How to highlght custom days in ng-bootstrap datepicker? - datepicker

I cant use custom template to do that because Angular checks [class.someClass]="some()" on every mouse move, and that takes a loot of resource. Is there any way to give dates once to datepicker and it could refernce to them and set necesery classes to them? (something similar like pipes work)


GTM Tagging Question - Only Unique item on two buttons is the url

I have two buttons with everything identical except the url. I would like to track clicks on each button separately. Any idea how I need to setup my trigger to get this to fire and track separately?
Trigger? I would use the same trigger for both buttons, but then in tag config, I would reference a custom JS variable in the field where I want the URL to go.
The CJS variable would look something like this:
return {{Click Element}}.getAttribute("href");
Or try using the default click URL var.
If it doesn't work out, then add your actual html surrounding the buttons and we'll give you the actual code and selectors to use in the trigger.

Filtering an object field in Unity Editor Extension

I'm looking to use Unity's ObjectField to have users search for objects of a particular type. I know the constructor allows for a typeOf(objectType), but that does not seem to allow for filtering on custom components.
Essentially, a previous editor script I have sets up objects, and places a unique custom script on each of the components, but I've been unsuccessful in utilizing the ObjectField to search for just those objects. If I change the typeOf in my object field to be my component, it is always empty, despite there being many prefabs with that script attached in my project.
Has anyone had any success with this? Using GameObject finds them, but this finds all game objects. Is there any way to restrict this? Or to keep it only looking at particular folders?
Adding a filter while the field itself stays as type Object is a bit tricky. Here's one way.
Use ShowObjectPicker
Try opening a custom ObjectPicker. To do so you'll have to hide the default object picker and call one with a set searchFilter. It is quite a bit of work.
Setting searchFilter
Use with a searchFilter that matches the component you add to every object you want to show up in an ObjectPicker. for example "t:objectType".
There's some good information on using ShowObjectPicker at
Hide default object picker
Here's a post with a way to hide the default object picker Is there any way to hide the "Object picker" of an EditorGUILayout.ObjectField in Unity Isnpector?
Show picker
You'll need to create your own Editor GUI.Button to bring up the ShowObjectPicker with the custom searchFilter.
Assets searchFilter
As a sidenote, to do the same with file assets use a "l:labelName" fileFilter instead of "t:objectType". You can set the label with the Unity Editor UI as shown here:
or with "ref:relative/path/from/assets/to/material/material.mat"

How to get a component to show up in the list of draggable components (for parsys)?

I'm trying to create a component that I can drag into a parsys component, but for some reason it doesn't show up in the list of available components (see images below). I'm pretty new to AEM, so if I sound ignorant, I probably am (edits to this question are welcome).
The first and the foremost requirement for your component to be draggable is to have either a dialog or design_dialog.
Second, it shouldn't be part of the component group .hidden. It is fine if it doesn't have a componentGroup property at all, you can find it under NO GROUP DEFINED.
Set the allowedParents property of type String[] to */parsys.
And finally make sure that the jcr:title is different from the name of your component. They shouldn't be the same. For Eg: If the name of the component is text then the title should at least be Text.
I haven't worked in the touchUI, but for sidekick this holds good. So I guess it should work for your case too.
First: Make sure you have a dialog defined.
Second: Ensure that there is a componentGroup defined that doesn't start with a period. ANY group name that starts with a period will hide the component.
Third: Make sure the component is enabled with design mode.
AEM Mastery blog post about getting a component to show in the sidekick

Custom DatePicker with just two components

I want to to use custom datePicker in my project. In Mode date it shows Month,Day and Year, in my case I don't need Year, I just want to display Month and day.
The API does not provide a way to do this. If you want to be able to, please file a report requesting this ability, and it'll hopefully get included in a future release of iOS.
In the meantime, you can make a pretty convincing replica yourself using a UIPickerView.
Im sorry but following the reference of the PickerView
It says that is not possible to do that, so your only option is to implemente yourself the delegate and the datasource, and create the pickerview with the data you need.

GWT ValueListBox: can it support more than a single selection?

Can GWT's ValueListBox support multiple selections? Also, is there a way to get it to display more than a single value at a time (like ListBox.setVisibleItemCount()) ?
It seems like you'd need to get at the underlying ListBox (or somehow provide a custom one) in order to make this happen. Of course getListBox() is private, so that's out.
No. ValueListBox is intended to operate on single value. That's why it can be easily used as editor (from Editor framework) for wrapped type.
For multiple selection you can use ListBox, but AFAIK there's no straightforward way to use it as editor (you have to write your own custom editor based on ListBox).