db2 creating proxy user account - db2

SQL server has an option to create proxy user accounts with the statement
I couldn't find much help on internet on getting the db2 (v8) equivalent of this. I'm not sure whether this is possible, if yes please let me know how.
The scenario where i want to use this is as follows.
I have table with ~8 million records which gets updated daily. Before the inserts happen, few records are deleted from the table and the number is ~2 million. Since these deletes need not be logged, we decided on setting off Logging during the deletes. Since our credentials do not have alter table rights, we decided to put the ALTER and DELETE statements in a script and and execute the script using the proxy account irrespective of what user executes the SP.
I foud this article which closely describes the scenario which i described above. The differences are that i need to do this on db2 and i need to do deletes without logging them.

It will work basically in the same manner in DB2, with a few exceptions. Firstly, there's no TRUNCATE TABLE statement in DB2 8.2 (and there's no DB2 version 8 on Linux). Secondly, there are no database users in DB2 -- all users are defined externally in the operating system, so there's no CREATE USER statement either.
All statements in a stored procedure, except dynamic SQL, are executed with the authorization of the procedure creator.
So, using the authorized ID, e.g. the database administrator's ID, create the stored procedure that does what you need (ALTER, DELETE, whatever), then grant the EXECUTE privilege on that procedure to whoever needs to run it.


Is there a way to protect SQL statements from being altered, while still allowing the person to execute the statement?

I work for a large organization that relies heavily on SQL developer for financial reconciliation. We have only SELECT privileges. Several people have access to the same SQL statements, is there a way to ensure they cant change the code? We need to ensure that people who have access to run our SQL statements to generate a report, do not have the ability to change the code. This forces them to submit change requests if they need the code change, which helps us to create and audit log of the changes made. Our financial audit includes audit of our SQL statements. With too many people making changes it is hard to track/validate the change.
Remove their privileges to SELECT from the tables directly.
Wrap the existing code in a stored procedure (if bind variables are used in the SQL statement then they can be arguments to the stored procedure).
This also allows you to put additional code for verification/auditing inside the stored procedure so that it is automatically run with the query(ies) that the users require.
Create a ROLE and grant the EXECUTE privilege on the stored procedure to that role.
Give that role only to the people who are required to run that stored procedure.

DB2 "Triggers" on actions beyond update, insert and delete

After researching triggers, I've only come up with thing showing how to update, insert and delete. It seems like that's even part of the syntax itself. DB2 Docs on Triggers
Is there any kind of trigger, or something similar, which would let me track a larger set of actions, things like SELECT and ALTER TABLE?
We (unfortunately) share a database with some teams which we don't strictly trust to not do things like run insane SELECT statements (locking up the databases) or ALTER TABLE without us knowing. We'd like to be able to track when these happen and what user made the change.
Please, no suggestions recommending we get our database separated in some way. We're working towards that in the long term, but we need this in the short term.
The link for DB2 docs given in your post points to IBM i. Is your database DB2 for i?
For IBM i, you can use detailed database monitor to capture all SQL statements including DDL commands like alter table. However, running detailed database monitor for all users causes performance problems.
We were in same situation as you with multiple teams using same server as database. We ended up writing custom user exits to capture all SQLs (with user details) in our case.
Link to database monitor:

How can I obtain the creation date of a DB2 database without connecting to it?

How can I obtain the creation date or time of an IBM's DB2 database without connecting to the specified database first? Solutions like:
select min(create_time) from syscat.tables
db2 list tables for schema SYSIBM
require me to connect to the database first, like:
db2 connect to dbname user userName using password
Is there another way of doing this through a DB2 command instead, so I wouldn't need to connect to the database?
Can db2look command be used for that?
Edit 01: Background Story
Since more than one person asked why do I need to do this and for what reasons, here is the background story.
I have a server with DB2 DBMS where many people and automated scripts are using it to create some databases for temporary tasks and tests. It's never meant to keep the data for long time. However for one reason or another (ex: developer not cleaning after himself or tests stopping forcefully before they can do the clean up) some databases never get dropped and they start to get accumulated till the hard disk is filled out eventually. So The idea of the app is to look up the age of the database and drop it, if it's older than 6 months (for example).

SQL Server 2008 R2 - Audit log - understanding hierarchy

I have searched and not found a decent explanation of the standard SQL2008 audit log output- basics: SQL Server Audit Records.
So first bit.. anyone know of such a link.
I have had to setup an audit on a SQL Server 2008 R2 database to capture execute, insert, update, delete based on the database with the dbo as principle. I have no issues with the setup of auditing. This is returning an expected large amount of data. What is not clear is how to determine the hierarchy in the output. I need to isolate which is the parent object. I was wondering if the 'session id' could be used in conjunction with something else. All sequence no's are 1.
The overall aim is to remove the db access that utilises the dbo and create a role instead. Clearly I want to only assign permissions to the objects that are actually required.
So the main question: Anyone know how to determine the parent object in the audit log?
Thanks folks.
I was attempting to determine which objects where called first and thus the level at which the permissions for execution are set.
For example when executing a stored proc which then inserts into a table, or executes functions or other stored procs within the audit all the 'actions' are stored from the initial sp exec down to the all the table inserts etc. But the permission is only required on the initial sp not all the other reported objects (ignoring the dynamic sql stuff atm).
I was thus hoping to identify the 'top' level so I could assign permissions to a new role. There are a lot of objects in the db and in order to capture the vast majority of permissions the audit has been set on a UAT site which has a reduced user base.
Not sure what you mean in this case by "hierarchy" or "parent object". There's not really any relationship between audit entries except the sequence dicated by their date/time. Are you trying to determine the table accessed? P.S. I've written a good bit about SQL Audit at www.ultimatewindowssecurity.com/sqlserver.
If I understand it you want to know which tables, views, stored procedures are being accessed by dbo. Is that correct?

report migration from SQL server to Oracle

I have a report in SQL server and I am migrating this to Oracle.
The approach I used in SQL server is load sum(sales) , person for given month into temporary tables (hash tables) and use this table to join with other transaction tables show the details, but when it comes to oracle I am not sure if I can use the same method here, because hash tables (temporary tables in SQL server) are specific to session and might not create any problem with output, please advise if there is anything in oracle which is analogous to that.
I came to know there are global temp tables in oracle, do they work in the manner I mentinoed above, also
If a user has no create/drop table privileges can they still use gloabal temp tables?
please help me.
You'll have to show some code or atleast some pseudo-code of how your process runs for anyone to help you. Having said that...
One thing that is different in oracle compared to temporary tables in other databases is that you do not create them each time you need them. You create them once and the data in the table is present either until you commit/rollback (transaction based) or until you end your session (session-based global temporary tables). Also, The data in a temporary table is visible only to the session that inserts the data into the table..
If you are generating the output files once and you don't need that data later, then Global temporary tables would probably fit in cleanly, with some minor changes.
Since you do not create the temporary tables each time you use them, you don't need the create/drop privilege. All you'd need is the insert/read privilege. Just read will not help because you cannot read another session's data anyways, so there is no use for it.