Chronoforms 5 Date Picker in Multiplier Not Working - datepicker

I'm using Chronoform's 5 Multiplier feature which is triggerd with an 'Add Another Student' button. Prior to the Multiplier, I have two datepickers. Within the Multiplier are two datepickers. The first set of datepickers (prior to the Multiplier) pops up the calendar, as it should. Within the Multiplier, the calendar does not pop up.
Both datepickers have indpendent fieldIDs. After asking Chronoforms regarding this issue, the answer I received was:
"You'd have to add custom code to run when the Add button is clicked and attach the datepicker to the new...input then."
I'm not sure what this means.
Has anyone successfully been able to use Chronoforms 5 to get the datepicker to work within a Multiplier? Users can enter in a date manually, but that's not user-friendly. I would prefer to try to get this working.


How to highlght custom days in ng-bootstrap datepicker?

I cant use custom template to do that because Angular checks [class.someClass]="some()" on every mouse move, and that takes a loot of resource. Is there any way to give dates once to datepicker and it could refernce to them and set necesery classes to them? (something similar like pipes work)

Powershell - ComboBox Calender

i wrote a script for get-messagetrackinglog.
I added a gui for recipients, sender, starttime etc.
And now i want to add a calendar to chose the date for start and end instead of tying it manually.
Im trying to do this with a combobox. So, the calendar pops up when i click on the arrow from the combobox.
So far, i have a calendar but i dont know how to implement that into my combobox.
I already tried to $comboBox.Items.Add("$objCalendar").
But this is not working at all. The Output for this is "System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar, SelectionRange: Start: 23.05.2017 00:00:00, End: 23.05.2017 00:00:00"
I think i need a parameter for $objCalender._ , but i couldnt find anything.
Any tips, please.
I used DateTimePicker instead of ComboBox+MonthCalendar and its working now!

jQuery chosen, second trigger doen't work

I have a chosen combobox (with multiples values).
I have 2 buttons: first has this function in order to add a value in the combobox
$('select option[value="13"]').attr('selected', 'selected')
Second button has this function in order to remove this value:
$('select option[value="13"]').removeAttr('selected')
I call my page: everything is fine
Click on first button: ok, the value is added
Click second button: ok, the value is removed
Click another time on first button: problem, the value is not added
You can see an example here:
Can you tell me why the second time I click on the first button, the function doesn't work.
I use chosen version 1.0
EDIT: seems that works on chrome but why not IE and FF
I received an answer on github wich answer perfectly my question:

Calendar switching in Matlab GUI (DateChooserPanel)

I have a question about Matlab GUI's. I'm gonna try and explain as best as I can what exactly I need help for.
I am using GUIDE for building GUI, and have a listbox with ~10 names in it. When I click on each of the names (individuals) a calendar will appear where I can select multiple dates on.
Each person has it's own calendar which appears when you click on their name for the first time. Every calendar is created in the same place(coordinates) on GUI. Calendars become visible (are created) after the listbox selection, at first only listbox is visible on the GUI.
The thing I want to do is to be able to switch between each of these calendars depending on what person's name I click on the listbox. For example, click on 'martin' shows his calendar, click on 'joe' brings his calendar up front etc. So basically, I have ~10 calendars I want to switch between (while the selected dates don't reset with each switch).
I am using Jide's DateChooserPanel which is implemented in Matlab, as it is really easy to use and is just perfect for my needs.
The following code generates a calendar and sets an ability to select multiple dates and works perfect:
jPanel = com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel;
[hPanel,hContainer] = javacomponent(jPanel,[219,66,200,200],gcf);
jModel = hPanel.getSelectionModel;
And I can get the chosen dates with this line:
And now I'm stuck because I don't know how to switch between those calendars. I was trying to get their handles and somehow get that person's calendar in front of the others, but I couldn't find a way.
Any advice/help is appreciated!

Remove the "Today" entry from UIDatePicker

When using a UIDatePicker in iOS SDK, there is always an entry "Today" at the current date.
That's useful in most cases, but where I need it, it's rather confusing.
Is there a way to:
a) disable the "today"-entry (use regular date instead), and have all entries look the same
or even better
b) disable the "today"-entry (use regular date instead), and color the next day in blue
Further more, the application is for private use only, it's not going to get distributed on the AppStore, which means I could use private APIs (I still would rather avoid them) and I don't need it to be backwards compatible. iOS 4 is fine.
I had a similar problem with the UIDatePicker not matching my requirements exactly (in my case I needed a datepicker without a year wheel). Having a look at the UIDatePicker reference, it doesn't look like you can disable the today entry, so you might be forced to do what I did.
I used a UIPickerView and re-implemented the date selection functionality I needed with that. There are a few things you will need to do to implement your custom date picker:
Implement a UIPickerViewDataSource to set up row titles, dimensions and row counts.
Implement a UIPickerViewDelegate to handle events from your custom picker.
Make sure you update your day wheel when the month wheel changes so you get appropriate days for each month. UIDatePicker does this pretty seamlessly. With limited time, I just reload the picker when the month changes so the day counts match up.