sd-card - How to fix locked sd card - sd-card

I've a sd card on my phone, it's some type of freez , I could not do any thing on it , when I remove files , it removes and then come back to what it was , it's not formatting.
it freeze and nothing works on it .
What I've tried so fa :
1- tried diskpart in cmd and change readonly and it's not write protected I think .
What should I do ? How can I save this sd card ?

two possibilities, first is that being a hardware thing, as micro SDHC have a little notch you can easily notice which matches another notch in the reader and that basically just enables it in read-only mode. That you can't change, just try to use another reader or you could put a piece of silicon or tape on notch, easiest thing is to use another reader.
Second possibility is that being a file permission issue, in which case you can do the following : In terminal, use these commands:
gksudo nautilus
This will launch nautilus in root shell and bypass all permissions. OR:
sudo fdisk -l
This will give you a list of the drives on your system, figure out which drive it is in the list, easiest way is to look for the blocks as this is the space. It will probably be /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc, then
sudo chown -hR <your username> <the SDHC drive, /dev/sdb for example>
this will change ownership of the drive to you. OR:
sudo chmod -R 777 <the SDHC drive, /dev/sdb for example>
Though if you just execute the first command sudo nautilus it will save you all this trouble, but you'll have to do it every time you use the SDHC.
If all of this doesn't work, use this command :
sudo mount --options remount,rw

If you have a Linux computer with an SD/MMC card reader, try running
sudo sdtool /dev/mmcblk0 unlock
Note that you need an MCC device (not a USB mass storage device) for this to work.
sdtool can be found here.


Importance of the place of CMD in Dockerfile

I have this Dockerfile that works fine, but I was told that maybe it wasn't the best way to do what I wanted :
FROM debian:jessie
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y lighttpd php5-cgi php5-common php5 php5-mysql php5-gd
RUN echo server.modules += \(\"mod_rewrite\"\) >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
CMD ["lighttpd", "-D", "-f", "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"]
RUN lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php
RUN service lighttpd restart
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
As you can see, I am creating an image for a container with lighttpd and php.
My question is about the place of the CMD part in my Dockerfile. I was told that it was better to put it at the end of the file, but as you can see, I did it in the middle of mine and it worked just fine.
It does not stop the creation nor does it interfere with the service lighttpd restart in the run part below it.
Is there any best practice regarding this or is this normal? Could I create a Dockerfile with my CMD just after the apt-get install?
Thanks for your answers regarding my question and sorry for my english if there is any big mistakes.
I believe it's more of a logical preference, no need to define the command when the image isn't ready yet. There is an added convenience that debugging with the CMD or ENTRYPOINT set to a shell may make debugging a failed build a little easier. But otherwise, the last ENTRYPOINT and/or CMD modifies the config of the image and gets inherited to all child images (each line of your Dockerfile).
It shouldn't matter where you put the CMD entry in terms of Docker using that as the default command (plus Docker will use the last one if there is more than one). Where it might make a difference is if you were trying to structure your build in order to optimize caching the layers. I.e., you want to put anything that is likely to change lower down in the Dockerfile.
I think it's more convention to put it last and makes it easier to read. Is there a specific reason in your case you don't want to put it last?

Setting up mongoDB raspberry pi

i just installed mongopi from and it working correctly after doing a few adjustments mainly $ sudo chown $USER /data/db. However my mongo and mongod calls arent persistent i do PATH=$PATH:/opt/mongo/bin/ &
export PATH however this does not last on next ssh session. Also how can I make mongo initialize at startup? I did all the steps from the github repo.
For the path part of the question:
To get the path working you should put it in a script that runs every time you log in. Generally there is a rc-file for you shell in your home directory. Type
echo $SHELL
to see what shell you are running. Go to your home directory:
and then open the file that is called .(your shell)rc - that is, if you are running bash, open .bashrc
nano .bashrc
add the path at the end of this file:
export PATH
For the initialization part of the question:
Download and edit this script: Mongo init.d at github
You'll need to change the value of the DEAMON at line 50. I had some other troubles, but you should probably be ok if you create a configuration file (that probably could be empty) and refer to it from line 57. Also, you need to add a mongodb user that the server should run as. You can edit this on line 95, but the default is probably a good idea.
When all this editing is done, you move the file to /etc/init.d/mongodb, like so:
sudo mv init.d /etc/init.d/mongodb
and then add it to the systems start-up routine
sudo update-rc.d mongodb defaults
(This is presuming you run debian. Other distros may have other commands to do this.)
Now, see to that you are not running mongod some other place, and control the service by
sudo service mongodb start
service mongodb status
sudo service mongodb stop
... and so on. This will also run automatically on start-up and shutdown.

