Attempt to obtain projects that begin with a particular word , but I get the following error: "The 'StartsWith' member cannot be used in the expression."
ProjectContext projContext = new ProjectContext(urlPWA);
projContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(user,passwordSecurity);
projContext.Load(projContext.Projects, c => c.Where(p => p.Name.StartsWith(name, true, new CultureInfo("es-ES"))).IncludeWithDefaultProperties(f => f.Name, f => f.Tasks, f => f.ProjectResources, f => f.Owner.UserId, f => f.CheckedOutBy.UserId));
I'm not too familiar with special queries like that. But a quick workaround would probably be to get the whole collection and iterate it afterwards. Hopefully you do not have a million projects in your PWA :)
foreach (PublishedProject pubProj in projContext.Projects)
if (pubProj.Name.StartsWith("yourString") {
// Do something
I am working on Elasticsearch and I have to do aggregations (i.e used for summarize our data) I shared my code below....
my $portal_es = Search::Elasticsearch->new(nodes => [$es_ip.':'.$es_port],request_timeout => 180);
my $result = $portal_es->scroll_helper(index => 10002500,size =>"10000", params=>{rest_total_hits_as_int =>true},{
#"size": 0,
aggs=> {
"my-agg-name"=> {
terms=> {
field=> "tcode"
I am getting following error
[Param] ** Expecting a HASH ref or a list of key-value pairs, called from sub Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct::Main::scroll_helper at /home/prity/Desktop/BL_script/search_index_processor/ line 15. With vars: {'params' => ['index','10002500','size','10000','params',{'rest_total_hits_as_int' => 'true'},{'aggs' => {'my-agg-name' => {'terms' => {'field' => 'tcode'}}}}]}
The data structure in your argument list is probably broken.
my $result = $portal_es->scroll_helper(
index => 10002500,
size => "10000",
params => {
rest_total_hits_as_int => 'true'
{ # <---- here
aggs => {
# ...
You are passing a list of key/value pairs into the scroll_helper, but there is one extra last argument after params. It's a hash reference with aggs in it that has no key for it.
Turn on use warnings and you'll get a warning that your data structure is missing a value (because that hashref will stringify into a key).
You probably shouldn't have closed the hashref for params and opened a new one. But that's just a guess, I don't know what this method expects.
I am trying to deep merge the lookup 'default_value' or 'default_values_hash' with the hash returned from a lookup. It will not merge and the default_value only appear to take effect if the hiera title isn't found at all. I cannot set resource defaults here as the values returned are later processed and not actual resource keys yet.
I've tried numerous variations including 'default_value', 'default_values_hash'. I'm seeking a way to just set a default hash in the manifest and have it deep merge with hiera to create a larger hash.
class test (
Hash $result = lookup('test::my_hash', {merge => 'deep', default_values_hash => {foo => 'bar', this => 'that', him => 'her'}}),
include test
foo: 'nobar'
this: 'then'
desired result (deep merge):
{ foo => 'nobar', this => 'then', him => 'her' }
actual result (returns hiera hash only):
{ foo => 'nobar', this => 'then' }
I got it working with the code below. Still interested if anyone has a better solution.
class test (
$stuff = {
foo => 'bar',
this => 'that',
him => 'her'
Hash $result = deep_merge($stuff, lookup('test::my_hash')),
Unfortunately, that is the way lookup works. The default value is only used if no other value is found. The documentation for the default in lookup says
If present, lookup returns this when it can’t find a normal value. Default values are never merged with found values.
Your version using the deep_merge function from stdlib appears to be the best solution.
class foo {
$default_foo_attribute = {
foo => 'bar',
this => 'that',
him => 'her',
$attribute = deep_merge($default_foo_attribute,
Hash[String, String],
Is it possible to generate private and public key in PKCS#1 format using phpseclib and my own primes? I mean I already have p and q and I want to generate both keys. I am trying to do something like this:
$p = new Math_BigInteger(...);
$q = new Math_BigInteger(...);
$custom_primes = serialize(array('primes'=>array(1=>$p,2=>$q)));
But this gives me the fatal error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function divide() on a non-object in /volume1/web/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php on line 705
I checked this and it is trying to divide:
list($temp) = $lcm['top']->divide($lcm['bottom']);
Obviously I am not setting up lcm in my $custom_primes structure as I only have my two primes. So the question is: is it possible at all in phpseclib?
