Alrighty, so I've got this much down.
# Prompts the script user to confirm that the account from
# $userName is indeed the one they want to Terminate
function Get-Confirmation {
param (
$confirmMessage = 'Are you sure that {0} is the user that you want to terminate?' -f $userName
$PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue($confirmMessage, 'Terminate User?')
# Code that populates $userName and starts the Termination process
if (Get-Confirmation -User $userName) {
# If confirmation == True: start Termination
# Copy user's security groups to $groups.txt in their user folder
Out-File $logFilePath -InputObject $userNameGroups.memberOf -Encoding utf8
# TODO: Remove $userName's security groups from AD Object
# Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Members $userNameGroups -Confirm:$false
Copy-Item -Path "\\path\to\active\user\folder" `
-Destination "\\path\to\terminated\user\folder"
} else {
# Don't Terminate
# TODO: Restart script to select another user
So my question is: how do I satisfy the TODO in the else statement? I've searched online, but the only thing that has come up is restarting the computer. I just want the script to be re-run. Is it as simple as ./scriptName?
Rather than "Restarting" your script you could check that the input is correct before even "Starting" your script, if all the input is correct there won't be any need to "Restart" :)
Here a Do-While loop is used to check that a username exists in AD before proceeding to the script below:
$message = "Please enter the username you'd like to terminate"
# Get a username from the user
$getUsername = Read-Host -prompt $message
# Check if it's in AD
$checkUsername = Get-ADUser -Identity $getUsername -ErrorAction Stop
# Couldn't be found
Write-Warning -Message "Could not find a user with the username: $getUsername. Please check the spelling and try again."
# Loop de loop (Restart)
$getUsername = $null
While ($getUsername -eq $null)
# Do-While succeeded so username is correct
# Put script to run if input is correct here
I'm looking to create a simple powershell script that will import the user's first name from file, prompt to create a new password and loop on error when the password doesn't meet the password requirement based on the "ErrorVariable" if possible. If not, please advise.
# import user firstname from file
$firstname = $(Get-Content "C:\tmp\local\firstname.txt")
# prompt user for new password
$password = Read-Host "Hello, $firstname!! Please change your local admin account password. (Requirements: At least 8-characters, 1-Cap Letter, 1-Number) " -AsSecureString -Erroraction silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable PasswordError
# create new password
$password = $password
Get-LocalUser -Name "$firstname" | Set-LocalUser -Password $password -Erroraction silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable PasswordError
If ($PasswordError)
"Unable to update the password. The new password does not meet the length or complexity."
If (-Not $PasswordError)
"Password updated successfully!!"
See script above.........
Think you could simply use try/catch - e.g.:
try {
Set-LocalUser -Name $firstname -Password $password -Erroraction:stop
write-host "Password updated successfully!!"
Catch {
write-error $_
If the operation succeeded you will get "Password updated successfully!!", otherwise it returns the error.
I'm trying to write a script to remotely rename multiple computers. Here's what I have (I know the Verify function works so that can be skipped over. The issue is occurring with the GetComputers function)
function main{
$DomainCredential = Verify
$computers = GetComputers
#Rename -computers $computers -DomainCredential $DomainCredential
function Verify{
# Prompt for Credentials and verify them using the DirectoryServices.AccountManagement assembly.
Write-Host "Please provide your credentials so the script can continue."
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
# Extract the current user's domain and also pre-format the user name to be used in the credential prompt.
$UserDomain = $env:USERDOMAIN
$UserName = "$UserDomain\$env:USERNAME"
# Define the starting number (always #1) and the desired maximum number of attempts, and the initial credential prompt message to use.
$Attempt = 1
$MaxAttempts = 5
$CredentialPrompt = "Enter your Domain account password (attempt #$Attempt out of $MaxAttempts):"
# Set ValidAccount to false so it can be used to exit the loop when a valid account is found (and the value is changed to $True).
$ValidAccount = $False
# Loop through prompting for and validating credentials, until the credentials are confirmed, or the maximum number of attempts is reached.
