How to add new email addresses from google form (sheets) to googlegroups email list? - email

I have a google form on my site that collects user info, including email addresses.
I have already created a script that sends a welcome email.
Now I need to be able to create an email list from that list of emails.
The resulting email list will be receiving triggers from IFTTT to send an email with particular triggers.
How do I get the email addresses from the form results (google sheets) to the mailing list (currently in googlegroups)?
The email list should be able to be triggered with a single address ( because that's all IFTTT will allow.
(I'm working on a test process for a tech company. While we refine details of the app's function, which I am not building, we also want to test the real-world end of the process, and make it as simple and user-friendly as possible.)


How to automatically import contacts from Google Sheets to Elastic Email base

I would like to connect my Google sheets with Elastic Email base. I have a Google Form, which updates data in Google Sheets. From there I would like to send all new email addresses to my Elastic Email account, how can I achieve this?
Also another question regarding Google Sheets - with script MaillApp.SendEmail I send all form responses to my email. There is a problem, because the sender's email is my private mail, even though the form, sheet and script are on my domain's email. I can add another sender's email in the script, but then it shows both - my personal and domain's email address as senders.
Thank you very much for your help and all the best!
You can build script that will add contact to your account with method Contact/add:
If you cannot build the scripts you can use integrations hub like Zapier - it should allow you to Add Contact to your Elastic Email account when certain trigger action is met (eg. new row in Google Spreadsheet).

Managing user opt-in with Mailgun

I have an app which sends a daily reminder message. If a user forgets to log in on certain days, it will send an email reminder. I want users to be able to unsubscribe to this reminder by clicking a link on the email. There may also be different kinds of subscription. For example, a user might not want daily emails, but they may want password reset, or blog emails.
Mailgun has an unsubscribe feature. While this allows some control with tags, this seems to lack a resubscription option. They also have a mailing list, but that also seems more for blasting emails rather than opting in to notifications.
One option is to connect the email to my database. So that when the user clicks an unsubscribe link, it will flip a flag in my database such that the user isn't contacted regarding this email. But I can't find a way to do this, that doesn't involve giving the user an API link on the emails.
What are some options I can do to solve this?
You probably would be able to accomplish this using Mailgun mailing lists (but I wouldn't for reasons below). You'd have to maintain a list for each type of email that you want to send to users. So when you add/delete users from your system you'll have to use the API or control panel to add/remove from each of the lists. Mailgun can generate a unique unsubscribe url for each of the lists so that when the user hits unsubscribe from the email it will flag the email as unsubscribed for that one list.
From Mailgun docs:
For managing unsubscribes in Mailing Lists, you can use
%mailing_list_unsubscribe_url%. We will generate the unique link to
unsubscribe from the mailing list. Once a recipient clicks on the
unsubscribe link, we mark the recipient as “unsubscribed” from this
list and they won’t get any further emails addressed to this list.
Mailing lists should work unless I don't understand your requirement.
From my point of view I'd just prefer to handle this inside my own system. Otherwise you have to maintain your application's user records and then a separate mailgun list for each email type. In multiple applications I have user email preferences stored in the db. The user (or customer admin login) can adjust preferences through the UI or in some cases by hitting unsubscribe link in an email which links to a web page (part of my app) "You have now unsubscribed to daily emails" -- the page sets the user as unsubscribed in my app DB.
Its extra work but the advantages to handling this in your app is:
You've only got one user DB (list) to maintain
List membership is easier to modify by the app user or app user account manager
It doesn't tie you as tightly to Mailgun -- in case you decide to
choose another provider
More on Mailgun Mailing lists:

Getting all senders Gmail API

Well, how can I get all senders in user's mail using Google APIs? I need a list of emails (and other ex. information). They are not in user's contacts cause he need to add them before. So there can I find this list?
I need to get a full list of people which write messages to user's email.

Can I post a new topic on a google group using Go?

I'm writing a program that should send emails to multiple users with content extracted from an excel spreadsheet. I know how to do this using the net/smtp package in Go, but I would like to know if it's possible to send an email with the sender being a google group (i.e instead of my email without resorting to using the gmail API? Currently I have a working program that can log in through an email and password, which is then used for auth credentials, but seeing as that google groups don't have the same kind of interface I'm not quite sure how to change it so emails are sent from a group instead of an individual user.
Each google group should have an email address associated with it. golang-nuts is for example. Any mail sent to that should be posted to the group, assuming it is from a member of the group.
In order to send from your own gmail account, you can use gmail's outgoing smtp feature with the net/smtp package. Configuration is explained better on this digital ocean post

Send emails through Mailchimp, but select recipients with queries from my database

I have a database as part of my web app that stores user emails, age, gender, etc. Is there a way, through the API to send a bulk email to a lsit of users? Previously I've used their API to create new entries from my database in MailChimp's system, and then we'd segment our users through MailChimp's web application. The issue is that sending your data to MailChimp has so many issues. For example, to store a user's age in MailChimp, you have to create an individual "group title" for each age when done thru the API. You can't just specify that the field "age" is a number and then add whatever you like. Also, each user selects a city when they sign up through us, and if we add another city to our selection list, you have to manually add it on MailChimp, otherwise you get an error.
So the simplest solution would be if we could do the segmenting on our side and send an email through the API, unless there is another, easy way to do this. I know that Amazon SES let's you email through an API, but I want other features of MailChimp, such as sent email history, analytics and providing and easy unsubscribe feature for users - Amazon SES doesn't do any of that.
Is there an answer to my conundrum?
Have you checked out Mandrill? It's a newer service from MailChimp that works like SES, but has those incredible MailChimp marketing sensibilities you know and love (open/click tracking, email audit log, plus lots of new stuff.)
It won't connect directly to your data in MailChimp (yet), but it sounds like you've got all the relevant data in your own DB already and can do the segmentation and content generation yourself.
Bonus: you'll also get a discount if you're already a paying MailChimp customer.