Using Read-host with Input validation and TRAP - powershell

I'm just a typical admin trying to make a simple script for some IT assistants in remote offices, to make domain joins easier while minimizing potential errors. The script's end game is to run the one-liner command Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainToJoin -OUPath $LocDN -NewName $WS_NewName -Restart.
But the whole script is supposed to include input validation for the computer's new name as well as for the target OU for the two-letter code for the remote office.
Googling for code snippets for days, esp. from sites like yours, was very helpful. But the problem I have now is I couldn't find the right codes to combine Read-Host , input length validation, and TRAP to work together without losing the value for my variables.
Pardon my coding as obviously I'm no real PS scripter, and I know the wrong portions of it are very basic. I would want to spend more time if I had the luxury, but I would really so much appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.
Thank you so much in advance.
Please see my code below:
# START: Display name and purpose of invoked script
$path = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Write-Host $path
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "This script will allow you to do the following in a single-step process:"
Write-Host "(1) RENAME this computer"
Write-Host "(2) JOIN it to MYDOMAIN"
Write-Host "(3) MOVE it to a target OU"
Write-Host "(4) REBOOT"
Write-Host " "
# Function: PAUSE
Function Pause ($Message = "Press any key to continue . . . ") {
if ((Test-Path variable:psISE) -and $psISE) {
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell"
$Button = $Shell.Popup("Click OK to continue.", 0, "Script Paused", 0)
else {
Write-Host -NoNewline $Message
Write-Host " "
# Function: Define the parameters
Function Define-Parameters {
# Specify new computer name, with validation and TRAP
$WS_NewName = $null
while ($null -eq $WS_NewName) {
[ValidateLength(8,15)]$WS_NewName = [string](Read-Host -Prompt "NEW NAME of computer (8-15 chars.)" )
TRAP {"" ;continue}
Write-Host " "
# Domain to join.
$DomainToJoin = ''
# Specify the target OU, with validation and trap
$baseOU='OU=Offices OU,DC=mydomain,DC=net'
$OU2 = $null
while ($null -eq $OU2) {
[ValidateLength(2,2)]$OU2 = [string](Read-Host -Prompt 'Target OU (TWO-LETTER code for your office)' )
TRAP {"" ;continue}
Write-Host " "
$LocDN = "OU=$OU2,$baseOU"
# Function: Summary and confirmation screen for defined parameters.
Function Confirm-Parameters {
Write-Host "==========================================================================="
Write-Host "Please confirm that you are joining this computer to
$DomainToJoin (MYDOMAIN)"
Write-Host "with the following parameters:"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Computer's NEW NAME: $WS_NewName"
# Write-Host "Domain to Join: $DomainToJoin"
Write-Host "TARGET mission OU: $OU2"
# Call Define-Parameters Function
# Call Confirm-Parameters Function
Some more code here
# FINAL COMMAND if all else works: Join the computer to the domain, rename it, and restart it.
# Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainToJoin -OUPath $LocDN -NewName $WS_NewName -Restart

In your code, you have a lot of things defined very strangely. Your functions create a new scope and the variables you're trying to define therein will disappear after calling them unless you change the variable scope (in this case, to $script: or $global:). Also, to use functions, you need to define them first (your Pause doesn't actually do anything)
Here's something you can do with your Define-Parameters function (I suggest looking at Get-Verb)
# Domain to join.
$DomainToJoin = ''
# Function: Define the parameters
Function Get-Parameters {
do {
$global:WS_NewName = Read-Host -Prompt 'NEW NAME of computer (8-15 chars)'
} until ($WS_NewName.Length -gt 7 -and $WS_NewName.Length -lt 16)
do {
$global:OU2 = Read-Host -Prompt 'Target OU (TWO-LETTER code for your office)'
} until ($OU2 -match '^[a-z]{2}$')
$OU2 = "OU=$global:OU2,OU=Offices OU,DC=mydomain,DC=net"
I'd strongly recommend moving away from the ISE to do your testing and test in an actual powershell console.

