How to check range of values from one array into another array in MATLAB? - matlab

I have Two Arrays in MATLAB, Say A and B contains random values as below. Both arrays A and B always contain a pair; 2,4,6 or 8 or more elements (even number only) and A always has less elements than B. And elements in both arrays are pre-sorted.
A=[152 271];
B=[107 266 314 517 538 732];
I want to check the range of values of all pairs (one pair, 152-271 in this example) in A against all pairs of B. And expand/modify the values of pairs of B as such, if it exceed the B values. In this example, first to compare pair 152-271 of A with first pair of B (i.e. 107-266). As 152 is greater than 107, and 271 is greater than 266. We will modify 266 values of first pair of B with 271 to wholly include the range of first pair of A within B. Both intervals (range) in A and B should somewhat overlap to modify the B values.We will stop when there are no elements to check in A. The end result will be like this:
A=[152 271];
B=[107 271 314 517 538 732];
In this image below Green,Rad and Yellow represent A,B and final B (only modified) values respectively.

You can use find with the option last to identify the indices in B
A=[152 271 280 320];
B=[107 266 314 517 538 732];
for interval = 1:numel(A)-1
%get the index of the lower interval bound in B
%increase the upper interval bound if nessecary
As you did not specify any corner cases (Intervals in A exceeds B) I did not conciser them. If they can happen, you need to extend the code.

A=[152 271];
B=[107 266 314 517 538 732];
mat=[A B];
A1 = vec2mat(mat,2)
n = size(mat,1);
[t,p] = sort(mat(:));
z = cumsum(accumarray((1:2*n)',2*(p<=n)-1));
z1 = [0;z(1:end-1)];
A2 = [t(z1==0 & z>0),t(z1>0 & z==0)]
% Reference Link: ( by Roger Stafford


How to create a matrix which contains a selected set of pixels from another matrix based on a third one?

I have a grayscale matrix A with certain values that are black(i.e., pixel values of 0). I have another grayscale matrix B which is of the same size as A.
I want to create a matrix C which contains only those values of B where A is 0 and the rest of the values in B turn to white. For example,
A = [0 35 0 0 88];
B = [22 3 34 99 4];
The matrix C should be
C= [22 255 34 99 255];
I'm trying to use logical indexing as follows but it has errors.
How do I change the above line to get the desired results?
You are trying to assign the whole of B to the smaller matrix of just locations where A==0.
In order to use only the correct number of values for assignment, the first line needs to be
It should be noted however that the same result can be gained simply by setting all of C to the corresponding B values (C = B) and then just modifying those where A~=0 as in your 2nd line.

Calculate the average of elements in a matrix that correspond to a value in a separate matrix

I have a 333 x 333 adjacency matrix which consists of values that I would like to average according to the identity of each cell, which is defined in a separate 333x1 vector. There are a total of 13 different groups defined in the second vector, so ideally, I'd be able to calculate a new 13 x 13 matrix in which each cell contained the average value of the corresponding values from the larger matrix.
matrix_1: 333 x 333 --> contains values for each pairwise interaction
vector_2: 333 x 1 --> contains the identity (range: 1 - 13) for each of the elements in matrix_1 (elements are the same in both the rows and columns)
ideal output = matrix_2: 13 x 13 --> contains values in each cell which reflect the mean score for all examples of the specific identity comparison.
e.g. matrix_2(1,1) --> should contain mean score of all 1 to 1 values from matrix_1
e.g. matrix_2(1,2) --> should contain mean score of all 1 to 2 values (and 2 to 1 values) from matrix_1
Thanks in advance
I'm not 100% certain from your description, but I guess you want:
[I,J] = ndgrid(V);
out = accumarray([I(:),J(:)], M(:), [], #mean);

