TestNG IAnnotationTransformer2 transformed value reverts to default - annotations

In summary, my implementation of IAnnotationTransformer2 picks up a test method annotation and modifies it successfully, along with all other method annotation transformations. Then at test execution time, the annotation value reverts to the hardcoded value, but only for the one method, not for any others. The other methods use the transformed values successfully.
I have a TestNG test class ServiceTest with a number of test methods (>25).
I also have a custom annotation #QueryFile which takes a list parameter containing an array of String which reference paths to text files containing parameters:
//ServiceTest.java snippet, original:
#Test (dataProvider="QueryTests",groups={"json","api"})
public void testWithMultipleQueries(String query) throws...
Previously, as in the example above, the list values were hard-coded into the ServiceTest class, with a separate set of paths for each method.
Recently, I have added a implementation of IAnnotationTransformer2, QueryFileTransformer, to load these paths from a properties file instead. This makes the job of toggling test parameters on and off significantly easier (e.g., I can just rename various versions of the properties files to the expected name and it gets picked up.)
Revised ServiceTest.java
// revised ServiceTest.java snippet:
#Test (dataProvider="QueryTests",groups={"json","api"})
public void testWithMultipleQueries(String query) throws...
#Test (dataProvider="QueryTests",groups={"json","api"})
public void testWithJSONParams(String query) throws...
// TestNG_toggle.properties snippet:
# General tests
So here's the problem: One of my test methods, and only one, suffers the indignity of reverting to its default #QueryFile annotation value during test execution. All other methods honor the annotation value resulting from QueryFileTransfomer.transform. In the example above, testWithJSONParams executes correctly with the values from the properties file, but testWithMultipleQueries executes with a null list, and is skipped. When testWithMultipleQueries has a hardcoded list, it works fine.
Some facts:
Execution is through maven surefire and failsafe
as stated above: QueryFileTransformer picks up the testWithMultipleQueries annotation and modifies it successfully, in the midst of all other transformations. Then at test execution time, the annotation value appears to revert to the hardcoded value.
stepping through the eclipse debugger, it seems the transformation of testWithMultipleQueries occurs earlier than other method annotation transformations, but it's not always first. Often it is intermingled with methods from other classes, which are listed first in the xml file, whereas the rest of the ServiceTest methods seem to transform in sequence.
Specifying the method as exclusive in the xml config file had no impact other than the expected of omitting the other methods' execution.
UPDATE Further debugging implies the instance the test method passed to the DataProvider (and it's declared annotations) is a different instance than the one with transformed annotations. This is not the case with the methods that succeed.
Any insight you can provide will be most helpful.


How to exclude classes from triggering Aspect method call

I have a method in an #Aspect service method called logChangesAndAnnounceNewContributions that fires whenever somewhere in the webapp the save method of Spring-data's JpaRepository is called. I don't want the logChanges method to be called when the save method is used within the Aspect class itself, so i used this in the pointcut definition !within(Services.SystemListenerService). But its not having any effect! The save method is still being called despite using this condition in the definition. The full definition looks like this:
#AfterReturning("execution(* org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository.save(..))" +
"&& !within(Services.SystemListenerService) && args(entity)")
private void logChangesAndAnnounceNewContributions(Object entity){
What am i missing here?
EDIT: I tried changing !within content to !within(#org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect *) but that doesn't work either..
Assuming that Services.SystemListenerService is the fully qualified name of your aspect (class name SystemListenerService, package name Services with strange upper-case first letter), within() does not work because at the time of execution(* org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository.save(..)) we are not within(Services.SystemListenerService) anyway but rather within(org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository). So there is the logical error in your pointcut.
There are ways to solve this in AspectJ, such as
call(A) && !adviceexecution(),
execution(A) && !cflow(execution(B)),
but both pointcut types are unsupported in Spring AOP. So you
either need to activate full AspectJ via LTW in Spring
or abuse some Spring methods in order to get the real object underneath the proxy via ((Advised) myProxy).getTargetSource().getTarget() and call the method directly on that object from your aspect
or obtain a stack trace from a newly created exception or from the current thread and inspect it manually - very ugly.
Sorry, but Spring AOP is just "AOP lite", I think you should go for AspectJ. The second option is also a bit hacky but will probably work.

