How to create PL/pgSQL function returning several rows - postgresql

I'm trying to create a PL/pgSQL function, which should populate a temporary table and then return all rows from it (it will be a join later), but I don't know which return type to specify for it:
create or replace function pref_daily_misere() returns void as $BODY$
create temporary table temp_best (id varchar not null) on commit drop;
insert into temp_best (id) select id from pref_money where
yw = to_char(current_timestamp - interval '1 week', 'IYYY-IW')
order by money desc limit 10;
select id from temp_best;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;
The statements above work on their own, but give me the error
# select pref_daily_misere();
ERROR: query has no destination for result data
HINT: If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "pref_daily_misere" line 7 at SQL statement
when I try to call it in my PostgreSQL 8.4.11 database.
This is probably because I have wrongly specified the returns void above, but I don't know which return type to use instead and omitting the return type is a compile error.

You want to use a setof varchar return type and then return query ... inside the function. From the fine manual: RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY
RETURN NEXT expression;
RETURN QUERY EXECUTE command-string [ USING expression [, ... ] ];
When a PL/pgSQL function is declared to return SETOF sometype, the procedure to follow is slightly different. In that case, the individual items to return are specified by a sequence of RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY commands, and then a final RETURN command with no argument is used to indicate that the function has finished executing.
I think you want something more like this:
create or replace function pref_daily_misere() returns setof varchar as $BODY$
create temporary table temp_best (id varchar not null) on commit drop;
insert into temp_best (id)
select id
from pref_money
where yw = to_char(current_timestamp - interval '1 week', 'IYYY-IW')
order by money
desc limit 10;
return query select id from temp_best;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;
However, the temp table is pointless here:
Note: The current implementation of RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY stores the entire result set before returning from the function, as discussed above.
So PostgreSQL is computing the entire result set and caching it by itself. You could do this:
create or replace function pref_daily_misere() returns setof varchar as $BODY$
return query
select id
from pref_money
where yw = to_char(current_timestamp - interval '1 week', 'IYYY-IW')
order by money
desc limit 10;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;
I'm pretty sure the temp table is going to be dropped at the end of your function anyway so you should get rid of it.


Query on Return Statement - PostgreSQL

I have this question, I was doing some migration from SQL Server to PostgreSQL 12.
The scenario, I am trying to accomplish:
The function should have a RETURN Statement, be it with SETOF 'tableType' or RETURN TABLE ( some number of columns )
The body starts with a count of records, if there is no record found based on input parameters, then simply Return Zero (0), else, return the entire set of record defined in the RETURN Statement.
The Equivalent part in SQL Server or Oracle is: They can just put a SELECT Statement inside a Procedure to accomplish this. But, its a kind of difficult in case of PostgreSQL.
Any suggestion, please.
What I could accomplish still now - If no record found, it will simply return NULL, may be using PERFORM, or may be selecting NULL as column name for the returning tableType columns.
I hope I am clear !
What I want is something like -
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_some_data(
id integer)
RETURNS TABLE ( id_1 integer, name character varying )
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
p_id alias for $1;
v_cnt integer:=0;
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM public.exampleTable e
WHERE id::integer =;
IF v_cnt= 0 THEN
public.exampleTable a
where = p_id;
If you just want to return a set of a single table, using returns setof some_table is indeed the easiest way. The most basic SQL function to do that would be:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
select *
from some_table;
language sql;
PL/pgSQL isn't really necessary to put a SELECT statement into a function, but if you need to do other things, you need to use RETURN QUERY in a PL/pgSQL function:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
return query
select *
from some_table;
language plpgsql;
A function as exactly one return type. You can't have a function that sometimes returns an integer and sometimes returns thousands of rows with a dozen columns.
The only thing you could do, if you insist on returning something is something like this:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
return query
select *
from some_table;
if not found then
return query
select (null::some_table).*;
end if;
language plpgsql;
But I would consider the above an extremely ugly and confusing (not to say stupid) solution. I certainly wouldn't let that pass through a code review.
The caller of the function can test if something was returned in the same way I implemented that ugly hack: check the found variable after using the function.
One more hack to get as close as possible to what you want. But I will repeat what others have told you: You cannot do what you want directly. Just because MS SQL Server lets you get away poor coding does not mean Postgres is obligated to do so. As the link by #a_horse_with_no_name implies converting code is easy, once you migrate how you think about the problem in the first place. The closest you can get is return a tuple with a 0 id. The following is one way.
create or replace function public.get_some_data(
p_id integer)
returns table ( id integer, name character varying )
language plpgsql
as $$
v_at_least_one boolean = false;
v_exp_rec record;
for v_exp_rec in
from public.exampletable a
where = p_id
union all
select 0,null
if > 0
or ( = 0 and not v_at_least_one)
id =;
name =;
return next;
v_at_least_one = true;
end if;
end loop ;
But that is still just a hack and assumes there in not valid row with id=0. A much better approach would by for the calling routing to check what the function returns (it has to do that in one way or another anyway) and let the function just return the data found instead of making up data. That is that mindset shift. Doing that you can reduce this function to a simple select statement:
create or replace function public.get_some_data2(
p_id integer)
returns table ( id integer, name character varying )
language sql strict
as $$
from public.exampletable a
where = p_id;
Or one of the other solutions offered.

