How to include Percentage symbol inside sprintf [duplicate] - perl

This question already has answers here:
How do I print the '%' character with 'printf'?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I would like to ask how can i include the symbol of percentage(%) into the output generated.
Below is my code.
$Formula = ($valueiii / $valuei) * 100 ;
$Formula = sprintf("%04.2f", $Formula);
$Formula = sprintf("%-12.12s", $Formula); # File Name
push (#data2 , " $valueiv$valuei$valueiii$Formula$valuev$valueii\t\n") ;
$Formula = 0;
*Output generate was at the slop of Use(%)*
DevicePart Total Used Use(%) LIMIT(%)
A 50000 10161 20.32 60%
B 100000 1416 1.42 80%
C 125000 42258 33.81 80%
D 5000 18 0.36 60%
i am expecting to get the 20.32% , 1.42% , 33.81% , 0.36% .
But how to included the % into each of the column.

perldoc -f sprintf:
Perl's sprintf permits the following universally-known conversions:
%% a percent sign


How to count the numbers of elements in parts of a text file using a loop in Perl?

I´m looking for a way to create a script in Perl to count the elements in my text file and do it in parts. For example, my text file has this form:
ID Position Potential Jury agreement NGlyc result
(PART 1)
NP_073551.1_HCoV229Egp2 23 NTSY 0.5990 (8/9) +
NP_073551.1_HCoV229Egp2 62 NTSS 0.7076 (9/9) ++
NP_073551.1_HCoV229Egp2 171 NTTI 0.5743 (5/9) +
(PART 2)
QJY77946.1_NA 20 NGTN 0.7514 (9/9) +++
QJY77946.1_NA 23 NTSH 0.5368 (5/9) +
QJY77946.1_NA 51 NFSF 0.7120 (9/9) ++
QJY77946.1_NA 62 NTSS 0.6947 (9/9) ++
(PART 3)
QJY77954.1_NA 20 NGTN 0.7694 (9/9) +++
QJY77954.1_NA 23 NTSH 0.5398 (5/9) +
QJY77954.1_NA 51 NFSF 0.7121 (9/9) ++
(PART N°...)
Like you can see the ID is the same in each part (one for PART 1, other to PART 2 and then...). The changes only can see in the columns Position//Potential//Jury agreement//NGlyc result Then, my main goal is to count the line with Potential 0,7 >=.
With this in mind, I´m looking for output like this:
Part 1:
1 (one value 0.7 >=)
Part 2:
2 (two values 0.7 >=)
Part 3:
2 (two values 0.7 >=)
Part N°:
X numbers of values 0.7 >=
This output tells me the number of positive values (0.7 >=) for each ID.
The pseudocode I believe would be something like this:
foreach ID in LIST
foreach LINE in FILE
if (ID is in LINE)
... count the line ...
end foreach LINE
end foreach ID
I´m looking for any suggestion (for a package or script idea) or comment to create a better script.
Thanks! Best!
To count the number of lines, for each part, that match some condition on a certain column, you can just loop over the lines, skip the header, parse the part number, and use an array to count the number of lines matching for each part.
After this you can just loop over the counts recorded in the array and print them out in your specific format.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $part = 0;
my #cnt_part;
while(my $line = <STDIN>) {
if($. == 1) {
}elsif($line =~ m{^\(PART (\d+)\)}) {
$part = $1;
}else {
my #cols = split(m{\s+},$line);
if(#cols == 6) {
my $potential = $cols[3];
if(0.7 <= $potential) {
for(my $i=1;$i<=$#cnt_part;$i++){
print "Part $i:\n";
print "$cnt_part[$i] (values 0.7 <=)\n";
To run it, just pipe the entire file through the Perl script:
cat in.txt | perl
and you get an output like this:
Part 1:
1 (values 0.7 <=)
Part 2:
2 (values 0.7 <=)
Part 3:
2 (values 0.7 <=)
If you want to also display the counts into words, you can use Lingua::EN::Numbers (see this program ) and you get an output very similar to the one in your post:
Part 1:
1 (one values 0.7 <=)
Part 2:
2 (two values 0.7 <=)
Part 3:
2 (two values 0.7 <=)
All the code in this post is also available here.

How to convert output of Emboss:Palindrome into gff/bed file (perl)