UVM- run test() in top block and Macros

I'm reading the following guide:
In Code 3.2 line 24- run_test();
I realized that it supposed to execute the test, but how it know which test, and how, and why should I write it in the top block.
In Code 4.1 lines 11-14 (https://colorlesscube.com/uvm-guide-for-beginners/chapter-4-transactions-sequences-and-sequencers/):
`uvm_field_int(ina, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(inb, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(out, UVM_ALL_ON)
Why should I add the "uvm_field_int" , what would happend if i didn't add them, and what is "UVM_ALL_ON"?
run_test is a helper global function , it calls the run_test function of the uvm_root class to run the test case. There are two ways by which you can pass the test name to the function.The first is via the function argument and the second is via a command line argument. The command line argument takes precedence over the test name passed via the function argument.
run_test function in the uvm_root uses the factory mechanism to create the appropriate instance of the umm_test class and so the test case must register itself with the factory using the macro `uvm_component_utils for the factory mechanism (create_component_by_name) to function.
class YOUR_TEST_NAME extends umm_test ;
// register the class with the factory
// so that run_test can find this class when the
// string test_name is passed to it.
The run_test function then kicks of the uvm_phases (..,build_phase,connect_phase,...) starting the uvm portion of the simulation. There should be no time ticks consumed before the run_phase starts , so it is essential that run_test case is called in the initial block itself. Also we want the uvm and test bench to be ready to drive and receive data as soon as the RTL is ready for which it is essential that we start the run_test at the earliest. Any delay in doing so will generate an error.
`uvm_field_int/uvm_field_object/.. are called field automation macros. They are not mandatory in the class definition and are provided as a helper macros to ease the use of many common/routine functions of the uvm_object. Examples of thse functions in uvm_object are - copy,compare,pack,unpack,print, etc and these macros generate code to automatically use these functions.
If you are not using the uvm_object common functions leaving out these macros from the class definition will not produce any errors.
In case you implement you own version of the common operations you can also leave out these macros from the class.
UVM_ALL_ON - enables all functions like compare/copy/... to be implemented for the particular field.
link with examples -
For example the uvm_object has a compare function which compare two instances of the same class and return true if all the variables in the class are equal.
virtual function bit do_compare( uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer );
// return 1 if all the variables match
return ( super.do_compare( rhs, comparer ) &&
this.var_1 == rhs.var_1 &&
this.var_2 == rhs.var_2 &&
this.var_n == rhs.var_n );
endfunction: do_compare
// use in main code
if ( new_class.compare(old_classs) )
//instead of
if ( new_class.var1 == old_class.var1 && new_class.var2 == old_class.var2 && ... new_class.varn == old_class.varn )
The above compare has to be written for each class and updated and maintained for every new variable that is added to the class. This could become error prone as newer variables are added. A similar process has to be followed for all the standard functions uvm_object provides.
The field automation macro generates function to address all these functionality automatically. So doing a do_print for a class with the macros will print out all the fields without explicitly writing any code for it.
// compare/print/.. functions for class simpleadder_transaction are provided by using `uvm_field_int macro.
`uvm_field_int(ina, UVM_ALL_ON)
BUT a word of caution , the use of these macros are discouraged as they add a significant amount of code into the class.. Most of these functions may not be needed by the class yet they get generated by default.
run_test is defined in the documentation (link) as:
virtual task run_test (
string test_name = ""
So, in principle, you can state there the test name as a string. But what's usually done is to pass it in the command line of your simulator using the argument: +UVM_TESTNAME=TEST_NAME
The uvm_object macros are a bit more complicated. They generate several methods and more importantly they register the object in the UVM factory, which is what makes them necessary (at least if you are using, as you should, the factory to create them). Citing from the UVM Class Reference documentation (Section 20.2 Component and Object Macros):
Simple (non-parameterized) objects use the uvm_object_utils* versions,
which do the following:
Implements get_type_name, which returns TYPE as a string
Implements create, which allocates an object of type TYPE by calling its constructor with no arguments. TYPE’s constructor, if
defined, must have default values on all it arguments.
Registers the TYPE with the factory, using the string TYPE as the factory lookup string for the type.
Implements the static get_type() method which returns a factory proxy object for the type.
Implements the virtual get_object_type() method which works just like the static get_type() method, but operates on an already
allocated object.

