rsync: #ERROR: auth failed on module tomcat_backup - redhat

I just can't figure out what's going on with my RSync. I'm running RSync on RHEL5, ip = xx.xx.xx.97. It's getting files from RHEL5, ip = xx.xx.xx.96.
Here's what the log (which I specified on the RSync command line) shows on xx.97 (the one requesting the files):
(local time)
2015/08/30 13:40:01 [17353] #ERROR: auth failed on module tomcat_backup
2015/08/30 13:40:01 [17353] rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1530) [receiver=3.0.6]
Here's what the log(which is specified in the rsyncd.conf file) shows on xx.96 (the one supplying the files):
(UTC time)
2015/08/30 07:40:01 [8836] name lookup failed for xx.xx.xx.97: Name or service not known
2015/08/30 07:40:01 [8836] connect from UNKNOWN (xx.xx.xx.97)
2015/08/30 07:40:01 [8836] auth failed on module tomcat_backup from unknown (xx.xx.xx.97): password mismatch
Here's the actual command called from xx.xx.xx.97 (the requester):
export RSYNC_PASSWORD=rsyncclient
rsync -havz --log-file=/usr/local/bin/RSync/test.log rsync://rsyncclient#xx.xx.xx.96/tomcat_backup/ProcessSniffer/ /usr/local/bin/ProcessSniffer
Here's the rsyncd.conf on xx.xx.xx.97:
lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/
name = tomcat_backup
path = /usr/local/bin/
comment = The copy/backup of tomcat from .96
uid = tomcat
gid = tomcat
read only = no
list = yes
auth users = rsyncclient
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
hosts allow = xx.xx.xx.96/
Here's the rsyncd.secrets on xx.xx.xx.97:
Here's the rsyncd.conf on xx.xx.xx.96 (the supplier of files):
Note: there is a 'cwrsync' (Windows version of rsync) successfully calling for files also (xx.xx.xx.100)
Note: yes, there is the possibility of xx.96 requesting files from xx.97. However, this is NOT actually happening.
It's commented out of the init.d mechanism.
lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
log file = /var/log/rsync.log
pid file = /var/run/
strict modes = false
name = tomcat_backup
path = /usr/local/bin
comment = The copy/backup of tomcat from xx.97
uid = tomcat
gid = tomcat
read only = no
list = yes
auth users = rsyncclient
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
hosts allow = xx.xx.xx.97/, xx.xx.xx.100/
Here's the rsyncd.secrets on xx.xx.xx.97:

It was something else. I had a script calling the rsync command, and that was causing the problem. The actual rsync command line was ok.

This is what I have been through when I got this error. My first thinking was to check rsync server log. and it is not in the place configured in rsync.conf. Then I checked the log printed in systemctl status rsyncd
rsyncd[23391]: auth failed on module signaling from unknown ( missing secret for user "rsync_backup"
rsyncd[23394]: Badly formed boolean in configuration file: "no # rsync daemon before transmission, change to the root directory and limited within.".
rsyncd[23394]: params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: ignore errors # ignore some io error informations.
rsyncd[23394]: Badly formed boolean in configuration file: "false # if true, cannot upload file to this server.".
rsyncd[23394]: Badly formed boolean in configuration file: "false # if true, cannot download file from this server.".
rsyncd[23394]: Badly formed boolean in configuration file: "false # if true, can only list files here.".
Combining the fact that log configuration does not come into play. It seems that the comment after each line of configuration in rsync.conf makes configurations invalid. So I deleted those # ... and restart rsyncd.


Use local socket with mpd

I'm trying to switch from using the local network to a UNIX socket with mpd.To do so, i have my config file:
# Recommended location for database
db_file "~/.config/mpd/database"
# If running mpd using systemd, delete this line to log directly to systemd.
#log_file "syslog"
# The music directory is by default the XDG directory, uncomment to amend and choose a different directory
music_directory "~/Music"
# Uncomment to refresh the database whenever files in the music_directory are changed
auto_update "yes"
auto_update_depth "5"
# Uncomment to enable the functionalities
playlist_directory "~/.config/mpd/playlists"
pid_file "~/.config/mpd/pid"
state_file "~/.config/mpd/state"
#sticker_file "~/.config/mpd/sticker.sql"
bind_to_address "~/.config/mpd/socket"
restore_paused "yes"
audio_output {
type "pipewire"
name "PipeWire Sound Server"
I created a socket file in the folder ~/.config/mpd/socket
I also export MPD_HOST=~/.config/mpd/socket in order to be the default host. Nevertheless if i run the command:
mpc play , i have the error MPD error: Failed to resolve host name
But if i run MPD_HOST=~/.config/mpd/socket mpc play it work. I don't understand what i'm missing?

