How to automatically color lines in IDA? - ida

I want IDA to automatically color lines in both the graph and text view for important instructions, for example wherever there is a call or xor instruction change the background color of each of those references to a certain color.
Here is what I am looking to achieve:
fig.1 graph view
fig.2 text view
I noticed you can go to Edit > Other > color instruction... from the main menu and this will allow you to change the background color of the selected instruction, but this does not change all of them and seems to only affect the current database.
How can I make IDA automatically color certain instructions such as call and xoras shown from the example images?
I want it to automatically work for any database I open.

You need to write an IDA plug in using IDAPython (python for IDA) or IDC (IDA scripting language which is very similar to C), the following code is in IDC:
#include <idc.idc>
static main(void)
auto currentEA;
auto currentMnem;
auto prevMnem;
auto currentOp;
prevMnem = "";
currentEA = FirstSeg();
currentEA = NextHead(currentEA, 0xFFFFFFFF);
while (currentEA != BADADDR)
currentMnem = GetMnem(currentEA);
//Highlight call functions
if (currentMnem == "call")
SetColor(currentEA, CIC_ITEM, 0xc7c7ff);
You can also refer to the opcodes' operands:
//Non-zeroing XORs are often signs of data encoding
if (currentMnem == "xor")
if (GetOpnd(currentEA, 0) != GetOpnd(currentEA, 1))
SetColor(currentEA, CIC_ITEM, 0xFFFF00);
Here is a guide from Hex Blog for using IDC plug-ins.
And here is a sample for similar script in IDA Python instead of IDC.


How to search for and highlight a substring in Codemirror 6?

I'm building a simple code editor to help children learn HTML. One feature I'm trying to add is that when users mouseover their rendered code (in an iframe), the corresponding HTML code in the editor is highlighted. So, for example, if a user mouses-over an image of kittens, the actual code, , would be highlighted in the editor.
Mousing-over the iframe to get the html source for that element is the easy part, which I've done (using document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY in the iframe itself, and posting that up to the parent) - so that's not the part I need help with. The part I can't figure out is how to search for and highlight that string of selected code in the code editor.
I'm using Codemirror 6 for this project, as it seems as it will give me the most flexibility to create such a feature. However, as a Codemirror 6 novice, I'm struggling with the documentation to find out where I should start. It seems like the steps I need to complete to accomplish this are:
Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
Highlight that range in the editor.
Can anyone out there give me some advice as to where in the Codemirror 6 API I should look to start implementing this? It seems like it should be easy, but my unfamiliarity with the Codemirror API and the terse documentation is making this difficult.
1. Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
You can use SearchCursor class (iterator) to get the character's range where is located the DOM element in your editor.
// the import for SearchCursor class
import {SearchCursor} from "#codemirror/search"
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({ /* your code */ });
// will create a cursor based on the doc content and the DOM element as a string (outerHTML)
let cursor = new SearchCursor(main_view.state.doc, element.outerHTML);
// will search the first match of the string element.outerHTML in the editor view main_view.state.doc
// display the range where is located your DOM element in your editor
2. Highlight that range in the editor.
As described in the migration documentation here, marked text is replace by decoration. To highlight a range in the editor with codemirror 6, you need to create one decoration and apply it in a dispatch on your view. This decoration need to be provide by an extension that you add in the extensions of your editor view.
// the import for the 3 new classes
import {StateEffect, StateField} from "#codemirror/state"
import {Decoration} from "#codemirror/view"
// code mirror effect that you will use to define the effect you want (the decoration)
const highlight_effect = StateEffect.define();
// define a new field that will be attached to your view state as an extension, update will be called at each editor's change
const highlight_extension = StateField.define({
create() { return Decoration.none },
update(value, transaction) {
value =
for (let effect of transaction.effects) {
if ( value = value.update({add: effect.value, sort: true})
return value
provide: f => EditorView.decorations.from(f)
// this is your decoration where you can define the change you want : a css class or directly css attributes
const highlight_decoration = Decoration.mark({
// attributes: {style: "background-color: red"}
class: 'red_back'
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({
extensions: [highlight_extension]
// this is where the change takes effect by the dispatch. The of method instanciate the effect. You need to put this code where you want the change to take place
effects: highlight_effect.of([highlight_decoration.range(cursor.value.from,])
Hope it will help you to implement what you want ;)
Have a look at #codemirror/search.
Specifically, the source code implementation of Selection Matching may be of use for you to adapt.
It uses Decoration.mark over a range of text.
You can use SearchCursor to iterate over ranges that match your pattern (or RegExpCursor)
Use getSearchCursor, something like this:
var cursor = cmEditor.getSearchCursor(keyword , CodeMirror.Pos(cmEditor.firstLine(), 0), {caseFold: true, multiline: true});
if(cursor.find(false)){ //move to that position.
cmEditor.scrollIntoView({from: cursor.from(), to:}, 20);
Programmatically search and select a keyword
Take a look at getSearchCursor source code it it give some glow about how it works and its usage.
So use getSearchCursor for finding text and optionally use markText for highlighting text because you can mark text with setSelection method of editor.
Selection Marking Demo
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
lineNumbers: true,
styleSelectedText: true
editor.markText({line: 6, ch: 26}, {line: 6, ch: 42}, {className: "styled-background"});
And it seem this is what you are looking for:
codemirror: search and highlight multipule words without dialog
RegExpCursor is another option that you can use:
new RegExpCursor(
text: Text,
query: string,
options⁠?: {ignoreCase⁠?: boolean},
from⁠?: number = 0,
to⁠?: number = text.length
Sample usage at:
Replacing text between dollar signs for Mathml expression.

