validating that a field is unique using Bean Validation (or JSF) - java-ee-6

I have an simple object that has a name
public class Foo {
private String name
Each user on the site may have up to 10 Foo's associated with them. Within this context, when a new Foo is created, I would like to validate that there isn't another foo associated with the same user that already exists.
I could Create a custom Bean Validator But annotations require the paramaeters to be defined during compilation. How would I then pass across the names of the existing Foos?
As suggested in various places, I could use EL expressions as an alternative way to pick up the data. This feels like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It also brings in a whole bunch of potential issues to consider least of all being ease of testing.
I could do class-wide validation using a boolean field
#AssertTrue(message="Name already exists")
public boolean isNameUnique() {
return (existingNames.contains(name));
But the validation message would not show up next to the name field. It is a cosmetic issue and this can be a backup plan. However, its not ideal.
Which brings me to the question:
Is there a simple way to write a Bean Validator that can check the value against a collection of values at the field level and meet the following restrictions ?
Previous values determined at runtime
Not using things like EL expressions
Field level validation instead of class level.
EDIT in reponse to Hardy:
The Foo class is an entity persisted within a database. They are picked up and used through a DAO interface.
I could loop through the entities but that means plugging the DAO into the validator and not to mention that the I would need to write the same thing again if I have another class that too has this constraint.

It would help to see how you want to use the Foo class. Can you extend your example code? Are they kept in a list of Foo instances. A custom constraint seems to be a good fit. Why do you need to pass any parameters to the constraints. I would just iterate over the foos and check whether the names are unique.


How to solve this: application model and engine model mismatch when using JPA persistence?

The title may seems confusing, but it's not easy to describe the question in few words. Let me explain the situation:
We have a web application project, and a calculation engine project. The web application collect user input and use the engine to generate some result, and represent to user. Both user input, engine output and other data will be persisted to DB using JPA.
The engine input and output consist of objects in tree structure, example like:
Class InputA {
String attrA1;
List<InputB> inputBs;
Class InputB {
String attrB1;
List<InputC> inputCs;
Class InputC {
String attrC1;
The engine output is in similar style.
The web application project handle the data persistence using JPA. We need to persist the engine input and output, as well as some other data that related to the input and output. Such data can be seem as extra fields to certain class. For example:
We want to persist extra field, so it looks like:
Class InputBx extends InputB{
String attrBx1;
Class InputCx extends InputC{
String attrCx1;
In Java OO world, this works, we can store a list of InputBx in InputA, and store a list of InputCx in InputBx because of the inheritance.
But we meet trouble when using JPA to persist the extended objects.
First of all, it requires the engine project to make their class become JPA entities. The engine was working fine by itself, it accept correct input and generate correct output. It doesn't smell good to force their model to become JPA entities when another project try to persist the model.
Second, the JPA doesn't accept the inherited objects when using InputA as the entry. From JPA point of view, it only know that InputA contains a list of InputB, and not possible to persist/retrieve a list of InputBx in object of InputA.
When trying to solve this, we had come up 2 ideas, but neither one satisfied us:
idea 1:
Use composition instead inheritance, so we still persist the original InputA and it's tree structure include InputB and InputC:
Class InputBx{
String attrBx1;
InputB inputB;
Class InputCx{
String attrCx1;
InputC inputC;
So the original input object tree can be smoothly retrieved, and InputBx and InputCx objects needs to be retrieved using the InputB and InputC objects in the tree as references.
The good thing is that no matter what changes made to the structure of the original input class tree (such as change attribute name, add/remove attributes in the classes), the extended class InputBx and InputCx and their attributes automatically synchronized.
The drawback is that this structure increases the calls to the database, and the model is not easy to use in the application(both back end and front end). Whenever we want related information of InputB or InputC, we need to manually code to search the corresponding object of InputBx and InputCx.
idea 2:
Manually make mirror classes to form a similar structure of the original input classes. So we created:
Class InputAx {
String attrA1;
List<InputBx> inputBs;
Class InputBx {
String attrB1;
List<InputCx> inputCs;
String attrBx1;
Class InputCx {
String attrC1;
String attrCx1;
We could use this as model of the web application, and the JPA entities as well. Here's what we could get:
Now the engine project can be set free, it doesn't need to bind to how the other projects persist these input/output objects. The engine project is independant now.
The JPA persistence works just fluent, no extra calls to database is required
The back end and front end UI just use this model to get both original input objects and related information with no effort. When trying use engine to perform calculation, we can use a mapping mechanism to transfer between the original objects and extended objects.
The drawback is also obvious:
There is duplication in the class structure, which is not desired from the OO point of view.
When considering it as DTO to reduce the database calls, it can be claimed as anti-pattern when using DTO in local transfer.
The structure is not automatically synchronized with the original model. So if there are any changes made to the original model, we need to manually update this model as well. If some developers forget to do this, there will be some not-easy-to-find defects.
I'm looking for the following help:
Is there any existing good/best practices or patterns to solve similar situation we meet? Or any anti-patterns that we should try to avoid? References to web articles are welcome.
If possible, can you comment on the idea 1 and idea 2, from the aspect of OO design, Persistence practices, your experience, ect.
I will be grateful for your help.

