VSIX KeyBindings not assign - vsix

I need issgin CTRL+F12 and CTRL+G
This code not work
<KeyBinding guid="guidCmdSet" id="cmdSolutionList" editor="guidVSStd97" key1="VK_F12" mod1="CONTROL" />
<KeyBinding guid="guidCmdSet" id="cmdCodeItemsList" editor="guidVSStd97" key1="G" mod1="CONTROL" />
But this code work
<KeyBinding guid="guidCmdSet" id="cmdCodeItemsList" editor="guidVSStd97" key1="0" mod1="CONTROL" />
Why not work?
How assign CTRL+F12 and CTRL+G?

Set binding with code
Command command = SolutionList.DTE.Commands.Item("Name1", -1);
command.Bindings = "Global::Ctrl+F12";
command = SolutionList.DTE.Commands.Item("Name2", -1);
command.Bindings = "Global::Ctrl+G";


Modify the Outlook CustomUI XML by powershell

friends. I want to check every of my company users' outlook customUI configuration file. Delete 2 UI buttons if any. I am trying to do it by powershell. But failed to do so. Any advice for my script?
Below is the XML content of olkexpplorer.officeUI. I need to check & delete the items in blockquotes in case they are existed in the configuration file.
<mso:customUI xmlns:x1="Microsoft.Forefront.SpamReporterAddin.Connect" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">
<mso:qat />
<mso:tab idQ="mso:TabMail">
<mso:group id="mso_c1.45620CF" label="Phishing Report" imageMso="TrustCenter" autoScale="true"
<mso:control idQ="x1:ExplorerPhishReportMenuButton" imageMso="TrustCenter" visible="true"/>
> <mso:group id="mso_c2.14817EBA" label="Junk" autoScale="true">
> <mso:control idQ="x1:ExplorerSpamReportMenuButton" visible="true" />
> <mso:control idQ="x1:ExplorerPhishReportMenuButton" imageMso="GreenBall" visible="true" />
> </mso:group>
Here is my script
$input = [xml](Get-Content -Path “$path_to_office\olkexplorer.officeUI”)
($input.customUI.ChildNodes |Where-object { $deletenames -contains $_.Name}) | ForEach-
First of all, it is not clear how the ribbon XML looks like after running your code:
Anyway, you can do any modifications until the ribbon XML is loaded by the host application. At runtime, you may consider using callbacks where they are available and call the IRIbbonUI.Invalidate or IRibbonUI.InvalidateControl methods to get your custom UI invalidated and callbacks triggered. Here is what MSDN states:
For each of the callbacks the add-in implements, the responses are cached. For example, if an add-in writer implements the getImage callback procedure for a button, the function is called once, the image loads, and then if the image needs to be updated, the cached image is used instead of recalling the procedure. This process remains in-place until the add-in signals that the cached values are invalid by using the Invalidate method, at which time, the callback procedure is again called and the return response is cached. The add-in can then force an immediate update of the UI by calling the Refresh method.
The problem with your approach is that ChildNodes() only returns the immediate child nodes and not all child nodes (and using $input as a variable name is not considered a good practice anyway because its a reserved variable name).
So instead of ChildNodes() I would access the child node directly like so
$input.customUI.ribbon.tabs.tab.group | where-object { $DeleteNames -contains $_.id}
I would prefer the System.Xml.Linq classes like XDocument and XElement over the [xml] type alias because they make dealing with Xml inside a PowerShell script a little more convenient.
if this is the input xml:
$XmlCode = #'
<mso:customUI xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">
<mso:control idQ="mso:FileNewDefault" visible="false"/>
<mso:control idQ="mso:FileOpen" visible="false"/>
<mso:control idQ="mso:FileSave" visible="true"/>
<mso:control idQ="mso:FileSendAsAttachment" visible="false"/>
<mso:control idQ="mso:FilePrintQuick" visible="false"/>
<mso:control idQ="mso:SpellingAndGrammar" visible="false"
<mso:control idQ="mso:Undo" visible="true"
<mso:control idQ="mso:RedoOrRepeat" visible="true"
<mso:control idQ="mso:TableDrawTable" visible="false"
<mso:control idQ="mso:FileOpenRecentFile" visible="false"
<mso:control idQ="mso:FontDialog" visible="true"
<mso:control idQ="mso:FontSizeDecreaseWord" visible="true"
<mso:control idQ="mso:FontSize" visible="true"
<mso:control idQ="mso:PageSetupDialog" visible="true"
<mso:control idQ="mso:PrintPreviewAndPrint" visible="true"/>
the following Powershell commands would remove all mso:control nodes with visible="false":
using namespace System.Xml.Linq
Add-Type -Assembly System.Xml.Linq
$xmlCode = "<<as shown above>>"
$xRoot = [XDocument]::Parse($xmlCode)
$msoNs = [XNamespace]::get("http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui")
$DeleteNodes = $xRoot.Descendants($msoNs + "control").where{$_.Attribute("visible").Value -eq "false"}
# Save the new xml
$XmlPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
XDocument has a Load() method for loading a xml file directly so there is no need to use the Parse() method (I was using for the sake of this example).
The only small drawback comparing to [xml] is that you have to consider namespaces.