Config file missing when running Confluent Platform

When I start confluent platform I get an error [ERROR] unable to load config: unable to parse config file: /home/user/.confluent/config.json: unexpected end of JSON input. There is no file in the path shown in the error.
Unexpected EOF would suggest the file is present. .confluent directory is hidden, so it's not clear how you've checked if the file exists.
Try ls -laR~/.confluentorfind $HOME -name config.json`...
In any case, kafka-server-start should work fine, and I suggest using it

flask-assets append_path() catch-22

I have a package which contains static files I want to reuse among applications. Based on I came up with the following code snippet, to be used in each application's (the shared package is loutilities):
with app.app_context():
# js/css files
# os.path.split to get package directory
asset_env.append_path(os.path.join(os.path.split(loutilities.__file__)[0], 'tables-assets', 'static'))
but when ASSETS_DEBUG = False, this causes a ValueError exception for one of the files found in the package. (See for detailed traceback -- this is possibly related to
ValueError: Cannot determine url for /var/www/
Changed code to use a url parameter which now works fine for ASSETS_DEBUG = False
asset_env.append_path(os.path.join(os.path.split(loutilities.__file__)[0], 'tables-assets', 'static'), '/loutilities')
however now when ASSETS_DEBUG = True, I see that the file failed to load in the javascript console
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND) branding.css
Have worked around the Catch-22 using the inelegant code as follows, but wondering how to choose the append_path() url parameter which will work for both ASSETS_DEBUG = True or False.
with app.app_context():
# js/css files
# os.path.split to get package directory
loutilitiespath = os.path.split(loutilities.__file__)[0]
# kludge: seems like assets debug doesn't like url and no debug insists on it
if app.config['ASSETS_DEBUG']:
url = None
url = '/loutilities'
asset_env.append_path(os.path.join(loutilitiespath, 'tables-assets', 'static'), url)
One solution is to create a route for /loutilities/static, thus
# add loutilities tables-assets for js/css/template loading
# see
# and
# loutilities.__file__ is file inside loutilities; os.path.split gets package directory
loutilitiespath = os.path.join(os.path.split(loutilities.__file__)[0], 'tables-assets', 'static')
def loutilities_static(filename):
return send_from_directory(loutilitiespath, filename)
with app.app_context():
# js/css files
asset_env.append_path(loutilitiespath, '/loutilities/static')

Postgresql 11.1: "Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. Error with configuration or permissions."

I checked the log file and I think this is the part that caused the problem:
Setting up database
[15:30:54] Configuring pg11 to point to existing data dir D:\John's Files\My Documents\Code\Databases\PostgreSQL\data\pg11
Setting PostgreSQL port
= 5432
Executing C:\Installed Software\Developer Software\PostgreSQLv11.1/pgc config pg11 --datadir "D:\John's Files\My Documents\Code\Databases\PostgreSQL\data\pg11"
Script exit code: 1
Script output: ################################################
# FATAL SQL Error in check_release
# SQL Message = near "s": syntax error
# SQL Statement = SELECT r.component FROM releases r, versions v
WHERE r.component = v.component
AND r.component LIKE '%D:\John's Files\My Documents\Code\Databases\PostgreSQL\data\pg11%' AND v.is_current = 1
Script stderr: Program ended with an error exit code
Error with configuration or permissions. Please see log file for more information.
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
Error with configuration or permissions. Please see log file for more information.
I think the problem is the apostrophe in "John's". Does anyone know if that's right? Is there a fix to this problem? I don't want to rename my directory because Postgresql can't handle apostrophes.

xinetd - unable to write to a file

Running CentOS. xinetd.d/clhtest entry is as follows:
service clhtest
disable = no
port = 8020
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = charrison
passenv = PATH
server = /home/charrison/bin/clhtest
In debugging this I need to write to a file. I set the server process up to open /home/charrison/log/foo.txt as one of the first steps (note user=charrison), but it doesn't - and I assume it tries to. When I launch the server program from command line it opens the file successfully.
I suspect the umask parameter may be needed, but I don't know what it defaults to.
Any hints?