How to specify different cache keys on the same key object in simple-spring-memcached

I am trying to implement a distributed cache with spring-memcached. The docs suggest that
to use an object as the key I need to have a method in my domain class with #CacheKeyMethod
annotation on it.
But the problem is I am using the same domain class in different scenarios and the key to be generated in each case has different logic. For examples for a User class one of the scenarios requires the key to be unique in terms of city and gender and but in the other case it requires to be unique in terms of the user's email, it's essentially what your lookup is based on.
Although a user's email would determine the city and gender, so I can use email as the key in first case as well but that would mean separate cache entries for each user while the cached data would be same as long as the gender and city are same, which is expected to increase the hit ratio by a huge margin(just think how many users you can expect to be males from bangalore).
Is there a way I could define different keys. Also it would be great if the logic of
generating the key could be externalised from the domain class itself.
I read the docs and figured out that something called CacheKeyBuilder and/or CacheKeyBuilderImpl could do the trick but I couldn't understand how to proceed.
ok.. I got one clue! What CacheKeyBuliderImpl does is, it calls the generateKey method on defaultKeyProvider instance which looks for #cachekeyannotation on the provided domain class's methods and executes the method found to obtain the key.
So replacing either the CacheKeyBuilderImpl with custom Impl or replacing KeyProvider's default implementation within CacheKeyBuilderImpl with yours might do the trick... but the keyprovider reference is hardwired to DefaultKeyProvider.
Can anybody help me implement CacheKeyBuilder(with respect to what different methods do;the documentation doesn't clarify it) and also how do I inject it to be used instead of ususal CacheKeyBuilderImpl
Simple Spring Memcached (SSM) hasn't be designed to allow such low level customization. As you wrote one of way is to replace CacheKeyBuilderImpl with own implementation. The default implementation is hardwired but it can be easily replaces using custom simplesm-context.xml configuration.
As I understand your question, you want to cache your User objects under different keys depends on use case. It's supported out of the box because by default SSM uses method argument to generate cache key not the result.
#ReadThroughMultiCache(namespace = "userslist.cityandgenre", expiration = 3600
public List<User> getByCityAndGenre(#ParameterValueKeyProvider(order = 0) String city, #ParameterValueKeyProvider(order = 1) String genre) {
// implementation
#ReadThroughSingleCache(namespace = "users", expiration = 3600)
public User getByEmail(#ParameterValueKeyProvider String email) {
// implementation
In general the #CacheKeyMethod is only used to generate cache key if object that contains the method is passed as a parameter to the method and the parameter is annotated by #ParameterValueKeyProvider

Yii Framework; How to check if a model attribute has a SPECIFIC validator?

I am making a custom ActiveForm method, but it requires the model to have a certain custom validator attached the the attribute that is being passed through (otherwise who knows what will happen!?)
My question is simply... is there a way to run this check in the code that is reliable?
I don't want to add the validator at runtime. That would create confusion and possibly let someone use this type of field where it ought not be used.
So I want to say something like:
if( model NOT HAVE validationMethod ON property)
throw Exception;
I'm also not sure why you want to do this, but in addition to viewing the rules array you can do:
to check which validators are active for a particular attribute (or all attributes, if the arg is null. (I'm assuming $attribute = property in your example.)
This will return all the validator objects that are active for the current scenario and you can check if a predefined or custom class exists. It also gets you a bit more info than just the rules array (i.e., the properties of the validator class).