web.config changes for KB3159706

i spent a few hours trying to code this by myself, but i don't know much about editing the web.config and all the examples i found don't come close to what i need. CHANGE#1 is unique because it does include the typical key=value.
I want to be able to script (PowerShell) the required modifications of Web.Config, only if the values do not already exist.
Onsert this
(if not already there and "true"): multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true"
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true"/>
Insert this if not already there:
<endpoint address=""
contract="Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.IClientWebService" />
<endpoint address="secured"
contract="Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.IClientWebService" />
It goes between here:
<!-- ... CODE FROM CHANGE#2 GOES HERE ... -->
This is the code so far for change#1 (not working):
$sWSUSwebConfig = "C:\Program Files\Update Services\WebServices\ClientWebService\Web.Config"
$xFileContent = [Xml](Get-Content $sWSUSwebConfig)
$root = $xFileContent.get_DocumentElement()
foreach ($item in $root."system.serviceModel"."serviceHostingEnvironment") {
if ($item."multipleSiteBindingsEnabled" -ine "true") {
$activeConnection = $root.serviceHostingEnvironment
$activeConnection.SetAttribute("multipleSiteBindingsEnabled", "true")
#$item.add."multipleSiteBindingsEnabled" = "true"
$iKeyFound = $true
Reference for modifications: step 3 from kb3159706.

Adding suffix to a list with foreach

I am including a .properties file, which has a list of properties:
configuration.files = file1, file2
configuration.files.file1.source = config/filename1
configuration.files.file2.source = config/filename2
Now I need the paths for each file changed to something like this:
To achieve that, I tried to foreach this list and prepend that suffix and overriding the existing property:
<foreach list="${configuration.files}" target="_prepend-vendor-path" param="file" >
<property name="configuration.files.${file}.source" value="/vendor/project/${configuration.files.${file}.source}" override="true"/>
<target name="_prepend-vendor-path" >
<echo msg="${configuration.files.${file}.source}" />
This doesn't work and I can't figure out why. Is it even possible to use target names like ${suffix}.name ? If not, how could I achive my goal here?
I just did some workaround for this, writing out the properties and their values to a file and readin them after the loop has finished with override = true:
<target name="_prepend-vendor-path" >
<exec dir="${project.basedir}" command="echo configuration.files.${file}.source = /vendor/project/${configuration.files.${file}.source} >> ${project.temp.config}" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" />
and after the foreach simply:
<property file="${project.temp.config}" override="true"/>
For some reason the properties won't be overridden in the foreach and I just can't figgure out why, but this little trick made it for me.
You can suffix your property values from your file with the property task using a filterchain and a regular expression replacement:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Phing Build Tests" default="append-custom-path" basedir=".">
<target name="append-custom-path">
<property file="prop.properties">
<regexp pattern="^(.*)" replace="vendor/project/$1"/>

Return value when internally calling target with phing/phingcall

I am calling a target by means of phingcall command.
I want to pass back a status variable from the called target or at least change the existing value from the calling target.
Goal: I want to branch in my main target controlling logic if the sub target fails which I indicate with a property.
The code below does not work. Any idea how to make it work or an altertive approach for my goal?
<target name="main">
<echo>target a</echo>
<exec command="echo 1" outputProperty="bOk" />
<echo>bOk is 1: ${bOk}</echo>
<phingcall inheritRefs="true" target="sub">
<echo>bOk should now be 0: ${bOk}</echo>
<target name="sub">
<echo>target b</echo>
<echo>bOk is 1: ${bOk}</echo>
<exec command="echo 0" outputProperty="bOk" />
<echo>bOk now is 0: ${bOk}</echo>
The problem here is that
<echo>bOk should now be 0: ${bOk}</echo>
bOk should now be 0: 1
Even with the great help of #phing IRC I couldn't solve the problem.
I decided to write a custom task to account for data passing between targets:
require_once "phing/Task.php";
class rvGlobalTask extends Task {
private static $bOk = 1;
private $sMode = null;
private $bValue = null;
private $outputProperty = null;
public function setSMode( $sMode ) {
$this->sMode = $sMode;
public function setBValue( $bValue ) {
$this->bValue = $bValue;
public function setOutputProperty( $outputProperty ) {
$this->outputProperty = $outputProperty;
public function main() {
if ( $this->sMode == "set" ) {
rvGlobalTask::$bOk = $this->bValue;
} else {
This works fine for my problem. Perhaps someone else finds this useful as well.
Here's how you use an ExecTask to capture output.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="example" default="check-composer">
<!-- set a property to contain the output -->
<property name="whichComposer" value="" />
<!-- check if composer (getcomposer.org) is installed globally -->
<target name="check-composer">
<!-- put the output of "which" in our property -->
<exec command="which composer" outputProperty="whichComposer" />
<!-- act on what we found out -->
<contains string="${whichComposer}" substring="composer" />
<echo>Composer installed at ${whichComposer}</echo>
<echo message="better install composer. ${whichComposer}"/>

Nant reading file in reverse order

I have a text file. I need to read the content of the file from the reverse order (from EOF). Please let me know how I can achieve it using Nant script.
You could write it in C# inside your NAnt script like this:
<target name="read">
<script language="C#" prefix="myprefix" >
public static string ReverseLines( string s )
string[] lines = s.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string result = "";
foreach (string line in lines)
result = line + "\r\n" + result;
return result;
<loadfile file="myfile.txt" property="contents" />
<echo message="File contents in correct order:" />
<echo message="${contents}" />
<echo message="File contents in reverse order:" />
<echo message="${myprefix::reverse-lines(contents)}" />
You could use the Windows program sort /R to create a sorted copy of the file.