Perhaps Try/Catch block instead of trap?
Try {
[ValidatePattern('^\w{8,15}$')]$compname=read-host 'enter comp name' -ErrorAction Stop
[ValidatePattern('^\w{2}$')]$OU=read-host 'enter OU name' -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$ErrorLineNumber = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$ErrorCommandName = $_.InvocationInfo.InvocationName
Write-Error -Message "The error message was: <$ErrorMessage>, script line: <$ErrorLineNumber>, command name: <$ErrorCommandName>"
exit 255


Confirming before proceeding through checking of services on multiple machines

My goal is to check the services on multiple remote machines to make sure they are running, and starting them if they are not. I would like to modify the below code to add the ability to ask the user before proceeding to the next $computerName, to display and confirm the status of group of $serviceNames that is being passed through the function.
In a text file servers.txt the contents are as follows:
And here is the powershell script, checking different services for each server using the split function
$textFile = Get-Content C:\temp\servers.txt
foreach ($line in $textFile) {
$computerName = $line.split("-")[0] #Getting computername by using Split
$serviceNames = $line.split("-")[1] #Getting Service names by using split
foreach ($serviceName in $serviceNames.split(",")) {
# Again using split to handle multiple service names
try {
Write-Host " Trying to start $serviceName in $computerName"
Get-Service -ComputerName $computerName -Name $serviceName | Start-Service -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "SUCCESS: $serviceName has been started"
catch {
Write-Host "Failed to start $serviceName in $computerName"
You could use the PSHostUserInterface.PromptForChoice method for this, here is an example of how you can implement it:
# Clear this variable before in case it's already populated
$choice = $null
foreach ($line in $textFile) {
$computerName = $line.split("-")[0]
$serviceNames = $line.split("-")[1]
# If previous choice was not equal to 2 (Yes to All), ask again
if($choice -ne 2) {
$choice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice(
"my title here", # -> Title
"Continue with: ${computerName}?", # -> Message
#("&Yes", "&No", "Yes to &All"), # -> Choices
0 # -> Default Choice (Yes)
# If choice was 1 (No), stop the script here
if($choice -eq 1) { return }
# Same logic here

Ping and Install applications for multiple PCs

I hope someone can help me with the following script:
The script I built works for 1 computer. It asks the user to enter the computer name, and It will check if the computer is ONLINE, if it is it will copy and install the application.
Now, I want to add another functionality. I want users to create a TXT file with all the computer names (line by line) and save them somewhere in the computer. The user will run the script, and a Windows Explorer would open requesting the location of the TXT file. So, the script will collect that data (I might be wrong, but should I use arrays for that?) From there, I am assuming a ForEach statement should do it right?
The most difficult (for me) part is... if the computer is OFFLINE, it will skip that computer, and go for the next one... when it reaches the end of the lines, it should go back to the first line and check if the computer (that was offline) is online. The tricky part is... if the computer already has the app installed, it should skip it, and continue to keep pinging computers and so on. I want the script to run until someone manually stops it, installed the app to all the pcs, or runs for 3 days.
This might be too much to ask, but... it would also be nice to see a report of all the computers where the app was successfully installed (I am sure this should be on the ForEACH portion).
Thank you all
function HarvesterMenu {
$PCName = read-host -Prompt "Enter the computer name"
$PCName = $PCName -replace '(^\s+|\s+$)','' -replace '\s+',' '
$pingPC = Test-Connection -ComputerName $PCName -Quiet -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($pingPC -eq $True) {
Write-host "ONLINE"
else {
Write-host "OFFLINE"
function HarvesterInstall($InstallOnPC) {
$Sourcefile = "\\SERVER1\discovery03$\HarvesterRemote.msi"
Copy-Item -Path $Sourcefile -Destination "\\$InstallOnPC\c$\windows\temp\HarvesterRemote.msi"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $InstallOnPC -ScriptBlock {
Start-Process c:\windows\temp\HarvesterRemote.msi -ArgumentList "/quiet" -Wait
Start-Sleep 3
$InstCompleted = Test-Path -Path '\\$InstallOnPC\C$\Program Files (x86)\Labs\Harvester Remote\Harvester\Harvester.exe'
Write-Host $InstCompleted
if ($InstCompleted -eq $True) {
Write-host "Harvester was successfuly installed on $InstallOnPC"
else {
Write-host "Something went wrong. Ping the server and try again"
$BacktoMenu = read-host -Prompt "Press Y to go back to the Main Menu or N to exist"
if ($backtoMenu -eq "y") {
else {
You can do that easily with a Foreach-Loop.
U need a File with the pc's u wanna install the application. maybe .txt or .csv
Then u can just address it in a foreach.
something like that:
$InputFile = 'C:\Temp\lIST.csv'
$addresses = get-content $InputFile
foreach($address in $addresses) {
if (test-Connection -ComputerName $address -Count 1 -Quiet ) {
write-Host "$address Online"
#ur harvesterinstall
Write-Warning "$address Offline"

