I have the following problem:
I use ecos for my micro controller and I start multiple threads with 'cyg_scheduler_start();'. Now I want to stop them, no problem with
'cyg_thread_exit()'. But if I stop the last Task, the micro controller doesn't return to main, where I call the threads. The main should run after the start of the threads a led.
or at least, to say start the other threads after the first threads are finished. I use at the moment cyg_thread_suspend and cyg_thread_resume to realise this. But is there a better way to do this?
the answer is more or less very simple. It doesn't go. What you could do is one thread to handle the other threads, just an idea.
I have an application which uses some external library for analytics. Problem is that I suspect it does some things synchronously, which blocks my thread and makes watchdog kill my app after 10 secs (0x8badf00d code). It is really hard to reproduce (I cannot), but there are quite few cases "in the wild".
I've read some documentation, which suggested that instead creating another thread I should use run-loops. Unfortunately the more I read about them, the more confused I get. And the last thing i want to do is release a fix which will break even more things :/
What I am trying to achieve is:
From main thread add a task to the run-loop, which calls just one function: initMyAnalytics(). My thread continues running, even if initMyAnalytics() gets locked waiting for network data. After initMyAnalytics() finishes, it quietly quits and never gets called again (so it doesnt loop or anything).
Any ideas how to achieve it? Code examples are welcome ;)
You don't need to use a run loop in that case. Run loops' purpose is to proceed events from various sources sequentially in a particular thread and stay idle when they have nothing to do. Of course, you can detach a thread, create a run loop, add a source for your function and run the run loop until the function ends. The same as you can use a semi-trailer truck to carry your groceries home.
Here, what you need are dispatch queues. Dispatch queues are First-In-First-Out data structures that run tasks asynchronously. In contrary to run loops, a dispatch queue isn't tied to a particular thread: the working threads are automatically created and terminated as and when required.
As you only have one task to execute, you don't need to create a dispatch queue. Instead you will use an existing global concurrent queue. A concurrent queue execute one or more tasks concurrently, which is perfectly fine in our case. But if we had many tasks to execute and wanted each task to wait for its predecessor to end, we would need to create a serial queue.
So all you have to do is:
create a task for your function by enclosing it into a Block
get a global queue using dispatch_get_global_queue
add the task to the queue using dispatch_async.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT is a macro that evaluates to 0. You can get different global queues with different priorities. The second parameter is reserved for future use and should always be 0.
Let's say I have 2 threads, one is the main thread and another one, a secondary thread. The main thread is being used the most, but sometimes (rarely) I want the secondary thread to do some work based on calls from the main thread. Most of the time the secondary thread should sleep. Now after some searching I understand the way to do this is to use runLoops. So I tried to read apple's docs (http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Multithreading/RunLoopManagement/RunLoopManagement.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000057i-CH16-SW5)
but it looks to me very complex and I'm having some hard time there. Is there an elegant and simple way to achieve what I described? Any similar runLoop code examples out there that I can run and play with?
Each thread has a run loop.
Each run loop has a list of things that need to be done. These things are said to be “scheduled” on the run loop, although not all of them are scheduled for a specific date and time:
Timers are.
Sources aren't. They generally wait for something to come knocking at a Mach kernel port or a file descriptor.
When the run loop is running, it's usually not running—that is, the thread is sleeping, not consuming any CPU cycles. (If you sample it, you'll find the process appearing to be stuck in mach_msg_trap. This is the “wait-for-something-to-happen” system call.) The kernel wakes up the thread (which thereby returns from mach_msg_trap) when something happens that the thread's run loop needs to take care of.
The way to do exactly what you described is to implement a run loop source. You schedule the source on the secondary thread's run loop, implement it by doing work, and signal it from the primary thread when there's work to be done.
However, NSOperation is almost certainly a better solution, as it's designed for the case you described: Discrete units of work that need to be done serially, up to N (which you choose and is at least 1) at a time.
