OpenVR Unity Render Sprite in One Eye - unity3d

Is there a way to render a sprite in just one eye, while it is invisible through the other eye? Any help would be appreciated.

I have this setup and this renders a single canvas stretched on the whole screen on top of the eyes:
Edit: I'm using Google Cardboard SDK but the principle should be all the same


Why does my 3D object not show in my Unity canvas?

I'm using a canvas to show InformationText on the screen. This works perfectly fine. However, when I try to put a 3D object in my canvas, it doesn't show. Can somebody tell me why?
I'm using Unity 2019.2.12f1
My canvas:
My Main Camera:
My MarkerModel
The Game
I added a camera to my 3D-object. This fixed the problem for me!
Set canvas to world space
and put canvas near your 3D object and move camera to make object and canvas visible

UI elements moving with the HoloLensCamera prefab by default

I have a basic scene with 3 prefabs from the HoloToolkit-Unity package:
HololensCamera + InputManager + CursorWithFeedback
I then add a Canvas (and subsequently a Panel and a Button) to my scene, with the Canvas being in Screen Space - Camera and the HololensCamera being the Render Camera and of course everything was fine, until I noticed that when I run on device, the cube is there as a fixed game object (as one would expect!) but my whole Canvas seems like it is attached to the camera.
Why is this? How do I place a fixed Canvas in my scene?
Read through this
Notice the differences between Overlay/Screenspace/Worldspace
And also try to understand the relation between different camera's and UI elements. If afterwards you still don't understand i'll try to help you.

Implement Zoom(using UI Canvas) in Unity 2d game

I want to implement as showed in the below image in 2D game, I can find so many tutorials for 3D like mini map concept but for 2D i couldn't find anything. In my game i want to show a secondary
camera as in below image and also i need to zoom the content that will show through it. I developed one concept but it can be done with sprites or with Canvas in World Space mode. So you can see
they won't resize or positioned according to the screen resolution. If you guys have any idea how to do this task,it will be very helpful for me. And i also tried with depth mask shader .Thanks in advance.
Use a camera with target texture
Follow my tutorial here: Particles with Dynamic Text but disregard the parts about the particle system, they are irrelevant for you.
Once you've made a material, stop following the tutorial, and instead:
Create a sprite renderer on a canvas that is "Screen Space - Overlay" and set the material to be the one that you created.

Google Cardboard "Game Over" screen with a designed image

I am trying to implement a game over screen for my Unity 3D based game for Google Cardboard. I have tried using the image UI component on a canvas component. The image appears just fine but the issue is that it seems to show up over the reticles. I would like to have the image perfectly fit the inside of the reticle. I am considering somehow finding out (somehow) the size of the reticle and exporting my image as a png with transparency around its graphics.
My Question:
Is there a better way to do this? If not, what are the dimensions i can use for the duplicate images (for the two reticles) to perfectly fit the Google Cardboard reticle openings.
When using Google Cardboard (Now GVR), I think it is best to use Quad GameObject for Game Over screens to which you can add images and child objects like 3D Text and collection of child quads.
The best thing about using quads and 3d text is the extent of scripting that can be done to make them dynamic as well as styling. And in your case, Physics Raycasters work well for the reticle to interact with those GameObjects.
You can add materials and textures to the quad and what not! I personally love quads for GameOver screens as well as a lot of other interact-able things.

How do you make an HUD for a Cardboard game?

Currently there is no documentation whatsoever on how to make a "visor" HUD on Unity for a Cardboard game. Screen Space - Overlay does not work as rendering mode as many people have already said. Does anyone know of a workaround/method for making it using World Space rendering?
You must create your HUD in a World Space canvas, put it in front of the camera and attach it to the Head object of the Cardboard SDK. That way it will be always visible in front of the player.