Dynamic Limit in PostgreSQL - postgresql

I have function returning list of Employees, My requirement is if i pass Limit to function than i should get result with limit and offset, If i don't pass limit than all the rows should be returned
for example
When Limit is greater than 0(I am passing Limit as 10)
Select * from Employees
Limit 10 offset 0
When Limit is equal to 0 than
Select * from Employees
Is their any way to do such logic in function?

Yes, you can pass an expression for the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses, which includes using a parameter passed in to a function.
CREATE FUNCTION employees_limited(limit integer) RETURNS SET OF employees AS $$
IF limit = 0 THEN
Note the parentheses around the LIMIT clause. You can similarly pass in an OFFSET value.
This example is very trivial, though. You could achieve the same effect by doing the LIMIT outside of the function:
SELECT * FROM my_function() LIMIT 10;
Doing this inside of a function would really only be useful for a complex query, potentially involving a large amount of data.
Also note that a LIMIT clause without an ORDER BY produces unpredictable results.

Sorry I can't comment. Solution is almost provided by Patrick.
First we should write function to return result without limitation.
RETURNS TABLE (val1 varchar, val2 integer) AS $$
RETURN QUERY SELECT val1, val2 FROM test_table;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Then we have to write wrapper function, which will process limitation.
CREATE FUNCTION test_wrapper (l integer DEFAULT 0)
RETURNS TABLE (name varchar, id integer) AS $$
IF l = 0 THEN
RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM test(); -- returns everything
RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM test() LIMIT (l); -- returns accordingly
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
In my case I needed to return tables as final result, but one can get anything required as return from wrapper function.

Please note that a SELECT with a LIMIT should always include an ORDER BY, because if not explicitly specified the order of the returned rows can be undefined.
Insead of LIMIT you could use ROW_NUMBER() like in the following query:
SELECT *, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rn
FROM Employees
) AS s
(rn>:offset AND rn<=:limit+:offset) OR :limit=0

I used the below approach in postgres
Create Function employees_limited(limit integer, offset interger, pagination boolean) RETURNS SET OF employees AS $$
if pagination = false then --skip offset and limit
offset = 0;
limit = 2147483647; -- int max value in postgres
end if;
SELECT * FROM employees order by createddate
LIMIT (limit) Offset offset;


Query on Return Statement - PostgreSQL

I have this question, I was doing some migration from SQL Server to PostgreSQL 12.
The scenario, I am trying to accomplish:
The function should have a RETURN Statement, be it with SETOF 'tableType' or RETURN TABLE ( some number of columns )
The body starts with a count of records, if there is no record found based on input parameters, then simply Return Zero (0), else, return the entire set of record defined in the RETURN Statement.
The Equivalent part in SQL Server or Oracle is: They can just put a SELECT Statement inside a Procedure to accomplish this. But, its a kind of difficult in case of PostgreSQL.
Any suggestion, please.
What I could accomplish still now - If no record found, it will simply return NULL, may be using PERFORM, or may be selecting NULL as column name for the returning tableType columns.
I hope I am clear !
What I want is something like -
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_some_data(
id integer)
RETURNS TABLE ( id_1 integer, name character varying )
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
p_id alias for $1;
v_cnt integer:=0;
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM public.exampleTable e
WHERE id::integer = e.id::integer;
IF v_cnt= 0 THEN
a.id, a.name
public.exampleTable a
where a.id = p_id;
If you just want to return a set of a single table, using returns setof some_table is indeed the easiest way. The most basic SQL function to do that would be:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
select *
from some_table;
language sql;
PL/pgSQL isn't really necessary to put a SELECT statement into a function, but if you need to do other things, you need to use RETURN QUERY in a PL/pgSQL function:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
return query
select *
from some_table;
language plpgsql;
A function as exactly one return type. You can't have a function that sometimes returns an integer and sometimes returns thousands of rows with a dozen columns.
The only thing you could do, if you insist on returning something is something like this:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
return query
select *
from some_table;
if not found then
return query
select (null::some_table).*;
end if;
language plpgsql;
But I would consider the above an extremely ugly and confusing (not to say stupid) solution. I certainly wouldn't let that pass through a code review.
The caller of the function can test if something was returned in the same way I implemented that ugly hack: check the found variable after using the function.
One more hack to get as close as possible to what you want. But I will repeat what others have told you: You cannot do what you want directly. Just because MS SQL Server lets you get away poor coding does not mean Postgres is obligated to do so. As the link by #a_horse_with_no_name implies converting code is easy, once you migrate how you think about the problem in the first place. The closest you can get is return a tuple with a 0 id. The following is one way.
create or replace function public.get_some_data(
p_id integer)
returns table ( id integer, name character varying )
language plpgsql
as $$
v_at_least_one boolean = false;
v_exp_rec record;
for v_exp_rec in
select a.id, a.name
from public.exampletable a
where a.id = p_id
union all
select 0,null
if v_exp_rec.id::integer > 0
or (v_exp_rec.id::integer = 0 and not v_at_least_one)
id = v_exp_rec.id;
name = v_exp_rec.name;
return next;
v_at_least_one = true;
end if;
end loop ;
But that is still just a hack and assumes there in not valid row with id=0. A much better approach would by for the calling routing to check what the function returns (it has to do that in one way or another anyway) and let the function just return the data found instead of making up data. That is that mindset shift. Doing that you can reduce this function to a simple select statement:
create or replace function public.get_some_data2(
p_id integer)
returns table ( id integer, name character varying )
language sql strict
as $$
select a.id, a.name
from public.exampletable a
where a.id = p_id;
Or one of the other solutions offered.

