Binding an html form action to a controller method that takes some parameters - forms

In my Find controller I have a method like:
public Result findLatest(String repoStr) {
Which is linked through a route:
GET /latest controllers.Find.findLatest(repo: String)
Then, I have a form in a view like:
<form action="#routes.Find.findLatest()" method="get">
<select name="repo">....</select>
But obviously that is failing, because it is expecting some parameters that I do not fulfill in the action. What is the correct way to do this without having to end up leaving the findLatest method taking no parameters in my controller?

You could change the routes to accept an empty string:
GET /latest/:repo controllers.Find.findLatest(repo: String = "")
Then configure your controller function to handle empty string.
That way,
<form action="#routes.Find.findLatest()" method="get">
<select name="repo">....</select>
will evaluate repo as an empty string at the controller level.

Edit: Support for this implementation was dropped in Play v 2.1
You may be interested in Play's Optional parameters e.g. play.libs.F.Option[String]
Example: How to handle optional query parameters in Play framework
GET /latest/:repo/:artifact controllers.Find.findLatestArtifact(repo: play.libs.F.Option[String], artifact: play.libs.F.Option[String])
This will allow you flexibility in which arguments need to be provided.
Not sure which language you're using but the link above contains an example for scala and the method declaration in java would look something like:
import play.libs.F.Option;
public static Result findLatestArtifact(Option<String> repo, Option<String> artifact){ ... }
and updated implementation 2.1
Routes with optional parameter - Play 2.1 Scala
EDIT: play 2.1+ Support : Props to #RobertUdah below
Initializing to null:
GET /latest/ controllers.Find.findLatest(repo: String = null)
GET /latest/:repo controllers.Find.findLatest(repo: String)
<form action="#routes.Find.findLatest()" method="get">

Normally all form data go in the body and you can retrieve them in your action method with bindFromRequest() (see docs).
If you really want to pass one form element as a part of the URL then you have to dynamically compose your URL in JavaScript and change your route.
Your route could look like:
GET /latest/:repo controllers.Find.findLatest(repo: String)
And the JavaScript part like (I didn't actually test the code):
<form name="myform" action="javascript:composeUrl();" method="get">
<select name="repo">....</select>
function submitform() {
var formElement = document.getElementsByName("myform");
var repo = formElement.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
formElement.action = "/lastest/" + repo;

Cavice suggested something close to what I consider the best solution for this (since F.Option are not supported anymore with the default binders in Play 2.1 ).
I ended up leaving the route like:
GET /latest controllers.Find.findLatest(repo=null)
and the view like:
<form action="#routes.Find.findLatest(null)" method="get">
<select name="repo"> .... </select>
and in the controller:
public Result findLatest(String repoStr) {
if(repoStr==null) {
This allows me to have a second route like:
GET /latest/:repo controllers.Find.findLatest(repo: String)


