Importance of the place of CMD in Dockerfile - service

I have this Dockerfile that works fine, but I was told that maybe it wasn't the best way to do what I wanted :
FROM debian:jessie
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y lighttpd php5-cgi php5-common php5 php5-mysql php5-gd
RUN echo server.modules += \(\"mod_rewrite\"\) >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
CMD ["lighttpd", "-D", "-f", "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"]
RUN lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php
RUN service lighttpd restart
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
As you can see, I am creating an image for a container with lighttpd and php.
My question is about the place of the CMD part in my Dockerfile. I was told that it was better to put it at the end of the file, but as you can see, I did it in the middle of mine and it worked just fine.
It does not stop the creation nor does it interfere with the service lighttpd restart in the run part below it.
Is there any best practice regarding this or is this normal? Could I create a Dockerfile with my CMD just after the apt-get install?
Thanks for your answers regarding my question and sorry for my english if there is any big mistakes.

I believe it's more of a logical preference, no need to define the command when the image isn't ready yet. There is an added convenience that debugging with the CMD or ENTRYPOINT set to a shell may make debugging a failed build a little easier. But otherwise, the last ENTRYPOINT and/or CMD modifies the config of the image and gets inherited to all child images (each line of your Dockerfile).

It shouldn't matter where you put the CMD entry in terms of Docker using that as the default command (plus Docker will use the last one if there is more than one). Where it might make a difference is if you were trying to structure your build in order to optimize caching the layers. I.e., you want to put anything that is likely to change lower down in the Dockerfile.
I think it's more convention to put it last and makes it easier to read. Is there a specific reason in your case you don't want to put it last?


Automated fsck (with init 1/init 5) on a FreeBSD machine?

I'm looking to automated fsck on my FreeBSD server. I have an idea how to do this, but because it's running pretty powerful commands, I'd like some more eyes on it before I set it to run.
Step 1. Cron job.
My cron will look something like this: 0 17 * * 0 > /usr/local/var/log/fscklog/$(date).log, to run at 5PM every sunday. It will be run from root's crontab, because what I'm doing requires root permissions.
The script goes something like this:
init 1 # Run single-user mode, so fsck can run correctly
fsck -y # Run fsck
fsck -y # Run again, to clean up. Makes my machine act better
init 5 # bring it back up.
My main concerns follow:
Does running this pose any substantial dangers I should know about?
Are there any errors in my script?
Anything I should add?
Did I actually get it right?
I'm sorry this is mostly a confirmation question, but with my level of skill with sh I'm not comfortable setting this to run without someone more experienced taking a look first.
What about just add this to /etc/rc.conf:
Basically, means to run fsck -y and don't try to run in background, so depending on the size of your disks, this could take a while to finish.

Continue/run commands after ssh into VM

I have to take quite a few steps before I get into the file I need to be, which is why I'm trying to set up an alias in my terminal, that gets me to the file by running that alias.
The following steps are needed to arrive where I have to be:
cd Sites
vagrant ssh
cd /var/www/
sudo -s
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
nano 25-av_miniportal.conf
Edit line 33 in that file (I guess it's possible to jump to that line)
I tried setting up an alias like this, but the problem is that it stops running the rest of the command after I SSH'd into Vagrant. if I manually exit Vagrant, it continues the command (and of course returns an error, because there is no such folder).
The question is: How do I make sure that everything from step 3 is executed AFTER step 2 is done logging in through SSH?
My ultimate goal is to set up an Apple Automator program that lets me put in a value that gets entered on line 33, but I'm fine with just an alias for now.
I know I asked this question a long time ago, but in the meantime I found a solution and forgot I had posted this question.
My alias in my .zshrc-file looks like this:
alias changeCust='ssh -t root# "nano +32 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/25-av_miniportal.conf && service apache2 reload"'
In other words, it SSHs into vagrant as root (it asks for my password), nanos into a file on line 32 (or whatever line you need), then, when the file is saved, it reloads apache2 and the changes are applied.
Just use the below one and change the values.
alias AliasName='ssh -t "nano +lineNumber /path/to/file"'