update is not allowed in a non volatile function postgres

I tried to use a cursor with multi parameters, the function was created without any problem, but then when I call my function using
select scratchpad.update_status()
I get the following error:
update is not allowed in a non volatile function
the function:
create function scrat.update_status() returns void
day_to_process record;
FOR day_to_process in (SELECT distinct inst_status.date,inst_status.code,scrat.inst_status.id
FROM scrat.inst_status
WHERE inst_status.status ='S'
raise notice 'Processing Date %', day_to_process.date::text;
update scrat.inst_status
set status = (select a.status from
(select status, max(date)
FROM scrat.inst_status
where status <> 'S'
and date::date < day_to_process.date
group by status
order by 2 desc
limit 1)a)
where inst_status.date = day_to_process.date
and id =day_to_process.id
and code=day_to_process.code;
As the documentation states:
STABLE indicates that the function cannot modify the database, and that within a single table scan it will consistently return the same result for the same argument values, but that its result could change across SQL statements.
So you will have to mark the function as VOLATILE.

Recursive with cursor on psql, nothing data found

How to use a recursive query and then using cursor to update multiple rows in postgresql. I try to return data but no data is found. Any alternative to using recursive query and cursor, or maybe better code please help me.
drop function proses_stock_invoice(varchar, varchar, character varying);
create or replace function proses_stock_invoice
(p_medical_cd varchar,p_post_cd varchar, p_pstruserid character varying)
returns void
language plpgsql
as $function$
cursor_data refcursor;
cursor_proses refcursor;
v_medicalCd varchar(20);
v_itemCd varchar(20);
v_quantity numeric(10);
open cursor_data for
with recursive hasil(idnya, level, pasien_cd, id_root) as (
select medical_cd, 1, pasien_cd, medical_root_cd
from trx_medical
where medical_cd = p_pstruserid
union all
select A.medical_cd, level + 1, A.pasien_cd, A.medical_root_cd
from trx_medical A, hasil B
where A.medical_root_cd = B.idnya
select idnya from hasil where level >=1;
fetch next from cursor_data into v_medicalCd;
return v_medicalCd;
while (found)
open cursor_proses for
select B.item_cd, B.quantity from trx_medical_resep A
join trx_resep_data B on A.medical_resep_seqno = B.medical_resep_seqno
where A.medical_cd = v_medicalCd and B.resep_tp = 'RESEP_TP_1';
fetch next from cursor_proses into v_itemCd, v_quantity;
while (found)
update inv_pos_item
set quantity = quantity - v_quantity, modi_id = p_pstruserid, modi_id = now()
where item_cd = v_itemCd and pos_cd = p_post_cd;
end loop;
close cursor_proses;
end loop;
close cursor_data;
but nothing data found?
You have a function with return void so it will never return any data to you. Still you have the statement return v_medicalCd after fetching the first record from the first cursor, so the function will return from that point and never reach the lines below.
When analyzing your function you have (1) a cursor that yields a number of idnya values from table trx_medical, which is input for (2) a cursor that yields a number of v_itemCd, v_quantity from tables trx_medical_resep, trx_resep_data for each idnya, which is then used to (3) update some rows in table inv_pos_item. You do not need cursors to do that and it is, in fact, extremely inefficient. Instead, turn the whole thing into a single update statement.
I am assuming here that you want to update an inventory of medicines by subtracting the medicines prescribed to patients from the stock in the inventory. This means that you will have to sum up prescribed amounts by type of medicine. That should look like this (note the comments):
CREATE FUNCTION proses_stock_invoice
-- VVV parameter not used
(p_medical_cd varchar, p_post_cd varchar, p_pstruserid varchar)
RETURNS void AS $function$
UPDATE inv_pos_item -- VVV column repeated VVV
SET quantity = quantity - prescribed.quantity, modi_id = p_pstruserid, modi_id = now()
WITH RECURSIVE hasil(idnya, level, pasien_cd, id_root) AS (
SELECT medical_cd, 1, pasien_cd, medical_root_cd
FROM trx_medical
WHERE medical_cd = p_pstruserid
SELECT A.medical_cd, level + 1, A.pasien_cd, A.medical_root_cd
FROM trx_medical A, hasil B
WHERE A.medical_root_cd = B.idnya
SELECT B.item_cd, sum(B.quantity) AS quantity
FROM trx_medical_resep A
JOIN trx_resep_data B USING (medical_resep_seqno)
JOIN hasil ON A.medical_cd = hasil.idnya
WHERE B.resep_tp = 'RESEP_TP_1'
--AND hacil.level >= 1 Useless because level is always >= 1
) prescribed
WHERE item_cd = prescribed.item_cd
AND pos_cd = p_post_cd;
$function$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT;
As with all UPDATE statements, test this code before you run the function. You can do that by running the prescribed sub-query separately as a stand-alone query to ensure that it does the right thing.