Enterprise Architect: Hide only "top" labels of connectors programmatically

I want to hide the "top" part of all connector labels of a diagram. For this, I tried to set up a script, but it currently hides ALL labels (also the "bottom" labels which I want to preserve):
// Get a reference to the current diagram
var currentDiagram as EA.Diagram;
currentDiagram = Repository.GetCurrentDiagram();
if (currentDiagram != null)
for (var i = 0; i < currentDiagram.DiagramLinks.Count; i++)
var currentDiagramLink as EA.DiagramLink;
currentDiagramLink = currentDiagram.DiagramLinks.GetAt(i);
currentDiagramLink.Geometry = currentDiagramLink.Geometry
.replace(/HDN=0/g, "HDN=1")
.replace(/LLT=;/, "LLT=HDN=1;")
.replace(/LRT=;/, "LRT=HDN=1;");
if (!currentDiagramLink.Update())
When I hide only the top labels manually (context menu of a connector/Visibility/Set Label Visibility), the Geometry property of the DiagramLinks remains unchanged, so I guess the detailed label visibility information must be contained somewhere else in the model.
Does anyone know how to change my script?
Thanks in advance!
The dialog for editing the detailed label visibility looks as follows:
My goal is unchecking the "top label" checkboxes programmatically.
In the Geometry attribute you will find a partial string like
So in between LLT and the next semi-colon you need to locate the HDN=0 and replace that with HDN=1. A simple global change like above wont work. You need a wild card like in the regex LLT=([^;]+); to work correctly.

Calling methods on datasource in displayoption lags screen and prevents records from showing

I have overridden the displayoption method on my forms datasource to display lines in red which don't have enough stock (based on stock position & released production orders) but I think calling several methods on the datasource (which are also used by display fields on my form) has such an impact on the drawing of my form that the lines are red but the data isn't shown:
public void displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
ProdBom _prodbomlocal = _record;
if (this.DRS_GetLineAvailable(_prodbomlocal) < 0)
_options.backColor(8421631); //Light Red
For instance when there are a lot of lines for which available stock, released production quantity, etc needs to be queried only one line is shown instead of e.g. 30 lines
I don't know what to do, is there some way I can pre-query the data?
Kind regards,
Have you tried calling the super()?
Any computation in displayOption should be very fast, or your form will suck.
Do not use color code in decimal, at least use hex 0x8080FF (BGR code).
public void displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
ProdBom _prodbomlocal = _record;
if (this.DRS_GetLineAvailable(_prodbomlocal) < 0)
_options.backColor(8421631); //Light Red
super(_record, _options);

Creating advanced user interfaces blackberry

I am looking out to create a text box similar to the image shown below in my blackberry form. As of now i am able to add a textfield which has a label like say
Name:(Cursor blinks)
Also when i try adding an image it doesnt show up beside the label but below it.I have tried aligning and adjusting image size etc but all in vain.How can layout managers help me do this any idea?
Can some one provide me an exact way as to how this can be achieved.Thanks in advance.
//Lets say adding textfield with validation for name
TextField1 = new TextField("\n Customer Name: ",null)
protected boolean keyChar(char ch, int status, int time)
if (CharacterUtilities.isLetter(ch) || (ch == Characters.BACKSPACE || (ch == Characters.SPACE)))
return super.keyChar(ch, status, time);
return true;
//Or either by using this,the text is placed within the image
Border myBorder = BorderFactory.createBitmapBorder(
new XYEdges(20, 16, 27, 23),
TextField myField = new TextField(" Write something ",TextField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | TextField.FIELD_HCENTER)
protected void paint(Graphics g) {
//After trying out code given at Blackberry App Appearance VS Facebook App i am getting the following layout
I would still want to achieve a box that stands beside the label.Like the one shown in green image.Please guide.
Have a look to this answer. I think it may be helpful to you. Just play with the code until you get your desired look and feel.