Computer Type and Asset tag merge using PS

I wrote out a PowerShell Script to rename my computer, add it to specific OU's and join it to the domain. My question is we have two types of computer Desktop (DT) and Laptop (LT) and we give it an asset tag and I would like for it to ask me to select if it is a desktop or laptop and then ask for the asset tag number and then add the DT or LT in front of the asset tag number as the computer name (sorry if confused) example: DT01234 or LT01235. I will post my code below and bold the area that renames the computer. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Write-Host "Select Desktop or Laptop [1-2] [Default 1]:
1. Desktop
2. Laptop"
$computertype = Read-Host
Write-Host "Please Enter Asset Tag"
$NewCompName = Read-Host
$renamecomputer = $true
if ($NewCompName -eq "" -or $NewCompName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) {$NewCompName = $env:COMPUTERNAME; $renamecomputer = $false}
Write-Host "Please enter your desired location [1-7] [Default 1]:
1. Test
2. Compliance Stations
3. Controls Stations
4. Processing Stations
5. QC Stations
6. Receiving Stations
7. Shipping Stations"
$ou = Read-Host
#$creds = Get-Credential
function Test-ADCrential{
try {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
if(!$Credential) {
$Credential = Get-Credential -EA Stop
if($Credential.username.split("\").count -ne 2) {
throw "You haven't entered credentials in DOMAIN\USERNAME format. Given value : $($Credential.Username)"
$DomainName = $Credential.username.Split("\")[0]
$UserName = $Credential.username.Split("\")[1]
$Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$PC = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext([System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain, $DomainName)
if($PC.ValidateCredentials($UserName,$Password)) {
Write-Verbose "Credential validation successful for $($Credential.Username)"
return $True
} else {
throw "Credential validation failed for $($Credential.Username)"
} catch {
Write-Verbose "Error occurred while performing credential validation. $_"
return $False
$mycreds = Get-Credential
Write-Host "Adding $NewCompName to the domain"
Read-Host "Press enter to change computer name"
if ($renamecomputer -eq $true)
{Rename-Computer -NewName $NewCompName -DomainCredential $mycreds}
Read-Host "Press enter to restart computer"
Looks like you want something like this
if ($NewCompName -eq "" -or $NewCompName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
$NewCompName = $env:COMPUTERNAME; $renamecomputer = $false
elseif($NewCompName -inotmatch "^DT|^LT")
switch($computertype )
1{$NewCompNamePrefix = "DT"}
2{$NewCompNamePrefix = "LT"}
$NewCompName = $NewCompNamePrefix + $NewCompName
the -inotmatch is just making sure that if a $newcompname is inputted that already looks like DTwhatever or LTwhatever, it won't append an extra LT or DT
Unrelated (just me being a bit nitpicky):
Look into Read-host -Prompt and nest the prompts into do while loops, so you can validate that the input is what you're expecting.
something like this
$properChoices = #("a","b","c")
$choice = (Read-Host -Prompt "pick a, b, or c").ToLower()
"a"{"You picked $choice"}
"b"{"You picked $choice"}
"c"{"You picked $choice"}
default{Write-Warning "Invalid Input"}
while($choice -notin $properChoices)