GWT / JSNI - "DataCloneError - An object could not be cloned" - how do I debug?

I am attempting to call out to parallels.js via JSNI. Parallels provides a nice API around web workers, and I wrote some lightweight wrapper code which provides a more convenient interface to workers from GWT than Elemental. However I'm getting an error which has me stumped:
com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (DataCloneError) #io.mywrapper.workers.Parallel::runParallel([Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)([Java object: [Ljava.lang.String;#1922352522, JavaScript object(3006), JavaScript object(3008)]): An object could not be cloned.
This comes from, in hosted mode:
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.BrowserChannelServer.invokeJavascript(BrowserChannelServer.java:249) at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpaceOOPHM.doInvoke(ModuleSpaceOOPHM.java:136) at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.invokeNative(ModuleSpace.java:571) at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.invokeNativeVoid(ModuleSpace.java:299) at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.JavaScriptHost.invokeNativeVoid(JavaScriptHost.java:107) at io.mywrapper.workers.Parallel.runParallel(Parallel.java)
Here's my code:
Example client call to create a worker:
Workers.spawnWorker(new String[]{"hello"}, new Worker() {
public String[] work(String[] data) {
return data;
public void done(String[] data) {
int i = data.length;
The API that provides a general interface:
public class Workers {
public static void spawnWorker(String[] data, Worker worker) {
Parallel.runParallel(data, workFunction(worker), callbackFunction(worker));
* Create a reference to the work function.
public static native JavaScriptObject workFunction(Worker worker) /*-{
return worker == null ? null : $entry(function(x) {
* Create a reference to the done function.
public static native JavaScriptObject callbackFunction(Worker worker) /*-{
return worker == null ? null : $entry(function(x) {
public interface Worker extends Serializable {
* Called to perform the work.
* #param data
* #return
public String[] work(String[] data);
* Called with the result of the work.
* #param data
public void done(String[] data);
And finally the Parallels wrapper:
public class Parallel {
* #param data Data to be passed to the function
* #param work Function to perform the work, given the data
* #param callback Function to be called with result
* #return
public static native void runParallel(String[] data, JavaScriptObject work, JavaScriptObject callback) /*-{
var p = new $wnd.Parallel(data);
What's causing this?
The JSNI docs say, regarding arrays:
opaque value that can only be passed back into Java code
This is quite terse, but ultimately my arrays are passed back into Java code, so I assume these are OK.
EDIT - ok, bad assumption. The arrays, despite only ostensibly being passed back to Java code, are causing the error (which is strange, because there's very little googleability on DataCloneError.) Changing them to String works; however, String isn't sufficient for my needs here. Looks like objects face the same kinds of issues as arrays do; I saw Thomas' reference to JSArrayUtils in another StackOverflow thread, but I can't figure out how to call it with an array of strings (it wants an array of JavaScriptObjects as input for non-primitive types, which does me no good.) Is there a neat way out of this?
EDIT 2 - Changed to use JSArrayString wherever I was using String[]. New issue; no stacktrace this time, but in the console I get the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: __gwt_makeJavaInvoke is not defined. When I click on the url to the generated script in developer tools, I get this snippet:
self.onmessage = function(e) {self.postMessage((function (){
try {
return __gwt_makeJavaInvoke(3)(null, 65626, jsFunction, this, arguments);
catch (e) {
throw e;
I see that _gwt_makeJavaInvoke is part of the JSNI class; so why would it not be found?
You can find working example of GWT and WebWorkers here: https://github.com/tomekziel/gwtwwlinker/
This is a preliminary work, but using this pattern I was able to pass GWT objects to and from webworker using serialization provided by AutoBeanFactory.
If you never use dev mode it is currently safe to pretend that a Java String[] is a JS array with strings in it. This will break in dev mode since arrays have to be usable in Java and Strings are treated specially, and may break in the future if the compiler optimizes arrays differently.
Cases where this could go wrong in the future:
The semantics of Java arrays and JavaScript arrays are different - Java arrays cannot be resized, and are initialized with specific values based on the component type (the data in the array). Since you are writing Java code, the compiler could conceivable make assumptions based on details about how you create and use that array that could be broken by JS code that doesn't know to never modify the array.
