how to get username who make an request to lita - deployment

I'd like to know how to get username who posted in slack channel.
It seems to possible to get user information through Slack API. ( In our office, we use slack to deploy via slack by using lita( and jenkins. I want to prevent non-developers can make request of deploying. However, I can't figure it out how to get username through Slack API. Any comments are welcome.

In lita, the sender of the message is accessible via #response.user.
You could also manage the list of users who are allowed to deploy via group authorization as is done in lita-retro:
route /retro\s+clear/i, :clear, command: true, restrict_to: :retro_admins, help: {
"retro clear" => t("help.clear_value")


Custom messages for Github Slack integration for issue tracking

Is it possible to customize the messages that github will send to the slack webhook? I was able to set it up to where I get notifications whenever an issue is created/deleted/edited, however I would like to only get notifications for specific issues with a certain label and also be able to change the format of the notification.
With this level of customization, you will likely need to write a bit of custom code that:
Receives and authenticates the Github webhook. This means you need to host the code someplace as a web service, for example in Heroku.
Filters down to only the events that matter to you with the custom criteria you listed above.
Formats a custom Slack message in markdown based on the payload of the Github event.
Posts that message to Slack - probably the simplest solution is to use the Slack incoming webhooks.
(Disclosure: I am the co-founder of Fusebit). Fusebit automates such integration scenarios and allows you to focus on the parts that matter to you, which in this case is the custom filtering and custom message formatting code.

Is there any option to run github action via email

I need to send an email to github and then it need to run github action with input
Is that possible?
Or i need to make a push to master via email
You cannot start a workflow directly from email, but you can use manual events
You can manually trigger a workflow run using the GitHub API and from GitHub. For more information, see "Manually running a workflow."
Here are all available events that can trigger a workflow.
There are examples for starting workflow from slack, so I suppose you can implement something triggered by mail (if you can add a listener that checks all new emails and if specific email is send to call the GitHub API)

Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook is not working with BambooHR Webhook

I configured an incoming webhook for my Teams channel and also configured BambooHR webhook with Teams incoming webhook URL to post data to the channel. Even posting data from different places is working well, it is not working for BambooHR webhook. Why this problem occurs and how can I fix this?
Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook accepts only one format and it is below. Whatever you need should be the value of the text.
{ text:"" }
None of the other formats is valid for it, that's why BambooHR Webhook did not work. I wish they had a proper JSON format.

slack - github integration, mentioning/tagging user in github also notify them in slack

i've look at and did not find apps that suitable for my needs.
the idea is to notify the user in slack and post the Github url when they were mentioned/tagged in the Github (#username) (similar with when Github sent email notification)
is there a way for a person to be notified in slack?
A lot of people use MailClark to convert email notifications into Slack notifications. When there is a mention in an email, MaiClark recognizes it and converts it as a Slack mention.
So if you link your GitHub notifications to a Slack channel with MailClark, it could work (providing you have the same user name in Slack and in GitHub.) Not sure that it is the best solution, but you still can give it a try!

How do you configure a github organization's repo to send notification emails about all events?

The webhooks guide lists email as one of the available services, however it seems that this only kicks off when a user actually pushes a change to the repository. How can you configure it so that an email is fired off for every event concerning that repo - issues opened/closed, pull requests, etc.?
You cannot, currently. See this pull request to the github-services which would enable at least pull request notification by email, but it was never merged by GitHub.
As a work-around I currently use IFTTT on my Android device to get notified about pull requests by email.