It looks like you're trying to use phpseclib's partial key functionality to achieve this. Problem is that expects more than just primes. See this, for example:
return array(
'privatekey' => '',
'publickey' => '',
'partialkey' => serialize(array(
'primes' => $primes,
'coefficients' => $coefficients,
'lcm' => $lcm,
'exponents' => $exponents
$lcm is defined, initially, like this:
$lcm = array(
'top' => $this->one->copy(),
'bottom' => false
So maybe try doing that as well. You can probably strip out all of the calculation functions
from phpseclib, do them yourself and then pass $partial into phpseclib and let it generate a key in whatever format you want it generated in.
For example, if I process a form:
my $form_input = { input_data => '123' };
Then I want to alter the value of 'input_data':
my $clearme = $form->get_field('input_data');
$clearme->value("546"); # doesn't seem to work
..Before pushing the form object to TT:
template 'index' => { form => $form }; # using Dancer
'input_data' seems to retain it's original value (123). Any hints on what I'm doing wrong, or what I should be doing?
After looking at the documentation and doing some testing, I think you want
$form->add_valid(input_data => '546');
When I define(?) a resource e.g. to ensure dir structure, are there any loops available?
Like that:
for X in [app1,app2] do:
file { '/opt/app/' + X:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
I have tens of directories and I am really tired with declaring it in puppet.. It would take 15 LOC of bash.
Any ideas?
Older versions of the puppet language have no support for loops.
But you can use an array instead of a simple string for the title and declare several resources at the same time with the same params:
$b = '/opt/app'
file { [ "$b/app1", "$b/app2" ]:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 0644,
You can also declare many resources of the same type with different params by ending each resource with a ;, which is a bit more compact than repeating the file and the {s and }s:
file {
[ "$b/app1", "$b/app2" ]:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 0755;
[ "$b/app1/secret", "$b/app2/secret" ]:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 0700;
In the specific case of files, you can set up a source and use recursion:
file { "/opt/app":
source => "puppet:///appsmodule/appsdir",
recurse => true;
(that would require having a source of that directory structure for puppet to use as the source)
You can define a new resource type to reuse a portion of the param multiple times:
define foo {
file {
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
mode => 0755;
ensure => link,
target => "/tmp/app/${title}",
require => File["/tmp/app/${title}"]
foo { ["app1", "app2", "app3", "app4"]: }
Starting with Puppet 2.6, there's a Ruby DSL available that has all the looping functionality you could ask for: (I've never used it, however). In Puppet 3.2, they introduced some experimental loops, however those features may change or go away in later releases.
As of version 3.2 there are lambdas
You must set parser = future in puppet.conf.
$a = [1,2,3]
each($a) |$value| { notice $value }
Another option for declaring multiple defined types is create_resources. Pass it a hash of hashes:
create_resources(file, {
'/tmp/test1' => {
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
'/tmp/test2' => {
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
mode => '0755',
As of Puppet 4 (and the "future parser" of late versions of Puppet 3) the Puppet DSL has iteration functions similar in form and function to some of the methods of Ruby arrays and hashes:
each - evaluates a block of code (formally, a lambda) for each element of an array or hash
filter - applies a lambda to each element of an array or hash and returns an array or hash of those for which the lambda evaluated to true
map - applies a lambda to each element of an array or hash, and returns an array of the results
reduce - applies a lambda to each element of an array or hash to build up a single result, which it returns
There is no indexed for loop along the lines of C's or Java's, but you can combine array sectioning with any of the functions above to achieve iteration over a subset of a data structure. There is no indefinite iteration along the lines of a C or Java while loop.
Of course, you can still use the resource-centric approaches described in other answers, and sometimes one of those is indeed the best available approach. You cannot any longer use Ruby DSL, however; it is removed altogether from Puppet 4. Among the iteration functions, the ability to define custom functions, the ascension of data-centric approaches into favor, and all Puppet's historic standard features, Ruby DSL seems not much missed.
Yes. "Ruby DSL" could help, just use file extension ".rb" instead of ".pp" in manifest and you can define puppet "type" like this:
define 'myapps::structure', :applist do
#applist.each do |app|
file( #name+'/'+app,
:ensure => directory,
:owner => 'root',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644')
Classes and nodes also can be defined in similar way. Notice however that this feature is deprecated since release 3