I am sorry ton ask this kind of stupid question but I could not find it by myself... I learned perl a while ago and I am a little lost.
I want to convert this kind of output :
Palindromes of: seq1
Sequence length is: 24
Start at position: 1
End at position: 24
Minimum length of Palindromes is: 6
Maximum length of Palindromes is: 12
Maximum gap between elements is: 6
Number of mismatches allowed in Palindrome: 0
1 aaaaaaaaaaa 11
24 ttttttttttt 14
Palindromes of: seq2
Sequence length is: 15
Start at position: 1
End at position: 15
Minimum length of Palindromes is: 6
Maximum length of Palindromes is: 12
Maximum gap between elements is: 6
Number of mismatches allowed in Palindrome: 0
1 aaaaaac 7
15 ttttttg 9
Into a gff or bed file :
seq1 1 24
seq2 1 15
I found a perl module to do it :
This is my little script :
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Bio::Tools::EMBOSS::Palindrome;
use Bio::Tools::GFF;
my $filename = "truc.pal";
# a simple script to turn palindrome output into GFF3
my $parser = Bio::Tools::EMBOSS::Palindrome->new(-file => $filename);
my $out = Bio::Tools::GFF->new(-gff_version => 3,
-file => ">$filename.gff");
while( my $seq = $parser->next_seq ) {
for my $feat ( $seq->get_SeqFeatures ) {
This is the result :
##gff-version 3
seq1 palindrome similarity 14 24 . - 1 allowed_mismatches=0;end=24;maximum gap=6;maximum_length=12;minimum_length=6;seqlength=24;start=1
seq2 palindrome similarity 9 15 . - 1 allowed_mismatches=0;end=15;maximum gap=6;maximum_length=12;minimum_length=6;seqlength=15;start=1
The issue is : I want to have it the result the start and the end of the palindrome and the specific position in the last line.
Exemple of what I want:
##gff-version 3
seq1 palindrome similarity 1 24 . - 1 mismatches=0;gap_positions=11-14;gap_size=3
seq2 palindrome similarity 1 15 . - 1 mismatches=0;gap_positions=7-9;gap_size=2
Thank you in advance.

Split File into chunks keeping complete lines in solaris

How can I split a file into 3 with equal (or almost equal) number of lines without breaking a line.
for example split a file of 25 lines into 3 files of 9,8 and 8 lines each.
I know of split -n l/3 but does not work on Solaris10.
Tried some stuff i got online but did not give desired result like:
total_lines=$(wc -l <${fspec})
((lines_per_file = (total_lines + num_files - 1) / num_files))
split -l ${lines_per_file} ${fspec} files.
Here is a generic solution for you in awk
awk '{a[NR]=$0} END {t=int (NR/s);r=((NR/s-t)*s);while (n<s) for (i=t*n+++1;i<=t*n;i++) print a[i] > "file"n;while (i++<=NR) print a[i-1] > "file"n}' s=3 infile
This splits the infile to s numbers of file. If you set s=3 you get file1 file2 file3
The data that does not divide up, ends up in last file.
cat number
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
awk '{a[NR]=$0} END {t=int (NR/s);r=((NR/s-t)*s);while (n<s) for (i=t*n+++1;i<=t*n;i++) print a[i] > "file"n;while (i++<=NR) print a[i-1] > "file"n}' s=3 number
cat file1
1 one
2 two
3 three
cat file2
4 four
5 five
6 six
cat file3
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten

Output from calculation is messed in perl one-liner

I'm trying to do some calculations on the columns of a tab delimited file using this perl one-liner:
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { s/$F[2]/$F[2]\/$F[4]/e && s/$F[3]/$F[3]\/$F[4]/e}' infile
the idea is to get A and B columns divided by C column
5001 3 1.03333 0.652549 4215
6001 4 1.2 0.723137 4870
7001 2 1 0.807843 5153
8001 2 1 0.807843 5355
9001 2 1 0.807843 5389
10001 2 1 0.807843 4955
11001 7 1.7671 1.05573 4966
12001 17 8.18802 4.72554 5124
But the output is this:
5001 3 0.000245155397390273 0.000154815895610913 4215
6001 4 0.000246406570841889 0.000148488090349076 4870
7000.000194061711624297 2 1 0.000156771395303707 5153
8000.000186741363211951 2 1 0.000150857703081232 5355
9000.000185563184264242 2 1 0.000149905919465578 5389
0.0002018163471241170001 2 1 0.000163035923309788 4955
11001 7 0.000355839710028192 0.000212591623036649 4966
12001 17 0.00159797423887588 0.000922236533957845 5124
What is going on on the 3rd to 6th lines? How can manage to fix this?
I removed the /e option from the substitute command and it seems that the calculation is being performed on the wrong column.
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { s/$F[2]/$F[2]\/$F[4]/ && s/$F[3]/$F[3]\/$F[4]/}' infile
5001 3 1.03333/4215 0.652549/4215 4215
6001 4 1.2/4870 0.723137/4870 4870
7001/5153 2 1 0.807843/5153 5153
8001/5355 2 1 0.807843/5355 5355
9001/5389 2 1 0.807843/5389 5389
1/49550001 2 1 0.807843/4955 4955
11001 7 1.7671/4966 1.05573/4966 4966
12001 17 8.18802/5124 4.72554/5124 5124
13001 30 13.8763/5138 8.05385/5138 5138
After substitution and evaluation, you have something like s/1/0.000194061711624297/. So the s operator looks for a 1 and finds it as part of the first column. Whoops. If we add some \b word-boundary markers, we can force the match part of the s operators to match a complete column, never just part of a column:
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { s/\b$F[2]\b/$F[2]\/$F[4]/e && s/\b$F[3]\b/$F[3]\/$F[4]/e}' infile
But that's still going to run into issues if it's possible for column X to equal column A or B. Better to just do the calculations and then replace the entire line by assigning to $_:
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { $F[2] /= $F[4]; $F[3] /= $F[4]; $_ = join(" ", #F); }'
Use sprintf instead of join if you want a particular format to the output.
Your basic problem is that you are substituting the value that is in column 3 and 4 whereever they appear in the whole line. For row 3, for example, you are doing s/1/1\/5153/e which affects the first occurrence of the digit 1 in the line, not necessarily the 1 that happens to be in column 3.
Try this:
perl -lane 'if ($F[4] =~ /[1-9]/) { $F[2] /= $F[4]; $F[3] /= $F[4] } print join "\t", #F' infile
If you want to limit the precision, do something like $F[2] = sprintf "%f", $F[2]/$F[4]; ...

