Implementing timer using select - sockets

I am planning to write a small timer library in C using timerfd_create.
The basic user of this library will have two threads
application thread
Timer thread
There will be a queue between these two threads so that whenever the application wants to start a timer, it will push a message into the queue which the timer thread will then read and create an FD for it and put it in select.
The problem with the above approach is that the timer thread being a single thread would be blocked in the select system call and would not know if a message has been posted in his receive queue to start a timer.
One way around this is to let the select timeout every "tick" and then check for messages in the queue. Is their a better way to do this?
I was also thinking of raising an Interrupt every time the application puts a message in the select queue to interrupt the select. Does that work well with Multi-threaded applications?
Platform : Unix

If you insist on having multiple threads post timers to a dedicated timer thread sitting in select(2), then why not use eventfd(2) or just an old-good self-pipe trick to signal that new timers are available. Include the event file descriptor to the pollable set, wait on all of them.

Which platform(s) are you wanting to target? Under Windows, for instance, there are much better ways to handle this without using select(), such as PostThreadMessage() and WaitMessage().

If you are using timerfd's then there is no need for a dedicated timer thread, just write the application around an event loop using select, poll, or epoll, etc.


Delaying a queue for a finite time, conditionally

How could I delay a background queue's execution, without using sleep? Further, how could I interrupt that delay if needs be?
The docs for RunLoop suggest a while loop around the function run with a custom condition in the while loop. But how would I setup a timer to toggle the while loops execution?
You can suspend custom dispatch queues (but not global queues nor main queue). That stops new tasks from starting on that queue, but it does not affect things already running on that queue. You can resume to start running items that had previously been dispatched to the queue, but had not yet started.
GCD also provides a native mechanism to cancel a particular work item, and dispatch it again later when you want execution to resume. Note that cancel does not perform preemptive cancellation, but rather only sets a Boolean, isCancelled, which your dispatched task would need to periodically check and manually exit.
(If you want to cancel tasks on a queue, you might consider OperationQueue, as that has more graceful cancelation capabilities than dispatch queues. Or you might consider the “structured concurrency” of async-await of Swift concurrency, which also has cancelation built-in.)
Now, while GCD does not have a notion of “suspending” a task dispatched to a background thread, you might be able to jury-rig something something with a very careful use a semaphores. But the details would vary greatly based upon your implementation, so it is hard to advise further without more details.
You asked:
The docs for RunLoop suggest a while loop around the function run with a custom condition in the while loop.
As a general rule, anything that involves spinning in a while loop is to be avoided. It is s very inefficient pattern and is to be avoided. Many years ago (e.g. before GCD, before URLSession, etc.), this spin-on-run-loop pattern was not unheard of (e.g., it was the go-to technique for running NSURLConnection on a background thread), but it is an anachronism nowadays. It is an inefficient approach; an anti-pattern.

How are background workers usually implemented for polling a message queue?

Say you have a message queue that needs to be polled every x seconds. What are the usual ways to poll it and execute HTTP/Rest-based jobs? Do you simply create a cron service and call the worker script every x seconds?
Note: This is for a web application
I would write a windows service which constantly polls/waits for new messages.
Scheduling a program to run every x min has a number of problems
If your interval is too small the program will still be running with the next startup is triggered.
If your interval is too big the queue will fill up between runs.
Generally you expect a constant stream of messages, so there is no problem just keeping the program running 24/7
One common feature of the message queue systems I've worked with is that you don't poll but use a blocking read. If you have more than one waiting worker, the queue system will pick which one gets to process the message.

