How to disable truezip recursive unzipping? - truezip

Is their any setting to disable truezip recursive unzipping? I want to copy inner Zip to a different path but unable to get inner zip as TFile instance.
zip:zip:file:/C:/Users/dbelwal/Documents/Autloader/tmp/!/!/ (expected FILE entry, but is a [DIRECTORY] entry)

The solution is covered by the documentation of the TFile class:


Azure Data Factory - Check If Any Zip File Exists

I am trying to check if any zip file exists in my SFTP folder. GetMetadata activity works fine if I explicitly provide the filename but I can't know the file name here as the file name is embeded with timestamp and sequence number which are dynamic.
I tried specifying *.zip but that never works and GetMetadata activity always returns false even though the zip file actually exists. is there any way to get this worked? Suggestion please.
Sample file name as below, in this the last part 0000000004_20210907080426 is dynamic and will change every time:
You could possibly do a Get Metadata on the folder and include the Child items under the Field List.
You'll have to iterate with a ForEach using the expression
#activity('Get Folder Files').output.childItems
and then check if item().name (within the ForEach) ends with '.zip'.
I know it's a pain when the wildcard stuff doesn't work for a given dataset, but this alternative ought to work for you.
If you are using exists in the Get Metadata activity, you need to provide the file name in it.
As a workaround, you can get the child items (with filename *.zip) using the Get Metadata activity.
Pass the output to If Condition activity, to check if the required file exists.
#contains(string(json(string(activity('Get Metadata1').output.childItems))),'.zip')
You can use other activities inside True and False activities based on If Condition.
If there is no file exists or no child items found in the Get Metadata activity.
If condition output:
For SFTP dataset, if you want to use a wildcard to filter files under the field specified folderPath, you would have to skip this setting and specify the file name in activity source settings (Get Metadata activity).
But Wildcard filter on folders/files is not supported for Get Metadata activity.

How to exclude a directory in Stream mapping in p4v

I'm using the visual client for perforce and I want to exclude a directory from the workspace. Before streams, I would just navigate to my workspace, find the folder in the tree, and exclude it (and I've found this solution in a number of other related questions I've found). However, now that I am using a stream, it won't let me do this, i have to edit the stream mapping apparently.
So I tried to add this line to the remapped box when editing the stream:
-//NumberPlus/current/Library/... //nplus-mainline/current/Library/
However I just get an error:
Error in stream specification.
Error detected at line 24
Null directory (//) not allowed in '-//NumberPlus/current/Library/...'.
EDIT: I'm in Windows 8.1, for clarification.
If the folder you want to exclude is specific to your machine, setting P4IGNORE locally is the easiest way to exclude it from being added to the depot.
You'd set P4IGNORE to some name like "p4ignore.txt", create a file with that name, and add "Libraries" to it -- subsequent "p4 add" commands will skip over paths found in the P4IGNORE file, so those files will never get added to the depot.
If this is something that's going to be common to all workspaces of this stream (e.g. it's a build artifact that everyone is going to generate and nobody is supposed to check in), what you want to do is add an "exclude" to the stream's Paths (this will exclude it from both branch views and client views generated by that stream). E.g.:
share ...
exclude Libraries/...
The "exclude Libraries/..." is basically the same thing as the exclusion line you would add to the client view, except you specify it as a relative path, you don't need to specify both sides of the mapping, and the "-" is implied by the "exclude" type. The "remap" type is if you want to keep those files but in a different depot location, which doesn't sound applicable here.
More information on defining stream views:
You can't just edit the mappings for your client workspace if it is switched to a particular stream. The whole point of streams is that your workspace mapping is directly generated from the stream definition. So that's a feature.
It's not totally clear whether
you don't want the directory in the stream at all, or
it's valid to have the directory in the stream, but you don't want to sync it to your workstation, or
you want the directory sync'd to your workstation, but you want the directory to have different contents (say, from some other stream which has a different version of the library.
However, for all of these situations, I suspect the best path forward is to define a new child stream of your current stream.
You will want to define the path mappings using the "share", "exclude", "isolate", and "import" mapping types.
For example, if you just didn't want the Library/... directory at all, you'd "exclude" it from your parent.
Then that stream simply won't have that directory, and it (of course) won't be on your workstation when you sync to the stream, either.
If you wanted to have a different copy of the code in the Library/... directory, so that it became a point of intentional divergence from the parent, you'd "isolate" it from your parent to submit your own custom version, or "import" it from another stream to use that stream's Library/... directory instead.
In either case, the directory would be part of the stream, and would be sync'd to your workstation, but the contents of that directory would differ from the contents that are used in the parent stream (the exact way in which they'd differ is under your control, as you define the stream accordingly).
Documentation and some examples are here:
and here:
I believe I have solved this. To be clear, I wanted the folder to be completely ignored by version control. I'm using p4connect with Unity and it keeps wanting to include unnecessary stuff in my depot.
All I had to do was add this line to my parent stream in the Paths box:
exclude current/Library/...

