Getting all senders Gmail API - email

Well, how can I get all senders in user's mail using Google APIs? I need a list of emails (and other ex. information). They are not in user's contacts cause he need to add them before. So there can I find this list?
I need to get a full list of people which write messages to user's email.


Retrieve flight information from email

How would I parse an email and extract flight reservation details (if it exists)?
I'm only looking to parse Gmail emails right now, so if it specifically uses the Gmail API, that's okay.
Though I had a look at the Gmail API (, and tried the API on a specific message from my inbox that contains the flight reservation popup on the webapp, and couldn't find anything flight-related in the API.
So how would I do that in the generic case? By parsing directly the email body? Is there a library for that?

Get all email addresses from GMAIL with whom I exchanged emails

I want to get email addresses from my account with API. I can get those emails from my contacts, but don't succeed to get those emails who are not in my contacts, but I had email conversations with them before. From where I can get any doc or information how to get that information from API?
I think your only option is going to be doing a user.messages.list loop though each message and run a user.messages.get and check the sender email address.
The API doesn't return the the information you are looking for. You could also just start adding these people to your contacts.
Its an interesting idea you may want to submit it as a feature request. Issue tracker

API for looking up Gmail user's public full name?

Is there an API to look up the same information that I can get from Gmail if I type someone's email address into Gmail's search bar and hit search? For most Gmail addresses, this shows me the person's full name.
I ask for people's email address when they sign up on my website, but not for their names. I'd like to add a personal greeting to the emails that I send out. Note that people have NOT signed up using Google+.
You're looking for the new People API.

How to add new email addresses from google form (sheets) to googlegroups email list?

I have a google form on my site that collects user info, including email addresses.
I have already created a script that sends a welcome email.
Now I need to be able to create an email list from that list of emails.
The resulting email list will be receiving triggers from IFTTT to send an email with particular triggers.
How do I get the email addresses from the form results (google sheets) to the mailing list (currently in googlegroups)?
The email list should be able to be triggered with a single address ( because that's all IFTTT will allow.
(I'm working on a test process for a tech company. While we refine details of the app's function, which I am not building, we also want to test the real-world end of the process, and make it as simple and user-friendly as possible.)

Getting Yahoo contact names and email addresses using YQL

I'm trying to build a web application in which users can invite their friends by using their email accounts (just like facebook). I use OAuth so that users don't need to enter password in my app. The problem is that I cannot figure out what is the correct YQL query to fetch contact names and email addresses from Yahoo social tables, and achieve the same result with facebook's Find Friends feature.
At first I used this:
SELECT * FROM social.contacts(0, 500) WHERE guid=me
With this query I hope I can get all contacts of the current logged in user, at once. But after parsing and selecting only records which have email field, the result list is far less than when I'm using facebook's Find Friends. I guess facebook does not only using Contacts tables, but also Profile tables, as I see it in the Yahoo authorization page when granting access permission to my private data.
So what is the correct YQL query to get all contact names and email addresses, using these two tables ?
After trying some tests, I discovered that when I import email addresses from my Yahoo contacts, Facebook automatically guesses the contact's email address in case that contact does not have an email field, by appending to its yahooid field. As I see, this is totally wrong. Because with a yahooid, say "john123", the associated email may have an international domain like, etc.
I have a friend in my Yahoo contacts list. He has a yahooid which associates with a email address. Before importing my Yahoo contacts into Facebook, I made sure that there is no email field in his contact entry, just a name and a yahooid field. After importing into Facebook, Facebook determines my friend's email address as a email. Of course the Facebook invitation mail never reach him.
And so, the answer to my question is: there is nothing wrong with my YQL. Facebook can fetch more email addresses than I do, but many of them are incorrect.