Can lego EV3 brick be programmed to get user input? - lego-mindstorms

Sorry I am totally new to Lego ev3 Mindstorms, I need to do this for a subject's project.
I am going to program it using ROBOTC language, and to meet my project requirements I am thinking to allow user to enter input to the robot using the EV3 brick. Is it possible to do so? If possible how can I do it?
Lastly may I get some online guides to ROBOTC programming for Lego EV3 mindstorms?
Sorry for asking so many questions :(
Any help is much appreciated! :)
Thank you very much! :)

The only way to input something would be through the ev3 buttons or connected sensores. So if you want to input text, you could either use an onscreen keyboard or you build a hardware LEGO keyboard with various sensors.
As for documentation, take a look at

I don't know about ROBOTC but the ev3 has 6 buttons and a display. With alternative firmware like you can program a dialog (to e.g. ask for a value) and enter this using the 6 buttons and an on-screen keyboard.


my keyboard has no keys for volume control, how can i make a macro or something to easily control the volume

I just bought a new keyboard but I can't find anything in google for my problem. If you can suggest me a program or anything else it would be really appreciated.
I tried searching it on google and I actually couldn't find a clear answer for 20 minutes. I don't know if I am braindead or something and missed the solution to my problem, but I study computer science so I should know how to google.
It depends on what OS(Operating System) you have.
If you have MacOS (apple on the top left corner), you can change that in System Preferences/Settings (as well as add the volume to the menu bar) or through the Control Center (2 switches on the top right)
If you have Windows, then you can change that in the speaker Icon in the notification area (bottom right) or using settings (just search for Audio)
Hope this will help

Built game looks duller than what is seen in the editor

I built my unity game through Xcode into an iOS device for testing, and the colors look duller and more pastel-like than in the game view in the editor. The exact same thing has also happened on a modern android device. How can I make it so that the colors as seen in the built game better reflect the colors in the editor?
EDIT: I have sent a file to my phone and found out that the phone perceives colors differently than my monitor. I'm sorry if I'm asking for quite a bit here, but... is there any way to make the game look as I intend it to? The fact that I never see exactly how my game will turn out seems kinda... awkward. Thanks.
I'm not sure if you already tried this, but you might want to use Unity Remote for your iOS device, so you can check the color differences in real time instead of having to build it every time.
But other than what the comments said, it sounds like you should try to adjust your monitor's display settings for better color correlation between the built game and the one in the editor.

How to implement hover over hints for iPhone app?

I have an iPhone app that I would like to add some help hints to. I've seen this in other apps where you might hover over a text field or button and a popup appears indicating to the user what is supposed to be entered or done for that field or button.
Can anyone provide any suggestions or examples?
Thanks in advance.
iPhones don't have that kind of thing because you can't detect when somebody is hovering their finger over the screen, only when you touch it.
If you're looking for ways to explain things to the user, take a look at one of the design patterns libraries, such as the edu walkthroughs on Mobile UI Patterns.

What is a good way to implement a menu system for an iphone game?

I'm working on a project and I've been asked to add a fairly detailed and nested menu system overtop pre-existing gameplay. I'm new to iphone programming in general, but have experience with other C languages on different platforms. I'm looking for an example of a good clean menu system architecture.
So far, I've gotten a little used to how the xib files interact with the code, but I still have a ways to go it seems. I have two UIViewControllers; lets call them UIViewControllerA and UIViewControllerB. I started with UIViewControllerA (the game's main view controller) and want to add UIViewControllerB as a menu to lay on top the game window. The only way I've found to get UIViewControllerB to render is to use it as a data member of UIViewControllerA and add it as a subview to UIViewControllerA.
This seems like a very unclean way to organize this system and introduces some bugs. IE - when I have UIViewControllerB showing, the touch events fall through to UIViewControllerA which I do not want.
Sorry this is long, but I'll get to the point. Does anyone have a good suggestion on how to create a clean and robust menu system? I feel as though I am way off the mark. I don't think I have enough experience to come up with a good system on this platform.
Thanks in advance!
I feel as perhaps I didn't specify that I'm seeking help for technical programming design rather than visual design. I'm seeking for a way to implement a state-machine type architecture for an iphone platform.
Check out this link -
It's a nice-looking replacement for a UIActionSheet or UIAlertView - this could easily be customized to present a modal menu system.
A really easy way to have a clean menu page, simply take a picture of hardwood floor (or off the web) and add buttons. I would show an example but I need 10 points...
Take the pic, onto PS (photoshop) and add a box or square, add shadow and some cool special effects, upload it to xcode, but the buttons in the box.

making game in pad and iphone

Respected sir,
I need help .
If I want to make the object move only when the key(button) is pressed. what should I do to shift the position of the object on frames where the key is held down:-
If I pressed left or right button the object should move on that side .
thanks in advance .
It sounds as though you are quite early in the process of making a game on the platform.
A lot of the basics would be covered in a book on the subject which will take you through the steps one at a time.
A good such book is "Beginning iPhone Games Development" available from Amazon.
Alternatively you could have a look at the code examples Apple provides.
The Move Me example is a good starting point as it shows both user interaction and the movement of objects.
Good luck and, above all, enjoy.
There is a fantastic page with tutorials from Mike and I guess you will find an answer there.