Calculate the average of elements in a matrix that correspond to a value in a separate matrix - matlab

I have a 333 x 333 adjacency matrix which consists of values that I would like to average according to the identity of each cell, which is defined in a separate 333x1 vector. There are a total of 13 different groups defined in the second vector, so ideally, I'd be able to calculate a new 13 x 13 matrix in which each cell contained the average value of the corresponding values from the larger matrix.
matrix_1: 333 x 333 --> contains values for each pairwise interaction
vector_2: 333 x 1 --> contains the identity (range: 1 - 13) for each of the elements in matrix_1 (elements are the same in both the rows and columns)
ideal output = matrix_2: 13 x 13 --> contains values in each cell which reflect the mean score for all examples of the specific identity comparison.
e.g. matrix_2(1,1) --> should contain mean score of all 1 to 1 values from matrix_1
e.g. matrix_2(1,2) --> should contain mean score of all 1 to 2 values (and 2 to 1 values) from matrix_1
Thanks in advance

I'm not 100% certain from your description, but I guess you want:
[I,J] = ndgrid(V);
out = accumarray([I(:),J(:)], M(:), [], #mean);


How to create a matrix which contains a selected set of pixels from another matrix based on a third one?

I have a grayscale matrix A with certain values that are black(i.e., pixel values of 0). I have another grayscale matrix B which is of the same size as A.
I want to create a matrix C which contains only those values of B where A is 0 and the rest of the values in B turn to white. For example,
A = [0 35 0 0 88];
B = [22 3 34 99 4];
The matrix C should be
C= [22 255 34 99 255];
I'm trying to use logical indexing as follows but it has errors.
How do I change the above line to get the desired results?
You are trying to assign the whole of B to the smaller matrix of just locations where A==0.
In order to use only the correct number of values for assignment, the first line needs to be
It should be noted however that the same result can be gained simply by setting all of C to the corresponding B values (C = B) and then just modifying those where A~=0 as in your 2nd line.

sparse matrix matlab unexpected behavior

I am creating a sparse matrix
sp = sparse(I,J,Val,X,Y)
My Val matrix is a ones matrix. Much to my surprise the sp matrix does not contain only zeros and ones. I suppose that this happens because in some cases there are duplicates in I,J. I mean the sp(1,1) is set to 1 2 times, and this makes it 2.
Question 1: Is my assumption true? Instead of overwriting the value, does MATLAB really add it?
Question 2: How can we get around this, given that it would be very troublesome to manipulate I and J. Something I can think of, is to use find (thus guaranteeing uniqueness) and then recreate the matrix using ones once more. Any better suggestion?
Question 1: Is my assumption true? Instead of overwriting the value, does Matlab really add it?
Correct. If you have duplicate row and column values each with their own values, MATLAB will aggregate them all into the same row and column location by adding them.
This is clearly seen in the documentation but as a reproducible example, suppose I have the following row and column locations and their associated values at these locations:
i = [6 6 6 5 10 10 9 9].';
j = [1 1 1 2 3 3 10 10].';
v = [100 202 173 305 410 550 323 121].';
Note that these are column vectors as this shape is the expected input. In a neater presentation:
>> [i j v]
ans =
6 1 100
6 1 202
6 1 173
5 2 305
10 3 410
10 3 550
9 10 323
9 10 121
We can see that there are three values that get mapped to location (6, 1), two values that get mapped to location (10, 3) and finally two that get mapped to location (9, 10).
By creating the sparse matrix and displaying it, we thus get:
>> S = sparse(i,j,v)
S =
(6,1) 475
(5,2) 305
(10,3) 960
(9,10) 444
As you can see, the three values mapped to (6, 1) are summed: 100 + 202 + 173 = 475. You can verify this with the other duplicate row and column locations.
Question 2: How can we get around this, given that it would be very troublesome to manipulate I and J. Something I can think of, is to use find (thus guaranteeing uniqueness) and then recreate the matrix using ones once more. Any better suggestion?
There are two possible ways to mitigate this if it is truly your desire to only have a binary matrix.
The first way which may be more preferable to you as you mentioned that manipulating the row and column locations is troublesome is to create the matrix that you have now, but then convert it to logical so that any values that are non-zero are set to 1:
>> S = S ~= 0
S =
10×10 sparse logical array
(6,1) 1
(5,2) 1
(10,3) 1
(9,10) 1
If you require that the precision of the matrix be back in its original double form, cast the result after you convert to logical:
>> S = double(S ~= 0)
S =
(6,1) 1
(5,2) 1
(10,3) 1
(9,10) 1
The second way if you wish is to work on your row and column locations so that you filter out any indices that are non-unique, then create a vector of ones for val that is as long as the unique row and column locations. You can use the unique function to help you do that. Concatenate the row and column locations in a two column matrix and specify that you want to operate on 'rows'. This means that each row is considered an input rather than individual elements in a matrix. Once you find the unique row and column locations, use these as input for creating the sparse matrix:
>> unique_vals = unique([i j], 'rows')
unique_vals =
5 2
6 1
9 10
10 3
>> vals = ones(size(unique_vals, 1));
>> S = sparse(unique_vals(:, 1), unique_vals(:, 2), vals)
S =
(6,1) 1
(5,2) 1
(10,3) 1
(9,10) 1

