A title in a Chrome App title bar - google-chrome-app

Sorry for the naive question but...
I'd like to add a title and an icon in what is (purposely, I guess) called a title bar in a Chrome (packaged) App.
Is it really/still impossible? All the answers I read are using frameless windows, which I don't want. For, what I want is a window with the OS native layout.
I've tested a background.html page with a <title> set, but it will never display either.

No, doesn't seem to be possible anyhow with the standard window decoration as opposed to frameless.


Guidance in what kind of navigation this app has used

Im new to monotouch but want to build an app that is something similar to this.
The 1st image is the home screen you see when you open the app if your logged in.
Pressing each of the buttons or images navigates you to a view like the 2nd image.
How would I build something similar, Im using the latest beta 5.1.1 that I believe contains the monotouch.dialog baked into it.
Would I be able to do something like this with monotouch.dialog?
The first screen looks more like what three20 can do (i.e. I'm not sure how I could do that with MonoTouch.Dialog without a bit of work - but I never tried something like that). There are MonoTouch bindings for Three20 available on github.
The second and third screen are more in line with what MonoTouch.Dialog can do, right out of the box (or it's Sample test app). They are not all standard Element but the library is easy to customize, by inheritance, to get almost anything you want (e.g. down to owner-drawn elements).
There's a lot of questions (with answers) that covers MonoTouch.Dialog. If you hit any problem, to achieve something specific, then you're welcome to ask them here on stackoverflow!

iPhone keyboard in UIWebView, how to change the language of next/previous and done buttons

UIWebView's keyboard is pretty cool with its next/previous and done buttons. However, I was not able to find and change the button titles. The titles are always in english no matter in which language the system is running.
I have been looking for the answer to this for a while for my PhoneGap based application, and at last I found the answer here: UIWebview Localization.
The clue is to set 'CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations' to 'Yes' in your info.plist. That really made my day :)
Unless you have your own keyboard designed by you which overrides stock one, you can't do that.
Stock keyboard's language is taken from iOS language setting (via Preferences > General > International).
You can set your own view on top of the keyboard. It is really easy after 3.2 and I have some sample code in this answer. That means you can use your own buttons and even set localized text there.
EDIT: That was a bad answer :) Sorry, I didn't see the 'mobile-safari' tag. But in my case, I also get localized versions of the keyboard previous/next buttons.

How can i make a bottom toolbar with jqTouch for my webpage

I'm trying to make a iPad like toobar at the bottom of my webpage, using the free jqTouch framework. Here's an example I was trying to copy off (first random iphone image i googled for).
Now, a previous StackOverflow question sorta answers it .. but i'm not sure how to extended that answer to include
4 or so sections (eg. friends, person logged in (if they are), etc.)..
Keep that toolbar at the bottom, no matter what. The middle content is scrollable. but the header and this footer should always be visible.
Can this be done?
Actually your link won't help you at all because position:fixed isn't supported in Mobile Safari and brokenly supported in Android. You are going to need a plugin like iscroll, and some fixed positioning, it a bunch of work to get it all working together. However fear not, if you are not interested in going through the pain of developing this yourself, people have done the work for you. See the DataZombies fork of jqTouch, and you can see that in the demo he has a working bottom toolbar (with Badges even!)
To include a tab bar in jQTouch, you'll want to download a later version of jQT than r109, the default package from their homepage. Go to its GitHub to grab a later version of source.
Then, take a look at this post:
Fixed header in Jqtouch, and this demo: http://demo.lvengine.net/mobileuplink.
i'm working on my version, to add a fixed tabbar on jQtouch
it's working with jQtouch, iScroll and the iTabbar
this work with the latest jQtouch version
Here a online demo (only Safari and Chrome for desktop browser)

Need facebook like button without count [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Facebook Like-Button - hide count?
I need facebook like button without count information. I tried it with giving 50px width. but when someone "like" the page its turn in "you liked it" and distorting the UI.
I need just like image without counr.
Can you wrap it in div containers w/ absolute dimensions & float it. . . so the overflow wont disrupt anything.
Just give a width of 47px and it seems to works fine. I think they have changed the UI recently - now when you like it there is just a tickbox added to the like button and it doesn't distort the UI.
NB. Facebook localizes the button - so the "like" button might be in a different language. Then of course this image is not a standard width - so you cant guarantee being able to hide it by setting width of iframe or css settings.
I do not think it is possible. The whole UI is driven from Facebook and you can see all the variations here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
However, if you want, you may apply some CSS/JavaScript hack. The count is under uiGrid class, you may target this element and set display none after the page has rendered. In JQuery, you would $('.uiGrid').hide()
But the suggestion above is not recommended.
Here's a question with several much more detailed answers to the different ways of doing this:
There are apparently a few cases where the answer is slightly different -- one for the javascript version, one with the iframe version, etc.

how to get Horizontal menu go up, it overlaps the header image now

another question related to my previous question
My horizontal menu also goes down a few pixels on my iPhone
alt text http://www.alcmariavictrix.nl/images/wrong_iphone.png
wrong on the IPhone
alt text http://www.alcmariavictrix.nl/images/right_comp.png
Right on the comp
Does anyone know how to fix this? :)
link is here: Alcmaria home page
I haven't seen your previous post, but are you using tables? If not i suggest that you do, then probably even on the iphone browsser it should look ok.