Difference between these two scala function definitions - scala

I am going through the Scala School basics tutorial at
I am trying to understand what the difference between these two definitions is.
Also, if someone could explain currying vs partial application in this context.
def multiply(m: Int)(n: Int): Int = m * n
def multiply(m: Int,n: Int): Int = m * n

The difference is only in how you actually call this methods. In second case your only choice is to pass both arguments at the same time, like multiply(2,2). In first case you can pass one argument and get function Int => Int and then call it with another argument:
val f: Int => Int = multiply(2) _
f(2) // 4
f(3) // 6
f(525) // 1050
The real power of curried methods is when the second argument is implicit so you don't have to pass it explicitly.
implicit val x = 2
def multiply(m: Int)(implicit n: Int): Int = m * n
multiply(5) //10


Passing arguments to higher order functions

how do I pass different parameters for my function inside a higher order function. my code below.
val sum = (a: Int, b:Int) => a + b
val x = 7
val y = 9
def sq (x: Int, y: Int, f: (Int, Int)=> Int): Int = {
x + y * f(a,b)
This doesn't work and throws an error that 'a' is not defined.
The parameter list for sq looks ok.
The call to sq isn’t right, the function would get evaluated before it gets passed in. Assuming it got by the compiler, which of course it doesn’t.
Passing in a function does not mean its arguments come along for the ride. Passing in a function means the caller may not know what arguments to use or even if the function should be called. The sq function has to supply arguments when it calls it. a and b mean nothing outside the definition of sum. sq could supply x and y as arguments to sum.
Just as an addition to #Nathan answer. This example would make sense:
val sum = (a: Int, b:Int) => a + b
def sq (x: Int, y: Int, f: (Int, Int)=> Int): Int = {
x + y * f(x, y)
val x = 7
val y = 9
This would be evaluated in your sgfunction like:
7 + 9 * sum(7, 8)
I hope this makes sense.
In addition to the #Nathan Hughes answer, if you want to pass the different argument to the sum function on each call you need to change your sq method like
def sq (x: Int, y: Int, f: (Int, Int)=> Int): (Int, Int)=> Int = {
x + y * f(_: Int, _:Int)
Insted of expecting the int from the sq method return partially applied function of type (Int, Int) => Int from `sq' then pass other argument to that function like,
sq(10, 20, sum)(1, 2) // 1st approach
//2nd approach would be
//You can hold the function in another variable and call that function with other arguments
val partialSum = sq(10,20, sum)
partialSum(1, 2)
and you will get your result.
Or if you still want that sq method should return Int, you can define your sq method like
def sq (x: Int, y: Int, f: (Int, Int)=> Int)(a:Int, b:Int):Int = {
x + y * f(a, b)
scala> sq(10,20, sum)(1,2)
res2: Int = 70

Function currying in scala

I’m learning scala and read this concept called ‘currying’. I know it is used to divide the parameters in a function and pass them one by one. So from what I understood I tried creating a simple basic currying function below:
def add_num(a:Int,b:Int)(c:Int):Int={a+b+c}
But it gives me an error when I call the function with values 10 and 20. What i understood is it will remember the values and then I can pass the third value as 10 separately. I’m unable to understand this concept. Can someone help me in understanding this concept in most basic terms.
Error is missing argument list for method add_num. Unsupplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is executed.
A curried function is applied to multiple argument lists, instead of just
one. An example of a non-curried function, which adds two Int parameters, x and y:
scala> def plainOldSum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
plainOldSum: (x: Int, y: Int)Int
scala> plainOldSum(1, 2)
res4: Int = 3
A similar function that’s curried:
scala> def curriedSum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y
curriedSum: (x: Int)(y: Int)Int
scala> curriedSum(1)(2)
res5: Int = 3
What's happening here is that when you invoke curriedSum, you actually
get two traditional function invocations back-to-back. The first function
invocation takes a single Int parameter named x, and returns a function
value for the second function. This second function takes the Int parameter
Here's a function named first that does in spirit what the first traditional
function invocation of curriedSum would do:
scala> def first(x: Int) = (y: Int) => x + y
first: (x: Int)Int => Int
Applying the first function to 1—in other words, invoking the first function
and passing in 1—yields the second function:
scala> val second = first(1)
second: Int => Int = <function1>
Applying the second function to 2 yields the result:
scala> second(2)
res6: Int = 3
These first and second functions are just an illustration of the currying
process. They are not directly connected to the curriedSum function. Nevertheless,
there is a way to get an actual reference to curriedSum's "second"
function. You can use the placeholder notation to use curriedSum in a partially
applied function expression, like this:
scala> val onePlus = curriedSum(1)_
onePlus: Int => Int = <function1>
The underscore in curriedSum(1)_ is a placeholder for the second parameter
list.2 The result is a reference to a function which, when invoked, adds one
to its sole Int argument and returns the result:
scala> onePlus(2)
res7: Int = 3
And here's how you'd get a function that adds two to its sole Int argument:
scala> val twoPlus = curriedSum(2)_
twoPlus: Int => Int = <function1>
scala> twoPlus(2)
res8: Int = 4