waf copy a file from source tree to the build tree

I have the following snippet, to copy a file as-is to the build dir:
for m in std_mibs:
print("Copying", m)
bld(name = 'cpstdmib',
rule = 'cp -f ${SRC} ${TGT}',
#source = m + '.mib',
source = bld.path.make_node(m + '.mib'), # <-- section 5.3.3 of the waf book
target = bld.path.get_bld().make_node(m + '.mib')
I see that this rule, though hit (from the print), the copy doesnt seem to be happening!
I also changed the source to use the make_node as shown, in an example in the section 5.3.3 of the waf book, still no luck! Am I missing something obvious here!?
Also, I have some rules after this, which rely on the copied files, and I tried adding
an intervening
I hope that the sequencing will work, if this copy succeeds
If you run the rule once, it will not be run again until source is updated. This is true even if the target is deleted, for instance (which is probably how you were testing.)
If you want to recopy if the target is deleted, you will need always=True, or you'll need to check for existence and set target.sig = None.
Two alternatives:
features="subst" with is_copy=True:
bld(features='subst', source='wscript', target='wscript', is_copy=True)
waflib.extras.buildcopy like this:
from waflib.extras import buildcopy
def build(bld):
cp is not platform independent.
A task_gen object is created, which later will become a Task, that will be executed before process_sources. Don't expect an immediate effect.
Have a look into your out dir, there will be out/${TGT} (not exactly, but ${TGT} path relative to your top directory)
This is totally to be expected behaviour, since you do not want to modify your source tree when building.

Allow for non-existent files in FileFieldEditor [duplicate]

I'm setting up a series of preferences in my Eclipse (3.5.2) application and I'm having a problem with the FileFieldEditor. I want to allow the user to specify a log file to print output to. Often, this will be a new file. But when I use the file select dialog with FileFieldEditor, it complains that the file doesn't exists ("Value must be an existing file"). Is there a way, without extending the FileFieldEditor class, to suppress this error and have Java create that file if it doesn't exist? Thanks!
When I look the source code of org.eclipse.jface.preference.FileFieldEditor, the only solution would be to extend it and write your own version of a FileFieldEditor, with:
an overwritten changePressed() method in order to keep the file path even if the file does not exists
an overwritten checkState() method in order to avoid that error message.
So I do not see a way to avoid that FileFieldEditor extension here.

eclipse: Find Resource with a locationURI

How can i find a Resource with a locationURI?
Path path = new Path('/home/foo/eclipse/runtime-EclipseApplication/someproj/B.txt');
IResource res = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(path);
I know there is a way by using the locationURI from current project to trim the "needless" part, but is there a "better" way to slove this issue.
You can use the following construction:
where fileName - absolute path of File.getAbsolutePath()
and URIUtil from org.eclipse.core.filesystem
You can use a FileLocator to find the file within your bundle, if that is what you want (instead of finding a file in the runtime workspace), see Retrieve a file from within a folder in the workspace