Do {
# Blank any previous failure messages and then prompt for credentials with the custom message and the pre-populated domain\user name.
$FailureMessage = $Null
$Credentials = Get-Credential -UserName $UserName -Message $CredentialPrompt
# Verify the credentials prompt wasn't bypassed.
If ($Credentials) {
# If the user name was changed, then switch to using it for this and future credential prompt validations.
If ($Credentials.UserName -ne $UserName) {
$UserName = $Credentials.UserName
# Test the user name (even if it was changed in the credential prompt) and password.
$ContextType = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain
Try {
$PrincipalContext = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext $ContextType,$UserDomain
} Catch {
If ($_.Exception.InnerException -like "*The server could not be contacted*") {
$FailureMessage = "Could not contact a server for the specified domain on attempt #$Attempt out of $MaxAttempts."
} Else {
$FailureMessage = "Unpredicted failure: `"$($_.Exception.Message)`" on attempt #$Attempt out of $MaxAttempts."
# If there wasn't a failure talking to the domain test the validation of the credentials, and if it fails record a failure message.
If (-not($FailureMessage)) {
$ValidAccount = $PrincipalContext.ValidateCredentials($UserName,$Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
If (-not($ValidAccount)) {
$FailureMessage = "Bad user name or password used on credential prompt attempt #$Attempt out of $MaxAttempts."
# Otherwise the credential prompt was (most likely accidentally) bypassed so record a failure message.
} Else {
$FailureMessage = "Credential prompt closed/skipped on attempt #$Attempt out of $MaxAttempts."
# If there was a failure message recorded above, display it, and update credential prompt message.
If ($FailureMessage) {
Write-Warning "$FailureMessage"
If ($Attempt -lt $MaxAttempts) {
$CredentialPrompt = "Authentication error. Please try again (attempt #$Attempt out of $MaxAttempts):"
} ElseIf ($Attempt -eq $MaxAttempts) {
$CredentialPrompt = "Authentication error. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE (attempt #$Attempt out of $MaxAttempts):"
} Until (($ValidAccount) -or ($Attempt -gt $MaxAttempts))
# If the credentials weren't successfully verified, then exit the script.
If (-not($ValidAccount)) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "You failed $MaxAttempts attempts at providing a valid user credentials. Exiting the script now... "
} Else {
Write-Host "Credntials authenticated"
return $Credentials
function GetComputers{
$oldnames = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Write-Output "Enter the PC numbers to be named. Do not include 'PC' only type the following numbers. Type 'end' when finished"
$userinput = Read-Host
while($userinput -ne "end"){
$userinput = "$('PC')$($userinput)"
$userinput = Read-Host
return $oldnames
workflow Rename($computers, $DomainCredential){
foreach -parallel ($computer in $computers){
$newname = "$($computer)$('MK')"
Rename-Computer -PSComputerName $computer -NewName $newname -DomainCredential $DomainCredential
The Verify function works perfectly, but then it just hangs and nothing else happens. I added a debug line between the call of the Verify and the call of the GetComputer functions, and that also printed out. Im new to powershell and am out of ideas
Are you certain that it is hanging, or is Read-Host just showing a blank input location? Calling that function without any arguments will just give you a blinking cursor in command line. Try adding some form of prompt to read-host, like below:
PS C:\Users\mbolton> $var=read-host
PS C:\Users\mbolton> $var
PS C:\Users\mbolton> $var=read-host "type something in"
type something in: "different string"
PS C:\Users\mbolton> $var
"different string"
PS C:\Users\mbolton>
I'm just a typical admin trying to make a simple script for some IT assistants in remote offices, to make domain joins easier while minimizing potential errors. The script's end game is to run the one-liner command Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainToJoin -OUPath $LocDN -NewName $WS_NewName -Restart.
But the whole script is supposed to include input validation for the computer's new name as well as for the target OU for the two-letter code for the remote office.
Googling for code snippets for days, esp. from sites like yours, was very helpful. But the problem I have now is I couldn't find the right codes to combine Read-Host , input length validation, and TRAP to work together without losing the value for my variables.
