Reallocate Swift Let variable - swift

Swift question with the goal of understanding the language better:
I understand the difference between a var and let
var are mutable
let are final
I'm assuming both of these are written to the stack. Once a variable is created the object class that it stores is set. Is it every possible to change this?
let myVar = String("Hello")
// myVar.dynamicType is String
let myVar = Int(123)
myVar.dynamicType is Int
Is there a way to reallocate the memory for a variable? I want to use the same variable name to mean a different thing in a different section on the code.

Identifiers in Swift (both constant and mutable), as in most other static type-checked programming languages, have a scope (see the Wikipedia entry) that defines the extent of their validity. A scope could be the body of a function, a file, a module, or just the body of a for loop. In a language like Swift, you cannot reuse the same identifier for two different values or memory cells inside the same scope, but you can do it in two different scopes. So the answer to your question is: you cannot do it in the same scope, but you can do it in different scopes. Note, however that you are not using the same memory, just the same name associated to a different piece of memory (in case of var) or a different value (in case of let).
Actually you cannot delete neither the value associated to an identifier, neither the memory itself (as it seems that you think possible in your example). This is impossible in any language that has stack allocated entities, since the recovery from the stack is automatic at the end of the current block of code.


Documentation comment for loop variable in Xcode

I know that we can use
/// index variable
var i = 0
as a documentation comment for a single variable.
How can we do the same for a loop variable?
The following does not work:
var array = [0]
/// index variable
for i in array.indices {
// ...
var array = [0]
for /** index variable */ i in array.indices {
// ...
The reason why I don’t use "good" variable names is that I’m implementing a numerical algorithm which is derived using mathematical notation. It has in this case only single letter variable names. In order to better see the connection between the derivation and the implementation I use the same variable names.
Now I want to comment on the variables in code.
The use of /// is primarily intended for use of documenting the API of of a class, struct, etc. in Swift.
So if used before a class, func, a var/let in a class/struct, etc. you are attaching documentation to that code aspect that Xcode understands how to show inline. It doesn’t know how to pickup that information for things inside of function since at this time that is not the intention of /// (it may work for simple var/let but not likely fully on purpose).
Instead use a simple // code comment for the benefit of any those working in the code however avoid over documenting the code since good code is likely fairly self explaining to anyone versed in the language and adding unneeded documentations can get in the way of just reading the code.
This is a good reference for code documentation in Swift at this time Swift Documentation
I woud strongly push back on something like this if I saw it in a PR. i is a massively well adopted "term of art" for loop indices. Generally, if your variable declaration name needs to be commented, you need a better variable name. There are some exceptions, such as when it stores data with complicated uses/invariants that can't be captured in a better way in a type system.
I think commenting is one area that beginners get wrong, mainly from being misled by teachers or by not yet fully understanding the purpose of comments. Comments don't exist to create an english based, psuedo-programming language in which your entire app will be duplicated. Understanding the programming language is a minimal expectation out of contributors to a project. Absolutely no comments should be explaining programming language features. E.g. var x: Int = 0 // declares a new mutable variable called x, to the Int value 0, with the exception of tutorials for learning Swift.
Commenting in this manner might seem like it's helpful, because you could argue it explains things for beginners. That may be the case, but it's suffocating for all other readers. Imagine if novel had to define all the English words they used.
Instead, the goal of documentation to explain the purpose and the use of things. To answer such questions as:
Why did you implement something this way, and not another way?
What purpose does this method serve?
When will this method of my delegate be called?
Case Study: Equatable
For a good example, take a look at the documentation of Equatable
Some things to notice:
It's written for an audience of Swift developers. It uses many things, which it does not explain such as, arrays, strings, constants, variable declaration, assignment, if statements, method calls (such as Array.contains(_:)), string interpolation, the print function.
It explains the general purpose of this protocol.
It explains how to use this protocol
It explains how you can adopt this protocol for your own use
It documents contractual requirements that cannot be enforced by the type system.
Since equality between instances of Equatable types is an equivalence relation, any of your custom types that conform to Equatable must satisfy three conditions, for any values a, b, and c:
a == a is always true (Reflexivity)
a == b implies b == a (Symmetry)
a == b and b == c implies a == c (Transitivity)
It explains possible misconceptions about the protocol ("Equality is Separate From Identity")

