How to upload Click conversions using the Google Ads API Rest Interface - rest

I am trying to track a Click conversion with Google Ads using the Rest API but I can't find any helpful resources.
Right now the user flow looks like this:
User clicks on Ad -> User opens Website -> User downloads the Flutter App (gclid will be passed via dynamic links) -> User Signs up -> New Event will be triggered (contains gclid) -> Upload conversion to Google Ads
The problem lies with the last step. In I can only use a Rest Call to upload the converion to Google Ads. I cannot use the client library of Google and I can't figure out from the documentation which call exactly I have to make here.
(Unfortunatly Google itself is advising against using the Rest API but also states that it is possible by itself. Also I don't have any other options here than going the route via and making the Rest Call)
I would really appreciate any kind of help, thank you!

Method: customers.uploadClickConversions
Processes the given click conversions.


Google Hangout API to make a call

I want to make a simple desktop icon that can be clicked to trigger a Google Hangout API call to a specific user.
I can't seem to find the right API to use or way to go about this.
Any suggestions?
i think this is not possible. the new hangouts api is only to create chat bots.
so you could create a chat bot that starts a conversation with a specific user and forwards your messages.

DialogFlow: Google Calendar Event function from Google Actions (Oauth2)?

I have created an agent in DialogFlow that interacts with the user giving her the ability to check for details like demographic from a back-end database. I have achieved this using Fulfillment/Webhook calls and have successfully parsed/returned different types of Responses to the user to play with. I have tested this on both an Android device and the Google Actions Simulator.
Now, what I want to achieve is to give user the ability to "Set a Reminder" on a platform like Google Calendar or similar through my App. By default, Google Assistant does this by simply telling it to "remind me..." and Google creates a reminder in the calendar. But as soon as I invoke my app, the Assistant is out of scope so using the "remind me" command won't work. I want to use the Google Calendar for example to create a reminder through my agent so that the user is notified at the due time.
I understand that when the user invokes an App in Google Assistant, she is using her Google credentials so I guess if I want to use the App to create a reminder, I should have the option. I have had a look at the Calendar API but I am not sure if I should proceed that way. Is there a better way of achieving this?
Please note, I want to use a reminder service that is available to the user without subscribing to a third-party service.
The Calendar API is the way to go. Details here.
In those docs you'll see reference to the access token, which you can get by using the helper intent askForSignIn (example of use here in one of Google's example projects).
Hope this helps!
So for all those who are facing the same issue, here is what I did:
First created an account on
Followed this guide to configure the necessary settings to link to Google Assistant (ignored the Jovo part)
Used Auth0 guide to configure and link to my Google project credentials (ignored the Admins SDK Service part)
Now when I run my Google Actions App on the device, a button "Link [App Name] to Google" showed up. Clicking on that "signed me in".
Parsed the response in my webhook to grab
This is the token mentioned in #lukedavis answer. The next step was to use the token to execute a call to the Calendar API. Upon trying that, I am facing a different problem which I am trying to find the solution for. But the above should assist those who wish get the accessToken.

What is the simplest way to create a custom google assistant action that returns a piece of date from a web page

I want to develop a custom google assistant action that will get a web page, extract a piece of information, and read it aloud.
I'm looking for pointers for relevant sources.
If it's possible through services such as ifttt it's even better (though from what I saw the google assistant support in ifttt doesn't appear to support this scenario).
You're looking to create an Action with the Actions-on-Google API. The easiest way would probably be to create a Firebase Function with node.js that handles the AoG request from Google, makes the call to the web page, extracts the information you need in a form that can be read aloud, and sends that back.

Windows 10 UAP: Share data on Facebook

Is it possible to correctly share data on Facebook post using DataRequest and DataTransferManager classes?
I am trying to create a Facebook post using DataTransferManager.DataRequested and DataTransferManager.TargetApplicationChosen handlers.
I have Facebook web page and I am providing link to it by calling dataRequest.Data.SetWebLink(facebookWebpageUri) in my DataTransferManager.TargetApplicationChosen handlers when chosen app is "facebook".
The problem is that Facebook should scrap the webpage for the data it shows in the post as it does in my Android and iOS apps but in my Windows 10 UAP it does not do this. It only shows the title and the text set by dataRequest.Data.SetText if I provide it before invoking share using DataTransferManager.ShowShareUI()
There are two type of app for sharing Interaction: one is source app, the other one is target app.
As a share source(UWP) app, we handle the source data, for your scenario, the facebook is the share target.
What we can do is dealing with the data you want to share, which we have done already. As the target app, facebook need to be able to resolve this source data, this work can not be done by the source app.
What you can try to do is:
Contact with the facebook to submit a suggestion.
Use the web api of facebook.
Try to find and use some third-party libraries of WinRT.

Export Google Analytics chart for specific URL

I would like to show a graph of visitors (eg. 7 days back) on a specific subpage on my website - not the entire site!
I've been looking at:
.. but i cant figure out how to show a graph for a specific url/subpage.
Any ideas?
Follow these steps
1.Go to your Google Analytics Account.
2.Click on the 'gear' icon. It will show you 3 tabs-> Profile, Tracking Code and Property Settings. Click on Tracking Code.
Under What are you tracking? select A Single Domain radio button. It will show you its corresponding options on the right. Select I want to track PHP pages. It will show you the tracking code underneath. Copy paste the code in the php file/page you are willing to track.
Dont worry about the query parameters. They will be identified automatically with respect to the tracking code. So if your page identifies 100 different layouts with respect to the parameters, they will show up in your analytics account.
Use the following Api to export data from your account
Google Analytics PHP API
Then, after you have received the data, you can set up an ajax request that fetches the data from your PHP script and embeds it in your site using a javascript API chart builder. This is also available with Google
Google Charts API
Hope that helps. All the best!