How do you make an HUD for a Cardboard game? - unity3d

Currently there is no documentation whatsoever on how to make a "visor" HUD on Unity for a Cardboard game. Screen Space - Overlay does not work as rendering mode as many people have already said. Does anyone know of a workaround/method for making it using World Space rendering?

You must create your HUD in a World Space canvas, put it in front of the camera and attach it to the Head object of the Cardboard SDK. That way it will be always visible in front of the player.


How to seamlessly switch between AR and VR?

How can I transition the space from AR to VR like how its done in the tango welcome app ?
The floor can still be found dynamically but how does the app transition into and out of the video overlay ?
Any virtual objects you draw will be drawn "over" the video overlay. You can animate the stencil buffer to achieve a similar effect to what is done in the welcome app.

Google Cardboard VR HUD UI Issue

I'm currently creating a google cardboard vr app and I'm running into an issue for the UI. The VR app is set up to be on rails by creating an animation for an empty object that contains the google cardboard camera prefab. I have a world space canvas that has 3 UI objects (backwards, pause, and forward similar to the iphone). In the first case the UI works for pausing (time scale set to 0) as seen in the image below.
However the issue I'm having is having those UI icons show up while in motion. The icons seem to go off in a weird direction have a mind of their own - even though I can track the canvas and know it's in the same position relative to the camera. If I pause in game or in the editor it returns to the correct state in example 1.
I have the canvas set to world space and the event camera is the google cardboard camera prefab. I'm not sure what's going on.

OpenVR Unity Render Sprite in One Eye

Is there a way to render a sprite in just one eye, while it is invisible through the other eye? Any help would be appreciated.
I have this setup and this renders a single canvas stretched on the whole screen on top of the eyes:
Edit: I'm using Google Cardboard SDK but the principle should be all the same

Canvas UI does not render in GVR (Google Cardboard) in Unity 5.3.5

I am using Unity3D 5.3.5 to develop a Google VR (Cardboard) project
I added a canvas button to my scene. It shows up in scene mode and sometimes in Game mode but never when I run the project
What I have tried
Turning off Direct Render for Main Camera
Setting up Render Mode of canvas to World Space
Adding Main Camera to Event Camera
Button shows up in Scene and Game Mode but not during Play mode
Though the UI does not show up, Physics Raycaster in the reticle hits the button.
Screenshots Below
This is a Unity bug. In the forums they mentioned it will be fixed in 5.3.5p5.
Its also noted in known issues for gvr:
Starting with 5.3.4p2, a bug in Unity prevents rendering World Space
uGUI Canvases into a RenderTexture
It works in older version(5.3.4f1), if you need to test it right now.
in your canvas change Render Mode to-> Screen Space Camera
change Render Camera to -> Your camera
change Plane Distance to a very low number but not negative

Easy Movie Texture and Google Cardboard Buttons

I'm making an app for 360° video with Google Cardboard. I have the Easy Movie Texture plugin, but I can't find the way to make a UI. The controls appear on the left side. Is there a way to make them appear with the movement of the head?
create a canvas and attach as child of CardboardMain.
I use this method along with a reticle canvas to allow selection via gaze