Angular 2++ | NgForm: Form.Dirty is Always Dirty

Determine if NgForm Looks Exactly As It Did Before Any User-Input
It seems that form.dirty doesn't redact its value after it has been changed, and form.touched seems to always be false no matter what: dirty is touched, and touched is tetched.
<form #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="handleSubmission($event, {}, form)">
(ngModelChange)="handleEstimateChange(item, item.estimate, input, form)"
export class LeComponent {
#Input('data') public data: any;
public handleEstimateChange: Function;
constructor(private $: Sandbox) {
this.handleEstimateChange = $.debounce(this.handleEstimate.bind(this), (1000*0.2));
handleEstimate(item: any, estimate: number, input: HTMLInputElement, form: NgForm) {
if (!estimate) delete item.esitmate;
(this, item, estimate, input, form);
// Why does form.dirty never change back to pristine again???
In the TypeScript, I'm debouncing the ngModelChange handler to give Angular a chance to change the form.dirty value before I check it. This is because ngModelChange gets triggered before the NgForm object has been modified.
If !estimate, because estimate === "", then set it back to its original value of undefined. In this case, the form should look exactly like it did before any user-input had occurred.
However, when I put a breakpoint on the line right above the comment and I output form.dirty to the console, the NgForm never changes dirty back to false.
Is it possible to determine if the form looks exactly like it did before any user-input?
Obviously, I can write my own dirty logic, but wouldn't that mean that NgForm is kind of useless? There's got to be something I'm missing, right? How could dirty not mean dirty?
I've taken a look at some other SO questions -- the first one being similar but definitely not the question I am asking. They are asking if this is intentional -- I don't care; I'd like to know how to accomplish the goal above.
Close, but no cigar:
angular2 formcontrol stays dirty even if set to original value
Block routing if form is dirty [ Angular 2 ]
Angular 2 getting only the dirty values in a controlgroup
How do I programmatically set an Angular 2 form control to dirty?
Angular 2.x/4.x & bootstrap: patchValue does not alter dirty flag. Possible bug?
With template-driven forms and a very flat data model, I implemented it like this:
private currentProduct: IProduct;
private originalProduct: IProduct;
get isDirty(): boolean {
return JSON.stringify(this.originalProduct) !== JSON.stringify(this.currentProduct);
get product(): IProduct {
return this.currentProduct;
set product(value: IProduct) {
this.currentProduct = value;
// Clone the object to retain a copy
this.originalProduct = Object.assign({}, value);
But this only works for very simple cases.
As I mentioned in the comments, using reactive forms gives you more flexibility in managing your data model separate from your user entries.
What Was Most Useful
<form #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="handleSubmission($event, {}, form)">
(ngModelChange)="handleEstimateChange(item, item.estimate, input, form)"
export class LeComponent {
#Input('data') public section: any;
public handleEstimateChange: Function;
private resetFormControl = (input: HTMLInputElement, form: NgForm) => {
var name =, control = form.controls[name];
// control.markAsPristine();
// control.setValue(undefined);
// control.updateValueAndValidity();
constructor(private $: Sandbox) {
this.handleEstimateChange = $.debounce(this.handleEstimate.bind(this), (1000*0.2));
handleEstimate(item: any, estimate: number, input: HTMLInputElement, form: NgForm) {
if (!estimate) this.resetFormControl(input, form);
(this, item, estimate, input, form);
// Why does form.dirty never change back to pristine again???
[]="..." (template.html)
Basically, simply deleteing the value was not enough because it was still present on the FormControl object (form.controls). To clear it properly, invoke control.reset() for the individual control -- this in-turn invokes .markAsPristine() which communicates to the parent NgForm. Also, was empty as it was only represented by ng-reflect-name unless [] elucidated the same value -- [name] is really just there because its required by Angular.
Now, anytime an <input /> value changes -- and its falsey -- we reset the input ensuring that if all are falsey, Angular will automatically handle the NgForm's dirty-state correctly.

