Maximo Favorite Application Portlet - portlet

I had defined Asset Application to show only those assettypes I need for necessary security group. I also had defined new Start center for this group and added Asset application as favorite apps.
When I open favorite application, in left columns is tab "Available queries" and show All records. Can I somehow configure this query?

There is 2 posibilities to do this:
Option No. 1.
Go to Apllication Designer - Necessary aplication
Choose presentation options
Insert SQL type Where Clause - what result you want to see (variable='name')
Insert Restriction - what results you don't want to see (not variable='name')
Go to Application Page
Filter results
Save results as new query and make it default
Option No. 2.
Repeat steps 1-5 in option No. 1
From Drop down list in toolbars Search field choose Where clause.
Insert SQL WHERE statement with restriction you need to see


Limit table in spotfire based on marked rows in another table

I have 2 tables in my visualization. One is a list of tasks to be done, and one is a list of repairs that have been done at each location. I want to be able to filter the repairs table by the locations of the highlighted tasks. Ergo if you marked a task that takes place at location 1, the second table would filter to only show repairs for location 1. Is that something that's doable?
Thanks in advance
This is pretty easy to do. You need to create a relation on the Location column between your two tables (Data table properties, Relations tab). Then create a details visualization (right click on "parent" table and select details visualization). Because you have created the relation already, it will ask you which table you want to be the "child". After selecting which table, you will be able to click on the parent, and it will filter in the child table. Also note, using the right click menu is engaging the data limiting with marking, which you will be able to see in the properties dialog, data menu. You don't have to use the right click menu to setup details visualizations. It's just easy.
I've written a lot about how to use relations and column matches. See links below. Relations integrate filtering, which is what you want. Column matches integrate marking.

Azure DevOps Boards - display query result on a board

how to develop the extension to display query result on a board? Such thing is not possible in the Azure Devops unfortunatelly. I've found two extensions on the marketplace which are doing what I need:
AA Query Board
Query based boards
but this extensions are not updated for a long time and I couldn't contact the authors (I need to change few things in order to be able to use it internally in my company).
I've found also this topic Add tabs on query result pages, so it looks like it's quite easy to add new tab to the query result menu, but I have no idea and I can't find any info how to get data (work items) from query result to display them?
Rest of the extension is just to display this data in grid, so that would be also quite easy, but getting this query result data is blocking me.
There is a Query Results Widget that you can use to display the query results on the Dashboards under Overview.
1, First you need to create a shared query if not exist, and save query to the shared queries folder shown as below screenshot. (You can click the Column options from the Editor page to add and remove columns to be shown on the results)
Or drag and drop the query from My Queries folder to Shared Queries folder.
2, Go to Dashboards under Overview, and Click Edit, then search and add widget Query results
3, Click the gear icon on the Query Results widget to configure it and select the query you want to display. Then the query result will be display on the Dashboards
There are some other ways to show the query results on the dashboards, For below example:
you can select your shared query and click more actions(3dots) and click Add to dashboards. This will display simple total number of query results.
you can also create different Charts for the query results and add it to Dashboards.
Select your shared query and go to Charts tab, the choose New Chart, select a Chart type, After you configured the chart, you can click the 3dots on the chart and add it to dashboards, check below screenshot:
Eventually I managed to contact the author of the "AA Query Board" extension and it turns out that he has a public repository on GitHub with the source code of the extension, so basically everyone can lookup how it's done or base on it.
Link to the repository:

Oracle BI: how can i retrieve another result list from current result list

I am using Oracle Business Intellgience (12c) and let's say I have a report resulted from an execution of the following query
select code_filial, max(paid) as maximum_pay
from leads_history
group by code_filial
It will return a table with highest budget value related to the each filial. Now what i want is the following: when i click to max(paid) result in a table, another table should appear with the information about max(paid) account. I tried master-detail relationship, but couldn't succeed.
Can anyoune help with that?
That's out-of-the-box functionality. As soon as you make a navigation action link to another analysis where your code_filial is set to "is prompted" the context will be passed and the analysis filtered.

Update chart after changing a field in an APEX form

How do I cause APEX to refresh a chart (graph) after I change the value in a text box/select list/etc that is used as a parameter in the chart's pl/sql statement?
I'd like it to look as professional as possible and minimize the portion of the page that must be refreshed (i.e., "ajax-like", which is the standard in 2018).
Create a dynamic action on the text box/select list/etc that is changed with event "change"
Create a true action and select pl/sql and write
In page items to submit select your items
Create a second true action after the first and select Refresh. Then select region as affected element and select your chart. Remember that the option 'Fire on initialization' must be set to NO
See Approach B, below, for the optimal solution.
Approach A
The simplest option (that is less professional) is to modify every text box/select list/etc of interest to submit the page when the value of the text box/select list/etc changes. As an example, for the select list, go to its settings->page action on selection and change the setting to submit page.
There are two main downsides to that approach:
Most of the page will refresh, which is jarring to your user, and
If you're using a plugin, or the type of item that you're using doesn't support that approach, then you're out of luck.
Approach B
A more complex solution that yields a more professional result follows. This solution involves dynamic actions, which I will probably not fully explain here. However, the information should be enough for the user to figure it out.
Let us suppose that you have two things: (1) a select list whose value is used as a parameter in a (2) chart's sql source statement.
To get the chart to update every time you make a new choice via the select list, you need to:
Create a dynamic action for the select list of interest. You do this by clicking on the select list, going to the dynamic action tab (the lightning bolt); right-click on the item; click select dynamic action; give it a name and set the event to change and make the selection type an item and set the item to the name of the select list you're watching.
Create a true action for that dynamic action that executes pl/sql code (you can do this by modifying the show action that was created by default in 1.). Set the pl/sql code to null;. Then under items to submit, specify the name of the select list of interest.
Create a second true action that refreshes the region that contains the chart.
You'll need to make sure that the sequence assigned to 2. is a smaller number than the sequence assigned to 3.. This should happen by default, but it's an area you can get tripped up.
Inapplicable Approach C
In Apex 5.something, they added a feature called Cascading List of Values. This feature allows you to specify that one item depends on another item for its values. For example, if you have a select list that allows the user to choose a department, and then you have a second select list that allows you to choose an employee from the chosen department (which presumably obtains its values from a query involving the value chosen in the first select list), you can tell APEX to refresh the second select list whenever you update the first.
You do this by editing the second select list. Under its settings goto list of values->cascading LOV parent item(s). Add the first select list as a "reverse" dependent (aka, "parent"). This will ensure that any time the first select list is updated, the second select list is also updated.
For better or for worse, charts do not have the cascading LOV parent item(s) setting. Thus, this solution does not apply to this question.

install4j: Form with dynamic count of items/objects

My installation involves 2 steps:
Enter count of entities (could be number between 1 and 100)
Enter some details for each entity (e.g. host, port, url, etc.)
I'm able to create form for the first entity with all the input fields including validations and store entered details in variables. But I don't know how to simply reuse existing form to collect details for the remaining entities. I don't want to copy+paste this form (and variables) hundred times and use some visibility script to show only first N forms.
Is there some built-in component that could dynamically generate form/variables for each entity (based on the entered count)? In ideal case with next/previous feature, and command line support. I cannot find any help/documentation related to this problem.
I'm using install4j 6.0.4.
You can use a screen group do iterate. Right-click on the form screen and select "Create screen group from selection" from the context menu. In the configuration of the screen group, select the "Loop" property and configure its child property to set up looping. The installer variable configured in the "Loop index variable name" property can be used in the form screen.