Google web designer, create and ads with remote feed - google-web-designer

I'm new to google web designer, and I'm trying to create a simple ads with content from a remote feed, this is work using dynamic properties of this tool , but how to do that with a hosted feed ?
any tuto or advice are welcome.

Is that a 3rd party feed, or is it coming from any Google Ads tool (ie DoubleClick Dynamic, or Adwords GPA feed)?
I assume the former.
In that case, what you can do is create a custom event.
From the event panel, listen for the Ads to be initialized. Add as a callback function the ajax call to your remote feed, and the logic to change elements in the Dom to reflect that changes.


Is it possible to add a web resource to canvas app

I have created a canvas power app. I am trying to use the paypal API: ,which gives you html to embed into your code. I know Power Apps is a no-code platform, but are you be able to connect a Canvas app to a Web Resource with html?
you cannot use javascript directly in your canvas app but there is something called PowerApps component framework. you can use PCF to have coded component in your canvas app.
There is an pcf gallery as well which contains community crated pcf controls which could be directly used.
In addition, it is not required if you want to consume 3rd party api that you use javascript. There is something called custom connectors/ or out of box connectores in power automate, you can call power automate (flows) from your canavas app and consume output/results from your flow.
Take a look at this connector article

How to upload Click conversions using the Google Ads API Rest Interface

I am trying to track a Click conversion with Google Ads using the Rest API but I can't find any helpful resources.
Right now the user flow looks like this:
User clicks on Ad -> User opens Website -> User downloads the Flutter App (gclid will be passed via dynamic links) -> User Signs up -> New Event will be triggered (contains gclid) -> Upload conversion to Google Ads
The problem lies with the last step. In I can only use a Rest Call to upload the converion to Google Ads. I cannot use the client library of Google and I can't figure out from the documentation which call exactly I have to make here.
(Unfortunatly Google itself is advising against using the Rest API but also states that it is possible by itself. Also I don't have any other options here than going the route via and making the Rest Call)
I would really appreciate any kind of help, thank you!
Method: customers.uploadClickConversions
Processes the given click conversions.

What is the simplest way to create a custom google assistant action that returns a piece of date from a web page

I want to develop a custom google assistant action that will get a web page, extract a piece of information, and read it aloud.
I'm looking for pointers for relevant sources.
If it's possible through services such as ifttt it's even better (though from what I saw the google assistant support in ifttt doesn't appear to support this scenario).
You're looking to create an Action with the Actions-on-Google API. The easiest way would probably be to create a Firebase Function with node.js that handles the AoG request from Google, makes the call to the web page, extracts the information you need in a form that can be read aloud, and sends that back.

IBM Urabancode using Restful API

Is it possible to pull components, Snapshots and Environment from Dashboard of UrbanCode into my Web application dropdown list using Rest APi. Thanks in Advance..
If you want the contents of the Dashboard view, which shows currently running processes, you can use the (internal, unsupported) REST API. By opening up the developer tools in your browser or a plugin such as Firebug and then loading the dashboard page, you can see the REST requests that create the page. The request that gets the current activity is something like this:
So you can use that GET call to rest/workflow/currentActivity to get the same sort of info that's on the dashboard. Is that what you're asking for?

Export Google Analytics chart for specific URL

I would like to show a graph of visitors (eg. 7 days back) on a specific subpage on my website - not the entire site!
I've been looking at:
.. but i cant figure out how to show a graph for a specific url/subpage.
Any ideas?
Follow these steps
1.Go to your Google Analytics Account.
2.Click on the 'gear' icon. It will show you 3 tabs-> Profile, Tracking Code and Property Settings. Click on Tracking Code.
Under What are you tracking? select A Single Domain radio button. It will show you its corresponding options on the right. Select I want to track PHP pages. It will show you the tracking code underneath. Copy paste the code in the php file/page you are willing to track.
Dont worry about the query parameters. They will be identified automatically with respect to the tracking code. So if your page identifies 100 different layouts with respect to the parameters, they will show up in your analytics account.
Use the following Api to export data from your account
Google Analytics PHP API
Then, after you have received the data, you can set up an ajax request that fetches the data from your PHP script and embeds it in your site using a javascript API chart builder. This is also available with Google
Google Charts API
Hope that helps. All the best!