define help for variable in Matlab

In Matlab, it is easy to generate "help" for a function, as follows.
function out = foo()
% helpful information about foo
When we execute help foo, we get "helpful information about foo".
However, suppose we would like to define help for a variable, probably as a definition. How could we do such a thing? It would be nice if we could do something like
x = 3; % m ... position
help x
and get "m ... position". However, I don't believe such functionality exists.
The only reasonable way I see around this is to define every variable as a struct with keys value and description.
x.value = 3;
x.description = 'm/s ... position';
This requires we define every variable as a struct, which is kind of annoying and, I worry (should I?), unperformant (it's simulation code and these variables are accessed repeatedly).
Is there another solution I'm not considering? Should I be worried about making every variable a struct?
Your code should be self-documenting. Instead of variable name x, use position.
Furthermore, all variables should be local, so you can easily look for its definition (with comment) within the function you are editing.
Variables declared further away (with larger scope within the function) should have longer, more self-explanatory names than variables with a smaller scope (e.g. use within a short loop.
There are only two three cases where variables are declared outside the function’s scope:
Class properties. You can actually document these.
In a script, you have access to variables that already existed before the script started. A good reason not to use scripts or depend on the base namespace in larger projects.
Global variables. You should never use global variables for many reasons. Just don’t.

how single and double type variables work in the same copy of code in Matlab like template in C++

I am writing a signal processing program using matlab. I know there are two types of float-pointing variables, single and double. Considering the memory usage, I want my code to work with only single type variable when the system's memory is not large, while it can also be adapted to work with double type variables when necessary, without significant modification (simple and light modification before running is OK, i.e., I don't need runtime-check technique). I know this can be done by macro in C and by template in C++. I don't find practical techniques which can do this in matlab. Do you have any experience with this?
I have a simple idea that I define a global string containing "single" or "double", then I pass this string to any memory allocation method called in my code to indicate what type I need. I think this can work, I just want to know which technique you guys use and is widely accepted.
I cannot see how a template would help here. The type of c++ templates are still determined in compile time (std::vector vec ...). Also note that Matlab defines all variables as double by default unless something else is stated. You basically want runtime checks for your code. I can think of one solution as using a function with a persistent variable. The variable is set once per run. When you generate variables you would then have to generate all variables you want to have as float through this function. This will slow down assignment though, since you have to call a function to assign variables.
This example is somehow an implementation of the singleton pattern (but not exactly). The persistent variable type is set at the first use and cannot change later in the program (assuming that you do not do anything stupid as clearing the variable explicitly). I would recommend to go for hardcoding single in case performance is an issue, instead of having runtime checks or assignment functions or classes or what you can come up with.
function c = assignFloat(a,b)
persistent type;
if (isempty(type) & nargin==2)
type = b;
elseif (isempty(type))
type = 'single';
% elseif(nargin==2), error('Do not set twice!') % Optional code, imo unnecessary.
if (strcmp(type,'single'))
c = single(a);
c = double(a);

var vs let in Swift [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between `let` and `var` in Swift?
(32 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm new to Swift programming, and I've met the var and let types. I know that let is a constant and I know what that means, but I never used a constant mainly because I didn't need to. So why should I use var instead of let, at what situation should I use it?
Rather than constant and variable, the correct terminology in swift is immutable and mutable.
You use let when you know that once you assign a value to a variable, it doesn't change - i.e. it is immutable. If you declare the id of a table view cell, most likely it won't change during its lifetime, so by declaring it as immutable there's no risk that you can mistakenly change it - the compiler will inform you about that.
Typical use cases:
A constant (the timeout of a timer, or the width of a fixed sized label, the max number of login attempts, etc.). In this scenario the constant is a replacement for the literal value spread over the code (think of #define)
the return value of a function used as input for another function
the intermediate result of an expression, to be used as input for another expression
a container for an unwrapped value in optional binding
the data returned by a REST API call, deserialized from JSON into a struct, which must be stored in a database
and a lot more. Every time I write var, I ask myself: can this variable change?. If the answer is no, I replace var with let. Sometimes I also use a more protective approach: I declare everything as immutable, then the compiler will let me know when I try to modify one of them, and for each case I can proceed accordingly.
Some considerations:
For reference types (classes), immutable means that once you assign an instance to the immutable variable, you cannot assign another instance to the same variable.
For value types (numbers, strings, arrays, dictionaries, structs, enums) immutable means that that once you assign a value, you cannot change the value itself. For simple data types (Int, Float, String) it means you cannot assign another value of the same type. For composite data types (structs, arrays, dictionaries) it means you cannot assign a new value (such as a new instance of a struct) and you cannot change any of their stored properties.
Also an immutable variable has a semantic meaning for the developer and whoever reading the code - it clearly states that the variable won't change.
Last, but maybe less important from a pure development point of view, immutables can be subject to optimizations by the compiler.
Generally speaking, mutable state is to avoid as much as possible.
Immutable values help in reasoning about code, because you can easily track them down and clearly identify the value from the start to the end.
Mutable variables, on the other hand, make difficult to follow your data flow, since anyone can modify them at any time. Especially when dealing with concurrent applications, reasoning about mutable state can quickly become an incredibly hard task.
So, as a design principle, try to use let whenever possible and if you need to modify an object, simply produce a new instance.
Whenever you need to use a var, perhaps because using it makes the code clearer, try to limit their scope as much as possible and not to expose any mutable state. As an example, if you declare a var inside a function, it's safe to do so as long as you don't expose that mutability to the caller, i.e. from the caller point of view, it must not matter whether you used a var or a val in the implementation.
In general, if you know a variable's value is not going to change, declare it as a constant. Immutable variables will make your code more readable as you know for sure a particular variable is never being changed. This might also be better for the compiler as it can take advantage of the fact that a variable is constant and perform some optimisations.
This doesn't only apply to Swift. Even in C when the value of a variable is not be changed after being initialised, it's good practise to make sure it's const.
So, the way you think about "I didn't need to" should change. You don't need a constant only for values like TIMEOUT etc. You should have a constant variable anywhere you know the value of a variable doesn't need to be changed after initialisation.
Note: This is more of a general "programming as a whole" answer and not specific to Swift. #Antonio's answer has more of a focus on Swift.

