How to store passwords exclusively through PostgreSQL - postgresql

How would I store passwords exclusively in PostgreSQL? I am aware of the pgcrypto library that can be used with PostgreSQL as is outlined here, or below:
INSERT INTO users (name, password) VALUES ('jdoe', crypt('password', gen_salt('md5')));
However, it is still possible that passwords would be stored in plain text within PostgreSQL server logs. Another complicating factor is I do not have direct control over the log configuration.
Is there any way to completely hide the values in a server column, even from the logs?


Postgres TDE capability only for specific schema

As part of GDPR requirement we need to encrypt data at rest.
We are planning to use Postgres and from the below links looks like TDE can be achieved in Postgres as well.
When we have multiple schema in Postgres, is it possible to apply TDE only in a particular schema?
Unfortunately it is not possible to just encrypt a schema because, when you install PostgreSQL TDE, you initialize the whole database with the encryption key.
Like you can see in the picture here:
there is a reason for this: if we allow encryption on a per-table level (or per schema or per database, doesn't matter) we got to manage an infinite number of keys. this is especially true during point-in-time-recovery and all that. this is why we decided to do the encryption on the instance level. one key. the core advantage is: we can easily encrypt all parts of the instance including the WAL, temp files, and so on (basically everything but the clog).
don't expect this to change - go for full encryption.
we can help you with that.
cheers from cybertec :)
i hope you like the feature :)

PostgreSQL database causing loss of datetime-values

I have a PostgreSQL database containing a table with several 'timestamp with timezone' fields.
I have a tool (DBSync) that I want to use to transfer the contents of this table to another server/database.
When I transfer the data to a MSSQL server all datetime values are replaced with '1753-01-01'. When I transfer the data to a PostgreSQL database all datetime values are replaced with '0001-01-01'.
The smallest possible date for those systems.
Now i recreate the source-table (including contents) in a different database on the same PostgreSQL server. The only difference: the sourcetable is in a different database. Same server, same routing. Only ports are different.
User is different but in each database I have the same rights.
How can it be that the database is responsible for an apparant different interpretation of the data? Do PostgreSQL databases have database-specific settings that can cause such behaviour? What database-settings can/should I check?
To be clear, I am not looking for another way to transfer data. I have several available. The thing that I am trying to understand is: how can it be that, if an application reads datetime info from table A in database Y on server X, it gives me the the wrong date while when reading the same table from database Z on server X will give me the data as it should be.
It turns out that the cause is probably the difference in server-version. One is a Postgres 9 (works ok), the other is a Postgres 10 (does not work okay).
They are different instances on the same machine. Somehow I missed that (blush).
With transferring I meant that I am reading records from a sourcedatabase (Postgresql) and inserting them in a targetdatabase (mssql 2017).
This is done through the application, I am not sure what drivers it is using.
I wil work with the people who made the application.
For those wondering: it is this application:
When a solution is found I will update this answer with the found solution.

PostgreSQL: Encrypt Column With pgcrypto

I need to encrypt some columns in a PostgreSQL 9.6 database. The data being encrypted is inherently sensitive; however, the data are not passwords or other authentication credentials. This data will need to be decrypted for statistical analysis and consumption by users.
After reading several questions and answers:
Storing encrypted data in Postgres
... and considering these comments:
... it seems the biggest problem with using the pgcrypto module is the storage of keys in the same database.
This begs the question:
Is it consistent with best practices to store the key in a different database and access it via a foreign data wrapper, such as Postgresql_FDW?
Secret storage is a common issue when using crypto mecanisms.
pgcrypto does not povide key storage, you are free to store the key where you want and protect it as you can.
Storing the key in another database, if managed by the same DBA does not provide much security as DBA may access it the same way.
Ideally, you would store the key in a secure vault and request it from your application in order to construct the queries. It will still be visible from DBA while the request is running through select * from pg_stat_activity.
You may set the key for a SQL session wide use through set session my.vars.cryptokey = 'secret'; then use it into your queries with the following syntax : current_setting('my.vars.cryptokey')::text
To be (almost) transparent from the application point of view, PostgreSQL rules may help for translating secure_column to the call to decrypt function with the session stored key. For inserting, a pre-insert trigger would be required.

How to encrypt entire tables using pgcrypto in PostgreSQL

I am looking to store all of my tables in PostgreSQL as aes 256 encrypted (due to client requirements).
I will look at decrypting few columns for my analysis later.
But apparently the encryption process is a drag as I have loads of tables. I am using update statements to pgp_sym_encrypt each column individually.
Is there a way to update the entire table easily or is there a better process instead of writing manual column update queries in each table??
Many thanks
Is there a way to update the entire table easily or is there a better process instead of writing manual column update queries in each table?
No, there isn't.
PostgreSQL doesn't support encrypted tables. It's not something an extension can really add, it'd have to be added to the core database engine, and nobody's done the work required to add the feature yet.
Most people who need this do the encryption application-side and store bytea fields in the table.

db2 creating proxy user account

SQL server has an option to create proxy user accounts with the statement
I couldn't find much help on internet on getting the db2 (v8) equivalent of this. I'm not sure whether this is possible, if yes please let me know how.
The scenario where i want to use this is as follows.
I have table with ~8 million records which gets updated daily. Before the inserts happen, few records are deleted from the table and the number is ~2 million. Since these deletes need not be logged, we decided on setting off Logging during the deletes. Since our credentials do not have alter table rights, we decided to put the ALTER and DELETE statements in a script and and execute the script using the proxy account irrespective of what user executes the SP.
I foud this article which closely describes the scenario which i described above. The differences are that i need to do this on db2 and i need to do deletes without logging them.
It will work basically in the same manner in DB2, with a few exceptions. Firstly, there's no TRUNCATE TABLE statement in DB2 8.2 (and there's no DB2 version 8 on Linux). Secondly, there are no database users in DB2 -- all users are defined externally in the operating system, so there's no CREATE USER statement either.
All statements in a stored procedure, except dynamic SQL, are executed with the authorization of the procedure creator.
So, using the authorized ID, e.g. the database administrator's ID, create the stored procedure that does what you need (ALTER, DELETE, whatever), then grant the EXECUTE privilege on that procedure to whoever needs to run it.