Rx -several producers/one consumer

Have been trying to google this but getting a bit stuck.
Let's say we have a class that fires an event, and that event could be fired by several threads at the same time.
Using Observable.FromEventPattern, we create an Observable, and subscribe to that event. How exactly does Rx manage multiple those events being fired at once? Let's say we have 3 events fired in quick succession on different threads. Does it queue them internally, and then call the Subscribe delegate synchronously for each one? Let's say we were subscribing on a thread pool, can we still guarantee the Subscriptions would be processed separately in time?
Following on from that, let's say for each event, we want to perform an action, but it's a method that's potentially not thread safe, so we only want one thread to be in this method at a time. Now I see we can use an EventLoop Scheduler, and presumably we wouldn't need to implement any locking on the code?
Also, would observing on the Current Thread be an option? Is Current Thread the thread that the event was fired from, or the event the subscription was set up on? i.e. Is that current thread guaranteed to always be the same or could be have 2 threads running ending up in the method at the same time?
PS: I put an example together but I always seem to end up on the samethread in my subscrive method, even when I ObserveOn the threadpool, which is confusing :S
PSS: From doing a few more experiments, it seems that if no Schedulers are specified, then RX will just execute on whatever thread the event was fired on, meaning it processes several concurrently. As soon as I introduce a scheduler, it always runs things consecutively, no matter what the type of the scheduler is. Strange :S
According to the Rx Design Guidelines, an observable should never call OnNext of an observer concurrently. It will always wait for the current call to complete before making the next call. All Rx methods honor this convention. And, more importantly, they assume you also honor this convention. When you violate this condition, you may encounter subtle bugs in the behavior of your Observable.
For those times when you have source data that does not honor this convention (ie it can produce data concurrently), they provide Synchronize.
Observable.FromEventPattern assumes you will not be firing concurrent events and so does nothing to prevent concurrent downstream notifications. If you plan on firing events from multiple threads, sometimes concurrently, then use Synchronize() as the first operation you do after FromEventPattern:
// this will get you in trouble if your event source might fire events concurrently.
var events = Observable.FromEventPattern(...).Select(...).GroupBy(...);
// this version will protect you in that case.
var events = Observable.FromEventPattern(...).Synchronize().Select(...).GroupBy(...);
Now all of the downstream operators (and eventually your observer) are protected from concurrent notifications, as promised by the Rx Design Guidelines. Synchronize works by using a simple mutex (aka the lock statement). There is no fancy queueing or anything. If one thread attempts to raise an event while another thread is already raising it, the 2nd thread will block until the first thread finishes.
In addition to the recommendation to use Synchronize, it's probably worth having a read of the Intro to Rx section on scheduling and threading. It Covers the different schedulers and their relationship to threads, as well as the differences between ObserveOn and SubscribeOn, etc.
If you have several producers then there are RX methods for combining them in a threadsafe way
For combining streams of the same type of event into a single stream
For combining stream of different types of events into a single stream using a selector to transform the latest value on each stream into a new value.
For example combining stock prices from different sources
IObservable<StockPrice> source0;
IObservable<StockPrice> source1;
IObservable<StockPrice> combinedSources = source0.Merge(source1);
or create balloons at the current position every time there is a click
IObservable<ClickEvent> clicks;
IObservable<Position> position;
IObservable<Balloons> balloons = clicks
( positions
, (click,position)=>new Balloon(position.X, position.Y)
To make this specifically relevant to your question you say there is a class which combines events from different threads. Then I would use Observable.Merge to combine the individual event sources and expose that as an Observable on your main class.
BTW if your threads are actually tasks that are firing events to say they have completed here is an interesting patterns
IObservable<Job> jobSource;
IObservable<IObservable<JobResult>> resultTasks = jobSource
IObservable<JobResult> results = resultTasks.Merge();
Where what is happening is you are getting a stream of jobs in. From the jobs you are creating a stream of asynchronous tasks ( not running yet ). Merge then runs the tasks and collects the results. It is an example of a mapreduce algorithm. The cancellation token can be used to cancel running async tasks if the observable is unsubscribed from (ie canceled )

Should I use IOCPs or overlapped WSASend/Receive?