Generate pairs of points using a nested for loop

As an example, I have a matrix [1,2,3,4,5]'. This matrix contains one column and 5 rows, and I have to generate a pair of points like (1,2),(1,3)(1,4)(1,5),(2,3)(2,4)(2,5),(3,4)(3,5)(4,5).
I have to store these values in 2 columns in a matrix. I have the following code, but it isn't quite giving me the right answer.
for s = 1:5;
for tb = (s+1):5;
if tb>s
in = sub2ind(size(pairpoints),(tb-1),1);
pairpoints(in) = s;
in = sub2ind(size(pairpoints),(tb-1),2);
pairpoints(in) = tb;
With this code, I got (1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5). What should I do, and what is the general formula for the number of pairs?
One way, though is limited depending upon how many different elements there are to choose from, is to use nchoosek as follows
pairpoints = nchoosek([1:5],2)
pairpoints =
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 4
3 5
4 5
See the limitations of this function in the provided link.
An alternative is to just iterate over each element and combine it with the remaining elements in the list (assumes that all are distinct)
pairpoints = [];
data = [1:5]';
len = length(data);
for k=1:len
pairpoints = [pairpoints ; [repmat(data(k),len-k,1) data(k+1:end)]];
This method just concatenates each element in data with the remaining elements in the list to get the desired pairs.
Try either of the above and see what happens!
Another suggestion I can add to the mix if you don't want to rely on nchoosek is to generate an upper triangular matrix full of ones, disregarding the diagonal, and use find to generate the rows and columns of where the matrix is equal to 1. You can then concatenate both of these into a single matrix. By generating an upper triangular matrix this way, the locations of the matrix where they're equal to 1 exactly correspond to the row and column pairs that you are seeking. As such:
%// Highest value in your data
N = 5;
[rows,cols] = find(triu(ones(N),1));
pairpoints = [rows,cols]
pairPoints =
1 2
1 3
2 3
1 4
2 4
3 4
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
Bear in mind that this will be unsorted (i.e. not in the order that you specified in your question). If order matters to you, then use the sortrows command in MATLAB so that we can get this into the proper order that you're expecting:
pairPoints = sortrows(pairPoints)
pairPoints =
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 4
3 5
4 5
Take note that I specified an additional parameter to triu which denotes how much of an offset you want away from the diagonal. The default offset is 0, which includes the diagonal when you extract the upper triangular matrix. I specified 1 as the second parameter because I want to move away from the diagonal towards the right by 1 unit so I don't want to include the diagonal as part of the upper triangular decomposition.
for loop approach
If you truly desire the for loop approach, going with your model, you'll need two for loops and you need to keep track of the previous row we are at so that we can just skip over to the next column until the end using this. You can also use #GeoffHayes approach in using just a single for loop to generate your indices, but when you're new to a language, one key advice I will always give is to code for readability and not for efficiency. Once you get it working, if you have some way of measuring performance, you can then try and make the code faster and more efficient. This kind of programming is also endorsed by Jon Skeet, the resident StackOverflow ninja, and I got that from this post here.
As such, you can try this:
pairPoints = []; %// Initialize
N = 5; %// Highest value in your data
for row = 1 : N
for col = row + 1 : N
pairPoints = [pairPoints; [row col]]; %// Add row-column pair to matrix
We get the equivalent output:
pairPoints =
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 4
3 5
4 5
Small caveat
This method will only work if your data is enumerated from 1 to N.
Edit - August 20th, 2014
You wish to generalize this to any array of values. You also want to stick with the for loop approach. You can still keep the original for loop code there. You would simply have to add a couple more lines to index your new array. As such, supposing your data array was:
dat = [12, 45, 56, 44, 62];
You would use the pairPoints matrix and use each column to subset the data array to access your values. Also, you need to make sure your data is a column vector, or this won't work. If we didn't, we would be creating a 1D array and concatenating rows and that's not obviously what we're looking for. In other words:
dat = [12, 45, 56, 44, 62];
dat = dat(:); %// Make column vector - Important!
N = numel(dat); %// Total number of elements in your data array
pairPoints = []; %// Initialize
%// Skip if the array is empty
if (N ~= 0)
for row = 1 : N
for col = row + 1 : N
pairPoints = [pairPoints; [row col]]; %// Add row-column pair to matrix
vals = [dat(pairPoints(:,1)) dat(pairPoints(:,2))];
vals = [];
Take note that I have made a provision where if the array is empty, don't even bother doing any calculations. Just output an empty matrix.
We thus get:
vals =
12 45
12 56
12 44
12 62
45 56
45 44
45 62
56 44
56 62
44 62