Note that NSOperationQueue reuses threads, so it does not necessarily create a new thread for every operation. Indeed, not doing that is part of the point: It creates the threads lazily, and uses any that it already has that aren't doing anything.
This sounds like just the sort of thing NSOperation/NSOperationQueue was made for. If you only have the occasional "units of work", why not make them an operation, then monitor it for completion and update your UI accordingly?
Matt Gallagher has a nice blog article comparing the secondary thread approach with other ways of getting background work done.
In your case, you don't have to be concerned with thread-creation overhead. But Matt's code examples might provide some insight into managing the secondary thread's runloop.
All that said, I would go with Joshua's advice and just use an NSOperationQueue and an NSOperation to do the background work. If the work could be encapsulated in an NSInvocation, you can use an NSInvocationOperation and avoid an NSOperation subclass.
I'm working on a game sim and want to speed up the match simulation bit. On a given date there may be 50+ matches that need simulating. Currently I loop through each and tell them to simulate themselves, but this can take forever. I was hoping
1) Overlay a 'busy' screen
2) Launch a thread for each
3) When the last thread exits, remove the overlay.
Now I can do 1 & 2, but I cannot figure out how to tell when the last thread is finished, because the last thread I detach may not be the last thread finished. What's the best way to do that?
Also, usually threads are used so that work can be done in the background while the user does other stuff, I'm using it slightly different. My app is a core-data app and I want to avoid the user touching the store in other ways while i'm simulating the matches. So I want single-threading most of the time, but then multithreading for this situation because of how long the sim engine takes. If someone has other ideas for this approach I'm open.
Likely you want to use NSOperation and NOT 50 threads - 50 threads is not healthy on an iPhone, and NSOperations are easier to boot. It may be that you are killing performance (it would be my guess) by trying to run 50 at once. NSOperation is designed for exactly this problem. Plus its easy to code.
My only problem with NSOperation is that they don't have a standard way to tell the caller that they are done.
You could periodically poll the NSOperationQueue - when its count is 0 there are none left. You could also make each operation increment some counter - when the count is 50 you are done. Or each operation could post a notification using performSelectorOnMainThread on the main thread that its done.
You should see a boost in performance with even a single core - there are lots of times that the main thread is blocked waiting for user input/graphics drawing/etc. Plus multicore phones and iPads will likely be out within a year (total guess - but they are coming).
Also make sure you look at the operation with Instruments. It may be that you can speed the calculations up be a factor of 2 or even 10x!
You're on a single core, so threading probably won't help much, and the overhead may even slow things down.
The first thing to do is use Instruments to profile your code and see what can be sped up. Once you've done that you can look at some specific optimizations for the bottle necks.
One simple approach (if you can use GCD) is dispatch_apply(), which'll let you loop over your matches, automatically thread them in the best manner for your hardware, and doesn't return until all are complete.
Most straightforward solution would be to have all your threads 'performSelectorOnMainThread' to a particular method that decrements a counter, before they exit. And let the method remove the overlay screen when the counter it decremented reaches zero.
Simulating all the matches concurrently may not necessarily improve performance though.
You may get the solution for your specific question from #drowntoge, but generally, I want to give you advice about multithreading:
1/ It is not always speed up your program like Graham said. Your iPhone only has single core.
2/ If your program has some big IO, database or networking process that takes time, then you may consider multithreading because now data processing does not take all the time, it needs to wait for loading data. In this case, multithreading will significantly boost up your performance. But you still need to be careful because thread switching has overhead.
Maybe you only need 1 thread for IO processing and then has a cache layer to share the images/data. Then, you only need the main thread to loop and do simulation
3/ If you want 50 simulation seems to happen at the same time for user to watch, multithreading is also required:)
If you use threading, you won't know in what order the CPU is doing your tasks, and you could potentially be consuming a lot of thread scheduling resources. Better to use an NSOperationQueue and signal completion of each task using performSelectorOnMainThread. Decrementing a counter has already been mentioned, which may be useful for displaying a progress bar. But you could also maintain an array of 50 busy flags and clear them on completion, which might help debugging whether any particular task is slow or stuck if you mark completion with a time stamp.
