like Gate before they can access your great content
You can still use the App Request for your app while the user likes your page

How to make wall posts made by users on app's facebook page

Is there anything I need to do to make posts users make on their wall via a custom ios application using it's own facebook app id, also appear on app's (facebook app it uses I mean) own facebook page?
I would expect this to appear automatically but it doesn't seem to be the case.
In order to read one's Facebook wall, you need the access token to authenticate reading. This will give you access to all non-public wall posts. From this, you can pass the newly posted content to your page through the feed action.
Reference: http://php-academy.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-post-from-facebook-app-to.html
Enjoy and good luck!

How to auto-publish wordpress post to facebook fanpage without a facebook app?

My aim is to make a facebook fanpage for a client who wants his blogposts to automatically show up on his fanpage.
I've already read several posts here in the forums. I've tried several methods to auto-publish wordpress posts to a fanpage in facebook.(notes, ...) The last method I used was making an app and using the "Simple Facebook Connect" plugin for wp.
I got quite confusing with this. I have an app called "myClient" and a fanpage called "myClient". If I publish a blogpost, it automatically shows up on the fanpage but "via myClient". Is there a way on get rid of the facebook app? I don't want to show up the via-sentences because the app is just the connection between wp and fb and has no content at all (the content is on the fanpage)
Hopefully you can help me with that!
Thanks in advance.
Whenever you want to publish something on Facebook, you need a Facebook Application as it's the "trusted" connection between your source and Facebook (this is why you have the App Secret and all the authentication/authorization process..etc).
So, How to auto-publish wordpress post to facebook fanpage without a facebook app?
You can't! But what you can do is changing the App name to something the Client would agree on (and not being "already taken", of course!).
You can use the notes facility available. It is updated when the RSS address you provide updates.
Actually there is a way to get rid of the Facebook App - by using third parties automatic Facebook publishing tools like ZapRobot - in that way you actually lean on someone else's FB API APP. Note that then you give "manage_pages" permission to the third party. The process should be:
1) Register with ZapRobot - this is a Facebook login, you give them posting rights to your page
2) Define a job that posts A LINK (ignore their categories) while the link is pointing to the RECENT wordpress item on your blog
Good luck :-)