Sublime Text CoffeeScript build system: `env: node: No such file or directory`

I'm trying to set up a CoffeeScript build system in Sublime Text 3, but I keep getting the following error:
env: node: No such file or directory
[Finished in 0.0s with exit code 127]
[cmd: ['coffee', '-o','/Users/jcourtdemone/Sites/', '-cw', '/Users/jcourtdemone/Sites/']]
[dir: /Users/jcourtdemone/Sites/]
[path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin]
My build system looks like this:
"name": "Coffee - AT",
"cmd": ["coffee","-o","${project_path:${folder}}/static/script","-cw","${project_path:${folder}}/static/coffee"],
"selector": "",
Two things strange about this.
1) It says it's looking in /usr/bin where a symlink to coffee exists.
2) Because of (1), I overrode $PATH to include the actual location of coffee which is /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin, but for some reason, $PATH isn't being overridden properly, it's sticking with the default $PATH.
Things to note:
i) I've verified that all paths are correct and pass normally through a regular terminal command.
ii) Tried with a "shell": true variable in the build system.
iii) I have another build system for Compass like this that works fine.
Anyone run into similar problems or issues? Any ideas?
In Terminal, type which node, then create a symlink to that location in /usr/bin. For example, if node lives in /usr/local/bin, create the symlink like so:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/node /usr/bin/node
If you look at the source of your coffee script, you'll probably find that the first line is something along the lines of:
#!/usr/bin/env node
Exit code 127 in Sublime means that an env command has failed - so in your case, the build system is finding coffee, but it can't execute it because the node binary isn't in Sublime's default search path.
There are two ways to redefine the default search path for Sublime. The first (and easiest) is to always open it from the command line using the built-in subl command. If you're an OS X power user and don't mind messing with important system settings, check out my post on unix.SE on how to alter the default /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin path that you're seeing. Be forewarned that if you don't do things correctly, you may break your system. However, if you're running Mountain Lion (10.8.X) and you follow the instructions exactly, everything should be fine. (I haven't upgraded to Mavericks, so no guarantees on whether it'll work with that version.)
How to solve the problem under an Ubuntu System
The fact is "coffee" command will call /usr/bin/node to continue its work, however, the original "node" command for the node application on an Ubuntu system is changed from "node" to "nodejs" to avoid name conflicting. That is the reason, the shell will compliant you "/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory". whenever you type
$ coffee
To solve the bug, just let the shell find something named "node" in its default searching path, and this so-called "node" will promote nodejs. The command "nodejs" lies under path of /usr/bin/nodejs.
We will use symbol link to link "node" with nodejs, and place the link "node" within the default searching path, so that the shell will find it.
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
But beware, make sure that you do NOT have another "node" command under /usr/bin/, you can check it by try to run
$ which node
I do NOT know what to do if you have installed another "node" application.
In Ubuntu you can install the package nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
this package just create a symbolic link to binary nodejs
You should be able to fix this all in your build system without needing to add a symlink on your machine.
For example if node lives in /usr/local/bin/node all you have to do is change the path in your build_system to be:
"path": "/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
I had the same problem with Sublime Text 2.
Creating this sublime build worked for me:
"cmd": ["coffee", "-c", "$file"],
"selector" : "",
"path" : "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin/:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
The following code worked for me in Ubuntu 14.04:
**$ sudo apt-get install NodeJS-legacy**
The other problem was the version checking frameworks such as for e.g: gulp -v the same code also solved this problem.
Type the next in the console:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

Setting up mongoDB raspberry pi

i just installed mongopi from and it working correctly after doing a few adjustments mainly $ sudo chown $USER /data/db. However my mongo and mongod calls arent persistent i do PATH=$PATH:/opt/mongo/bin/ &
export PATH however this does not last on next ssh session. Also how can I make mongo initialize at startup? I did all the steps from the github repo.
For the path part of the question:
To get the path working you should put it in a script that runs every time you log in. Generally there is a rc-file for you shell in your home directory. Type
echo $SHELL
to see what shell you are running. Go to your home directory:
and then open the file that is called .(your shell)rc - that is, if you are running bash, open .bashrc
nano .bashrc
add the path at the end of this file:
export PATH
For the initialization part of the question:
Download and edit this script: Mongo init.d at github
You'll need to change the value of the DEAMON at line 50. I had some other troubles, but you should probably be ok if you create a configuration file (that probably could be empty) and refer to it from line 57. Also, you need to add a mongodb user that the server should run as. You can edit this on line 95, but the default is probably a good idea.
When all this editing is done, you move the file to /etc/init.d/mongodb, like so:
sudo mv init.d /etc/init.d/mongodb
and then add it to the systems start-up routine
sudo update-rc.d mongodb defaults
(This is presuming you run debian. Other distros may have other commands to do this.)
Now, see to that you are not running mongod some other place, and control the service by
sudo service mongodb start
service mongodb status
sudo service mongodb stop
... and so on. This will also run automatically on start-up and shutdown.

Installing Meteor - Couldn't write the launcher script

I am front-end developer attempting to crossover into the world of web app development. I've come a long way in learning Javascript, and now I'm looking to toy around with frameworks.
I still have a bit to learn about using the OSX terminal, but I was hoping somebody could help me with this first stumble I'm having....
I try to install meteor using:
$ curl | /bin/sh
Then I get the following:
Meteor 0.6.4 has been installed in your home directory (~/.meteor).
Writing a launcher script to /usr/local/bin/meteor for your convenience.
This may prompt for your password.
cp: /usr/local/bin/meteor: No such file or directory
Couldn't write the launcher script. Please either:
(1) Run the following as root:
cp ~/.meteor/tools/latest/launch-meteor /usr/bin/meteor
(2) Add ~/.meteor to your path, or
(3) Rerun this command to try again.
Then to get started, take a look at 'meteor --help' or see the docs at
If it's still helpful to anyone, going into /usr/local/bin, running "sudo rm meteor" then running the install gets it to work for me
Yeah try one of the three suggestions or:
sudo curl | /bin/sh
I had the same problem heres how I fixed it!
Delete all meteor folders
In finder (cmd +shft+g)
type in "~/.meteor"
on the top of the finder window where is has the folder.meteor click and drag folder to trash
In finder (cmd +shft+g) type in "/usr/bin/meteor" then drag the meteor folder to trash
3.In /usr/ create a new folder "local" (password required) and inside "local" create a folder "bin"
Go back to terminal a run curl | /bin/sh