Working aroung passing an Implicit parameter to every single template

I'm doing some work with PlayFramework templates, but I have encountered a problem. We're using play's helpers which requires Messages (imported from play.api.i18n). Everything was ok until our Designer wanted to have login form in form of Modal... Because it'll be appended to every single template, we'll need to add that messages parameter everywhere - which is ugly IMHO.
Is there a way to work that around? Passing it everywhere would mean that I have to Inject() it everywhere, even if it's needed only to be passed to shut the typechecker.
Sample Page:
#(project: model.Project)(implicit request: Request[AnyContent], messages: Messages)
#for(member <- project.members) {
Fragment of Main template:
#(title: String)(content: Html)(additionalImport: Any)(implicit req: Request[AnyContent], messages: Messages)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
#* this call actually needs that param. *#
<div class="container">
#req.flash.get("error").map { error =>
<div class="flash-error">#error</div>
The Form:
#import model.UserLoginData
#(loginForm: Form[UserLoginData])(implicit req: Request[AnyContent], messages: Messages)
#helper.form(action = routes.AuthenticationController.login()) { { error =>
<div class="error">#error.message</div>
<input type="submit" value="Zaloguj"/>
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Here I see two work arounds. Unfortunately, I am not able to test them now, but I believe they will both work.
Get rid of the messages parameter from the form template. Use Play.current.injector.instanceOf[MessagesApi] to get MessagesApi implementation just inside the template (here is a question about accessing injector without an #Inject annotation). Then you may call the method preferred(Http.RequestHeader request):Messages to get a Messages instance, and then you need to explicitly pass this to a helper method.
If you just want to get rid of injection and you don't mind passing an implicit messages parameter to every single template, you may implement your own version of the I18nSupport trait. Here I mean that you usually write the controller in the following way:
class SomeController #Inject()(val messagesApi: MessagesApi) extends Controller with I18nSupport. The messagesApi val overrides the same value of the I18nSupport trait. You may extend this trait with your own MyI18Support trait, and inject MessagesApi inside it (UPD: you may either #Iinject or use Play.current.injector). Then you will only need to write the controller as follows: class SomeController extends Controller with MyI18nSupport.

How to bind multiple snippets to one input field in a form

I'am trying to have auto complete and onBlur functionality attached to the same input field using Liftweb framework.
I have them working independently.
What I'am trying to do is have an auto complete input field and on selecting the value from the suggestion, some business logic is to be performed and another input field needs to be updated.
But only the auto complete feature is working.
This is the form
<form class="lift:CapitalOnBlur">
Country : <input id="countryNameOnBlur" type="text" name="countryNameOnBlur"/><br />
Capital: <input id="capitalNameOnBlur" type="text" name="capital"/>
This is the snippet
object CapitalOnBlur {
val capitals: Map[String, String] = Map(
"india" -> "New Delhi",
"uganda" -> "Kampala",
"japan" -> "Tokyo")
def render = {
def callback(countryName: String): JsCmd = {
val capital = capitals.getOrElse(countryName.toLowerCase, "Not Found")
SetValById("capitalNameOnBlur", capital)
val default = ""
def suggest(value: String, limit: Int) = capitals.filter(_._1.startsWith(value.toLowerCase)).keys.toSeq
def submit(value: String) = Unit
"#countryNameOnBlur" #> AutoComplete(default, suggest, submit) &
"#countryNameOnBlur [onBlur]" #> SHtml.onEvent(callback)
This is what I actually want to do. I tried this and only onBlur event is triggered.
According to my needs, When I start typing the country name in the first input field, it should show me the suggestions and on selecting the suggestion i.e.; onBlur from that input field, the corresponding capital should be rendered in the next input field.
And also is there a way to trigger an action on selecting a suggestion using the inbuilt Auto complete feature of lift.
I am adding this as a separate answer since the edit is essentially a separate question. The AutoComplete widget from Lift does not modify an existing element on the page, but rather replaces it with the following NodeSeq, as per the source.
<link rel="stylesheet" href={"/" + LiftRules.resourceServerPath +"/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.css"} type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src={"/" + LiftRules.resourceServerPath +"/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.js"} />
<input type="text" id={id} value={default.openOr("")} />
<input type="hidden" name={hidden} id={hidden} value={defaultNonce.openOr("")} />
Since that has now replaced the original HTML, the second line where you add an onBlur handler is not applied to anything useful. However, the AutoComplete constructor does take an optional parameter for attributes and you can probably use that to add an onBlur attribute to the input tag.
You can try something like this:
"#countryNameOnBlur" #> AutoComplete(default, suggest, submit,
("onBlur", SHtml.onEvent(callback).cmd.toJsCmd))
The above should pass in a tuple which specifies the attribute name, and the string representation of the Javascript you want executed. This should accomplish what you are looking for as long as the AutoComplete library doesn't also rely on the onBlur event. That case is doable too, but a bit more work.
One other thing to note is that onBlur is fired when the input loses focus, ie: the user moves the cursor to another field. If you want it to fire any time the text changes, regardless of cursor position, you may prefer the onChange event.
If you are looking to bind to different events on the same element, so that you end up with something like: <input onblur="getCapitalName" onchange="autoComplete">, you can try using SHtml.onEvent. Something like this in your snippet should do the trick:
object CapitalOnBlur {
def render =
"* [onblur]" #> SHtml.onEvent(e => CapitalOnBlur.getCapitalName(e)) &
"* [onchange]" #> SHtml.onEvent(e => CapitalOnBlur.autoComplete(e)) &
And then call the snippet from your input, like this:
Country : <input id="countryNameOnBlur" data-lift="CapitalOnBlur" type="text" name="countryNameOnBlur"/><br />
I am not sure what any of the arguments your code takes, so the above is mostly illustrative - but will hopefully get you on your way.