Using Eclipse TableViewer, how do I navigate and edit cells with arrow keys?

I am using a TableViewer with a content provider, label provider, a ICellModifier and TextCellEditors for each column.
How can I add arrow key navigation and cell editing when the user selects the cell? I would like this to be as natural a behavior as possible.
After looking at some of the online examples, there seems to be an old way (with a TableCursor) and a new way (TableCursor does not mix with CellEditors??).
Currently, my TableViewer without a cursor will scroll in the first column only. The underlying SWT table is showing cursor as null.
Is there a good example of TableViewer using CellEditors and cell navigation via keyboard?
I don't know if there is a good example. I use a cluster of custom code to get what I would consider to be basic table behaviors for my application working on top of TableViewer. (Note that we are still targetting 3.2.2 at this point, so maybe things have gotten better or have otherwise changed.) Some highlights:
I do setCellEditors() on my TableViewer.
On each CellEditor's control, I establish what I consider to be an appropriate TraverseListener. For example, for text cells:
cellEditor = new TextCellEditor(table, SWT.SINGLE | getAlignment());
cellEditor.getControl().addTraverseListener(new TraverseListener() {
public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent e) {
switch (e.detail) {
// edit next column
e.doit = true;
// edit previous column
e.doit = true;
// Differentiate arrow right from down (they both produce the same traversal #*$&#%^)
if (e.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_DOWN) {
// edit same column next row
e.doit = true;
// Differentiate arrow left from up (they both produce the same traversal #*$&#%^)
if (e.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_UP) {
// edit same column previous row
e.doit = true;
(For drop-down table cells, I catch left and right arrow instead of up and down.)
I also add a TraverseListener to the TableViewer's control whose job it is to begin cell editing if someone hits "return" while an entire row is selected.
// This really just gets the traverse events for the TABLE itself. If there is an active cell editor, this doesn't see anything.
tableViewer.getControl().addTraverseListener(new TraverseListener() {
public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent e) {
if (e.detail == SWT.TRAVERSE_RETURN) {
// edit first column of selected row
Now, how exactly I control the editing is another story. In my case, my whole TableViewer (and a representation of each column therein) is loosely wrapped up in a custom object with methods to do what the comments above say. The implementations of those methods ultimately end up calling tableViewer.editElement() and then checking tableViewer.isCellEditorActive() to see if the cell was actually editable (so we can skip to the next editable one if not).
I also found it useful to be able to programmatically "relinquish editing" (e.g. when tabbing out of the last cell in a row). Unfortunately the only way I could come up with to do that is a terrible hack determined to work with my particular version by spelunking through the source for things that would produce the desired "side effects":
private void relinquishEditing() {
// OMG this is the only way I could find to relinquish editing without aborting.
tableViewer.refresh("some element you don't have", false);
Sorry I can't give a more complete chunk of code, but really, I'd have to release a whole mini-project of stuff, and I'm not prepared to do that now. Hopefully this is enough of a "jumpstart" to get you going.
Here is what has worked for me:
TableViewerFocusCellManager focusCellManager = new TableViewerFocusCellManager(tableViewer,new FocusCellOwnerDrawHighlighter(tableViewer));
ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy actSupport = new ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy(tableViewer) {
protected boolean isEditorActivationEvent(ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent event) {
return event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.TRAVERSAL
|| event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_SELECTION
|| (event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.KEY_PRESSED && event.keyCode == SWT.CR)
|| event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.PROGRAMMATIC;
I can navigate in all directions with tab while editing, and arrow around when not in edit mode.
I got it working based on this JFace Snippet, but I had to copy a couple of related classes also:
and I don't remember exactly where I found them. The is also a org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableCursor, but I couldn't get that to work.
Have a look at
Example of enabling Editor Activation on a Double Click.
The stuff between lines [ 110 - 128 ] add a ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy and TableViewerEditor. In my case the I wanted a single click to begin editing so i changed line 115 from:
to ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.MOUSE_CLICK_SELECTION. After adding this to my TableViewer, the tab key would go from field to field with the editor enabled.