How to create PL/pgSQL function returning several rows

I'm trying to create a PL/pgSQL function, which should populate a temporary table and then return all rows from it (it will be a join later), but I don't know which return type to specify for it:
create or replace function pref_daily_misere() returns void as $BODY$
create temporary table temp_best (id varchar not null) on commit drop;
insert into temp_best (id) select id from pref_money where
yw = to_char(current_timestamp - interval '1 week', 'IYYY-IW')
order by money desc limit 10;
select id from temp_best;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;
The statements above work on their own, but give me the error
# select pref_daily_misere();
ERROR: query has no destination for result data
HINT: If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "pref_daily_misere" line 7 at SQL statement
when I try to call it in my PostgreSQL 8.4.11 database.
This is probably because I have wrongly specified the returns void above, but I don't know which return type to use instead and omitting the return type is a compile error.
You want to use a setof varchar return type and then return query ... inside the function. From the fine manual: RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY
RETURN NEXT expression;
RETURN QUERY EXECUTE command-string [ USING expression [, ... ] ];
When a PL/pgSQL function is declared to return SETOF sometype, the procedure to follow is slightly different. In that case, the individual items to return are specified by a sequence of RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY commands, and then a final RETURN command with no argument is used to indicate that the function has finished executing.
I think you want something more like this:
create or replace function pref_daily_misere() returns setof varchar as $BODY$
create temporary table temp_best (id varchar not null) on commit drop;
insert into temp_best (id)
select id
from pref_money
where yw = to_char(current_timestamp - interval '1 week', 'IYYY-IW')
order by money
desc limit 10;
return query select id from temp_best;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;
However, the temp table is pointless here:
Note: The current implementation of RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY stores the entire result set before returning from the function, as discussed above.
So PostgreSQL is computing the entire result set and caching it by itself. You could do this:
create or replace function pref_daily_misere() returns setof varchar as $BODY$
return query
select id
from pref_money
where yw = to_char(current_timestamp - interval '1 week', 'IYYY-IW')
order by money
desc limit 10;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;
I'm pretty sure the temp table is going to be dropped at the end of your function anyway so you should get rid of it.

Stored function with temporary table in postgresql

Im new to writing stored functions in postgresql and in general . I'm trying to write onw with an input parameter and return a set of results stored in a temporary table.
I do the following in my function .
1) Get a list of all the consumers and store their id's stored in a temp table.
2) Iterate over a particular table and retrieve values corresponding to each value from the above list and store in a temp table.
3)Return the temp table.
Here's the function that I've tried to write by myself ,
create or replace function getPumps(status varchar) returns setof record as $$ (setof record?)
cons_id integer[];
i integer;
temp table tmp_table;--Point B
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no into tmp_table from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1--Point A
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2
return tmp_table
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
However Im not sure about my approach and whether im right at the points A and B as I've marked in the code above.And getting a load of errors while trying to create the temporary table.
EDIT: got the function to work ,but I get the following error when I try to run the function.
ERROR: array value must start with "{" or dimension information
Here's my revised function.
create temp table tmp_table(objectid integer,pump_id integer,pump_serial_id varchar(50),repdate timestamp with time zone,pumpmake varchar(50),status varchar(2),consumer_name varchar(50),wenexa_id varchar(50),rr_no varchar(25));
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
insert into tmp_table
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2;
return query (select * from tmp_table);
drop table tmp_table;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
AFAIK one can't declare tables as variables in postgres. What you can do is create one in your funcion body and use it thourough (or even outside of function). Beware though as temporary tables aren't dropped until the end of the session or commit.
The way to go is to use RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY
As for the function result type I always found RETURNS TABLE to be more readable.
Your cons_id array is innecessary, just iterate the values returned by select.
Also you can have multiple return query statements in a single function to append result of the query to the result returned by function.
In your case:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getPumps(status varchar)
RETURNS TABLE (objectid INTEGER,pump_id INTEGER,pump_serial_id INTEGER....)
FOR i in SELECT consumer_id FROM db_consumer_pump_details LOOP
SELECT objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no FROM db_consumer_pump_details INNER JOIN db_consumer ON db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
WHERE db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i AND db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
ORDER BY db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate DESC LIMIT 2
You probably want to take a look at this solution for groupwise-k-maximum problem as that's exactly what you're dealing with here.
it might be easier to just return a table (or query)
CREATE FUNCTION extended_sales(p_itemno int)
RETURNS TABLE(quantity int, total numeric) AS $$
RETURN QUERY SELECT quantity, quantity * price FROM sales
WHERE itemno = p_itemno;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
(copied from postgresql docs)