Why some variable of struct take preprocessor to function?

Variables of struct declared by data type of language in the header file. Usually data type using to declare variables, but other data type pass to preprocessors. When we should use to a data type send to preprocessor for declare variables? Why data type and variables send to processor?
#define DECLARE_REFERENCE(type, name) \
union { type name; int64_t name##_; }
typedef struct _STRING
int32_t flags;
int32_t length;
DECLARE_REFERENCE(char*, identifier);
DECLARE_REFERENCE(uint8_t*, string);
DECLARE_REFERENCE(uint8_t*, mask);
DECLARE_REFERENCE(MATCH*, matches_list_head);
DECLARE_REFERENCE(MATCH*, matches_list_tail);
Why this code is doing this for declarations? Because as the body of DECLARE_REFERENCE shows, when a type and name are passed to this macro it does more than just the declaration - it builds something else out of the name as well, for some other unknown purpose. If you only wanted to declare a variable, you wouldn't do this - it does something distinct from simply declaring one variable.
What it actually does? The unions that the macro declares provide a second name for accessing the same space as a different type. In this case you can get at the references themselves, or also at an unconverted integer representation of their bit pattern. Assuming that int64_t is the same size as a pointer on the target, anyway.
Using a macro for this potentially serves several purposes I can think of off the bat:
Saves keystrokes
Makes the code more readable - but only to people who already know what the macros mean
If the secondary way of getting at reference data is only used for debugging purposes, it can be disabled easily for a release build, generating compiler errors on any surviving debug code
It enforces the secondary status of the access path, hiding it from people who just want to see what's contained in the struct and its formal interface
Should you do this? No. This does more than just declare variables, it also does something else, and that other thing is clearly specific to the gory internals of the rest of the containing program. Without seeing the rest of the program we may never fully understand the rest of what it does.
When you need to do something specific to the internals of your program, you'll (hopefully) know when it's time to invent your own thing-like-this (most likely never); but don't copy others.
So the overall lesson here is to identify places where people aren't writing in straightforward C, but are coding to their particular application, and to separate those two, and not take quirks from a specific program as guidelines for the language as a whole.
Sometimes it is necessary to have a number of declarations which are guaranteed to have some relationship to each other. Some simple kinds of relationships such as constants that need to be numbered consecutively can be handled using enum declarations, but some applications require more complex relationships that the compiler can't handle directly. For example, one might wish to have a set of enum values and a set of string literals and ensure that they remain in sync with each other. If one declares something like:
ENUM_LIST_ITEM(STATE_INIT, "Initializing") \
ENUM_LIST_ITEM(STATE_REQ_SYNC, "Starting synchronization") \
// This line should be left blank except for this comment
Then code can use the GENERATE_STATE_ENUM_LIST macro both to declare an enum type and a string array, and ensure that even if items are added or removed from the list each string will match up with its proper enum value. By contrast, if the array and enum declarations were separate, adding a new state to one but not the other could cause the values to get "out of sync".
I'm not sure what the purpose the macros in your particular case, but the pattern can sometimes be a reasonable one. The biggest 'question' is whether it's better to (ab)use the C preprocessor so as to allow such relationships to be expressed in valid-but-ugly C code, or whether it would be better to use some other tool to take a list of states and would generate the appropriate C code from that.