Pardon my coding as obviously I'm no real PS scripter, and I know the wrong portions of it are very basic. I would want to spend more time if I had the luxury, but I would really so much appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.
Thank you so much in advance.
Please see my code below:
# START: Display name and purpose of invoked script
$path = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Write-Host $path
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "This script will allow you to do the following in a single-step process:"
Write-Host "(1) RENAME this computer"
Write-Host "(2) JOIN it to MYDOMAIN"
Write-Host "(3) MOVE it to a target OU"
Write-Host "(4) REBOOT"
Write-Host " "
# Function: PAUSE
Function Pause ($Message = "Press any key to continue . . . ") {
if ((Test-Path variable:psISE) -and $psISE) {
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell"
$Button = $Shell.Popup("Click OK to continue.", 0, "Script Paused", 0)
else {
Write-Host -NoNewline $Message
Write-Host " "
# Function: Define the parameters
Function Define-Parameters {
# Specify new computer name, with validation and TRAP
$WS_NewName = $null
while ($null -eq $WS_NewName) {
[ValidateLength(8,15)]$WS_NewName = [string](Read-Host -Prompt "NEW NAME of computer (8-15 chars.)" )
TRAP {"" ;continue}
Write-Host " "
# Domain to join.
$DomainToJoin = ''
# Specify the target OU, with validation and trap
$baseOU='OU=Offices OU,DC=mydomain,DC=net'
$OU2 = $null
while ($null -eq $OU2) {
[ValidateLength(2,2)]$OU2 = [string](Read-Host -Prompt 'Target OU (TWO-LETTER code for your office)' )
TRAP {"" ;continue}
Write-Host " "
$LocDN = "OU=$OU2,$baseOU"
# Function: Summary and confirmation screen for defined parameters.
Function Confirm-Parameters {
Write-Host "==========================================================================="
Write-Host "Please confirm that you are joining this computer to
$DomainToJoin (MYDOMAIN)"
Write-Host "with the following parameters:"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Computer's NEW NAME: $WS_NewName"
# Write-Host "Domain to Join: $DomainToJoin"
Write-Host "TARGET mission OU: $OU2"
# Call Define-Parameters Function
# Call Confirm-Parameters Function
Some more code here
# FINAL COMMAND if all else works: Join the computer to the domain, rename it, and restart it.
# Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainToJoin -OUPath $LocDN -NewName $WS_NewName -Restart
In your code, you have a lot of things defined very strangely. Your functions create a new scope and the variables you're trying to define therein will disappear after calling them unless you change the variable scope (in this case, to $script: or $global:). Also, to use functions, you need to define them first (your Pause doesn't actually do anything)
Here's something you can do with your Define-Parameters function (I suggest looking at Get-Verb)
# Domain to join.
$DomainToJoin = ''
# Function: Define the parameters
Function Get-Parameters {
do {
$global:WS_NewName = Read-Host -Prompt 'NEW NAME of computer (8-15 chars)'
} until ($WS_NewName.Length -gt 7 -and $WS_NewName.Length -lt 16)
do {
$global:OU2 = Read-Host -Prompt 'Target OU (TWO-LETTER code for your office)'
} until ($OU2 -match '^[a-z]{2}$')
$OU2 = "OU=$global:OU2,OU=Offices OU,DC=mydomain,DC=net"
I'd strongly recommend moving away from the ISE to do your testing and test in an actual powershell console.
Perhaps Try/Catch block instead of trap?
Try {
[ValidatePattern('^\w{8,15}$')]$compname=read-host 'enter comp name' -ErrorAction Stop
[ValidatePattern('^\w{2}$')]$OU=read-host 'enter OU name' -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$ErrorLineNumber = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$ErrorCommandName = $_.InvocationInfo.InvocationName
Write-Error -Message "The error message was: <$ErrorMessage>, script line: <$ErrorLineNumber>, command name: <$ErrorCommandName>"
exit 255
I have this test script to change the Administrator password on a list of servers.