Why doesn't "1 Math.pow 2" work in scala?

In scala the following works
1 max 2
But the following don't
1 Math.pow 2
import Math.pow
1 pow 2
Can you explain why?
There are a couple of things going on here. In a nutshell:
Implicit casting of the constant "1" to an instance of Int
Leveraging of the "Space notation" for methods that take a single parameter
In the case of 1 max 2, the constant 1 is implicitly cast as an Int (i.e. an instance of class Int).
Since the Int class defines a method called "max" which takes a single parameter, you can use the space or infix notation. The following are all equivalent (run in spark-shell):
scala> 1 max 2
res8: Int = 2
scala> 1.max(2)
res9: Int = 2
scala> val x = 1 // Note the result type here is Int
x: Int = 1
scala> x.max(2)
res10: Int = 2
scala> x max (2)
res11: Int = 2
scala> 1 // Note the result type here is *also* Int
res12: Int = 1
scala> 1. // Here are all of the methods that are defined for an Int
!= + << >> byteValue ensuring formatted isInfinity isValidByte isWhole notify signum toChar toInt toString until
## - <= >>> ceil eq getClass isInstanceOf isValidChar longValue notifyAll synchronized toDegrees toLong unary_+ wait
% -> == ^ compare equals hashCode isNaN isValidInt max round to toDouble toOctalString unary_- |
& / > abs compareTo floatValue intValue isNegInfinity isValidLong min self toBinaryString toFloat toRadians unary_~ →
* < >= asInstanceOf doubleValue floor isInfinite isPosInfinity isValidShort ne shortValue toByte toHexString toShort underlying
Note that there are a whole bunch of methods available on an Int for example max, min, +, - and so on. Looking at the signature of say, +, we can see that + is a method that takes a single parameter. Therefore we can do the following:
scala> 1 + 2 // No surprises here
res15: Int = 3
scala> 1.+(2) // Huh? This works because + is a method of Int that takes a single parameter.
// This is effectively the same as your max example.
res16: Int = 3
scala> 1.+ // Here are the signatures of the + method.
def +(x: Char): Int
def +(x: Long): Long
def +(x: Float): Float
def +(x: Short): Int
def +(x: Double): Double
def +(x: Byte): Int
def +(x: String): String
def +(x: Int): Int
scala> 1 + 'A' // From the above, we can see that the following is also valid
res17: Int = 66 // because the return type is Int
scala> 1 + "41"
res18: String = 141 // In this case, the + operator is a String concatenation operator Because the return type is String
scala> 1 + "x"
res19: String = 1x // Also because the return is String, but possible more intuitive.
To the pow part of the question.
Math.pow is a method that takes 2 parameters. Because it takes 2 parameters the space notation is not available to you.
Also, pow is not a method that is associated with an Int. It is pretty much like a static method of the Math class (actually Math is an object). So, just like you can't say x.pow(y,z) you can not say 1.pow(y, z) on the other hand you can say Math.pow(x, 2) - to get x squared - because that matches the signature of the pow method.
Here is the signature of Math.pow:
scala> Math.pow
def pow(x$1: Double,x$2: Double): Double
This is a little less exciting than +, but it is clear that it takes 2 Doubles and returns a Double. The example of say Math.pow(2,2) works even though integers are supplied as parameters (when Doubles are required) because the Ints are automatically cast to Double.
I hope this helps explain what you are seeing. I encourage you to try these examples in spark-shell, sbt or some other scala REPL.
Methods doesn't the same signature:
override def max(that: Long): Long
def pow(x$1: Double,x$2: Double): Double
The first is a member of Int* and can be called on 1 whereas the second is called on Math object and must have two parameters.
* well actually of RichInt by implicit conversion, but to an intuitive use perspective, it comes to the same thing so this subtlety shouldn't bother you
override def max(that: Int): Int = math.max(self, that)
is from scala.runtime.RichInt class bc evry Int is wrapped by:
#inline implicit def intWrapper(x: Int) = new runtime.RichInt(x)
of class scala.LowPriorityImplicits
But RichInt doesn't have any pow method. And you have to respec Math.pow signature:
public static double pow(double a, double b)
and call it with 2 arguments or use your own developed wrapper, like:
object MainClass {
implicit class IntHelper(i:Int) {
def pow(p:Int): Double = Math.pow(i, p)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(1 pow 2)
1 max 2 is just syntactic sugar for 1.max(2).
As 1 is an integer literal, all methods defined for scala.Int can be applied in this way.
Unfortunately pow is not a method of scala.Int
But you can find the related method in scala.math.BigDecimal and scala.math.BigInt.
So the following would work:
BigInt(1) pow 2
The max function you have used is from Int.
It's signature is:
def max(that: Int): Int
Since 1 is an Int, you can call 1 max 2 with infix notation. it is simply 1.max(2).
The pow function is from Math.
It's signature is
def pow(x: Double, y: Double): Double
Since 1 is not a Math, you can't simply call 1 pow 2. On the other hand in Int, there is no method such that def pow(that: Int): Int.
The one you can use is pow(a,2) which is the Math implementation.
Scala.Math Documentation says that pow function takes two arguments of type Double and returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.
This is the working version of the pow function:
import Math.pow
val a: Double = 1
pow(a,2) // returns 1.0