I am planning to write a small timer library in C using timerfd_create.
The basic user of this library will have two threads
application thread
Timer thread
There will be a queue between these two threads so that whenever the application wants to start a timer, it will push a message into the queue which the timer thread will then read and create an FD for it and put it in select.
The problem with the above approach is that the timer thread being a single thread would be blocked in the select system call and would not know if a message has been posted in his receive queue to start a timer.
One way around this is to let the select timeout every "tick" and then check for messages in the queue. Is their a better way to do this?
I was also thinking of raising an Interrupt every time the application puts a message in the select queue to interrupt the select. Does that work well with Multi-threaded applications?
Platform : Unix
If you insist on having multiple threads post timers to a dedicated timer thread sitting in select(2), then why not use eventfd(2) or just an old-good self-pipe trick to signal that new timers are available. Include the event file descriptor to the pollable set, wait on all of them.
Which platform(s) are you wanting to target? Under Windows, for instance, there are much better ways to handle this without using select(), such as PostThreadMessage() and WaitMessage().
If you are using timerfd's then there is no need for a dedicated timer thread, just write the application around an event loop using select, poll, or epoll, etc.
I'm just learning, and really liking, the Actor pattern. I'm using Scala right now, but I'm interested in the architectural style in general, as it's used in Scala, Erlang, Groovy, etc.
The case I'm thinking of is where I need to do things concurrently, such as, let's say "run a job".
With threading, I would create a thread pool and a blocking queue, and have each thread poll the blocking queue, and process jobs as they came in and out of the queue.
With actors, what's the best way to handle this? Does it make sense to create a pool of actors, and somehow send messages to them containing or the jobs? Maybe with a "coordinator" actor?
Note: An aspect of the case which I forgot to mention was: what if I want to constrain the number of jobs my app will process concurrently? Maybe with a config setting? I was thinking that a pool might make it easy to do this.
A pool is a mechanism you use when the cost of creating and tearing down a resource is high. In Erlang this is not the case so you should not maintain a pool.
You should spawn processes as you need them and destroy them when you have finished with them.
Sometimes, it makes sense to limit how many working processes you have operating concurrently on a large task list, as the task the process is spawned to complete involve resource allocations. At the very least processes use up memory, but they could also keep open files and/or sockets which tend to be limited to only thousands and fail miserably and unpredictable once you run out.
To have a pull-driven task pool, one can spawn N linked processes that ask for a task, and one hand them a function they can spawn_monitor. As soon as the monitored process has ended, they come back for the next task. Specific needs drive the details, but that is the outline of one approach.
The reason I would let each task spawn a new process is that processes do have some state and it is nice to start off a clean slate. It's a common fine-tuning to set the min-heap size of processes adjusted to minimize the number of GCs needed during its lifetime. It is also a very efficient garbage collection to free all memory for a process and start on a new one for the next task.
Does it feel weird to use twice the number of processes like that? It's a feeling you need to overcome in Erlang programming.
There is no best way for all cases. The decision depends on the number, duration, arrival, and required completion time of the jobs.
The most obvious difference between just spawning off actors, and using pools is that in the former case your jobs will be finished nearly at the same time, while in the latter case completion times will be spread in time. The average completion time will be the same though.
The advantage of using actors is the simplicity on coding, as it requires no extra handling. The trade-off is that your actors will be competing for your CPU cores. You will not be able to have more parallel jobs than CPU cores (or HT's, whatever), no matter what programming paradigm you use.
As an example, imagine that you need to execute 100'000 jobs, each taking one minute, and the results are due next month. You have four cores. Would you spawn off 100'000 actors having each compete over the resources for a month, or would you just queue your jobs up, and have execute four at a time?
As a counterexample, imagine a web server running on the same machine. If you have five requests, would you prefer to serve four users in T time, and one in 2T, or serve all five in 1.2T time ?