Error while lifting the server - postgresql

I tried to make a project using sails.js, ORM sequelize and postgreSQL. While lifting the server, I'm getting the following error:
I made sure that all the parameters and connections are correct but I'm unable to figure out the reason of this error. Please suggest a solution if possible.


SSAS OLAP cube deploy fail

Faced a problem where I receive an error between Deploying and Processing my OLAP cube model. If I process cube without deploying, everything goes smoothly without problems. But when I deploy model, i receive the following error:
Cannot process database. Reason: Failed to save modifications to the
server. Error returned: 'OLE DB or ODBC error: We're sorry, an error
occurred during evaluation.. OLE DB or ODBC error: The command has
been canceled..
And I can not find a reason of this failure. This model was already deployed previously and there were no problems, compatibility also good
It looks like there is some sort of Permission problems but I can not figure out what it is exactly
Would like to hear suggestions and help
Thank you

Postgres, Prisma Working Fine One Day, 'P1001 Error: Can't Reach Database' the next

For this project, I am using a prisma / Postgres database. I have made no changes to my code, and I have pulled a coworkers working version of the code to no avail. I am unable to do anything with the database, I cannot migrate, I cannot run mutations, and I cannot even open the psql console, as every command is met with
P1001: Can't reach database server at localhost:5432
Please make sure your database server is running at localhost:5432
I am not sure what I could have possibly done, I don't know enough about ports or even the contents of app.json well enough to have messed anything up. Now, no mutations can go through.
Interestingly enough, this all happened after I ran npx primsa migrate deploy on the deployed database which is on a EC2 VM from AWS. Since then, the native app associated with the database refuses to work, though it is worth nothing that the webapp connects to the deployed database just fine. This being said, nothing works locally, as the database / Port / Server don't exist anymore according to my machine, which makes no sense. I have no idea how to try to re-spin it, or why every single query / mutation from my Native App now ONLy returns Response not successful: Received status code 400 despite it having the same exact syntax it did when it worked, as well as the WebApp having the same syntax and server (ExpressJS). Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
The error code 400 refers to a bad request coming from the client: too large request, malformed syntax, invalid request message framing, etc.
First step: make sure that your database server is indeed running. Try connecting to it with other SQL Clients or Libraries. Sometimes Prisma is just being difficult.
Second thing: are you hosting the database on the local server? I can assume you are because of the localhost. Make sure no other programs are using this port or maybe waiting for it.
Sorry if this doesn't help. Good luck!

CloudRun Suddenly got `Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}"`

We have been running a service using NestJS and TypeORM on fully managed CloudRun without issues for several months. Yesterday PM we started getting Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}" errors in our logs.
We didn't make any server/SQL changes around this timestamp. Currently there is no impact to the service so we are not sure if this is a serious issue.
This error is not from our code, and our third party modules shouldn't know if we use Cloud SQL, so I have no idea where this errors come from.
My assumption is Cloud SQL Proxy or any SQL client used in Cloud Run is making this error. We use --add-cloudsql-instances flag when deploying with "gcloud run deploy" CLI command.
Link to the issue here
This log was recently added in the Cloud Run data path to provide more context for debugging CloudSQL connectivity issues. However, the original logic was overly aggressive, emitting this message even for properly working CloudSQL connections. Your application is working correctly and should not receive this warning.
Thank you for reporting this issue. The fix is ready and should roll out soon. You should not see this message anymore after the fix is out.

Debezium on AWS RDS Postgres with rds.force_ssl not working well

Has anyone managed to get Debezium to work over AWS RDS Postgres with rds.force_ssl turned on in the parameter group?
The connector seems to work for a bit, and then we begin to receive errors like Database connection failed when writing to copy and Exception thrown while calling task.commit().
I have scoured the web searching for this issue, and I see many people encountered it, and many Jira issues opened about it.
The response generally is "Check your network configuration" or "Disable your SSL".
I just can't get it to work for some reason, and obviously disabling encryption in transit is not possible in production use cases (at least in ours).
I would appreciate any kind of help or insight into how to solve this!

Connection to google cloud sql fails on dev

I'm trying to connect to the Dev SQL server on Google's cloud platform.
I used to have no problem at all connecting a few weeks ago but I wanted to upgrade some stuff and suddenly a connection cannot be established..
I've tried connecting via MySQL Workbench first and it keeps getting a connection error 10060. When I test the parameters it goes fine but the connection never succeeds.
So I also tried using code in Java using a code similar to Google's example and this arbitrarily works but mostly doesn't and throws connection link fail exception.
So I know the code and setup is fine since it sometimes succeeds. so the question is: why? When is it fine and when does it fail and why? Also why does it never work via the workbench although it did work in the past?
Is this familiar to anyone?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I'm having the same problem.
I read that it might be the ISP blocking outbound port 3306.
is your IPS is Bezeq International-Ltd by any chance?
when I use my cell phone network it works fine.
It looks like Google are currently having issues with Cloud SQL. See Twitter for example