Windows 10 IoT Internet connection sharing - raspberry-pi

Got a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian which shares its PPPoE Ethernet connection via Wi-Fi (basically, serves as a geeky home access point).
Is it possible to obtain this setup using Windows 10 IoT?

I heard you can do it with the right Wifi adapter (Windows 10 Iot drivers are limited):


Running Home Assistant (HASSIO) locally without an internet connection

I am new to Home Assistant and I currently have a disc image of the software installed on a Raspberry Pi 3b. I have managed to get this up and running successfully by connecting my PI to an internet connection via an ethernet cable and connecting my laptop to the same network wirelessly. The problem I am facing is that I wish to run this locally without an internet connection and simply connecting my laptop to the PI with the Ethernet cable does not seem to be working. I have tried looking around for support but I cannot seem to find much on the matter.
Home Assistant's default port is 8123 not 8023.
If there is a direct connection between your laptop and the Raspberry Pi then the chance is high that mDNS won't not work. Thus, homeassistant.local is not reachable.
Add a static IP address for your Home Assistant host and your laptop.

IOT Raspberry Pi 3 over no internet

I've worked a tad with IOT on Raspberry pi before, but as a student I ran into a problem and was hoping someone could answer my question. So I need to run Windows IOT Core on the Raspberry Pi 3 (if it was up to me I'd use raspbian or some other flavor of linux, but it's not up to me) and I need to run it at a school who's network I don't have access to. Is there any way of running IOT on raspberry Pi without an internet connection. I had read somewhere that I could buy a router (and even though there was no internet connected to it) I could run ethernet from the router to my laptop and another from the router to the raspberry pi and ssh into the pi from my laptop. Is this true? and how would I go about ssh-ing into the pi? OR is there a better/alternative solution to running IOT with no internet?
You can directly connect Raspberry Pi to your laptop with the network cable. Then the Raspberry Pi will get an IP address. With this IP address, you can either debug app with Visual Studio or connect to the Raspberry Pi via SSH. There are some tools like IoT Dashboard or Device Portal you may need.
For more information about connecting Windows 10 IoT Core, you can reference Windows 10 IoT documentation->Connect your device.

Remote Connection to "Raspberry Pi" via "Windows IoT Remote Client" leads to a white blank screen

I have Windows 10 IoT installed on a Raspberry PI 3 B, and I am trying to connect to it via the Windows IoT Remote Client running on my laptop. (+)
As it mentioned here and here, there is a related known issue in Windows 10 IoT on build number 16299.
Consequently, when I try to connect my Raspberry PI via the Remote Client, it shows me only a white screen. However, it makes me able to use the mouse and keyboard connected to my laptop to control the Raspberry Pi.
In the description of the known issue, it says: "Drivers must be manually copied and registered on the device.".
Then my question is what do you know about the drivers that should be copied manually?
And is there any way except than waiting for next release of windows 10 IoT?

windows 10 iot raspberry pi 3 wifi hotspot

I am trying to make my RPi 3 an AP using Windows 10 IoT core. RPi is connected with internet through Ethernet port and I want to make RPi 3 builtin WiFi to share internet with other devices. I have read documentation page but it is not working for me. I have tried with Windows IoT Onboarding and from PowerShell also. After selecting adapters from IoR Onboarding, clicked on start sharing service and a message appears which says "internet conncetion sharing has started" but I can't find network on other devices.
After selecting adapters from IoR Onboarding, clicked on start sharing
service and a message appears which says "internet conncetion sharing
has started" but I can't find network on other devices.
You could open Windows Device Portal and set your raspberry pi3 as the following instruction. Before doing this you would connect your raspberry pi3 with WLAN.
Select IoT Onboarding option on the left of the page. Then an Adapter configuration must be chosen. You could choose Access point adapter Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2 and choose Shared network adapter LAN9512/LAN9514 USB 2.0 to Ethernet 10/100 Adapter.
Then clicked on start sharing service. You could see the message appears which says "internet conncetion sharing has started".
At last make sure select enable in radio box and click on save button under the SoftAP settings. There is a message says reboot your raspberry pi3 for changes to take effect the SoftAP settings. Please click yes and your raspberry pi3 will be restarted.
After your raspberry pi3 is started you could connect your devices like PC or mobile phone on the SoftAP which is on raspberry pi3.

Windows Authentication on Raspberry Pi 2 running Windows IoT

I'm on a network where I need my Raspberry Pi to be windows authenticated in order to reach out of the network or to connect to any intranet sites. Due to this I can't even test my WebView component properly other than sending html directly to WebView.NavigateToString().
My question is how do I set up Windows Authentication in Windows 10 IoT for Raspberry Pi?