OpenSuse - Command for Beep Sound (System Bell)

I have a source code that runs perfectly fine on Ubuntu, it does some copumtations, and at some points it beeps like this
system("beep -f 400 -l 500");
On Ubuntu I had to do
apt-get install beep
However, I migrated to OpenSuse (not my choice) and now I get this message "sh: beep: command not found", as the command and package are obviously different.
Does anybody know hot to trigger the system beep sound and define the duration and frequency? I have been able to find only one way to change the parameters
setterm -bfreq 500 -blength 500
, but no way to actually trigger the system bell (beep). The following things don't work
echo ^G
echo -e "\a"
PS - the system Bell is enabled at
Configure Desktop -> Application and System Notifications -> System Bell
and you can actually play with this
So, I did what #fvu proposed.
However, one needs to have sudo rights, to do so, otherwise (e.g. at my work-place we don't have sudo rights) there is this output message
Could not open /dev/tty0 or /dev/vc/0 for writing open: No such file or directory
In this case, you should:
sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/beep
as proposed here
I noticed that on my OpenSuse 12.3 system, the bell is working in xterm or gnome-terminal, but not in konsole or xfce4-terminal.
If the same applies to your system, then maybe a work-around could be creating a shell script called "beep" which calls xterm and rings the bell:
xterm -e "echo -e '\a'; sleep 1"

How to get root access on Android emulator?

