Only run supervisor restart if the process is not already running? - supervisord

I have a regular cron entry to restart a supervisor process, in case my site has gone down:
01 12 * * * /usr/bin/supervisorctl restart {instance name}
But is there a way I can only restart if the site has actually gone down, i.e. if the instance is not running?
Alternatively, is there a way I can do a graceful restart?


How to check if symfony messenger is working

I have a pod running in kubernetes / aws cloud. Due to limited configuration options in a custom deployment process (not my fault!!) I cannot start the symfony messenger as you usually would start it. What I have to do after a deployment is log into the shell and manually do
bin/console messenger:consume my_kafka_messages
Of course as soon as the pod for any reason is automatically restarted my worker isn't running. So until we can change the company deployment process I have to make sure to at least get notice if the worker isn't running.
Is there any option to e.g. run an symfony command which checks if the worker is running? If that was possible I could let the system start the worker or at least send me a notification.
How about
bin/console debug:messenger
If I do that and get e.g. this output is this sign that the worker is running? Or is it just the configuration of a worker, which could run, if it were started and may or may not run currently?
$ bin/console deb:mess
The following messages can be dispatched:
handled by App\Handler\ProductPictureHandler
Of course I can do a crude approach and check the db, which logs the processed datasets. But t is always possible that for e.g. 5 days there are no data to process. In that case I would get false alarms although everything is fine.
So checking directly if the worker is running would be much better, but I have no idea how to do it.

Stop mosquitto autorestart on centos7

I'm trying to stop the Mosquitto broker service on a centos 7 server.
I've stopped the service with
sudo systemctl stop mosquitto.service
then I've disabled it with
sudo systemctl disable mosquitto.service
with ps I still get
/usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
if I kill it, it autorestarts automatically and even after a reboot It's still running.
The process is owned by an other user (admin).
How can I stop it definitively?
This has nothing to do with mosquitto but how systemd manages its services.
systemctl disable only affects the autostart of the service but a disabled service will still get started if another service depends on it.
Lets say you have got a service mqtt-client depending on mosquitto with e.g. Wants=mosquitto. Every time mqtt-client is started the mosquitto service gets started as well, even if it is disabled.
So one way is either to prevent mqtt-client from starting as well (and all other services which depend on mosquitto) or remove the dependency.
Another approach is to totally prevent the service from being loaded by masking it:
systemctl mask mosquitto - this way you can neither start it manually nor by another service.
I would recommend reworking your dependencies in the long run since masking will just create a symlink to dev/null so nothing happens if service gets loaded and you are not able to start it by yourself without unmasking it first.

systemd `systemctl stop` aggressively kills subprocesses

I've a daemon-like process that starts two subprocesses (and one of the subprocesses starts ~10 others). When I systemctl stop my process the child subprocesses appear to be 'aggressively' killed by systemctl - which doesn't give my process a chance to clean up.
How do I get systemctl stop to quit the aggressive kill and thus to allow my process to orchestrate an orderly clean up?
I tried timeoutSec=30 to no avail.
KillMode= defaults to control-group. That means every process of your service is killed with SIGTERM.
You have two options:
Handle SIGTERM in each of your processes and shutdown within TimeoutStopSec (which defaults to 90 seconds)
If you really want to delegate the shutdown from your main process, set KillMode=mixed. SIGTERM will be sent to the main process only. Then again shutdown within TimeoutStopSec. If you do not shutdown within TimeoutStopSec, systemd will send SIGKILL to all your processes.
Note: I suggest to use KillMode=mixed in option 2 instead of KillMode=process, as the latter would send the final SIGKILL only to your main process, which means your sub-processes would not be killed if they've locked up.
A late (possible) answer, but as I googled for weeks with a similar issue, finding nothing, I figured I add my solution.
My error was that I ran the systemd unit as root and switched (using sudo) to "the correct" user in the startscript (inherited from SysVinit script).
That starts the processes in the user.slice which is killed mercilessly on shutdown. When I changed the unit file to run as the correct user (USER=myuser) and removed sudo from the start script, the processes start in the system.slice and get properly handled on shutdown.

Wakanda Server solution.quitServer() sequence of operations

I have already read the thread:
Wakanda Server scripted clean shutdown
This does not address my question.
We are running Wakanda Server 11.197492.
We want an automated, orderly, ensured shut-down of Wakanda Server - no matter which version we are running.
Before we give the "shutdown" command, we will stop inbound traffic for 1 to 2 minutes, to ensure that no httpHandlers are running when we shut-down.
We have scripted a single SharedWorker process to look for the "shutdown" command, and execute solution.quitServer().
At this time no other ShareWorker processes are running, and no active threads should be executing. This will likely not always be the case.
When this is executed, is a "solution quit" guaranteed?
Is solution.quitServer() the best way to initiate an automated solution shutdown?
Will there be a better way?
Is there a way to know of any of the Solution's Projects are currently executing threads prior to shutting down?
If more than 1 Project issues a solution.quitServer() method, within a few seconds of eachother, will that be a problem?
solution.quitServer() is probably not the best way to shutdown your server as it will be deprecated in the next major release.
I would recommend to send a sigkill as you point out in your question.
Wakanda Server scripted clean shutdown
Some fix have been done on v1.1.0 to safely close wakanda server after a kill.

How to properly check if a slow starting java tomcat application is running so you can restart it?

I want to implement a automatic service restarting for several tomcat applications, applications that do take a lot of time to start, even over 10 minutes.
Mainly the test would check if the application is responding on HTTP with a valid response.
Still, this is not the problem, the problem is how to prevent this uptime check to fail while the service is under maintenance, scheduled or not.
I don't want for this service to be started if it was stopped manually, with `service appname stop".
I considered creating .maintenance files on stop or restart actions of the daemon and checking for them before triggering an automated restart.
So far the only problem that I wasn't able to properly solve was, how to detect that the app finished starting up and remove the .maintenance file, so the automatic restart would work properly.
Note, an init.d script is not supposed to wait, so the daemon should start a background command that solves this problem.