How to calculate a Mod b in Casio fx-991ES calculator

Does anyone know how to calculate a Mod b in Casio fx-991ES Calculator. Thanks
This calculator does not have any modulo function. However there is quite simple way how to compute modulo using display mode ab/c (instead of traditional d/c).
How to switch display mode to ab/c:
Go to settings (Shift + Mode).
Press arrow down (to view more settings).
Select ab/c (number 1).
Now do your calculation (in comp mode), like 50 / 3 and you will see 16 2/3, thus, mod is 2. Or try 54 / 7 which is 7 5/7 (mod is 5).
If you don't see any fraction then the mod is 0 like 50 / 5 = 10 (mod is 0).
The remainder fraction is shown in reduced form, so 60 / 8 will result in 7 1/2. Remainder is 1/2 which is 4/8 so mod is 4.
As #lawal correctly pointed out, this method is a little bit tricky for negative numbers because the sign of the result would be negative.
For example -121 / 26 = -4 17/26, thus, mod is -17 which is +9 in mod 26. Alternatively you can add the modulo base to the computation for negative numbers: -121 / 26 + 26 = 21 9/26 (mod is 9).
EDIT2: As #simpatico pointed out, this method will not work for numbers that are out of calculator's precision. If you want to compute say 200^5 mod 391 then some tricks from algebra are needed. For example, using rule
(A * B) mod C = ((A mod C) * B) mod C we can write:
200^5 mod 391 = (200^3 * 200^2) mod 391 = ((200^3 mod 391) * 200^2) mod 391 = 98
As far as I know, that calculator does not offer mod functions.
You can however computer it by hand in a fairly straightforward manner.
(1)50 mod 3
(2)50/3 = 16.66666667
(3)16.66666667 - 16 = 0.66666667
(4)0.66666667 * 3 = 2
Therefore 50 mod 3 = 2
Things to Note:
On line 3, we got the "minus 16" by looking at the result from line (2) and ignoring everything after the decimal. The 3 in line (4) is the same 3 from line (1).
Hope that Helped.
As a result of some trials you may get x.99991 which you will then round up to the number x+1.
You need 10 ÷R 3 = 1
This will display both the reminder and the quoitent
There is a switch a^b/c
If you want to calculate
491 mod 12
then enter 491 press a^b/c then enter 12. Then you will get 40, 11, 12. Here the middle one will be the answer that is 11.
Similarly if you want to calculate 41 mod 12 then find 41 a^b/c 12. You will get 3, 5, 12 and the answer is 5 (the middle one). The mod is always the middle value.
You can calculate A mod B (for positive numbers) using this:
Pol( -Rec( 1/2πr , 2πr × A/B ) , Y ) ( πr - Y ) B
Then press [CALC], and enter your values for A and B, and any value for Y.
/ indicates using the fraction key, and r means radians ( [SHIFT] [Ans] [2] )
type normal division first and then type shift + S->d
Here's how I usually do it. For example, to calculate 1717 mod 2:
Take 1717 / 2. The answer is 858.5
Now take 858 and multiply it by the mod (2) to get 1716
Finally, subtract the original number (1717) minus the number you got from the previous step (1716) -- 1717-1716=1.
So 1717 mod 2 is 1.
To sum this up all you have to do is multiply the numbers before the decimal point with the mod then subtract it from the original number.
Note: Math error means a mod m = 0
It all falls back to the definition of modulus: It is the remainder, for example, 7 mod 3 = 1.
This because 7 = 3(2) + 1, in which 1 is the remainder.
To do this process on a simple calculator do the following:
Take the dividend (7) and divide by the divisor (3), note the answer and discard all the decimals -> example 7/3 = 2.3333333, only worry about the 2. Now multiply this number by the divisor (3) and subtract the resulting number from the original dividend.
so 2*3 = 6, and 7 - 6 = 1, thus 1 is 7mod3
Calculate x/y (your actual numbers here), and press a b/c key, which is 3rd one below Shift key.
Simply just divide the numbers, it gives yuh the decimal format and even the numerical format. using S<->D
For example: 11/3 gives you 3.666667 and 3 2/3 (Swap using S<->D).
Here the '2' from 2/3 is your mod value.
Similarly 18/6 gives you 14.833333 and 14 5/6 (Swap using S<->D).
Here the '5' from 5/6 is your mod value.