Some arrays of primitive types could be optimized into TypedArrays in JavaScript, more closely following Java semantics in terms of resizing and Java behavior in terms of allocation. This would be a performance boost as well, but could break any use of int[], double[], etc.
Instead, you should copy your data into a JsArrayString, or just use the js array to hold the data rather than going back and forth, depending on your use case. The various JsArray types can be resized and already exist as JavaScript objects that outside JS can understand and work with.
Reply to EDIT 2:
At a guess, the parallel.js script is trying to run your code from another scope such a in the webworker (that's the point of the code, right) where your GWT code isn't present. As such, it can't call the makeJavaInvoke which is the bridge back into dev mode (would be a different failure with compiled JS). According to http://adambom.github.io/parallel.js/ there are specific requirements that a passed callback must meet to be passed in to spawn and perhaps then - your anonymous functions definitely do not meet them, and it may not be possible to maintain java semantics.
Before I get much deeper, check out this answer I did a while ago addressing the basic issues with webworkers and gwt/java: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11376059/860630
As noted there, WebWorkers are effectively new processes, with no shared code or shared state with the original process. The Parallel.js code attempts to paper over this with a little bit of trickery - shared state is only available in the form of the contents passed in to the original Parallel constructor, but you are attempting to pass in instances of 'java' objects and calling methods on them. Those Java instances come with their own state, and potentially can link back to the rest of the Java app by fields in the Worker instance. If I were implementing Worker and doing something that referenced other data than what was passed in, then I would be seeing further bizarre failures.
So the functions you pass in must be completely standalone - they must not refer to external code in any way, since then the function can't be passed off to the webworker, or to several webworkers, each unaware of each other's existence. See https://github.com/adambom/parallel.js/issues/32 for example:
That's not possible since it would
require a shared state across workers
require us to transmit all scope variables (I don't think there's even a possibility to read the available scopes)
The only thing which might be possible would be cache variables, but these can already be defined in the function itself with spawn() and don't make any sense in map (because there's no shared state).
Without being actually familiar with how parallel.js is implemented (all of this answer so far is reading the docs and a quick google search for "parallel.js shared state", plus having experiemented with WebWorkers for a day or so and deciding that my present problem wasn't yet worth the bother), I would guess that then is unrestricted, and you can you pass it whatever you like, but spawn, map, and reduce must be written in such a way that their JS can be passed off to the new JS process and completely stand alone there.
This may be possible from your normal Java code when compiled, provided you have just one implementation of Worker and that impl never uses state other than what is directly passed in. In that case the compiler should rewrite your methods to be static so that they are safe to use in this context. However, that doesn't make for a very useful library, as it seems you are trying to achieve. With that in mind, you could keep your worker code in JSNI to ensure that you follow the parallel.js rules.
Finally, and against the normal GWT rules, avoid $entry for calls you expect to happen in other contexts, since those workers have no access to the normal exception handling and scheduling that $entry enables.
(and finally finally, this is probably still possible if you are very careful at writing Worker implementations and write a Generator that invokes each worker implementation in very specific ways to make sure that com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.MakeCallsStatic and com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.Pruner can correctly act to knock out the this in those instance methods once they've been rewritten as JS functions. I think the cleanest way to do this is to emit the JSNI in the generator itself, call a static method written in real Java, and from that static method call the specific instance method that does the heavy lifting for spawn, etc.)

validating that a field is unique using Bean Validation (or JSF)