Postgresql Common Expression Table (CTE) in Function

I'm trying to use CTE in PostgreSQL function and returning the CTE as table. But I couldn't manage to compile the function as it says ERROR: syntax error at end of input in the select query. Could someone point me what I'm missing here.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_func(name varchar) RETURNS TABLE (hours integer) AS $$
SELECT hours FROM name_table tbl where name; <- giving error here
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
PS: I'm on PostgreSQL 9.6 if that helps.
The CTE expression is part of the query, so it needs to come immediately after the return query clause, not before it. Additionally, to avoid syntax errors later on, you should select a parameter name that ins't ambiguous with the names of the columns, and fully qualify the columns you're querying:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_func(v_name varchar)
RETURNS TABLE (hours integer) AS $$
SELECT tbl.hours
FROM name_table tbl
WHERE name = v_name
SELECT a.hours FROM a;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

PL/pgSQL: Inserted data not available when function returns

I have an interesting problem that me and my collegue troubles for some time now.
I have a PL/pgSQL function in a PostgreSQL-8.3 (sorry for that old version, I can't change that) that does the following four things:
Get a new serial (ID) from a sequence
Insert a couple of records into a table with that serial
Send a notify signal that an insertion took place
Return the ID to the caller.
Simplified function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_entry(_user_name text, _visible_attr integer[])
user_name text := '#' || $1;
user_id bigint;
-- get the ID from the sequence
SELECT nextval('my_sequence') INTO user_id;
-- insert the name (and some other data not shown here) 5x
FOR item IN 1..5
VALUES (user_id,item,user_name,$2[item]);
-- send notify that an insertion took place
notify my_notify;
RETURN user_id;
COST 100;
So, my collegue called this function from his application. He gets the returned ID and uses another thread (DB pooling) in his application to call a function which shall return the data previously inserted with that ID. However, this doesn't work the first time. Only with the second request he is able to select the data. It seems as if that INSERT isn't finished while the function already returns?!
We checked mutiple times, the data will be inserted into the table correctly but somehow it is not available as fast as the return value (the ID from the sequence) is available! Why is that so?
Update: wrong assumption
I examined further and reduced the example to a simple query which really shows the problem:
select * from mytable where id = (select add_entry('MyTestUser'));
This query returns no rows. But if I do that in two seperate steps I can select the data which I inserted with the add_entry function.
I have no clue what I'm doing wrong or how I could speed up the insertion...
From the 8.3 manual
In effect, a SELECT query sees a snapshot of the database as of the instant that that query begins to run
Since the update is done in the select itself the inserted row will not be seen.
Change the function to return setof mytable. It can be plain SQL. To change the return type the function must be dropped first
drop function add_entry(text);
create or replace function add_entry (_user_name text, _visible_attr integer[])
returns setof mytable as $body$
notify my_notify;
with ins as (
insert into mytable (id, index, username, visible)
select user_id, item, '#' || $1, $2[item]
generate_series(1, 5) g(item)
cross join
(values (nextval('my_sequence'))) s(user_id)
returning *
select * from ins;
$body$ language sql volatile;
The notification must happen before anything is returned from the function. It is not a problem as if the insert fails the transaction rolls back including the notification. Call it like
select * from add_entry('MyTestUser');
The select will not see the modified table but the returned mytable rows.
If it is necessary for the function to be plpgsql then use return query
create or replace function add_entry (_user_name text, _visible_attr integer[])
returns setof mytable as $body$
notify my_notify;
return query
insert into mytable (id, index, username, visible)
select user_id, item, '#' || $1, $2[item]
generate_series(1, 5) g(item)
cross join
(values (nextval('my_sequence'))) s(user_id)
returning *
$body$ language plpgsql volatile;

How to return multiple rows from PL/pgSQL function?

