Docs JSF integrated with eclipse - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Mars and my application server is Tomcat. I have an .xhtml opened with Web Page Editor
When ever I hover over a tag,e.g. f:selectItem, I just see:
Element : f:selectItem
I'd like to see the documentation about the tag, e.g:
The SelectItem tag adds a child UISelectItem component to the component associated with the enclosing tag. In the HTML renderkit, this creates a single element. It can be used with any of the select tags in the JSF HTML tag library. The body content of this tag must be empty.
JSF SelectItem Docs
Is there any new way I can configure the eclipse to do show the javadocs in tag description?


tinymce adding a context form to a custom plugin in wordpress

So after a lot of trial and error I managed to make a simple tinyMCE plugin that suits a project I'm working on , the plugin at the moment adds or removes a html tag from the slection , but now I want to add a Context Form similar to the link Context Form tinyMCE comes with but there is no clear documentation to do this with the wordpress plugin inside the tinymce.PluginManager . Anyone know how to add this using the tinymce functionaities (in Wordpress).

Linkhandler in editor of extension

Using the linkhandler function of TYPO3 > 8 works fine for content ckeditor elements. But how do I get those additional link browser tabs in rich text fields in news or any other extension?
I guess you have added the new linkhandler-type with TSConfig right? Then this new wizard should be available in all link wizards of every subpage of the page containing your TSconfig. Maybe your News are located inside a folder outside of the TSconfig affected pages?

How to get code assist for HTML tag class attribute in Eclipse?

I am using STS for Spring application developement. I want to use Bootstrap CSS on frontend.
The problem is that code assist does not work for css classes (JetBrains PHPStorm is doing it just fine)
So when I type
<button class="|
I would like to Ctrl+Space to get list of all available css classes (obviously fetched from CSS files in project).
How can I do this?? Code assist for tags and tag attributes works, but what about class attribute value?
Required feature comes with plugin wtp-web-resources but it has some bugs and is no longer maintained because it was supposed to be merged into WTP as core feature and its not done yet.

Adding gwt Tag inside GSP Page

Is it possible to include gwt tags into gsp page. I've installed gwt grails plugin but I haven't been able to achieve this yet.
Its possible to include dojo tags into gsp page after u install the dojo grails plugin
I think you're mixing up the context where these tags are supposed to be used.
GSP tags are for creating a server-side template that will be rendered and sent to the browser as completed HTML. GWT's ui:binder tags are for creating a template that's compiled by GWT and used to generate a page on the client-side within the browser. They operate in two different realms.

Using TinyMCE Advanced with plugin's textarea - Wordpress

I'm developing a custom plugin in Wordpress. I also have the TinyMCE Advanced Wordpress plugin activated and working.
I created a normal HTML textarea, and converted it into a TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor, using the class="theEditor" attribute. The problem is, it's Wordpress' own TinyMCE implementation, and NOT the TinyMCE Advanced plugin's implementation, which means I miss out on all its features, including the (most important for my purposes) "stop removing <p> and <br> tags" option.
How do I make the textarea trigger TinyMCE Advanced?
You should have a look at these two articles:
And check the the_editor (/wp-includes/general-template.php -> line 1771) and the wp_tiny_mce (/wp-admin/includes/post.php -> line 1377) functions too.
Updated the links
These links are dead, but can be reached in the internet archive here: page page