Where are the docs on how to add symbol support for a language to Visual Studio Code? - visual-studio-code

I would like to add symbol support for PowerShell to VS Code but I'm not finding any docs on the code.visualstudio.com/docs site.
Also, is it possible to do this for a language like PowerShell that, for the moment, will only work on Windows? Is there a way to light up symbol support on Windows only?
BTW I've added a bunch of PowerShell snippets that I'm in the process of trying to get integrated into VS Code. Any help on how to get these snippets into the product would be appreciated as well? I did submit an issue on the snippets, suggesting that the team put these into VS Code.

There is currently no documentation for the plugin API. It's too early for this as the API is still changing with every minor release. The VSCode team is focused on providing a stable plugin API. There will be a documentation about it when it's done.
Nevertheless it is already possible to add a new language plugin or extending an exisiting one. Take a look on this short description on how to add declaration support for a new language: Create Custom Language in Visual Studio Code
You could add symbol support in a similar way. What you need is something like an abstract syntax tree builder for powershell scripts and an application or a javascript module that is able to process a JSON request in order to provide the correct symbols. An example request for outline support is this:
A response could look like that:
I'm not sure what do you mean with "symbol support". Is it something like "jump to symbol inside the current file" using CTRL+Shift+O? Then you are looking for outlineSupport.
Is it something like "find a symbol in any file" using CTRL+P, #? Then you are looking for navigateTypesSupport.
Copy the needed .js file from the vs.langauage.csharp.o folder to the vs.langauage.powershell folder and register the support in powershellMain.js as it is done in omnisharpMain.js.
If you want to register the new support only on Windows then you can do it like this:
var isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform);
monaco.Modes.NavigateTypesSupport.register('powershell', new navigateTypesSupport_1.default(ModelService, server));
I hope this helps for the moment. Don't forget to save your changed plugins in a different folder. VSCode often deletes changes in the plugin folders on update.


Go to definition, go to implementation, autogenerate import for Ember

Im using Ember with VS Code.
What I need is to generate import string on a fly when I encounter dependency. For example I write someting like:
#tracked isLarge = false;
But I don’t have “#tracked” imported yet. So the otion could be to set the coursor on #tracked, press something like “Action + .” and pick “generate import”. It should generate import string:
import { tracked } from '#ember/tracking';
But it doesn’t work out of the box. How can I do that?
UPDATE: the same question about:
go to definition
go to implementation
cmd+click to navigate to implementation/component
You can use the extension My Code Actions
You can create actions that just insert the text independent of an error.
"my-code-actions.actions": {
"[javascript]": {
"import tracked": {
"where": "insertAfter",
"insertFind": "^import",
"text": "import { tracked } from '#ember/tracking';\n"
The key combo to use is the Code Action combo: Ctrl+.
If you get a diagnostic (PROBLEM panel, and squiggle) you can use that to further customize the action and you can use text from the diagnostics message.
I'm current adding the possibility to make multiple edits in an action and to use further customization and generalization.
"Ember Language Server" brings some solution. But it works mostly with library code that has .d.ts typings.
In case of custom JS code it still doesn't work.
So there is no straight solution. Only 2 ways:
Write .d.ts typing for custom code JS files
Move project to typescript

How do I create a custom Semantic Token for VSCode?

I'm creating a color theme and I found out that the only way to target function parameters with italic is by using semantic highlight. The problem is that since semantic highlight overrides some settings, I lost the ability to target support.function.console - the "log" of console.log, for instance.
.log is a member.defaultLibrary, but if I target that by semantic, some other things would also be styled with the same color. That wouldn't be bad if member.defaultLibrary wasn't so inconsistent, some things you would expect to be styled, is not, which leads to inconsistency, which is certainly not desirable.
querySelector() is styled by member.defaultLibrary but not querySelectorAll(), for instance. I also tried to not use anything that can be overridden by semantics but then, it creates too many exceptions and some functions and methods would be let without any style, which is much worse.
I've tried Semantic Token Classification and tried to add a custom semantic token to the package.json file of the extension but I don't know how to "wire" that up:
"contributes": {
"semanticTokenTypes": [
"id": "consoleSupport",
"description": "console support"
"semanticTokenScopes": [
"scopes": {
"consoleSupport": ["support.function.console"]
When using development host, it does recognize the "new" consoleSupport when I try to add to "semanticTokenColors", it suggests the auto-complete, so I'm probably half-way there but I don't know how to actually create the new token and how to make it work.

VsCode - Triggering a snippet upon file creation

I wanted to know if it is possible to trigger a user defined custom snippet when I create a file in vscode.
I started learning Golang recently and noticed that there is some boilerplate code that goes into creating the main.go file.
So I created my custom snippet for it and now now I can trigger the snippet manually and save me some keystrokes of typing.
I wanted to go one step further, so that whenever I create a new file named main.go from within VsCode, it should automatically fire that snippet and insert the biolerplate code for me, without me having to manually trigger the snippet.
Is this even possible ?
Check out this extension: Auto Snippet:
With this in your settings.json:
"autoSnippet.snippets": [
{ "pattern": "**/main.go", "snippet": "main-go-template" },
[Note that the example settings in the extension docs has a few syntax errors - use my example above - I have filed an issue with the creator.]
And then your snippet
"main-go-template": {
"prefix": "zz",
"body": [
... // you can use tabstops and transforms just like regular snippets
"description": "javascript template"
Then creating a new main.go file or opening an empty one should trigger the snippet.
It is a good idea to reload vscode whenever you make a change to this extension's settings.
Here is a demo of a gulpfile with common boilerplate:
Also see this extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bam.vscode-file-templates

VSCode extension: disable repeating things in code completion

I am creating a language extension for VSCode using Java and the LSP4J library. It is something like this.
But I have a problem - if the user presses Ctrl+Space, and the language server returns an empty list, VSCode will still offers its options - things that are already in the code. How can I get it to display something like "No suggestions" instead?
The text-based completion you're seeing there can be disabled with the "editor.wordBasedSuggestions" setting.
Extensions can change the default value of a setting for a particular language by contributing configurationDefaults in package.json:
"contributes": {
"configurationDefaults": {
"[lang]": {
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false
Where lang is the ID of the language in question.
If the language server sends back an empty list you could add an artificial entry with text: "No suggestions" to the completion list.

check the source of activation of extension in visual studio code

I'm developing an extension for visual studio code. My extension has several activation events. So in the activate call back how I can differentiate the source of activation? for ex., Extension get activate if a workspace contains a specific folder or if a command is given. In activate call back I want to execute different initialization for different activation. Is there any API to get this info?
In package.json two activation events are given by
"activationEvents": [
In the extension.ts file the corresponding activate callback will be defined.
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext): any {
In the above scenario, activate() will be called in one of the 2 events:
If vscode opens.
If a folder is opened and contains foo file in the root directory.
what I want is like this:
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext): any {
if(/*activated by "*" event*/) {
else if(/*activated by "workspaceContains" event*/) {
This is just a pseudo code. But This is what the whole point is.
As lined out in the comments there is no way to differentiate between the two activation events. In fact the activation is done by matching one of the patterns in package.json. Other than for documents there is no indication which pattern was actually matched. That's probably too fine grained, hence I have doubts that creating a feature request for that will have a chance.