Calculate a "running" maximum of a vector

I have the following matrix which keeps track of the starting and ending points of data ranges (the first column represents "starts" and the second column represents the "ends"):
myMatrix = [
162 199; %// this represents the range 162:199
166 199; %// this represents the range 166:199
180 187; %// and so on...
314 326;
323 326;
397 399;
419 420;
433 436;
576 757;
579 630;
634 757;
663 757;
668 757;
676 714;
722 757;
746 757;
799 806;
951 953;
1271 1272
I need to eliminate all the ranges (ie. rows) which are contained within a larger range present in the matrix. For example the ranges [166:199] and [180:187] are contained within the range [162:199] and thus, rows 2 and 3 would need to be removed.
The solution I thought of was to calculate a sort of "running" max on the second column to which subsequent values of the column are compared to determine whether or not they need to be removed. I implemented this with the use of a for loop as follows:
currentMax = myMatrix(1,2); %//set first value as the maximum
[sizeOfMatrix,~] = size(myMatrix); %//determine the number of rows
rowsToRemove = false(sizeOfMatrix,1); %//pre-allocate final vector of logicals
for m=2:sizeOfMatrix
if myMatrix(m,2) > currentMax %//if new max is reached, update currentMax...
currentMax = myMatrix(m,2);
rowsToRemove(m) = true; %//... else mark that row for removal
myMatrix(rowsToRemove,:) = [];
This correctly removes the "redundant" ranges in myMatrix and produces the following matrix:
myMatrix =
162 199
314 326
397 399
419 420
433 436
576 757
799 806
951 953
1271 1272
Onto the questions:
1) It would seem that there has to be a better way of calculating a "running" max than a for loop. I looked into accumarray and filter, but could not figure out a way to do it with those functions. Is there a potential alternative that skips the for loop (some kind of vectorized code that is more efficient)?
2) Is there a completely different (that is, more efficient) way to accomplish the final goal of removing all the ranges that are contained within larger ranges in myMatrix? I don't know if I'm over-thinking this whole thing...
Approach #1
bsxfun based brute-force approach -
myMatrix(sum(bsxfun(#ge,myMatrix(:,1),myMatrix(:,1)') & ...
Few explanations on the proposed solution:
Compare all starts indices against each other for "contained-ness" and similarly for ends indices. Note that the "contained-ness" criteria has to be for either of these two :
Greater than or equal to for starts and lesser than or equal to for ends
Lesser than or equal to for starts and greater than or equal to for ends.
I just so happen to go with the first option.
See which rows satisfy at least one "contained-ness" and remove those to have the desired result.
Approach #2
If you are okay with an output that has sorted rows according to the first column and if there are lesser number of local max's, you can try this alternative approach -
myMatrix_sorted = sortrows(myMatrix,1);
col2 = myMatrix_sorted(:,2);
max_idx = 1:numel(col2);
while 1
col2_selected = col2(max_idx);
N = numel(col2_selected);
labels = cumsum([true ; diff(col2_selected)>0]);
idx1 = accumarray(labels, 1:N ,[], #(x) findmax(x,col2_selected));
if numel(idx1)==N
max_idx = max_idx(idx1);
out = myMatrix_sorted(max_idx,:); %// desired output
Associated function code -
function ix = findmax(indx, s)
[~,ix] = max(s(indx));
ix = indx(ix);
I ended up using the following for the "running maximum" problem (but have no comment on its efficiency relative to other solutions):
function x = cummax(x)
% Cumulative maximum along dimension 1
% Adapted from
% Is recursive, but magically so, such that the number of recursions is proportional to log(n).
n = size(x, 1);
%fprintf('%d\n', n)
if n == 2
x(2, :) = max(x);
elseif n % had to add this condition relative to the web version, otherwise it would recurse infinitely with n=0
x(2:2:n, :) = cummax(max(x(1:2:n-1, :), x(2:2:n, :)));
x(3:2:n, :) = max(x(3:2:n, :), x(2:2:n-1, :));

Understanding Histogram in Matlab

I got the following results after applying:[h,bins]=hist(data), such that, the data will contain the LBP (Local Binary Pattern) values.
h =
221 20 6 4 1 1 2 0 0 1
bins =
Columns 1 through 7
8.2500 24.7500 41.2500 57.7500 74.2500 90.7500 107.2500
Columns 8 through 10
123.7500 140.2500 156.7500
I want to ask the following:
Does the first bin represent the values 0-8.25 and the second bin the values 8.26-24.75, and so forth?
For the h value 221, does it mean that we have computed 221 an LBP value ranging from 0-8.25?
1) No. The bin location is in the center value of the bin, that is, for the first bin the values are 0-16.5, the second bin is 16.5-33, etc. Use histc if it is more natural to specify bin edges instead of centers.
2) h(1)=221 means that from your entire data set (that has 256 elements according to your question), 221 elements had values ranging between 0-16.5 .

I need to order a list that is dependant on another list. how to change both lists?

I have a Matlab program that generates a list x = 6.1692 8.1863 5.8092 8.2754 6.0891 the program also outputs another list aspl = 680 637 669 599 693.
The two lists are on equal length and the first element in list x is related to the first element in list aspl. I need to graph the two lists but want list aspl to be in order from smallest to largest. How would I go about doing this? If I need to move the first element in aspl to position 4 in the list, then the first element of list x also needs to be moved to position 4 in list x. The numbers above are not important they are just examples, the actual program generates hundereds of numbers.
for example x = 6.1692 8.1863 5.8092 8.2754 initially
aspl = 680 637 669 599 693
after changing aspl to ascending order this is how x should look.
x = 5.8092 8.1863 5.8092 6.1692 8.2754
aspl = 599 637 669 680 693
Use the second output of sort:
%# sort aspl, get new order of aspl
[sortedAspl, sortOrder] = sort(aspl);
%# reorder x the same way as aspl
sortedX = x(sortOrder);