I have All Android SDK versions(from 1.5 to 2.3.3), and I tried many methods for getting root in Android emulator. I don't use any Android device and test everything on emulator(AVD).
I need to get root access in any one of the Android emulator to use the 'iptables' and 'busybox' functionality. And to use iptables I must have root access. Atleast 'su' command should execute in the terminal emulator.
I also installed z4root application,
But it takes very long time and doesn't finish rooting, and gets stuck. some say that if we downgrade the system to below RC30, this way we can get root access. if this is true, then how to do this? I use both Linux and Windows OS.
Please someone tell me any method to root my emulator.
If you have a virtual device with root access, this should do the job:
$ > adb shell
generic_x86:/ $
generic_x86:/ $ exit
$ > adb root
restarting adbd as root
$ > adb shell
generic_x86:/ #
If you don't, you might be interested in this answer to a different question, which explains how to create an virtual device with root access, with Google APIs (aka Google Play services), but without the Google Play app.
If you really need the Google Play app, you might be interested in other answers which instruct how to root an Android virtual device.
How to root android emulator (tested on Android 7.1.1/ Nougat)
SuperSU app (chainfire) latest version 2.82
Recovery (contains su binary) (Here is alternative backup link provided by XDA user Ibuprophen for flashable zips if the main link is not working: Flashable zip releases)
Install the SuperSu.apk
Install the SuperSu app firstly, just do drag and drop (if running latest emulator version or sideload through adb i.e adb -e install supersu.apk)
After installing it, when you run it shows a screen as shown below indicating “There is no SU binary installed..”. This error just confirms the device is not yet rooted.
Make emulator’ system partition writable
As it suggests, we need to give the emulator permission to write system files.
Type the following code to accomplish this: emulator -avd {emulator_name} -writable-system
If you have more than one AVD, you can get a list of avds by using the command: emulator -list-avds
Note: Navigate to the tools folder where Android SDK is installed and open command prompt there by pressing shift and right clicking.
Pushing su binary in system directory
Extract the Recovery (containing the su binaries of different architectures)
Important! Only use the su binary that matches your avd architecture e.g x86, arm etc.., and note the path where you extracted these binaries.
Make sure you are running adb as root and also you need to remount.
Just enter these codes
adb root
adb remount
Now its time to push the su binary:
This is the code I successfully used: adb -e push C:\Users\User1\Desktop\rootemu\x86\su.pie /system/bin/su
(nevermind about my specific location of su binary, any location is okay as long there is no white space)
note: To figure out bin or xbin do in console before: > adb shell, > ls /system/xbin/su
If this fails try this pushing to this directory instead /system/xbin/su. Also for emulators running android 5.1 and below use the su and not su.pie
Change permissions of the su binary
Next let’s do a bit of modification of the permissions of su binary. We have to do this in emulator device through adb:
adb -e shell
su root
cd /system/bin
chmod 06755 su
Important!! Take note of su binary path (mine is /system/bin)
Setting the install directive on su binary and set a daemon
Type the codes:
su --install
and for setting up daemon:
su --daemon&
Important!! Take note of spacing
Setting SELinux to Permissive(i.e turning off SE Linux)
Finally turn off selinux through this code:
setenforce 0
Open SuperSU app and it may ask to update binaries, you can use Normal method.
Note: If you're experiencing bootloops, rather don't update the binaries, just use it as it is.
That’s pretty much it!!
Open any application requiring SU permissions just to double check and indeed SuperSU ask if you wish to grant it su permissions.
To have the root persist update su binary (using Normal method), then copy system.img from temp directory (Users\AppData\Local\Temp\Android Emulator the file is usually randomly named e.g 1359g.tmp with a large size) and replace default system.img.
I have noted is is easier to obtain a temporary system image in Linux, than Windows. You can try using snapshot image.
##Update 4 August 2018
With the emergence of emulator 27.3.x it now makes preserving root much easier through snapshot feature (if copying the system.img method isn't working):
Ideally it is more like hibernarig the virtual device with config intact, hence everything is preserved.
You can now save multiple AVD snapshots for a given device
configuration and choose which of the saved snapshots to load when you
start the emulator. Starting a virtual device by loading a snapshot is
much like waking a physical from a sleep state, as opposed to booting
it from a powered-off state.
This implies the only requirement to start the emulator is adding the -writable-system parameter to the normal emulator -avd [avdname] command to start the emulator. (Running the emulator just with emulator -avd [avdname] doesn't launch the rooted version/copy or may lead to some error)
Tested on API level 22
Also for bootloop issues see the other post: Android Emulator: How to avoid boot loop after rooting? and updates thereof.
Most content in reference was for older android versions and hence the reason for different commands and paths which I modified.
Irvin H: Rooting the android emulator -on Android Studio 2.3((Android 4.4)
Android AVD root access fail.
Here is the list of commands you have to run while the emulator is running, I test this solution for an avd on Android 2.2 :
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock03 /system
adb push su /system/xbin/su
adb shell chmod 06755 /system
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
It assumes that the su binary is located in the working directory. You can find su and superuser here :
You need to run these commands each time you launch the emulator. You can write a script that launch the emulator and root it.
For AVD with 5.1.1 and 6.0 I used next script in windows:
set adb=adb -s emulator-5558
set arch=x64
set pie=
adb start-server
%adb% root
%adb% remount
rem %adb% shell mount -o remount,rw /system
%adb% shell setenforce 0
%adb% install common/Superuser.apk
%adb% push %arch%/su%pie% /system/bin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/bin/su
%adb% push %arch%/su%pie% /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell su --install
%adb% shell "su --daemon&"
rem %adb% shell mount -o remount,ro /system
exit /b
Need from SuperSU. Unpacked them to any folder. Create bat file with content above. Do not forget specify necessary architecture and device: set adb=adb -s emulator-5558 and set arch=x64. If you run Android above or equal 5.0, change set pie= to set pie=.pie. Run it. You get temporary root for current run.
If you got error on remount system partition then you need start AVD from command line. See below first step for Android 7.
If you want make it persistent - update binary in SuperSU and store system.img from temp folder as replace of default system.img.
How to convert the resulting temporary root on a permanent
First - it goes to SuperSu. It offers a binary upgrade. Update in the normal way. Reboot reject.
Second - only relevant for emulators. The same AVD. The bottom line is that changes in the system image will not be saved. You need to keep them for themselves.