I have an simple object that has a name
public class Foo {
private String name
Each user on the site may have up to 10 Foo's associated with them. Within this context, when a new Foo is created, I would like to validate that there isn't another foo associated with the same user that already exists.
I could Create a custom Bean Validator But annotations require the paramaeters to be defined during compilation. How would I then pass across the names of the existing Foos?
As suggested in various places, I could use EL expressions as an alternative way to pick up the data. This feels like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It also brings in a whole bunch of potential issues to consider least of all being ease of testing.
I could do class-wide validation using a boolean field
#AssertTrue(message="Name already exists")
public boolean isNameUnique() {
return (existingNames.contains(name));
But the validation message would not show up next to the name field. It is a cosmetic issue and this can be a backup plan. However, its not ideal.
Which brings me to the question:
Is there a simple way to write a Bean Validator that can check the value against a collection of values at the field level and meet the following restrictions ?
Previous values determined at runtime
Not using things like EL expressions
Field level validation instead of class level.
EDIT in reponse to Hardy:
The Foo class is an entity persisted within a database. They are picked up and used through a DAO interface.
I could loop through the entities but that means plugging the DAO into the validator and not to mention that the I would need to write the same thing again if I have another class that too has this constraint.
It would help to see how you want to use the Foo class. Can you extend your example code? Are they kept in a list of Foo instances. A custom constraint seems to be a good fit. Why do you need to pass any parameters to the constraints. I would just iterate over the foos and check whether the names are unique.

How to get an IType from a class name in Eclipse JDT

I'm implementing a variant of the JUnit New Test Suite Wizard, and instead of getting test classes from the current project, I need to get them from another source. They come to me as strings of fully-qualified class names.
Some of them may not yet exist in this user's workspace, let alone in the classpath of the current project. The user will need to import the projects for these later, but I don't want to mess with that in my wizard yet. I need to just add all classes to the new suite whether they exist yet or not.
For those classes that are already in this project's classpath, I can use IJavaProject.findType(String fullyQualifiedName) . Is there an analogous way to get ITypes for classes that are not (yet) visible?
I would be happy to construct an IType out of thin air, but ITypes don't seem to like being constructed.
I don't think that is possible: the Java Document Model interfaces are created based on the classpath.
Even worse, if the project do not exist in the users workspace, the resulting code would not compile, and that is another reason for not allowing the arbitrary creation of such constructs.
If I were you, I would try to help the user to import the non-existing projects in case of types are not available, thus avoiding the tackling with the Java Document Model.
For my purposes, creating a HypotheticalType and a HypotheticalMethod got the job done. I'm attaching an overview in case anyone else needs to follow this path.
First I created a HypotheticalType and had it implement the IType interface. I instantiated one of these at the proper spot in my modified wizard. Using Eclipse's Outline view I created a method breakpoint on all methods in my new class. This let me detect which methods were actually getting called during execution of my wizard. I also modified the constructor to take, as a String, the name of the class I needed the wizard to handle.
Almost all of the new methods are ignored in this exercise. I found that I could keep the default implementation (return null or return false in most cases) for all methods except the following:
the constructor
exists() - no modification needed
getAncestor(int) - no modification needed, but it might be useful to return the package of my hypothetical class, e.g. if my class is java.lang.Object.class, return java.lang.
getDeclaringType() - no modification needed
getElementName() - modified to return the class name, e.g. if my class is java.lang.Object.class, return Object.
getElementType() - modified to return IJavaElement.TYPE
getFlags() - not modified yet, but might be
getMethod(String, String[]) - modified to return a new HypotheticalMethod(name)
getMethods() - modified to return new IMethod[] { new HypotheticalMethod("dudMethod") }
In the process I discovered that I need to be able to return a HypotheticalMethod, so I created that type as well, inheriting from IMethod, and used the same techniques to determine which methods had to be implemented. These are the only methods that get called while this wizard runs:
The constructor - add a String parameter to bring in the name of the method
exists() - no modification needed
isMainMethod() - no modification needed
That covers the solution to my original question. Zoltán, I'll be doing as you suggested in an upcoming iteration and trying to assist the user in both the case in which the desired class is not yet in this project's classpath, and the case in which the desired class is in some project not yet in the workspace.