Higher Order Scala Func

I am new to Scala Higher Order Function and i am kind of confuse in this.
Up to my knowledge , HOF can take functions as arguments like
val c = (x:Int)=> x + 3
here it means it take one argument of type Int and returns Int.
But i am not able to understand the below code as it take a functions as argument of type Int => Int but means it takes one argument and returns Int , but while implementing this they are sending a function which takes two Int args.
def calculate(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int) =
if (b != 0) f(a, b) else throw Exception("Divide by 0")
def divide(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b
calculate(divide, 2, 0) // => Exception
calculate(divide, 4, 2) // => 2
Can someone help me in understanding this.
I appreciate if someone can share some code links where i can understand more about HOF.
def divide(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b
divide is a function (actually a method) that takes 2 Ints and returns 1 Int. It can also be written like this.
val divide = (a:Int, b:Int) => a/b
In this case it is an actual function, but the difference between method and function need not concern us here.
def calculate(f: (Int, Int) => Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = ...
calculate take 3 arguments. The first, f, is a function that takes 2 Ints and returns 1 Int. (Note the correct signature.)
calculate(divide, 77, 7)
Invoke calculate with divide as its first argument. Inside the calculate code divide is referenced (renamed) as f and invoked as such. So f(a, b) is really divide(77, 7).

Order of Arguments in Curried Scala Functions

In Scala, I could generate a curried function like so:
def multiply(m: Int)(n: Int): Int = (m + 1) * (n + 2)
If I wanted, I could generate a new function, by filling that first parameter, like so:
val timesTwo = multiply(1) _
But what is the syntax for replacing the second argument, instead of the first?
val timesThree = multiply _ (1) // Incorrect Syntax
More importantly, why is there not a direct parallel to multiply(1) _?
val timesThree = multiply(_: Int)(1)
val timesThree = (x: Int) => multiply(x)(1)