I have downloaded leJOS and the eclipse addon. I set NXJ_HOME to C:\Program Files\leJOS EV3, and imported the sample programs. They don't build. They get errors on all the import lejos.* stuff. Also, I'm told that when I make my own leJOS program, it's supposed to automatically include LeJOS NXT Runtime and classes.jar. When I do it, I just get the src folder and nothing else.
It sounds like your project is set as a regular Java project, when it needs to be set as a leJOS NXJ project.
You can make a new leJOS NXJ project by visiting the File → New → Project… menu in Eclipse, and selecting LeJOS → LeJOS NXT Project from the list.
You can also convert an existing project to a leJOS NXJ project by right-clicking on the project name in the Package Explorer and selecting leJOS NXJ → Convert to leJOS NXJ project.
I have a project A in eclipse whose code is compiled into a jar and used by a separate project B.
I have associated the jar to the workspace project A code.
When I run project B I get stack trace on the console which references the jar.
When clicking on the references the correct file opens up from project A but as read only, I want to edit this file and fix my code.
What I end up doing is open the file manually using search typing the name or navigating to it in the package explorer and then edit it.
I mean file is there in the project in my workspace, why is it not editable?
Is there any way around it?
To open a Java file of project A with the Java Editor (editable) instead of with the Java Class Viewer (read-only) when you are in your project B, you have to do the following:
Right-click project B and choose Properties
In Java Build Path, tab Projects click Add...
Select project A and click OK
In Java Build Path, tab Order and Export move project A to the top by selecting project A and clicking UP several times
Click Apply and Close to close properties dialog of project B
I would recommend convert project A to a plug-in project. A plug-in JAR can be used in both, a plain Java and an OSGi application. The code would be more modular and changes in project A would not require a JAR file to be updated in project B.
I bought a new computer and installed Eclipse on it. After the ADT plugin finished downloading I tried to import my projects (composed of 4 sub-projects), but Eclipse doesn't see them!
I just click "import/general/import existing projects into workspace", select the folder containing the sub projects, hit the open button but Eclipse says "No projects found to import".
I'm using Eclipse Kepler and the projects files are directly taken from Eclipse Juno.
Eclipse need .project file to import the projects into workspace. what you can do is create a new project and copy the source and libraries into that project
Alternative method can be that create a new project and copy the .project file from that project to your project but make sure you edit the .project file and change the name of that project according to your project. read this for more information on .project file
I will suggest you to use the First method .
Make sure that you've tried to:
Refresh everything
Searched for Nested Items
Go to (In the libg-gdx setup) Advanced >> Check Eclipse
And if that doesn't work, add a .project file into the folder manually
If I have a C project that was imported into Eclipse as a CDT "Makefile project from existing code", how can I turn it into an AVR project, so that I can set the AVR options in the Project Properties?
If I create a new C/C++ project, the AVR options are present, but I want to import my existing Makefile code, not recreate the project.
Close the project and add the following to the .project file:
This goes at the end of the <natures> section in that XML file. Re-open the project and the AVR nature will have been added, and you can then see the AVR options. Source.
I am running Eclipse 3.7. I am currently working on a Plug-In Project for a Application called Team Center. I was recently made aware of a jar file of SWT Widgets named Opal. So I am trying to figure out how to add the Jar File to my existing project. I have tried many different ways to do this. Nothing has worked so far.
Here are some of the things I have tried.
Made a lib directory in my current project copied the jar file
Build Path Configure -> Libraries -> Added the Jar
Runtime tab -> Add -> selected the lib/jar file -> update build path
My project still compiles, but at runtime it fails and I get can't load proxied handler errors
I have tried to create a plugin project just for the Jar File, then add the opal plugin to required Plug-ins. If the Opal project is closed, that reflects with the Opal plugin in my project.
Here is the way my current project works. It is a plug-in project and when I finish or change code.
Build Project
Deployable plug-ins and fragments
Select my project plug-in
Then I copy the project.jar to the TeamCenter Application plug-ins directory
I am assuming that somehow I have to include the opal.jar in the project.jar. But right now I am at a total lost on how to do it.
In Eclipse Plugin Project click on your MANIFEST.MF file and go to the runtime tab. There should be a section "Classpath". Try to add your lib there.
I've tried it and it has worked for me. I've executed following steps:
create new Plug-In project
create new lib folder in it
copy opal lib to the folder
open the MANIFEST.MF, go to the Runtime tab and add the lib to the Classpath section
check whether the lib folder is recognized of the build process (Build tab and lib folder should be checked)
Create new Run Configuration (Run -> Run Configuration... -> double click on OSGi Framework)
on Bundles tab check the new made project (Workspace section) and uncheck Target Platform for now
mark the new project and click on the button Add Required Bundles on the right side
now some needed bundles to run your project should be checked in the Target Platform section
click Apply, then Run and your OSGi env will be started
check build.properties in your plugin. check lib folder should be included there.
open plugin.xml or MANIFEST.MF in editor, you see build Tab. In the binary build, make sure your lib folder is checked.
I have two java projects in eclipse. Second one is using first one's jar. When I try to navigate to first one's class from second one, it opens .class of that file. But I want to open the first one project file. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to link your second project with your first project, don't add the first project in form of a JAR file to the second.
Instead open the project properties of the second project and select "Java Build Path". On the right side on the "Projects" tab you can add your first project as "required project on the build path".
The class files of project 1 are now added to the class path of project 2. And if you click on a class name you directly get to the source code.
Ideally, the JAR of the first project would appear under the "Referenced Libraries" of the second project.
Right-click on that JAR, and choose Properties -> Java Source Attachment.
Provide a variable that links to the source files of this JAR.
Alternatively, install a decompiler plugin (see jd-eclipse) which will decompile class files when you navigate them in Eclipse, so that you can see the source.
Make one project in Eclipse depend on another so that the dependencies are available in the indexer
Tested on Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 2022-09 (4.25.0) on Linux Ubuntu 18.04.
For C++, right-click on the project which depends on another project. Go to "Properties" --> Project References --> check the box next to the project whose files and resources you'd like to be available in the project you are editing --> click "Apply and Close".
The indexed resources in the project next to the box you just checked (glib in the screenshot below) are now available to the project whose properties you just edited! This means if you Ctrl + Click a variable which is defined in the project you are editing, your indexer will now jump to its definition even if it lies in the referenced project (glib in this case)!
Old and wrong answer (but may be helpful for adding includes to your project)
For C++, right-click on the project which depends on another project. Go to "Properties" --> C/C++ Include Paths and Symbols --> click "Add Include Path from Workspace..." --> choose the project from your workspace which it depends on, and drill down into the folder of interest --> click "OK". Click "Apply and Close".
You've now made your project whose properties you just edited depend on the other project in such a way that the dependent project dir you just added will now be indexed!