There are already instructions vary for different emulators.
For AVD you can try to find a temporary file system.img, save it somewhere and use when you start the emulator.
In Windows it is located in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\AndroidEmulator and has a name something like TMP4980.tmp.
You copy it to a folder avd device (%HOMEPATH%\.android\avd\%AVD_NAME%.avd\), and renamed to the system.img.
Now it will be used at the start, instead of the usual. True if the image in the SDK is updated, it will have the old one.
In this case, you will need to remove this system.img, and repeat the operation on its creation.
More detailed manual in Russian:
For android 7 you need run additional steps:
1. Need run emulator manually.
Go to sdk folder sdk\tools\lib64\qt\lib.
Run from this folder emulator with options -writable-system -selinux disabled
Like this:
F:\android\sdk\tools\lib64\qt\lib>F:\android\sdk\tools\emulator.exe -avd 7.0_x86 -verbose -writable-system -selinux disabled
You need restart adbd from root:
adb -s emulator-5554 root
And remount system:
adb -s emulator-5554 remount
It can be doned only once per run emulator. And any another remount can break write mode. Because of this you not need run of any other commands with remount, like mount -o remount,rw /system.
Another steps stay same - upload binary, run binary as daemon and so on.
Picture from AVD Android 7 x86 with root:
If you see error about PIE on execute su binary - then you upload to emulator wrong binary. You must upload binary named su.pie inside archive, but on emulator it must be named as su, not su.pie.
I believe that the easiest way is to create an alias for the command sh, e.g.
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su && chmod 4775 su
Tested on Android Emulator 3.0 and higher.
A virtual device without "Play Store" should be used.
Note: You can either create one new or edit the settings of the existing one if you have some databases already inside the emulated device.
Once avd is created and is running Open terminal anywhere > in android studio or from start menu
Run adb root
Now you can use adb shell to open device shell window.
If your physical device with developer options is connected you will get message like "adb.exe: more than one device/emulator"
in this case you can use command 'adb -e shell'
Other useful note for beginners in adb shell:
Run 'ls' to see all the files.
cd to change directory.
some letters of the directory name+ TAB to auto complete the name.
'..' to go back.
I know this question is pretty old. But we can able to get root in Emulator with the help of Magisk by following
Basically, it patch initrd.img(if present) and ramdisk.img for working with Magisk.
Here my pack with all you need.
Or you can use this script:
echo on
set device=emulator-5554
set avd_name=
set adb=d:\Poprygun\DevTools\Android\Android-sdk\platform-tools\adb -s %device%
set emulator=d:\Poprygun\DevTools\Android\Android-sdk\emulator\emulator
set arch=x86
set pie=
echo Close all ANDROID emulators and press any key
start %emulator% -avd Nexus_One_API_25 -verbose -writable-system
echo Wait until ANDROID emulator loading and press any key
%adb% start-server
%adb% root
%adb% remount
%adb% shell setenforce 0
%adb% install D:\SuperSU\SuperSU.apk
%adb% push D:\SuperSU\su\%arch%\su.pie /system/bin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/bin/su
%adb% push D:\SuperSU\su\%arch%\su.pie /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell su --install
%adb% shell "su --daemon&"
exit /b
I just replaced and assigned attributes for su to ~/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-22/google_apis/x86/system.img
and now on android 5 I always have root even for new systems, it’s enough to install SuperSu.apk
Android 6 is necessary only
adb root
adb shell
>/system/xbin/su --daemon &
>setenfoce 0
after that, SuperSu.apk sees root. But I do not update the binary file
I used part of the method from the solutions above; however, they did not work completely. On the latest version of Andy, this worked for me:
On Andy (Root Shell) [To get, right click the HandyAndy icon and select Term Shell]
Inside the shell, run these commands:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su && chmod 4775 su
Then, install SuperSU and install SU binary. This will replace the SU binary we just created.
Remove SuperSU and install Superuser by CWM. Install the su binary again.
Now, root works!
I tried many of the above suggestions, including SuperSU and couldn't get any to work but found something much simpler that worked for my purposes. In my case, I only wanted to be able to run sqlite at the command prompt. I simply spun up an emulator with an older version of Android (Lollipop) and got root access immediately.
Use android image without PlayServices then you'll be able to run add root and access whatever you want. save my life .
It root by Magisk
The script simple enough for user
I found that default API 23 x86_64 emulator is rooted by default.
Now i will let know the simplest way to root your emulator in few steps using 1 command.
Create or configure emulator.
Check by running your application that your emulator is working or not.
Open cmd and give the path of your sdk platform-tools like as below
C:\Users\XYZ>cd C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
if you are not sure that where is your platform tools then goto android studio and open SDK Manager(Click the icon of sdk manager) there you will get the path of your sdk like this ==>C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk and add platform tools at the end like as below
Now follow step 3 i.e Open cmd and give the path of your sdk platform-tools like as below
C:\Users\XYZ>cd C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
Step 4: C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools>adb root
Step 5: C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
Now you will get the success message as below:
C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools>adb root
adbd is already running as root
Step 6 : XYZ generic # cd data/data//databases/
Hope it will help. Its worked for me.

how to get root access on android 2.3 emulator

i am trying to get root access on my android emulator to run iptables. i went through many forums and tried many methods but nothing seems to work. the following is my device specification and i try everything on emulator.
version - 2.3
kernel version - 2.6.29-00261-g0097074-dirtydigit#digit #20
build number - sdk-eng 2.3 GRH55 79397 test-keys
so how to become root in the android. please help.
On the emulator provided with the SDK r10, you can get a root shell executing "adb shell" from your host computer. Once you have such root shell, you cat follow this steps to get a command that can log you as root from the terminal emulator:
# Remount /data to allow executables and setuids on it
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock1 /data
# There's no "cp" command on Android
cat /system/bin/sh > /data/su
# Give setuid permissions to the shell
chmod 7755 /data/su
Now, from the emulator, just run "/data/su" and that's it, you're root.
The normal "/system/xbin/su" command included in the SDK performs internal user id checks, so these commands...
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
chmod 7755 /system/xbin/su
...just won't work. There's no way to trick /system/xbin/su to allow the normal user (UID 10018 in my case) to become root.
Please note that dealing with setuid programs can be a security risk (not higher than having a universal "su" command, though). Use this solution at your own risk.