If I have a C project that was imported into Eclipse as a CDT "Makefile project from existing code", how can I turn it into an AVR project, so that I can set the AVR options in the Project Properties?
If I create a new C/C++ project, the AVR options are present, but I want to import my existing Makefile code, not recreate the project.
Close the project and add the following to the .project file:
This goes at the end of the <natures> section in that XML file. Re-open the project and the AVR nature will have been added, and you can then see the AVR options. Source.
Hi I'm fairly new with Eclipse. I'm trying to work on my cocos2d-x project on Eclipse, but for some reason I couldn't convert the android project to a c/c++ project and so I couldn't open the c++ files inside the Classes folders as you can see on the image here.
cocos2d-x: cocos2d-x v3.0 alpha0
eclipse: (ADT)Android Developer Tools - Build: v22.2.1-833290
os: windows 7
What I did:
ran create-multi-platform-projects.py in cmd
opened eclipse(ADT) then File->New->Other->Android Project from Existing Code->browsed to {cocos2d-x v3}/projects/mygame/proj.android
built the project.
tried to convert the project. Right-clicked project->New->Other->Under C/C++ tree, select Convert to a C/C++ project (Adds C/C++ nature)
but then the candidates for conversion is empty, meaning I couldn't convert my project to c++. I have installed the C++ plugins as seen here. Obviously I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what. I've been following tutorials on setting up cocos2d-x android development on eclipse windows os but I'm stuck with the converting to c++ step. Please could someone point out what I'm missing. Thanks in advance.
It will already be having c++ nature, so it wont show you that option (You can verify this by checking if you have C/C++ build in your project properties)...
You can open the cpp files by adding a reference to the source folder, to do so follow the below steps:
Right Click your project and select properties
Goto Resource->Linked Resources
In Path Variables Tab, Click New...
Give some name and choose the folder where you have your source code
It will now show a link to the source code folder in the project
Here are one by one steps, You may setup easily!
I bought a new computer and installed Eclipse on it. After the ADT plugin finished downloading I tried to import my projects (composed of 4 sub-projects), but Eclipse doesn't see them!
I just click "import/general/import existing projects into workspace", select the folder containing the sub projects, hit the open button but Eclipse says "No projects found to import".
I'm using Eclipse Kepler and the projects files are directly taken from Eclipse Juno.
Eclipse need .project file to import the projects into workspace. what you can do is create a new project and copy the source and libraries into that project
Alternative method can be that create a new project and copy the .project file from that project to your project but make sure you edit the .project file and change the name of that project according to your project. read this for more information on .project file
I will suggest you to use the First method .
Make sure that you've tried to:
Refresh everything
Searched for Nested Items
Go to (In the libg-gdx setup) Advanced >> Check Eclipse
And if that doesn't work, add a .project file into the folder manually
I have one IntelliJ project and I want to open it in Eclipse, so what should I do?
There is an export to eclipse option in Intellij Under file menu.
This option will generate you the necessary .project and .classpath files that will be used by eclipse. Personally, I would remove any IDE dependencies using some dependency management systems like Maven or Apache IVY. ( Is system the right term?)
I had the same issue and (I don't have Intellij) but doc_180's comment pointed me in the right direction. Here is a simple solution. In Eclipse create a new blank Android project. Copy the .project and .classpath files and the .settings folder to the Intellij folder. Edit the .project file and change the name of the project.
You should now be able to Import the project in Eclipse by right clicking and selecting "Import->Existing Project into Workspace".
I see this is an old question, but thought I should add this answer for others Googling it like me ;)
Without access to IntelliJ to export and convert the project, try the following.
In STS or Eclipse create an empty project first, then, select File -> Import and choose General -> File System. In the resulting dialog box, select the root folder of the IntelliJ project as source and the empty project as the destination.
For unit tests, add the test folder as a source folder to the build path (right-click on the folder, select Build Path -> Use as Source Folder).
The projects I import this way run without any further modifications, including the tests.
Eclipse and Intellij create different project structure each other (Output path, Source Code etc...). You can export the current project to Eclipse environment.
File -> Export -> Project to Eclipse
i'm working with eclipse c/c++ helios.
i'm using template projects with makefile with a multimedia framework. all dll dependencies are specified in makefile, so no nightmare.
i have an empty projects template, so each time i had to start a new project i have to make a new copy of that folder, import in eclipse as a makefile project.
despite of this simplicity i have to :
1) add project references
2)make a new launch configurations:
right-click on project > properties > run/debug settings > new..
and set somethings
i know that handle this with an eclipse plugin but i'm not interest in that.
i would like to make a little python script that copy emptyProject folder, edit .project or .cproject or whatever, and do the boring launch configuration for me. project references are in .project file,
but new launch configurations? where it is? where can i find that informations? in .project or .cproject i didn't find anything.
wherelse can i looking for?
i worked it out due to this post:
How do I save Eclipse launch profiles across workspaces?
i found the asnwer.
the place for launch configurations is:
How to change Eclipse project defaults?
I'm interested in CDT (C++ plugin) in particular, but I suppose that it isn't that differs from JDT. I want to get some custom compiler keys and Build options (like “Build on resource save” in C/C++ Build — Behaviour in C++ project properties) for each new project.
I'm not sure 100 percent to understand what you want.
If you want to automatically build the projects after the saving the source code file of c/c++ project in CDT. You can check the option in below screen shot,