Split File into chunks keeping complete lines in solaris - perl

How can I split a file into 3 with equal (or almost equal) number of lines without breaking a line.
for example split a file of 25 lines into 3 files of 9,8 and 8 lines each.
I know of split -n l/3 but does not work on Solaris10.
Tried some stuff i got online but did not give desired result like:
total_lines=$(wc -l <${fspec})
((lines_per_file = (total_lines + num_files - 1) / num_files))
split -l ${lines_per_file} ${fspec} files.

Here is a generic solution for you in awk
awk '{a[NR]=$0} END {t=int (NR/s);r=((NR/s-t)*s);while (n<s) for (i=t*n+++1;i<=t*n;i++) print a[i] > "file"n;while (i++<=NR) print a[i-1] > "file"n}' s=3 infile
This splits the infile to s numbers of file. If you set s=3 you get file1 file2 file3
The data that does not divide up, ends up in last file.
cat number
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
awk '{a[NR]=$0} END {t=int (NR/s);r=((NR/s-t)*s);while (n<s) for (i=t*n+++1;i<=t*n;i++) print a[i] > "file"n;while (i++<=NR) print a[i-1] > "file"n}' s=3 number
cat file1
1 one
2 two
3 three
cat file2
4 four
5 five
6 six
cat file3
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten


Retrieve results between two patterns plus one line in sed

I would like to extract all lines between INFO:root:id is and one line after the INFO:root:newId.
Can anyone advise how I can achieve this?
Currently I'm using
sed -n '/INFO:root:id is/,/INFO:root:newId/p' 1/python.log
and I'm trying to figure out how to print one line after the second pattern match.
INFO:root:id is
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): abc.hh.com
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://abc.hh.com:443 "POST /api/v2/import/row.json HTTP/1.1" 201 4310
INFO:root:id is
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): abc.hh.com
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://abc.hh.com:443 "POST /api/v2/import/row.json HTTP/1.1" 201 4310
If I am understanding question correctly
$ seq 10 | sed -n '/3/,/5/{/5/N;p;}'
/3/ is starting regex and /5/ is ending regex
/5/N get additional line for ending regex
tested on GNU sed, syntax might differ for other versions
With awk
$ seq 10 | awk '/3/{f=1} f; /5/{f=0; if((getline a)>0) print a}'
Unclear whether you want only the first set of lines after a match or all matches.
If you want the first set between the matching patterns, it is easy if you use /INFO:root:id/ for your end match as well and then use head -n -1 to print everything but the last line.
$ sed -n '/INFO:root:id is/,/INFO:root:id/p' test.txt | head -n -1
INFO:root:id is
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): abc.hh.com
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://abc.hh.com:443 "POST /api/v2/import/row.json HTTP/1.1" 201 4310
Just use flags to indicate when you've found the beginning and ending regexps and print accordingly:
$ seq 10 | awk 'e{print buf $0; buf=""; b=e=0} /3/{b=1} b{buf = buf $0 ORS; if (/5/) e=1}'
Note that this does not have the potential issue of printing lines when there's only the beginning or ending regexp present but not both. The other answers, including your currently accepted answer, have that problem:
$ seq 10 | sed -n '/3/,/27/{/27/N;p;}'
$ seq 10 | awk '/3/{f=1} f; /27/{f=0; if((getline a)>0) print a}'
$ seq 10 | awk 'e{print buf $0; buf=""; b=e=0} /3/{b=1} b{buf = buf $0 ORS; if (/27/) e=1}'
Note that the script I posted correctly didn't print anything because a block of text beginning with 3 and ending with 27 was not present in the input.