Trying to script profile deletion for remote workstations

I work in a large company and that is global and I would like to be able to run a script that will allow me to clean up old profile remotely. I found this script but it doesn't seem to do anything. Does anyone have thought to why. I am a novice in powershell so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
function Remove-ProfileWD {
Interactive menu that allows a user to connect to a local or remote computer and remove a local profile.
Presents an interactive menu for user to first make a connection to a remote or local machine. After making connection to the machine,
the user is presented with all of the local profiles and then is asked to make a selection of which profile to delete. This is only valid
on Windows Vista OS and above for clients and Windows 2008 and above for server OS.
Presents a text based menu for the user to interactively remove a local profile on local or remote machine.
#Prompt for a computer to connect to
$Computer = Read-Host "Please enter a computer name"
#Test network connection before making connection
If ($computer -ne $Env:Computername) {
If (!(Test-Connection -comp $computer -count 1 -quiet)) {
Write-Warning "$computer is not accessible, please try a different computer or verify it is powered on."
Do {
#Gather all of the user profiles on computer
Try {
[array]$users = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer Win32_UserProfile -filter "LocalPath Like 'C:\\Users\\%'" -ea stop
Catch {
Write-Warning "$($error[0]) "
#Cache the number of users
$num_users = $users.count
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "User profiles on $($computer):"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "User profile Last Use ate"
#Begin iterating through all of the accounts to display
For ($i=0;$i -lt $num_users; $i++) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$($i): $(($users[$i].localpath).replace('C:\Users\','')) $(get-item \\$computer\C`$\users\$(($users[$i].localpath).replace('C:\Users\',''))| Foreach {$_.LastWriteTime}) "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "q: Quit"
#Prompt for user to select a profile to remove from computer
Do {
$account = Read-Host "Select a number to delete local profile or 'q' to quit"
#Find out if user selected to quit, otherwise answer is an integer
If ($account -NotLike "q*") {
$account = $account -as [int]
#Ensure that the selection is a number and within the valid range
Until (($account -lt $num_users -AND $account -match "\d") -OR $account -Like "q*")
If ($account -Like "q*") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Deleting profile: $(($users[$account].localpath).replace('C:\Users\',''))"
#Remove the local profile
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Profile: $(($users[$account].localpath).replace('C:\Users\','')) has been deleted"
#Configure yes choice
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes","Remove another profile."
#Configure no choice
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No","Quit profile removal"
#Determine Values for Choice
$choice = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] #($yes,$no)
#Determine Default Selection
[int]$default = 0
#Present choice option to user
$userchoice = $host.ui.PromptforChoice("","Remove Another Profile?",$choice,$default)
#If user selects No, then quit the script
Until ($userchoice -eq 1)

Restart the currently running script?

Alrighty, so I've got this much down.
# Prompts the script user to confirm that the account from
# $userName is indeed the one they want to Terminate
function Get-Confirmation {
param (
$confirmMessage = 'Are you sure that {0} is the user that you want to terminate?' -f $userName
$PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue($confirmMessage, 'Terminate User?')
# Code that populates $userName and starts the Termination process
if (Get-Confirmation -User $userName) {
# If confirmation == True: start Termination
# Copy user's security groups to $groups.txt in their user folder
Out-File $logFilePath -InputObject $userNameGroups.memberOf -Encoding utf8
# TODO: Remove $userName's security groups from AD Object
# Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Members $userNameGroups -Confirm:$false
Copy-Item -Path "\\path\to\active\user\folder" `
-Destination "\\path\to\terminated\user\folder"
} else {
# Don't Terminate
# TODO: Restart script to select another user
So my question is: how do I satisfy the TODO in the else statement? I've searched online, but the only thing that has come up is restarting the computer. I just want the script to be re-run. Is it as simple as ./scriptName?
Rather than "Restarting" your script you could check that the input is correct before even "Starting" your script, if all the input is correct there won't be any need to "Restart" :)
Here a Do-While loop is used to check that a username exists in AD before proceeding to the script below:
$message = "Please enter the username you'd like to terminate"
# Get a username from the user
$getUsername = Read-Host -prompt $message
# Check if it's in AD
$checkUsername = Get-ADUser -Identity $getUsername -ErrorAction Stop
# Couldn't be found
Write-Warning -Message "Could not find a user with the username: $getUsername. Please check the spelling and try again."
# Loop de loop (Restart)
$getUsername = $null
While ($getUsername -eq $null)
# Do-While succeeded so username is correct
# Put script to run if input is correct here