Calculation the elements of different sized matrix in Matlab

Can anybody help me to find out the method to calculate the elements of different sized matrix in Matlab ?
Let say that I have 2 matrices with numbers.
A=[1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 9]
B=[10 20 30;
40 50 60]
At first,we need to find maximum number in each column.
In this case, Ans=[40 50 60].
And then,we need to find ****coefficient** (k).
Coefficient(k) is equal to 1 divided by quantity of column of matrix A.
In this case, **coefficient (k)=1/3=0.33.
I wanna create matrix C filling with calculation.
Example in MS Excel.
H4 = ABS((C2-C6)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D2-D6)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E2-E6)/E9)*0.33
I4 = ABS((C3-C6)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D3-D6)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E3-E6)/E9)*0.33
J4 = ABS((C4-C6)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D4-D6)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E4-E6)/E9)*0.33
And then (Like above)
H5 = ABS((C2-C7)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D2-D7)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E2-E7)/E9)*0.33
I5 = ABS((C3-C7)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D3-D7)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E3-E7)/E9)*0.33
J5 = ABS((C4-C7)/C9)*0.33+ABS((D4-D7)/D9)*0.33+ABS((E4-E7)/E9)*0.33
C =
0.34 =|(1-10)|/40*0.33+|(2-20)|/50*0.33+|(3-30)|/60*0.33
0.28 =|(4-10)|/40*0.33+|(5-20)|/50*0.33+|(6-30)|/60*0.33
0.22 =|(7-10)|/40*0.33+|(8-20)|/50*0.33+|(9-30)|/60*0.33
0.95 =|(1-40)|/40*0.33+|(2-50)|/50*0.33+|(3-60)|/60*0.33
0.89 =|(4-40)|/40*0.33+|(5-50)|/50*0.33+|(6-60)|/60*0.33
0.83 =|(7-40)|/40*0.33+|(8-50)|/50*0.33+|(9-60)|/60*0.33
Actually A is a 15x4 matrix and B is a 5x4 matrix.
Perhaps,the matrices dimensions are more than this matrices (variables).
How can i write this in Matlab?
Thanks you!
You can do it like so. Let's assume that A and B are defined as you did before:
A = vec2mat(1:9, 3)
B = vec2mat(10:10:60, 3)
A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
B =
10 20 30
40 50 60
vec2mat will transform a vector into a matrix. You simply specify how many columns you want, and it will automatically determine the right amount of rows to transform the vector into a correctly shaped matrix (thanks #LuisMendo!). Let's also define more things based on your post:
maxCol = max(B); %// Finds maximum of each column in B
coefK = 1 / size(A,2); %// 1 divided by number of columns in A
I am going to assuming that coefK is multiplied by every element in A. You would thus compute your desired matrix as so:
cellMat = arrayfun(#(x) sum(coefK*(bsxfun(#rdivide, ...
abs(bsxfun(#minus, A, B(x,:))), maxCol)), 2), 1:size(B,1), ...
'UniformOutput', false);
outputMatrix = cell2mat(cellMat).'
You thus get:
outputMatrix =
0.3450 0.2833 0.2217
0.9617 0.9000 0.8383
Seems like a bit much to chew right? Let's go through this slowly.
Let's start with the bsxfun(#minus, A, B(x,:)) call. What we are doing is taking the A matrix and subtracting with a particular row in B called x. In our case, x is either 1 or 2. This is equal to the number of rows we have in B. What is cool about bsxfun is that this will subtract every row in A by this row called by B(x,:).