Bind a form field in Play 2.0 with a constant value?

I have a scala form with several fields.The fields in the form map to the member variables of a Java class. I want to bind one of the fields(say userId) with a value (I dont want the user to enter values for this field. Instead i want to pass this as a parameter to the scala template). However, i was unable to manually bind a form field. Any help is highly appreciated.
See the sample below for easier understanding :
`#(itemForm: Form[Item], user: User)
#import helper._
#main("Item list") {
#if(user != null) {
#form(routes.Application.newItem()) {
#itemForm("userId") = /**I want to bind the userId form field */
<input type="submit" value="Create">
In this case it would be better to pass it as action's argument (remember to modify routes declaration)
you can also just use common html
<input type="hidden" name="userId" value="" />
Validation in action.Note: it doesn't make sense to display errors on the page next to hidden field, so you do not need placeholders for error messages. It's up to you to pass VALID value into the hidden field. Displaying validation errors to user who can not change the value of hidden field is bad conception.
public static Result newItem(){
Form<ItemModel> itemForm = form(ItemModel.class).bindFromRequest();
if (itemForm.hasErrors(){
return badRequest(newItemView.render(itemForm));
return ok("Your new item is saved...");

$_post in Kohana controller

i was wondering if i can get a variable with $_post, in a kohana controller if the controller doesn't 'control' a form.
So, if i insert in a view something like:
<form name="ordering" id="ordering" method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" id="ordering" value="0">
<select id="ordering" name="ordering">
in the controller i put :
$ordering = $_POST['ordering'];
but gives me an error
if ($this->request->method == 'POST') {
$ordering = $_POST['ordering'];
but in this case it never gets there(at this bunch of code).
so my question is: how can i retrieve in a controller a $_post variable if the controller doesn't handle only a form? thank you!
Kohana 3.0 :
if ($_POST)
$ordering = arr::get($_POST, 'ordering');
Kohana 3.1 :
if ($ordering = $this->request->post('ordering')) // or just $this->request->post()
PHP will issue a notice if you attempt to access an undefined array element.
So if the "ordering" form was never submitted, attempting to access $_POST['ordering'] will result in
PHP Notice: Undefined index: ordering in ...
Kohana's Arr class provides a nice helper method to get around this.
If you call
$ordering = Arr::get($_POST, 'ordering', 0);
It will retrieve the ordering value from the post variable. If $_POST['ordering'] is not set, it will return the third parameter instead. You can then try if ($ordering) ...
This is useful for $_POST/$_GET arrays, or any function that accepts arrays – it allows you to concisely specify a fallback behavior rather than having to test with isset.
One of the advantages of Kohana is that the source code tends to be very clean and easy to understand (which is nice because documentation is sparse.) I'd suggest you take a check out the Kohana_Arr class and look at the methods available!
ID's are unique! Use class insted or different IDs.
Your form and the select both have got ordering, change one to something else, like:
<form name="ordering_form" id="ordering_form" method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" id="ordering_input" value="0">
<select id="ordering" name="ordering">
and in your Kohana Controller:
if( isset( $_POST['ordering'] ) )
$ordering = $_POST['ordering'];
this should work, because i cant find any other error