Output from calculation is messed in perl one-liner

I'm trying to do some calculations on the columns of a tab delimited file using this perl one-liner:
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { s/$F[2]/$F[2]\/$F[4]/e && s/$F[3]/$F[3]\/$F[4]/e}' infile
the idea is to get A and B columns divided by C column
5001 3 1.03333 0.652549 4215
6001 4 1.2 0.723137 4870
7001 2 1 0.807843 5153
8001 2 1 0.807843 5355
9001 2 1 0.807843 5389
10001 2 1 0.807843 4955
11001 7 1.7671 1.05573 4966
12001 17 8.18802 4.72554 5124
But the output is this:
5001 3 0.000245155397390273 0.000154815895610913 4215
6001 4 0.000246406570841889 0.000148488090349076 4870
7000.000194061711624297 2 1 0.000156771395303707 5153
8000.000186741363211951 2 1 0.000150857703081232 5355
9000.000185563184264242 2 1 0.000149905919465578 5389
0.0002018163471241170001 2 1 0.000163035923309788 4955
11001 7 0.000355839710028192 0.000212591623036649 4966
12001 17 0.00159797423887588 0.000922236533957845 5124
What is going on on the 3rd to 6th lines? How can manage to fix this?
I removed the /e option from the substitute command and it seems that the calculation is being performed on the wrong column.
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { s/$F[2]/$F[2]\/$F[4]/ && s/$F[3]/$F[3]\/$F[4]/}' infile
5001 3 1.03333/4215 0.652549/4215 4215
6001 4 1.2/4870 0.723137/4870 4870
7001/5153 2 1 0.807843/5153 5153
8001/5355 2 1 0.807843/5355 5355
9001/5389 2 1 0.807843/5389 5389
1/49550001 2 1 0.807843/4955 4955
11001 7 1.7671/4966 1.05573/4966 4966
12001 17 8.18802/5124 4.72554/5124 5124
13001 30 13.8763/5138 8.05385/5138 5138
After substitution and evaluation, you have something like s/1/0.000194061711624297/. So the s operator looks for a 1 and finds it as part of the first column. Whoops. If we add some \b word-boundary markers, we can force the match part of the s operators to match a complete column, never just part of a column:
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { s/\b$F[2]\b/$F[2]\/$F[4]/e && s/\b$F[3]\b/$F[3]\/$F[4]/e}' infile
But that's still going to run into issues if it's possible for column X to equal column A or B. Better to just do the calculations and then replace the entire line by assigning to $_:
perl -ape 'if (/^\d/) { $F[2] /= $F[4]; $F[3] /= $F[4]; $_ = join(" ", #F); }'
Use sprintf instead of join if you want a particular format to the output.
Your basic problem is that you are substituting the value that is in column 3 and 4 whereever they appear in the whole line. For row 3, for example, you are doing s/1/1\/5153/e which affects the first occurrence of the digit 1 in the line, not necessarily the 1 that happens to be in column 3.
Try this:
perl -lane 'if ($F[4] =~ /[1-9]/) { $F[2] /= $F[4]; $F[3] /= $F[4] } print join "\t", #F' infile
If you want to limit the precision, do something like $F[2] = sprintf "%f", $F[2]/$F[4]; ...

How to sum values in a column grouped by values in the other

I have a large file consisting data in 2 columns
100 5
100 10
100 10
101 2
101 4
102 10
102 2
I want to sum the values in 2nd column with matching values in column 1. For this example, the output I'm expecting is
100 25
101 6
102 12
I'm trying to work on this using bash script preferably. Can someone explain me how can I do this
Using awk:
awk '{a[$1]+=$2}END{for(i in a){print i, a[i]}}' inputfile
For your input, it'd produce:
100 25
101 6
102 12
In a perl oneliner
perl -lane "$s{$F[0]} += $F[1]; END { print qq{$_ $s{$_}} for keys %s}" file.txt
You can use an associative array. The first column is the index and the second becomes what you add to it.
declare -A columns=()
while read -r -a line ; do
columns[${line[0]}]=$((${columns[${line[0]}]} + ${line[1]}))
done < "${1}"
for idx in ${!columns[#]} ; do
echo "${idx} ${columns[${idx}]}"
Using awk and maintain the order:
awk '!($1 in a){a[$1]=$2; b[++i]=$1;next} {a[$1]+=$2} END{for (k=1; k<=i; k++) print b[k], a[b[k]]}' file
100 25
101 6
102 12
Python is my choice:
d = {}
for line in f.readlines():
key,value = line.split()
if d[key] == None:
d[key] = 0
d[key] += value
print d
Why would you want a bash script?

create file by feching corresponding data from other files?