I have set the script to log errors if the server can't be ping'd or account can't be found etc. However in addtion to this i'd like to capture any other errors that take place and also add those to the log file. I know you can use the "Try and Catch" for error handling but havn't had any luck so far.
Would someone be kind enough to show how to do it?
Here is the script
$date = Get-Date
$user = "Administrator"
$newpwd = "MyPassword"
$servers = gc C:\servers.txt
foreach ($server in $servers)
$ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$Reply = $null
$Reply = $ping.send($server)
if($Reply.status -like 'Success')
$Admin=[adsi]("WinNT://" + $server + "/$user, user")
{Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Succsess the $user password was changed. , $date"}
{Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Error: FAILED to change the password. , $date"}
Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Error: The $user user account was not found on the server. , $date"}
Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Error: Ping FAILED could not connect. , $date"
If you want to write exceptions to the log right after they were thrown, you could use a trap. Add something like this to you script:
trap [Exception] {
#Add message to log
Add-Content -Path test.csv -Value "$server, $($_.Exception.Message), $(Get-Date)"
#Continue script
That will log all exceptions (not all errors).
If you want all errors, you can access them using $Error. It's an arraylist containing every error during your sessions(script). The first item $Error[0] is the latest error. This however, is not something that fits directly into an csv file without formatting it.
I have a question i wrote a powershell script so i have name.ps1, but i have troubles for executing it, i mean i could debut it with windows powershell (ISE), by just adding the code to it and run ... but how do i execute it different?
When i open ordinary windows powershell (so NOT ISE) and i type there script.ps1 file.csv
i get this kind of error:
This is the code that i have, maybe im not proper initiating the script in my code i dont know:
param ([string]$Csv)
function GetHelp() {
$HelpText = #"
NAME: Add-STUser
Adds Users from the User Csv File
-Csv The Csv file Used by the script (Required)
-help Prints the HelpFile (Optional)
The Csv File is built up in the following way:
Firstname, Surname, Email
function Get-Csv ([string]$Csv) {
$CsvFile = Import-Csv $Csv
$CsvFile | ForEach {
Add-User -Firstname $_.Firstname -Surname $_.Surname -Email $_.Email
function Add-User ([string]$Firstname, [string]$Surname, [string]$Email) {
# Set up AD Connectionstring
# Get A Unique Password
[string]$Password = Generate-Password
$username=$Firstname.substring(0,1).toLower() + $Surname.toLower()
# Create User in AD
$container =[ADSI] $Connection
$User = $container.Create("User", "cn="+$username)
$User.Put("sAMAccountName", $username)
$User.Put("givenName", $Firstname)
$User.Put("sn", $Surname)
$User.Put("mail", $Email)
$User.Put("displayName", $Firstname + " "+$Surname)
# Set Random Pwd and Enable Account
$User.PsBase.Invoke("SetPassword", $Password)
$User.PsBase.InvokeSet("AccountDisabled", $false)
$User.pwdLastSet = 0
# Write Pwd to File
$FileName = "PasswordList " + (get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d") + ".txt"
"$Firstname, $Surname, $username, $email, $Password" | Add-Content $FileName
Write-Host "Added User: $username" -ForegroundColor Green
# Set Check Variable to False
$Password = $Null
#$Script:sAMAccountNameDoesntExist = $False
#$Script:distinguishedNameDoesntExist = $False
if ($help) {
} elseif ($Domain -AND $Csv) {
Get-Csv -Csv $Csv
} else {
So with other words i need to execute that script with only 1 param (path to csv file)
Thanks in advance
In Powershell, unlike cmd, current directory (.) is not in PATH.
So to run scripts or executables in the current directory, you have to prefix with ./
So you will have to do
.\script.ps1 file.csv
If you look carefully at the error message, at the bottom, Powershell is giving a suggestion that you have to do so.
You need to tell Powershell you want to execute a script from current location, like in *nix systems. So call the script like the error message hints:
You can also provide full path to the script
The script/directory names are not case sensitive.