Find a project or plug-in in Ecilpse workspace - eclipse

So I have nearly 300 plug-ins and features in my workspace at any given time. And I want to quickly filter the Package Explorer view, to show only projects that have, say, xyz in their name. Is there a way to do this?
I can't seem to find a way to search for projects specifically in the search dialogs either. I feel this should be straightforward but can't seem to recall how to do it right now, if it was ever possible.
Using eclipse 4.4.2, on windows 7.

Try this custom package explorer plugin. Here you can filter resources.


Sharing an Eclipse Perspective

I have created an Eclipse Python perspective to suit what I need, and have deleted most of the menus and toolbar icons. I want to keep it this way. However, the goal of this perspective is to be used by others, so I want to share it as it is exactly.
I've tried multiple methods, File>Export>General>Preferences, using the Yatta Profiles tool, and others, none of it worked (Yatta Profiles works fine, using in my own computer, but on another computer, all the default menus are back).
Does anyone have a solution for this, where one can share an Eclipse perspective EXACTLY as it is?
The solution to this is to create an Eclipse plug-in providing that Perspective (via, or convince the developers of the Python plug-in you're using to provide it for you.

Eclipse plugin to colorize/visually flag entries in the Package Explorer?

I am looking for a way to colorize entries in Eclipse' Package Explorer:
In bigger projects you have dozens of files in a package all listed underneath each other. This makes it hard to find the file you look for (e.g. for right-click operations). So it would be nice if I could manually colorize some entries.
Does a plugin for this exist?
This is one that I was using before. It lets you set rules and tints icons accordingly:
Label Decorator
One way to have Eclipse filter the classes you see is to use Eclipse Mylyn. You create tasks that you work on and Mylyn will remember the packages and classes associated with a certain task. It will then filter out all other classes/packages. This gives you an editor that only shows the information relevant to a specific task.
I suggested Mylyn for a different problem aswell and in that answer I gave a bit more information.

Indexed full text search in Eclipse?

Is it possible (via a plugin or other way) for Eclipse to build a full text index for a project, so that searching a String does not linearly search all the files in the project?
(or does it automatically build such an index to speed up future searches?) (old)
It's a plugin that does indexed search using Lucene. Exactly what you're looking for I think.
The index files used by the search component of Eclipse (like a SearchParticipant) are in your workspace:
As mentioned in this thread,
These files are used by the search or some other tools in Eclipse.
If you remove them, they will created again when you restart Eclipse or when you will activate the indexes. Then you will see a progress bar saying the number of files that need to be indexed.
There's an absolutely amazing and free plugin made by Pivotal (the creators of spring) that does indexed search with realtime preview for eclipse and works really good. I use it every day and could not live without it:
Quick Search for Eclipse
After install, it can be easily opened via ctrl+shift+L
Give it a try, in my opinion is better than eclipse instasearch, and periodically maintained
You can write a plugin that does that. Using the "Builder" example in Eclipse PDE in conjunction with Lucene, it should take a novice a couple of days to get something that works.
If you are interested, nWire (for Java or PHP) offers a full text search for all the elements in your code (not just types, but also methods, fields, constants, etc.). It does not index all the code, though.

Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse

I am newbie to Eclipse, I am planning to use it for AVR development with WinAVR and gcc.
The feature I am looking for is the grouping of different files in the project, like all headers together, all source files together and all files excluded from the build together etc.
I tried AVR Studio from Atmel, it has this grouping feature but it lacks several other features which Eclipse supports. Any help to configure Eclipse Project explorer to display the project files in this way would be appreciated and helpful for me to decide the IDE to use.
Note: I know that I can manually add different folders for each of these groups and move the files, but that moves the physical files, and breaks the relative path in the code, and other comilers/IDE's. I am looking for logical grouping of files.
Unfortunately there is no general way for a user to configure the grouping in the Project Explorer, the grouping is setup based on the code that controls the content (i.e. CDT, JDT, etc). I think it would be interesting to have this feature, but it's not clear the UI that can be used to specify it. You are welcome to submit an enhancement request to add this to the Eclipse Platform UI project. And giving an example of how it's done in another product would be helpful.
Thanks Francis, looking at your profile I think I found the right person to solve my issue :)
I have opened it as a bug (as I could not find a feature request in bugzila) Bug 296514 - Logical Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse
I have attcahed screenshots of both AVR Studio and Eclipse project explorer. That should give you an idea of what kind of UI features I am requesting. I can difinetely provide more information if you want.
I think what you are looking for can be done with Working Sets.

Eclipse alternative to VS .sln files

I've recently had to switch from Visual Studio to Eclipse CDT.
It would seem that Eclipse "workspaces" are not quite like VS solution files.
Eclipse workspaces use the .metadata folder for managing multiple projects, but there doesn't seem to be a simple distinction between user settings or IDE preferences and project/solution settings.
What I want is a way to group a collection of related (and dependent) projects together and have that data live in source control without all the other user specific stuff that developers don't need to share.
You know, like a .sln file in Visual Studio.
Does Eclipse just not work this way? (And if not, then why not?)
Yes you are right eclipse does not manage projects in the same way VS does with solution files. However for putting a group of related projects into a VCS eclipse has the concept of a Team Project Set available in File->Export then under the Team folder there is Team Project Set.
Like JProgrammer said there is Team Project Set. You can send your colleagues a bunch of .psf files, works similar to VS.NET. I can only say we have good expierience with this feature.
I often find IDE's have a preferred way to work. Sure, you might be able to get the IDE to do it your way, but you'll probably end up fighting it all the way.
Try to use your IDE like their makers intended you to. They have made presumptions on how you are supposed to do your work. They have optimized the user experience according to those presumptions.
Go with the flow. Anything else will make you gnarly, bitter, wrinkly and give you gastly breath!
Corollary: If you can, choose the IDE that makes the same presumptions about workflow as you do!