Next, what we need to do is divide every single number in this result by the corresponding columns found in our maximum column, defined as maxCol. As such, we will call another bsxfun that will divide every element in the matrix outputted in the first step by their corresponding column elements in maxCol.
Once we do this, we weight all of the values of each row by coefK (or actually every value in the matrix). In our case, this is 1/3.
After, we then sum over all of the columns to give us our corresponding elements for each column of the output matrix for row x.
As we wish to do this for all of the rows, going from 1, 2, 3, ... up to as many rows as we have in B, we apply arrayfun that will substitute values of x going from 1, 2, 3... up to as many rows in B. For each value of x, we will get a numCol x 1 vector where numCol is the total number of columns shared by A and B. This code will only work if A and B share the same number of columns. I have not placed any error checking here. In this case, we have 3 columns shared between both matrices. We need to use UniformOutput and we set this to false because the output of arrayfun is not a single number, but a vector.
After we do this, this returns each row of the output matrix in a cell array. We need to use cell2mat to transform these cell array elements into a single matrix.
You'll notice that this is the result we want, but it is transposed due to summing along the columns in the second step. As such, simply transpose the result and we get our final answer.
Good luck!
This post is dedicated to Luis Mendo and Divakar - The bsxfun masters.
Assuming by maximum number in each column, you mean columnwise maximum after vertically concatenating A and B, you can try this one-liner -
sum(abs(bsxfun(#rdivide,bsxfun(#minus,permute(A,[3 1 2]),permute(B,[1 3 2])),permute(max(vertcat(A,B)),[1 3 2]))),3)./size(A,2)
Output -
ans =
0.3450 0.2833 0.2217
0.9617 0.9000 0.8383
If by maximum number in each column, you mean columnwise maximum of B, you can try -
sum(abs(bsxfun(#rdivide,bsxfun(#minus,permute(A,[3 1 2]),permute(B,[1 3 2])),permute(max(B),[1 3 2]))),3)./size(A,2)
The output for this case stays the same as the previous case, owing to the values of A and B.

Understanding Histogram in Matlab

I got the following results after applying:[h,bins]=hist(data), such that, the data will contain the LBP (Local Binary Pattern) values.
h =
221 20 6 4 1 1 2 0 0 1
bins =
Columns 1 through 7
8.2500 24.7500 41.2500 57.7500 74.2500 90.7500 107.2500
Columns 8 through 10
123.7500 140.2500 156.7500
I want to ask the following:
Does the first bin represent the values 0-8.25 and the second bin the values 8.26-24.75, and so forth?
For the h value 221, does it mean that we have computed 221 an LBP value ranging from 0-8.25?
1) No. The bin location is in the center value of the bin, that is, for the first bin the values are 0-16.5, the second bin is 16.5-33, etc. Use histc if it is more natural to specify bin edges instead of centers.
2) h(1)=221 means that from your entire data set (that has 256 elements according to your question), 221 elements had values ranging between 0-16.5 .