MEF: metadata seem to override interface when using GetExports

I'm building a MEF-based plugin-centric WPF application and I'm facing an issue with GetExports, maybe it's just my ignorance but I find an odd behaviour. I have a number of exported parts, all derived from 2 different interfaces (let's name them A and B), but all marked with the same metadata attribute X. So I have code like:
public class SomePart1 : A { ... }
for each part, and the same for classes implementing B:
public class SomePart2 : B { ... }
Now, when I try getting all the parts implementing A and decorated by attribute X with some values, MEF returns not only the A-implementing parts, but ALSO the B-implementing parts. So, when I expect to deal with A-objects I get a B, whence a cast exception.
In the real world, interfaces are named IItemPartEditorViewModel and IItemPartEditorView, while their common attribute is named ItemPartEditorAttribute and exposes a PartType string property on which I do some filtering. My code to get parts is thus like e.g.:
var p = (from l in container.GetExports<IItemPartEditorViewModel, IItemPartEditorMetadata>()
where l.Metadata.PartType == sPartType
select l).FirstOrDefault();
When looking for IItemPartEditorViewModel whose PartType is equal to some value, I get the IItemPartEditorView instead of IItemPartEditorViewModel implementing object. If I comment out the attribute in the IItemPartEditorView object instead, I correctly get the IItemPartEditorViewModel implementing object.
Update the suggested "templated" method was used, but I mistyped it here as I forgot to change lessthan and greaterthan into entities. Anyway, reviewing the code I noticed that in the attribute I had "ViewModel" instead or "View" for the interface type, so this was the problem. Shame on me, sorry for bothering :)!
I think I'd need to see more of the code to know for sure what's going on. However, I'd suggest you call GetExports like this:
// Get exports of type A
// Get exports of type B
Then do your filtering on the list returned. This will probably fix the cast issues you are having. I'd also be interested in seeing the code for the custom metadata attribute. If it derives from ExportAttribute for example, that might be part of the problem.

What is the "Func<object> modelAccessor" parameter for in MVC's DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider?

It's one of the parameters supplied to the CreateMetadata method (which you override if extending metadata support).
ModelMetadata CreateMetadata(IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes,
Type containerType,
Func<object> modelAccessor, <<--THIS ONE
Type modelType,
string propertyName)
I had assumed that it allowed you to access the model object itself (e.g. for setting metadata based on model values), however when I try to use it to cast to my model object I just get null.
Entity ent = (Entity)modelAccessor(); // = Null
If I've missunderstood, can anyone explain what it's purpose is? Or alternatively, how to properly use it?
We originally had that as "object model", rather than "Func modelAccessor". We had to change it late in MVC 2's ship cycle.
The purpose is to delay retrieving the actual value of the model until such point as you know you're going to need it (that is, until you call ModelMetadata.Model).
The problem it solves is actually a rather esoteric one related to model binding against a LINQ to SQL class that has a foreign key reference in it. The problem is, if you've retrieved the child object which is represented by a foreign key relationship (which usually means a delay load of that object), then you're no longer allowed to choose a new child object by setting the foreign key ID property. It's very common to model bind the foreign key ID (and not the whole foreign key entity) when model binding, but if we'd retrieved the foreign key entity object (for the purposes of populating the ModelMetadata class) then that binding would no longer be legal, and actually throw an exception. Since ModelMetadata is used for both directions of models -- inbound, via model binding, and outbound, via HTML generation -- we needed to introduce the layer of indirection to protect your ability to use it in both scenarios without disrupting LINQ to SQL's rules.
The modelAccessor parameter does not point to an instance of the object, but rather it is a function that will access some attribute of your object. The Func "encapsulates a method that has no parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the TResult parameter." For example, if we have following class:
public class Bar(){
[DisplayName("I am Foo.")]
public string Foo{get;}
When the CreateMetaData is called, it will be to create meta data for the Foo property and the modelAccessor will be a function that returns the value of Foo.
I did a little digging and found a way to get to the instance of the object, but it requires using reflection. You can do the following to get the Bar class in my example:
if (modelAccessor != null)
//Use reflection to get the private field that holds the Bar object.
FieldInfo container = modelAccessor.Target.GetType().GetField("container");
//Invoke field on the modelAccessor target to get the instance of the Bar object.
Bar myObject = (Bar)container.GetValue(modelAccessor.Target);
I've only run this against a simple test case, so your mileage may vary, but hopefully this will help clarify what is going on.