I have spent good amount of time trying to figure it out and I haven't been able to resolve it. So, I need your help please.
I am trying to write a PL/pgSQL function that returns multiple rows. The function I wrote is shown below. But it is not working.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_object_fields()
DECLARE result_record keyMetrics;
return QUERY SELECT department_id into result_record.visits
from fact_department_daily
where report_date='2013-06-07';
--return result_record;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM get_object_fields;
It is returning this error:
ERROR: RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning set;
use RETURN NEXT at or near "QUERY"
After fixing the bugs #Pavel pointed out, also define your return type properly, or you have to provide a column definition list with every call.
This call:
SELECT * FROM get_object_fields()
... assumes that Postgres knows how to expand *. Since you are returning anonymous records, you get an exception:
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
One way (of several) to fix this is with RETURNS TABLE (Postgres 8.4+):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_object_fields()
RETURNS TABLE (department_id int) AS
SELECT department_id
FROM fact_department_daily
WHERE report_date = '2013-06-07';
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Works for SQL functions just the same.
PostgreSQL: ERROR: 42601: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
I see more bugs:
first, a SET RETURNING FUNCTIONS call has following syntax
SELECT * FROM get_object_fields()
second - RETURN QUERY forwards query result to output directly. You cannot store this result to variable - it is not possible ever in PostgreSQL now.
RETURN QUERY SELECT ....; -- result is forwarded to output directly
RETURN; -- there will not be any next result, finish execution
third - these simple functions is better to implement in SQL languages
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_object_fields()
SELECT department_id WHERE ...
Here's one way
drop function if exists get_test_type();
drop type if exists test_comp;
drop type if exists test_type;
drop type if exists test_person;
create type test_type as (
foo int,
bar int
create type test_person as (
first_name text,
last_name text
create type test_comp as
prop_a test_type[],
prop_b test_person[]
create or replace function get_test_type()
returns test_comp
as $$
a test_type[];
b test_person[];
x test_comp;
a := array(
select row (m.message_id, m.message_id)
from message m
-- alternative 'strongly typed'
b := array[
row('Bob', 'Jones')::test_person,
row('Mike', 'Reid')::test_person
-- alternative 'loosely typed'
b := array[
row('Bob', 'Jones'),
row('Mike', 'Reid')
-- using a select
b := array (
select row ('Jake', 'Scott')
union all
select row ('Suraksha', 'Setty')
x := row(a, b);
return x;
language 'plpgsql' stable;
select * from get_test_type();
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_object_fields()
RETURNS table (department_id integer)
DECLARE result_record keyMetrics;
return QUERY
SELECT department_id
from fact_department_daily
where report_date='2013-06-07';
--return result_record;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM get_object_fields()

Stored function with temporary table in postgresql

Im new to writing stored functions in postgresql and in general . I'm trying to write onw with an input parameter and return a set of results stored in a temporary table.
I do the following in my function .
1) Get a list of all the consumers and store their id's stored in a temp table.
2) Iterate over a particular table and retrieve values corresponding to each value from the above list and store in a temp table.
3)Return the temp table.
Here's the function that I've tried to write by myself ,
create or replace function getPumps(status varchar) returns setof record as $$ (setof record?)
cons_id integer[];
i integer;
temp table tmp_table;--Point B
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no into tmp_table from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1--Point A
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2
return tmp_table
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
However Im not sure about my approach and whether im right at the points A and B as I've marked in the code above.And getting a load of errors while trying to create the temporary table.
EDIT: got the function to work ,but I get the following error when I try to run the function.
ERROR: array value must start with "{" or dimension information
Here's my revised function.
create temp table tmp_table(objectid integer,pump_id integer,pump_serial_id varchar(50),repdate timestamp with time zone,pumpmake varchar(50),status varchar(2),consumer_name varchar(50),wenexa_id varchar(50),rr_no varchar(25));
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
insert into tmp_table
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2;
return query (select * from tmp_table);
drop table tmp_table;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
AFAIK one can't declare tables as variables in postgres. What you can do is create one in your funcion body and use it thourough (or even outside of function). Beware though as temporary tables aren't dropped until the end of the session or commit.
The way to go is to use RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY
As for the function result type I always found RETURNS TABLE to be more readable.
Your cons_id array is innecessary, just iterate the values returned by select.
Also you can have multiple return query statements in a single function to append result of the query to the result returned by function.
In your case:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getPumps(status varchar)
RETURNS TABLE (objectid INTEGER,pump_id INTEGER,pump_serial_id INTEGER....)
FOR i in SELECT consumer_id FROM db_consumer_pump_details LOOP
SELECT objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no FROM db_consumer_pump_details INNER JOIN db_consumer ON db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
WHERE db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i AND db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
ORDER BY db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate DESC LIMIT 2
You probably want to take a look at this solution for groupwise-k-maximum problem as that's exactly what you're dealing with here.
it might be easier to just return a table (or query)
CREATE FUNCTION extended_sales(p_itemno int)
RETURNS TABLE(quantity int, total numeric) AS $$
RETURN QUERY SELECT quantity, quantity * price FROM sales
WHERE itemno = p_itemno;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
(copied from postgresql docs)