Adaptive Payments API - Chained Refunds - paypal

I am interested in using Adaptive Payments API to setup a simple service site where I act as an agent between a seller and a buyer.
Lets say the buyer purchases a product for $100, I take a $20 cut and the $80 goes to the seller. Now lets say the buyer is unhappy and wants a refund.
How does the system actually work this, with myself holding the Paypal business account if I issue a refund will it refund both my $20 and the $80 from the sellers account? Or does the buyer have to request a refund from the seller directly?

The seller need to grant you with permission to make a refund on behalf of him, so that you could call the Refund API . You may refer to the below page for more details .


Is it possible to send an ACH payment directly from a US bank account to a PayPal account?

Is it possible to send a payment through PayPal, where the payment originates as an ACH payment, and then is sent to a PayPal account holder, without having to originate the payment from a PayPal account?
Put differently — we would like to send a payment to a PayPal account holder, without first having to pull the money into our own PayPal account. We process payments via ACH, and we'd prefer to not have to deposit the funds into our PayPal account before transferring them to the destination PayPal account. We'd prefer to be able to deposit them directly into the PayPal account.
Is that possible?
The only way to do that would be to have a 3rd party user add your bank account to their PayPal account so they could submit deposits directly into their PayPal account from your bank. I'm guessing that's not what you're after.
If you simply submit a regular PayPal payment, though, while it will technically flow through the PayPal account it would go directly to the receiver's PayPal account instantly as long as you have a credit card associated with your PayPal account. This is much faster than ACH and protects your bank account details from receivers as well, so that's really what I would recommend anyway.
The only disadvantage I can see to having it flow through PayPal is may an additional entry for your accountant to deal with in the books (transfer from bank to PayPal, then payment from PayPal to vendor) but that is not a very big problem. The advantages far outweigh that in my opinion.

Using Paypal MassPay in an eCommerce application (revenue shares, commissions)

I understand that Paypal's MassPay can be used to, as a business, quickly make payments to multiple people. I also understand that the business sending the mass payment is responsible for the transaction fees, and that the recipients of the payments are not charged any further fees.
I am curious if it's possible to utilize MassPay to account for revenue shares / commissions when a buyer purchases a product through an eCommerce application.
For instance: my application allows users to buy and sell products. My business keeps 20% of every sale, and the seller receives the remaining 80%.
A seller sells a product for $100 to a buyer through my application. My business should receive $20, and the seller should receive $80. The buyer completes the checkout / purchase process by making a $100 payment through Paypal. My application has MassPay configured in a way that will send $20 of that $100 to my business's Paypal account, and the other $80 of that 100$ to the seller's Paypal account.
Is such a thing even possible?
if the answer is yes…
How will this appear in the Paypal accounts (activity / transaction history) of the buyer, the seller, and my business?
What if the buyer has a problem with the product they purchased, and they open a dispute with Paypal? Will they have to open a dispute for one transaction ($100), or two ($80 and $20)?
Because the buyer is the person making this mass payment, will they be charged additional fees in some way? Will those fees need to be factored into their purchase cost during the checkout process?
Thanks in advance.
You can absolutely use masspay to send "contingent" payments like rev shares and commissions; in fact this is the product's most common usage. It was built for that.
You may also be able to use PayPal products like chained or parallel payments to create multi-link payment flows.
In most cases you want payments to flow along with responsibilities/agreements. For example if I buy something (e.g. a t-shirt) I don't want to make multiple payments to supply chain members; I want to buy the shirt from someone and pay them, and it is their responsibility to take it from there; they may then owe a commission to someone (or to 10 different parties, I don't care), or they may owe a supplier (or a bunch of them)... not my problem.
So I strongly urge you to decide what model you want: is someone buying a product from you, and you will pay a supplier? is someone buying a product from a seller, and the seller will owe you a commission for providing the customer through your marketplace? Then set up your payment flows accordingly.
In the former case (ecommerce store) masspay is an excellent fit: the customer pays you and then you masspay (on a per-transaction or aggregated basis) payments to your suppliers. The buyer only sees the payment they are party to, which is their payment to you. Any dispute is between you and your buyer.
In the latter case (marketplace) the customer pays the full (total including commission) price to your sellers. Then you don't need to push a payment to your sellers but rather to collect a payment from them, so you would likely use invoicing or a billing agreement to collect your commissions.

Paypal API - Can we transfer money to single account from multiple senders in a transaction?

Let us assume that some money is deposited to the admins account when a user signups . Now the same user when goes to buy a item he gets some kind of discount for ex:- the item he wants to buy costs $500 but he gets $100 discount so he has to pay only $400 . Now the remaining $100 will be diposited from admins account to the sellers account . so the seller gets $400 from buyer and $100 from admin in a single transaction .
Is it possible in Paypal ? Your ideas/suggestions would be helpful. Please do it.
Currently there is no single API call that would do what you are looking for. You could code it where you accept the payment and then make a 2nd payment out to the seller. You could even look into Chained Payment Adaptive Payments for part of it (You are the primary receiver and accept the payment and then chain most of that payment over to the secondary receiver).
You should be able to do this with PayPal adaptive payments, using parallel payment. It is the same as chained, except there is no primary leg. All the payment legs would have the same receiver, 6 is total number of receivers in the parallel case.
To reverse if either fails: reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError to true
How do you intend to authorize the payment? If you are using the admins credentials to make API call this might work. Buyer explicitly approves payment, admin (since his credentials) implicitly approves payment.

Payment Adaptive payments, implicit payment fee

I want to know if there is any fee to make Implicit payment using adaptive payments to other paypal accounts in the same country.
User can buy product from my app using Credit Card through a third party gateway or paypal.
2nd part of my application will distribute commission to multiple merchants who also have paypal account of the same country.
From what I understand its free to send money from senders paypal account in this case the api owner to another registered paypal account of the same country.
Is my assumption correct ?
There is a parameter in the Pay request called feespayer that you can set to specify who pays the fee on a payment. Possible values are SENDER, PRIMARYRECEIVER, EACHRECEIVER, and SECONDARY ONLY.
See the Pay API reference for more details.

using adaptive payments / masspay with a billing agreement

I'm setting up an ebay like website where there are buyers are sellers. When a user (both buyer and seller) signs up, I make them sign a paypal billing agreement with me. When a buyer sells an item, I charge the seller using the billing agreement.
What I'm stuck on is sending that amount to the seller using the billing agreement. I realize I can use the MassPay or Adaptive Payments API to pay the seller but neither of those interfaces taking a billing agreement ID. They both only take the seller's email address. Does that mean I need to retrieve the user's email address via GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails before making the masspay / adaptive payments call?
I would look into Preapproved Payments if I were you. Your users would setup a preapproval profile instead of a billing agreement. Then you can send money on behalf of any user using their preapproval key.
Specifically, you'll use the Preapproval API to create the profiles and then the Pay API with a preapproval key included to submit payments when necessary.