Azure Data Factory - Check If Any Zip File Exists - azure-data-factory

I am trying to check if any zip file exists in my SFTP folder. GetMetadata activity works fine if I explicitly provide the filename but I can't know the file name here as the file name is embeded with timestamp and sequence number which are dynamic.
I tried specifying *.zip but that never works and GetMetadata activity always returns false even though the zip file actually exists. is there any way to get this worked? Suggestion please.
Sample file name as below, in this the last part 0000000004_20210907080426 is dynamic and will change every time:

You could possibly do a Get Metadata on the folder and include the Child items under the Field List.
You'll have to iterate with a ForEach using the expression
#activity('Get Folder Files').output.childItems
and then check if item().name (within the ForEach) ends with '.zip'.
I know it's a pain when the wildcard stuff doesn't work for a given dataset, but this alternative ought to work for you.

If you are using exists in the Get Metadata activity, you need to provide the file name in it.
As a workaround, you can get the child items (with filename *.zip) using the Get Metadata activity.
Pass the output to If Condition activity, to check if the required file exists.
#contains(string(json(string(activity('Get Metadata1').output.childItems))),'.zip')
You can use other activities inside True and False activities based on If Condition.
If there is no file exists or no child items found in the Get Metadata activity.
If condition output:

For SFTP dataset, if you want to use a wildcard to filter files under the field specified folderPath, you would have to skip this setting and specify the file name in activity source settings (Get Metadata activity).
But Wildcard filter on folders/files is not supported for Get Metadata activity.


Azure Data Factory Cannot Read Metadata Folder

I hope you guys keep health and keep strong in Pandemic covid-19.
I have some question on Azure Data Factory. btw I have create some pipeline with Metadata activity with detail below:
I have file in Folder and Subfolder like this:
I have metadata activity with for each with first get metadata child item (in folder) like this:
metadata with last modified like this (if you setting like this, metadata only read last modified subfolder
after that add variable I use #item().Name to read file in that folder like this:
after running metadata which have subfolder, I've get error like this:
the error give info that with #item().Name cannot read subfolder on that folder. the metadata for each file is success, but error like this which on my activity cannot read metadata subfolder .
many big thanks to have answer, Thank You
If you need to access the folder
Create a clone of same dataset and setup parameter as below, leave the file field empty.
If you need to access the file inside directory, use condition #equals(item().type,'Folder') to identity directory then inside that use dataset with parameters for directory and file.

ADF Copy only when a new CSV file is placed in the source and copy to the Container

I want to copy the file from Source to target container but only when the Source file is new
(latest file is placed in source). I am not sure how to proceed this and not sure about the syntax to check the source file greater than target. Should i have to use two get metadata activity to check source and target last modified date and use if condition. i tried few ways but it didn't work.
Any help will be handy
syntax i used for the condition is giving me the error
#if(greaterOrEquals(ticks(activity('Get Metadata_File').output.lastModified),activity('Get Metadata_File2')),True,False)
error message
The function 'greaterOrEquals' expects all of its parameters to be either integer or decimal numbers. Found invalid parameter types: 'Object'
You can try one of the Pipeline Templates that ADF offers.
Use this template to copy new and changed files only by using
LastModifiedDate. This template first selects the new and changed
files only by their attributes "LastModifiedDate", and then copies
them from the data source store to the data destination store. You can
also go to "Copy Data Tool" to get the pipeline for the same scenario
with more connectors.
You can use Storage Event Triggers to trigger the pipeline with copy activity to copy when each new file is written to storage.
Follow detailed example here: Create a trigger that runs a pipeline in response to a storage event

how to Load data from last modified files within one day from subfolders Azure Data Flow

I have the following directory structure on an Azure container:
where the Data is partitioned by year and month to create subfolders. Within these sub-folders, I have my data files. I want to load into my data flow only the latest files that were added within one day from running my data flow pipeline.
I tried using currentUTC() in End Time and subtracting one day -> AddDays(currentUTC(), -1) in Start Time in the 'Filter by last modified' option provided in source options but it didn't work.
I also tried using currentTimestamp() instead but to no avail.
How do I go about solving this?
Your expression is correct. Please change the folder path from MainFolder to Main_folder in your dataset and set Main_Folder/*/*.parquet as your Wildcard paths in your Source option. Then it will work.
I think your solution is close, but I'm not sure the folder name is sufficient. I'm also not familiar with "currentUTC". The correct function should be utcNow.
Below is an outline of how I would approach this problem.
Source Dataset
Add a Parameter for the subfolder (year-month):
and then set the Folder path to an expression like:
You could either pass in the subfolder or calculate it at runtime. My preference would be to pass it in as a parameter:
I would then add variables to calculate the start and end times. Since you are running this daily, I would be sure to force the time to the START of the day(s). This should handle any vagaries based on run time. Also, I would use the built in getPastTime function:
Now use these objects in your Source configuration:

Azure Data Factory Passing a pipeline-processed file as a mail attachment with logic app

I have an ADF pipeline moving a file to a blob storage. I am trying to pass the processed file as a parameter of my web activity so that I can use it as an email attachment. I am successfully passing the following parameters:
"Title":"Error File Received From MOE",
"Message": "This is a test message.",
But, how should I specify the path to the file I just processed within the same pipeline?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
I'm copying data to output container. My current assumption is to upload a file a day, and then use two GetMetadata activities to get the lastModified attribute of the file to filter out the name of the most recently uploaded file.
Get Child items in Get Metadata1 activity.
Then in Foreach activity, get child items via dynamic content #activity('Get Metadata1').output.childItems
Inside Foreach activity, in Get Metadata2 activity, specify the json4 dataset to the output container.
Enter dynamic content #item().name to foreach the filename list.
In If condition activity, using #equals(dayOfMonth(activity('Get Metadata2').output.lastModified),dayOfMonth(utcnow())) to determine whether the date the file was uploaded is today.
In true activity, add dynamic content #concat('https://{account}{Path}/',item().name) to assign the value to the variable.
The output is as follows:

Connecting cleansing components to tFileList - Talend

What is the best way to apply logic to objects during an iteration of tFileList.
The issue is that if I use a tFileList to get a list of files, i am not able to use tJavaRow or jMap to create the filename that i want the file to be renamed. Basically, if i have zip files with years(2010,2011,2012 etc) and each zip file contains files with the same name (f1.csv, f2.csv, f3.csv), i want to iterate through the compressed files, uncompress them and rename the files with
f1_2010.csv, f2_2010.csv, f3_2010.csv..f1_2012.csv etc.
Iterate links are providing a way to execute components based on events or facts while main links are transfering data between components.
With something looking like that you should be able to resolve your problem :
tFileList_1 --iterate--> tFileUnarchive_1
tFileList_2 -- iterate --> tFileCopy_1
Use ((String)globalMap.get("tFileList_1_CURRENT_FILEPATH")) in your tFileUnarchive to get the ZIP path.
In tFileCopy use ((String)globalMap.get("tFileList_2_CURRENT_FILEPATH")) to get the path of file and config it to be a rename.
For your name modification you can add tJava on "onComponentOK" links. By using globalMap.put("year",((String)globalMap.get("tFileList_1_CURRENT_FILEPATH")).substring(x,x)) or more complicated code. And use these variables in your others components parameters.