I have a list of SNPs for example (let's call it file1):
SNP_ID chr position
rs9999847 4 182120631
rs999985 11 107192257
rs9999853 4 148436871
rs999986 14 95803856
rs9999883 4 870669
rs9999929 4 73470754
rs9999931 4 31676985
rs9999944 4 148376995
rs999995 10 78735498
rs9999963 4 84072737
rs9999966 4 5927355
rs9999979 4 135733891
I have another list of SNP with corresponding P-value (P) and BETA (as shown below) for different phenotypes here i have shown only one (let's call it file2):
1 rs3094315 742429 G ADD 1123 0.1783 0.2441 -0.3 0.6566 0.7306 0.4652
1 rs12562034 758311 A ADD 1119 -0.2096 0.2128 -0.6267 0.2075 -0.9848 0.3249
1 rs4475691 836671 A ADD 1111 -0.006033 0.2314 -0.4595 0.4474 -0.02608 0.9792
1 rs9999847 878522 A ADD 1109 -0.2784 0.4048 -1.072 0.5149 -0.6879 0.4916
1 rs999985 890368 C ADD 1111 0.179 0.2166 -0.2455 0.6034 0.8265 0.4087
1 rs9999853 908247 C ADD 1110 -0.02015 0.2073 -0.4265 0.3862 -0.09718 0.9226
1 rs999986 918699 G ADD 1111 -1.248 0.7892 -2.795 0.2984 -1.582 0.114
Now I want to make two files named file3 and file4 such that:
file3 should contain:
SNPID Pvalue_for_phenotype1 Pvalue_for_phenotype2 Pvalue_for_phenotype3 and so on....
rs9999847 0.9263 0.00005 0.002 ..............
The first column (SNPIDs) in file3 will be fixed (all the snps in my chip will be listed here), and i want to write a programe so that it will match snp id in file3 and file2 and will fetch the P-value for that corresponding snp id and put it in file3 from file2.
file4 should contain:
SNPID BETAvale_for_phenotype1 BETAvale_for_phenotype2 BETAvale_for_phenotype3 .........
rs9999847 0.01812 -0.011 0.22
the 1st column (SNPIDs) in file4 will be fixed (all the SNPs in my chip will be listed here), and I want to write a program so that it will match SNP ID in file4 and file2 and will fetch the BETA for that corresponding SNP ID and put it in file4 from file2.
it's a simple exercise about How to transfer the data of columns to rows (with awk)?
file2 to file3.
I assumed that you have got machine with large RAM, because I think that you have got million lines into file2.
you could save this code into column2row.awk file:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
if ( vector[$snp] )
vector[$snp] = vector[$snp]","$val
vector[$snp] = $val
for (snp in vector)
print snp","vector[snp]
where snp is column 2 and val is column 12 (pvalue).
now you could run script:
/usr/bin/awk -f column2row.awk file2 > file3
If you have got small RAM, then you could divide load:
cat file1 | while read l; do s=$(echo $l|awk '{print $1}'); grep -w $s file2 > $s.snp; /usr/bin/awk -f column2row.awk $s.snp >> file3; done
It recovers from $l (line) first parameter ($s, snp name), search $s into file2 and create small file about each snp name.
and then it uses awk script to generate file3.
file2 to file4.
you could modify value about val into awk script from column 12 to 7.

sed remove line containing a string and nothing but; automation using for loop

Q1: Sed specify the whole line and if the line is nothing but the string then delete
I have a file that contains several of the following numbers:
1 1
3 1
12 1
1 12
25 24
23 24
I want to delete numbers that are the same in each line. For that I have either been using:
sed '/1 1/d' < old.file > new.file
sed -n '/1 1/!p' < old.file > new.file
Here is the main problem. If I search for pattern '1 1' that means I get rid of '1 12' as well. So for I want the pattern to specify the whole line and if it does, to delete it.
Q2: Automation of question 1
I am also trying to automate this problem. The range of numbers in the first column and the second column could be from 1 to 25.
So far this is what I got:
for ((i=1;i<26;i++)); do
sed "/'$i' '$i'/d" < oldfile > newfile; mv newfile oldfile;
This does nothing to the oldfile in the end. :(
This would be more readable with awk:
awk '$1 == $2 {next} {print}' oldfile > newfile
Update based on comment:
If the requirement is to remove lines where the two values are within 1 of each other:
awk '{d = $1-$2; if (-1 <= d && d <= 1) next; else print}' oldfile
Unfortunately, awk does not have abs() (at least nawk and gawk don't)
Just put the first number in a group (\([0-9]*\)) and then look for it with a backreference (\1). Since the line to delete should contain only the group, repeated, use the ^ to mark the beginning of line and the $ to mark the end of line. For example, for the following file:
$ cat input
1 1
3 1
12 1
1 12
12 12
12 13
13 13
25 24
23 24
...the result is:
$ sed '/^\([0-9]*\) \1$/d' input
3 1
12 1
1 12
12 13
25 24
23 24
You can also do it with grep:
grep -E -v "([0-9])*\s\1" testfile
Look for multiple digits in a row and remember them, followed by a single whitespace, followed by whatever digits you remembered.