I am investigating the options for asynchronous socket I/O on Windows. There is obviously more than one option: I can use WSASend... with an overlapped structure providing either a completion callback or an event, or I could use IOCPs and the (new) thread pool. From I usually read, the latter option is the recommended one.
However, it is not clear to me, why I should use IOCPs if the completion routine suffices for my goal: tell the socket to send this block of data and inform me if it is done.
I understand that the IOCP stuff in combination with CreateThreadpoolIo etc. uses the OS thread pool. However, the "normal" overlapped I/O must also use separate threads? So what is the difference/disadvantage? Is my callback called by an I/O thread and blocks other stuff?
Thanks in advance,
You can use either but, for servers, IOCP with the 'completion queue' will have better performance, in general, because it can use multiple client<>server threads, either with CreateThreadpoolIo or some user-space thread pool. Obviously, in this case, dedicated handler threads are usual.
Overlapped completion-routine I/O is more useful for clients, IMHO. The completion-routine is fired by an Asynchronous Procedure Call that is queued to the thread that initiated the I/O request, (WSASend, WSARecv). This implies that that thread must be in a position to process the APC and typically this means a while(true) loop around some 'blahEx()' call. This can be useful because it's fairly easy to wait on a blocking queue, or other inter-thread signal, that allows the thread to be supplied with data to send and the completion routine is always handled by that thread. This I/O mechanism leaves the 'hEvent' OVL parameter free to use - ideal for passing a comms buffer object pointer into the completion routine.
Overlapped I/O using an actual synchro event/Semaphore/whatever for the overlapped hEvent parameter should be avoided.
Windows IOCP documentation recommends no more than one thread per available core per completion port. Hyperthreading doubles the number of cores. Since use of IOCPs results in a for all practical purposes event-driven application the use of thread pools adds unnecessary processing to the scheduler.
If you think about it you'll understand why: an event should be serviced in its entirety (or placed in some queue after initial processing) as quickly as possible. Suppose five events are queued to an IOCP on a 4-core computer. If there are eight threads associated with the IOCP you run the risk of the scheduler interrupting one event to begin servicing another by using another thread which is inefficient. It can be dangerous too if the interrupted thread was inside a critical section. With four threads you can process four events simultaneously and as soon as one event has been completed you can start on the last remaining event in the IOCP queue.
Of course, you may have thread pools for non-IOCP related processing.
The socket (file handles work fine too) is associated with an IOCP. The completion routine waits on the IOCP. As soon as a requested read from or write to the socket completes the OS - via the IOCP - releases the completion routine waiting on the IOCP and returns with the additional information you provided when you called the read or write (I usually pass a pointer to a control block). So the completion routine immediately "knows" where the to find information pertinent to the completion.
If you passed information referring to a control block (similar) then that control block (probably) needs to keep track of what operation has completed so it knows what to do next. The IOCP itself neither knows nor cares.
If you're writing a server attached to the internet, the server would issue a read to wait for client input. That input may arrive a milli-second or a week later and when it does the IOCP will release the completion routine which analyzes the input. Typically it responds with a write containing the data requested in the input and then waits on the IOCP. When the write completed the IOCP again releases the completion routine which sees that the write has completed, (typically) issues a new read and a new cycle starts.
So an IOCP-based application typically consumes very little (or no) CPU until the moment a completion occurs at which time the completion routine goes full tilt until it has finished processing, sends a new I/O request and again waits on the completion port. Apart from the IOCP timeout (which can be used to signal house-keeping or such) all I/O-related stuff occurs in the OS.
To further complicate (or simplify) things it is not necessary that sockets be serviced using the WSA routines, the Win32 functions ReadFile and WriteFile work just fine.

Networking using run loop

I have an application which uses some external library for analytics. Problem is that I suspect it does some things synchronously, which blocks my thread and makes watchdog kill my app after 10 secs (0x8badf00d code). It is really hard to reproduce (I cannot), but there are quite few cases "in the wild".
I've read some documentation, which suggested that instead creating another thread I should use run-loops. Unfortunately the more I read about them, the more confused I get. And the last thing i want to do is release a fix which will break even more things :/
What I am trying to achieve is:
From main thread add a task to the run-loop, which calls just one function: initMyAnalytics(). My thread continues running, even if initMyAnalytics() gets locked waiting for network data. After initMyAnalytics() finishes, it quietly quits and never gets called again (so it doesnt loop or anything).
Any ideas how to achieve it? Code examples are welcome ;)
You don't need to use a run loop in that case. Run loops' purpose is to proceed events from various sources sequentially in a particular thread and stay idle when they have nothing to do. Of course, you can detach a thread, create a run loop, add a source for your function and run the run loop until the function ends. The same as you can use a semi-trailer truck to carry your groceries home.
Here, what you need are dispatch queues. Dispatch queues are First-In-First-Out data structures that run tasks asynchronously. In contrary to run loops, a dispatch queue isn't tied to a particular thread: the working threads are automatically created and terminated as and when required.
As you only have one task to execute, you don't need to create a dispatch queue. Instead you will use an existing global concurrent queue. A concurrent queue execute one or more tasks concurrently, which is perfectly fine in our case. But if we had many tasks to execute and wanted each task to wait for its predecessor to end, we would need to create a serial queue.
So all you have to do is:
create a task for your function by enclosing it into a Block
get a global queue using dispatch_get_global_queue
add the task to the queue using dispatch_async.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT is a macro that evaluates to 0. You can get different global queues with different priorities. The second parameter is reserved for future use and should always be 0.